How are you celebrating January 6?

This is what home schooling does to these cretins.

I'm a German so I do not really know what home schooling means in and for the USA. But it is always good to learn in an atmosphere of many different opinions and ideas. A good book about philosophy is perhaps able to help in this context. Philosopers are often very very different people - but always able to speak with each other.

Oh by the way: I remember now in this context Benedict XVI before he had been Pope. He had once a very interesting discussion with a philosopher of the so called "Frankfurter Schule" (materialists and atheists). I don't remember the name of his discussion partner now - but he had been one of the most famous German philosophers with a big influence. In the end they found out that a pure materialism without an element of spiritualism is not really thinkable. Nearly no one understood this discussion intuitively because she was made on a very high level of philosophical knowledge - but the philosopher had to fight afterwards with attacks he had been a "traitor" - only because they just simple found something out what some people (who overestimated their own philosophical abilities) did not like to hear. Somehow really sad that Benedict died - but perhaps he will be in a better world "now".

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If J6 ever became a national holiday, it would be celebrated by gathering liberals and neocons and letting them shit on the American flag.
Oh really? Who gave that mob the right to rampage thru the Capital & destroy my fucking house too? I didn't.

No one confronted a lawmaker that they were threatening. Who gave them the right to threaten lawmakers who were voted in by their constituents? Who gave them the right to bash in the skulls of cops who were just doing their jobs?

Every single one of those fucks who were arrested inside & outside the Capital should be given 10 years. Minimum.
The fact that you are still sticking to that "bash on their skulls" propaganda speaks volumes about you. It was proven to be not true but your media claimed it to be true but when they found out it was false they simply moved on. Apparently, you didnt.

Curious...who gave occupied wall street people the right to shut streets down in lower Manhattan?
Who gave Antifa the right to burn down police stations and declare a city block as their own?

Just to be clear.......the left has the right to express their dissatisfaction with what is happening but the right does not.

I am sure that works for you.
I think it should be celebrated every year, like the British Guy Fawkes Day. With fireworks and burning effigies of Biden.

"The British comic book series V for Vendetta, which started in 1982, "centers on a vigilante's efforts to destroy an authoritarian government in a dystopian future United Kingdom". When developing the story, illustrator David Lloyd made a handwritten note on the intend anarchist protagonist, V: "Why don't we portray him as a resurrected Guy Fawkes, complete with one of those papier-mâché masks, in a cape and a conical hat? He'd look really bizarre and it would give Guy Fawkes the image he's deserved all these years. We shouldn't burn the chap every Nov. 5th but celebrate his attempt to blow up Parliament!"

Guy Fawkes mask - Wikipedia

Guy Fawkes Night - Wikipedia
By going to work.
Fly a Flag Upside down
he did

no one noticed

Good. So they should have shot every single one of those BLM looters to death.


After all, that's exactly what they did too. Broke and entered.
BLM wasn`t trying to destroy our democracy. When we lose elections in this country, we move on with our lives. We`ve had race riots for 300 years but only once did we have dolts and cretins trying to steal the presidency. BLM looters were arrested but not charged with seditious conspiracy like your heroes were. Apples and oranges, kiddo.
The fact that you are still sticking to that "bash on their skulls" propaganda speaks volumes about you. It was proven to be not true but your media claimed it to be true but when they found out it was false they simply moved on. Apparently, you didnt.

Curious...who gave occupied wall street people the right to shut streets down in lower Manhattan?
Who gave Antifa the right to burn down police stations and declare a city block as their own?

Just to be clear.......the left has the right to express their dissatisfaction with what is happening but the right does not.

I am sure that works for you.
You can shove your whataboutism. When did BLM & OWS ateempt a coup, idiot? 140 cops were injured, some permanently. Too bad you're not man enough to admit what your buddies did.
1. January 6th
2. Slavery
3. Pearl Harbor
4. 9-11
5. Kennedy Assassination
1. January 6th
2. Slavery
3. Pearl Harbor
4. 9-11
5. Kennedy Assassination
1. January 6th
2. Slavery
3. Pearl Harbor
4. 9-11
5. Kennedy Assassination
She had no weapon of any kind. Actually, other than sticks and stones, no one had weapons that day....except the Capitol Police.

Being unarmed IS relevant. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time can create an issue. I get it. But of all people they shot? Someone with no weapon, no stick, no stone....SHE is the one shot to death?

And you want to give the officer a medal for doing that?
She was in the front of the mob climbing through a broken window with a backpack. How would any know she was unarmed or what she had on her? And what of the mob following behind her? People get shot for far less.
She was in the front of the mob climbing through a broken window with a backpack. How would any know she was unarmed or what she had on her? And what of the mob following behind her? People get shot for far less.
So every one of those BLM looters should have been shot dead, çorrect?
Did ANYONE really 'CELEBRATE' J6 ... I mean besides Pelosi and the J6 Committee?
She was in the front of the mob climbing through a broken window with a backpack.

And the policeman / security official who shot her was armed, behind a door, and either shot recklessly, blindly through the door into the crowd or saw Babbitt and executed her, before disappearing behind the door.

Had the offficer who did the shooting been white and Babbit been George Floyd DC would still be burning and looted.
Except I troll to protest an oppressive left-wing tyrannical government, while all you do is support and defend it.

You should go hide your head in shame, if you had the human capacity to feel shame. Which you really don't.

Even Candycorn agrees with you, which says something about the dogs you lie with.

By tyrannical government, you mean one that tries to send fake electors for the losing candidate of a presidential election to Congress in an attempt to flip the election so that the losing candidate is illegally declared the winner? That tyrannical government??

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