How are you remembering the Capitol attack two years ago today?

I come to forums like this one to see the same radicalism on display, as well as the support for the violent, bloody attempted takeover of Congress, all inspired by a disgraced ex-President.

Thankfully, I'm grateful democracy still works, and the perps are serving time, just like all patriotic Americans feel about this terrible day in American history. Domestic, rightwing terrorism remains the greatest threat to democracy.
True, but the main character is still out there proclaiming that he won in 2020 in a landslide. Please take note that the incoming repub House is taking away safety measures put in place after the J6 attempted coup. Are they setting up for another Capitol riot if repubs lose elections in the future?
I think today would be a great day for Repubs to finalize their choice for speaker. What a fitting 2nd anniversary to a non-event, the seating of the new Republican in the republican led house.

A total rejection of the idea of Jan 6th being a Repub riot.
Lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol! Feeling all warm inside about all those traitorous clowns sitting in jail over it!

Two years gone and many perpetrators and planners are still walking free. Two years later and it is still the greatest stain on our Democracy since the Civil War.
You give Ray Epps a pass for all the stuff he did on video? He was on the fbi most wanted list.
I come to forums like this one to see the same radicalism on display, as well as the support for the violent, bloody attempted takeover of Congress, all inspired by a disgraced ex-President.

Thankfully, I'm grateful democracy still works, and the perps are serving time, just like all patriotic Americans feel about this terrible day in American history. Domestic, rightwing terrorism remains the greatest threat to democracy.

Ahhhhhhhh. The bloody SELFIE STICK COUP.

Thousands of Congress critters murdered in cold blood.


The blood still stains the marble in the building!

oh, the humanity
An ugly, historic day.

Conned by the most blatant con man this country has ever seen.

Incredible. Still.
The gallows mac likes to whine about


Hang someone with THAT?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Two years ago, Trump's disgruntled goons attacked outnumbered police defending democracy as Trump watched for hours, ignoring the pleas of advisers, minions, media suck-ups, and family that he exercise his duty as Commander-in-Chief to stop it.

His goons failed to thwart the will of the People. He assured them he still loved them.

Consider the resiliency of the 117th Congress in defying the Trump goons, and their perseverance in fulfilling their constitutional responsibility in the face of fanaticism.

Acknowledge the stark contrast that prevails at the Capitol today, as the 118th Congress shuts down government for days with no outside help.

Funny story and your photos are edited very artistically to look as dramatic as you wanted them to.

oh, the humanity

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