How are you celebrating January 6?

Well, it it's "your house" also, tomorrow head down to the nearest Federal Building in your area & try to take it over because it's yours. And when they slapped the cuffs on you make sure you remind them that it's "your house".

You have fun with that & let us know how you make out.
That was the point being made.

Somehow, "our house" is no longer our house. It is "their house."

But if you are OK with that, run with it.

And just an FYI....nobody took over the capitol building. People just made it clear that it is their house. Yes, there was likely a better way to do it....but no one carried a weapon and no one confronted a lawmaker.

But that doesnt matter to you. Rachel Maddow said they were bad evil people and you agreed because it made you feel special.
That was the point being made.

Somehow, "our house" is no longer our house. It is "their house."

But if you are OK with that, run with it.

And just an FYI....nobody took over the capitol building. People just made it clear that it is their house. Yes, there was likely a better way to do it....but no one carried a weapon and no one confronted a lawmaker.

But that doesnt matter to you. Rachel Maddow said they were bad evil people and you agreed because it made you feel special.
Oh really? Who gave that mob the right to rampage thru the Capital & destroy my fucking house too? I didn't.

No one confronted a lawmaker that they were threatening. Who gave them the right to threaten lawmakers who were voted in by their constituents? Who gave them the right to bash in the skulls of cops who were just doing their jobs?

Every single one of those fucks who were arrested inside & outside the Capital should be given 10 years. Minimum.
I’ll probably chill, with a glass of wine, listening to the cries of self proclaimed victims of leftist debauchery sniveling about Ray Epps and Political Prisoners and weeping about the massive unfairness of treating their misguided tourists like rioters.

On second thought, who needs that headache? I’ll probably read a good book and go to bed.
I think it should be celebrated every year, like the British Guy Fawkes Day. With fireworks and burning effigies of Biden.

"The British comic book series V for Vendetta, which started in 1982, "centers on a vigilante's efforts to destroy an authoritarian government in a dystopian future United Kingdom". When developing the story, illustrator David Lloyd made a handwritten note on the intend anarchist protagonist, V: "Why don't we portray him as a resurrected Guy Fawkes, complete with one of those papier-mâché masks, in a cape and a conical hat? He'd look really bizarre and it would give Guy Fawkes the image he's deserved all these years. We shouldn't burn the chap every Nov. 5th but celebrate his attempt to blow up Parliament!"

Guy Fawkes mask - Wikipedia

Guy Fawkes Night - Wikipedia

Smoke two joints in the morning
Smoke two joints at night
Every single one of them would beat your sissy ass down to a puddle of piss and shit.

Your sniveling terror makes me smile. :)
That is correct.

The next logical event is righties get militant.

Tick tock...
The reason she was climbing through the window of a barricaded door is irrelevant. It is the act that lead to her death, not her views.
Good. So they should have shot every single one of those BLM looters to death.


After all, that's exactly what they did too. Broke and entered.
That was the point being made.

Somehow, "our house" is no longer our house. It is "their house."

But if you are OK with that, run with it.

And just an FYI....nobody took over the capitol building. People just made it clear that it is their house. Yes, there was likely a better way to do it....but no one carried a weapon and no one confronted a lawmaker.

But that doesnt matter to you. Rachel Maddow said they were bad evil people and you agreed because it made you feel special.
Stay home and smear shit on the walls of your own trailer.
Well, it it's "your house" also, tomorrow head down to the nearest Federal Building in your area & try to take it over because it's yours. And when they slapped the cuffs on you make sure you remind them that it's "your house".

You have fun with that & let us know how you make out.

It must be a pathetic feeling to believe that the only relationship that you are entitled to have with the government is that of a slave to their master.

Sassy is just one of those idiots If it was up to me the front of congress would be strewn with traitors bodies

Who is "Sassy"? One of your dead traitors?

Could you use a tube of K-Y to go with those fantasies of dead traitors?

And? After I got the blessing of the Three Holy Kings of Wisdom now - for my house and my people - where's the blessing from the Three Holy Kings of Wisdom for your house of the Congress? If you - the US-American citizens - do not ask god for his blessing for your own political system and you do not arrest the traitors and seducers who try to destroy you: Who else should do?

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You are a shame for the USA. You know very well that it is at totally empty phrase to call the democratic party of the USA "Nazis" with your avatar. The Nazis had been a right wing movement - and not a left wing movement. Nazis and Commies fought against each other and not for each other. And the SPD - the German political party which is most similar to the US-American party "the democrats" - was the only political party from many who voted against the enabling statute of Hitler which destroyed Germany. So why do you hate your own country by political propagandistic lies which you [are able to] know?
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By the way is in my eyes also everyone a shame for all mankind who doesn't [like to] see that still unborn babies are human beings who need the protection of a realisation of their inborn human rights. What doesn't mean the life of their mothers has not a very high and often also a higher priority.

Both themes - as well as many others - should not separate the people of the USA. Nothing should separate you. You are reasonable human beings. That's how god created you: loveful and reasonable. But if you do not believe in your own elections any longer - Donald Trump did just simple lose the last elections and nothing else did happen - then you will lose your democracy which you had in the last 250 years: What means you will lose yourselve - and afterwards you will just simple be lost. So don't be stupid - whoever you are. And god bless you.

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You are a shame for the USA. You know very well that it is at totally empty phrase to call the democratic party of the USA "Nazis" with your avatar. The Nazis had been a right wing movement - and not a left wing movement. Nazis and Commies fought against each other and not for each other. And the SPD - the German political party which is most similar to the US-American party "the democrats" - was the only politucla party from many who voted against the enabling statute of Hitler which destroyed Germany. So why do you hate your own country by political propagandistic lies which you [are able to] know?
This is what home schooling does to these cretins.

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