How are you celebrating January 6?

Why? It was a legit, legal shot.

She was breaching a barricade that was protecting the people the CP were charged with protecting from a mob of people chanting for their death. Had she gotten through and opened the door it would have been a free for all. One bullet put a stop to it all since the fucking cowards ran like cockroaches after she was shot.
You're a sick fuck, you need to be put on the FBI watch list. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Nothing coherent to add to dispute what I said about that woman who went to the Capital that day, rioted after listening to Trump's deranged rant & got herself killed trying to bust down a door leading to the House chambers, you moron?

Stop lying.

No one here will take you seriously as long as you continue lying.

but I liked your post

You can now read all about it.

You can now read all about it.


Wow! That's a book I'd like to read and I imagine that proceeds from sales of the book are going to the prisoners or their families?

BTW, does anyone have a reliable link to any organization that's collecting money for the prisoners and their families? NOT GoFundMe -- I won't use them after they fucked over the Canadian truckers.


They're vicious, violent, bloodthirsty motherfuckers.

This is what happens to your kids, folks, when you raise them to be so completely narcissistic! Three generations, if not more, of leftist losers irresponsibly bringing children into the world with no intention whatsoever of actually effectively PARENTING them.

Sassy is just one of those idiots If it was up to me the front of congress would be strewn with traitors bodies

Wow! That's a book I'd like to read and I imagine that proceeds from sales of the book are going to the prisoners or their families?

BTW, does anyone have a reliable link to any organization that's collecting money for the prisoners and their families? NOT GoFundMe -- I won't use them after they fucked over the Canadian truckers.

Trump donated anything even though he "loves them"?
She moved past trespassing when she helped break the window on the barricaded door and tried to climb through

Never shoot someone on your lawn, you can go to jail for that. Now if your son broke my window and started to climb through, that would be a different story.

You mean other than them chanting for the death of the lawmakers?
And Schumer said to Cavanaugh and Gorsuch "you will pay the price" and that was OK.

Bear in mind....their positions are lifetime the only way they would pay the price is if they or their families were attacked and/or killed.

But that was not incitement for violence.

After all, he is a democrat. They don't do no wrong no how no way.
Nothing coherent to add to dispute what I said about that woman who went to the Capital that day, rioted after listening to Trump's deranged rant & got herself killed trying to bust down a door leading to the House chambers, you moron?
you have your facts all tied in with speculation.....I suggest you ask your media why that is. They are making you look silly. Even sillier than you look without them.
I think it should be celebrated every year, like the British Guy Fawkes Day. With fireworks and burning effigies of Biden.

"The British comic book series V for Vendetta, which started in 1982, "centers on a vigilante's efforts to destroy an authoritarian government in a dystopian future United Kingdom". When developing the story, illustrator David Lloyd made a handwritten note on the intend anarchist protagonist, V: "Why don't we portray him as a resurrected Guy Fawkes, complete with one of those papier-mâché masks, in a cape and a conical hat? He'd look really bizarre and it would give Guy Fawkes the image he's deserved all these years. We shouldn't burn the chap every Nov. 5th but celebrate his attempt to blow up Parliament!"

Guy Fawkes mask - Wikipedia

Guy Fawkes Night - Wikipedia
I enjoyed watching those folks enter the capitol building.
It was their house. The Capitol doesn't belong to a bunch of worthless, old, rich bureaucrats who only care about getting their hands in the pockets of working people.
Well, it it's "your house" also, tomorrow head down to the nearest Federal Building in your area & try to take it over because it's yours. And when they slapped the cuffs on you make sure you remind them that it's "your house".

You have fun with that & let us know how you make out.

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