How are you remembering the Capitol attack two years ago today?

Two years ago, Trump's disgruntled goons attacked outnumbered police defending democracy as Trump watched for hours, ignoring the pleas of advisers, minions, media suck-ups, and family that he exercise his duty as Commander-in-Chief to stop it.

His goons failed to thwart the will of the People. He assured them he still loved them.

Consider the resiliency of the 117th Congress in defying the Trump goons, and their perseverance in fulfilling their constitutional responsibility in the face of fanaticism.

Acknowledge the stark contrast that prevails at the Capitol today, as the 118th Congress shuts down government for days with no outside help.
Notice all the personal attacks from the Trumpsters.

Always a good sign. Always.
:lol: how did Nancy give Ray a pass, silly one?

The FBI did not deny or confirm that Ray (or anyone individually were assets or informants) because this is their protocol....standard procedure.
Aren't you upset that a Maga terrorist insurrectionist leader like Ray Epps is free?

Why don't you demand justice for what he did on video?
Two years ago, Trump's disgruntled goons attacked outnumbered police defending democracy as Trump watched for hours, ignoring the pleas of advisers, minions, media suck-ups, and family that he exercise his duty as Commander-in-Chief to stop it.

His goons failed to thwart the will of the People. He assured them he still loved them.

Consider the resiliency of the 117th Congress in defying the Trump goons, and their perseverance in fulfilling their constitutional responsibility in the face of fanaticism.

Acknowledge the stark contrast that prevails at the Capitol today, as the 118th Congress shuts down government for days with no outside help.

Just another stain on the puddle of piss and shit that the Groomer Party has become.... aka the "party of millionaires that fuck kids".

Ham-handedly arranged by guys that got C's in high school, but now have guns and badges.... all at the behest of the Vodka Skeletor. They've been caught red-handed and they just grin like when their mom caught them jacking off on their little sister.

What are we going to do about it?
The gallows mac likes to whine about

And yet I never have.

One day, one of you guys will have the balls to attack based on something I actually said.

Maybe. You'll probably have to borrow the balls.
Goddamn liar. As usual.
Yeah, I've been wondering about this, or even if Pence would volunteer, after getting stabbed in the back by Trump, and later left for dead at the Capitol.
The DHS and the FBI have determined that a violent attack on our nation's capitol in an attempt to subvert our very democracy and hang our Vice President is a larger threat to our nation.

Yeah, I'd like very much to know who their intended victims were.

Folks have said Pelosi, Pence, Schumer.

They also built a gallows too, didn't they?

Terrorists. Ugly.
I'll need more information.

When Booker said that, was he standing in front of thousands of furious, aggressive, paranoid nutters whom he had been filling with disproven conspiracy theories for the last four years, after 60 courts had told them to shove it, as they held zip ties and planned to build a gallows and invade a federal building?

Let me know, thanks.

Fuckin LOSER :lol:
Two years ago, Trump's disgruntled goons attacked outnumbered police defending democracy as Trump watched for hours, ignoring the pleas of advisers, minions, media suck-ups, and family that he exercise his duty as Commander-in-Chief to stop it.

His goons failed to thwart the will of the People. He assured them he still loved them.

Consider the resiliency of the 117th Congress in defying the Trump goons, and their perseverance in fulfilling their constitutional responsibility in the face of fanaticism.

Acknowledge the stark contrast that prevails at the Capitol today, as the 118th Congress shuts down government for days with no outside help.
Mac, you seemed to enjoy me calling you out on your lies. Would you like more? Or is that enough for today?
You little sadist you ;)
The trump flags and the proven seditionist in the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys were not CIA or FBI. They were there to incite a coup, that was called for by trump, social media and conservative radio shows.

Waah waah waah!
How am I remembering a nothingburger dumb riot?

I’m gonna eat breakfast, go to work,take a lunch break, finish work, play some video games, eat dinner, play more video games, and go to sleep.

If I see a dipshit like you talking about “iNsUrReCtIoN” or otherwise making a big deal about the nothingburger, I will stop the above long enough to laugh or shake my head and then proceed with the justifiable mockery.
How am I remembering a nothingburger dumb riot?

I’m gonna eat breakfast, go to work,take a lunch break, finish work, play some video games, eat dinner, play more video games, and go to sleep.

If I see a dipshit like you talking about “iNsUrReCtIoN” or otherwise making a big deal about the nothingburger, I will stop the above long enough to laugh or shake my head and then proceed with the justifiable mockery.

All they deserve is mockery.

I can't believe I used to be one of them and thank God I got a functioning brain before it was too late.

More relevant to the party:

At trial, Oath Keeper alleges specific plan to stop vote count​

Two years later, Berry, 21, testified in federal court in D.C. against four fellow members of the Oath Keepers facing charges of seditious conspiracy — the second such group to go on trial. Going further than other cooperators, Berry testified this week that the extremists hatched an explicit plan to enter the Capitol and stop the certification of Joe Biden’s presidential victory — which could be a boon to prosecutors case.

But he also acknowledged he was not always truthful with investigators, as defense attorneys highlighted inconsistencies in his testimony. Those on trial have argued that there was no plan or conspiracy, only a spontaneous decision to follow the crowd into the building, and that an armed “Quick Reaction Force” stationed in Virginia was just an elderly asthmatic who spent hours on Jan. 6 searching for his car.

Berry said he was persuaded to join the trip that put the Oath Keepers in D.C. on Jan. 6 by Kelly Meggs, the head of the Florida Oath Keepers. After a trial last year, Meggs and Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes were convicted of seditious conspiracy in November; associates, including another Florida Oath Keeper named Kenneth Harrelson, were acquitted of that charge but found guilty of other felonies related to the riot.

Berry testified that he and Meggs drove with other members from Florida to D.C., stashing weapons at a hotel in Ballston, Va. They provided protection for speakers at President Donald Trump’s speech and their families, then followed those “VIPs” to the Capitol, he said.

On the way, they learned the Capitol had been breached. On the east side of the building, Berry testified, Meggs led a huddle of Oath Keepers and told them that the election had been “illegitimate and unconstitutional” and that “we were going to try to stop the vote count.” They then organized into a military-style “stack,” he said, and headed up the stairs into the building “like a battering ram.”

Other rioters followed the Oath Keepers’ lead because “we had armor, we had military members, we were experienced,” Berry testified.

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