How are you celebrating January 6?

all Trump was guilty of was arranging a protest.

which the previous summer proved was NOT treasonous.

And if WE are to use the Dementocreeps definitions of Jan. was a PEACEFUL protest!!!!!!

Just like THEIR iniatiated and coerced "peaceful protests" they hid from !!!!!!




Let me ask you this, had she been climbing through your window at your house, would you have let her in and asked her if she was armed or would you have blown her away once one leg was through the window?

I can tell you the answer for me is the latter.
You'd run screaming through the trailer park like a little girl.

Jesus, with the fucking LYING.
Somehow, killing an unarmed female veteran has to check a lot boxes for you, doesn't it Fuckboy?

That's about the only thing that could get you hard for 10 sec. Well, that and touring a dairy farm.

I would show pictures of the proud boys and oath keepers, wyling away the hours in their federal prison cells, but there aren't any.

But just thinking about all of the life they will be missing on the outside will have to do.
I would show pictures of the proud boys and oath keepers, wyling away the hours in their federal prison cells, but there aren't any.

But just thinking about all of the life they will be missing on the outside will have to do.
All 1,000 of them.
Then we should execute the thousands of members of BLM.
I think it should be celebrated every year, like the British Guy Fawkes Day. With fireworks and burning effigies of Biden.

"The British comic book series V for Vendetta, which started in 1982, "centers on a vigilante's efforts to destroy an authoritarian government in a dystopian future United Kingdom". When developing the story, illustrator David Lloyd made a handwritten note on the intend anarchist protagonist, V: "Why don't we portray him as a resurrected Guy Fawkes, complete with one of those papier-mâché masks, in a cape and a conical hat? He'd look really bizarre and it would give Guy Fawkes the image he's deserved all these years. We shouldn't burn the chap every Nov. 5th but celebrate his attempt to blow up Parliament!"

Guy Fawkes mask - Wikipedia

Guy Fawkes Night - Wikipedia
Insurrection day is my birthday I will never forget the republican traitor trump and his followers
I would show pictures of the proud boys and oath keepers, wyling away the hours in their federal prison cells, but there aren't any.

But just thinking about all of the life they will be missing on the outside will have to do.
Every single one of them would beat your sissy ass down to a puddle of piss and shit.

Your sniveling terror makes me smile. :)
Insurrection day is my birthday I will never forget the republican traitor trump and his followers
That's cool, you remember your birthday. Do you remember hitting the ground behind the trailer? Looking up at what you just dropped out of had to be terrifying. You were probably raised in an ashtray for the first few weeks.... hmm?

No wonder you're fucked up.

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