How aware of this are you?

Next Time

Platinum Member
Oct 5, 2022
Between the Indian and Pacific Oceans
The following movie 1hr:20min long, is a documentary that brings to light what you may not have known, if you had some idea, the facts brought out will polish and hone what you already know. The events that had, are, and are about to take place are described and explained in relative detail. Prepare yourself anti-Trumpsters, your eyes and ears will bleed and your head will explode with disbelief and disdain, however, it is what it is.
Now you'll possibly understand/know what has gone on recently with indictments etc.

Enjoy, and let us know what you think, which I'm sure you will.

The Greatest Show on Earth (2023)
Too propaganda-y for me, thx.

I mean I know Obama was bad and he lied like a mofo, but they start out with BS, too.
I tried to watch it, but didn't make it 5 minutes in. I'm not sure what this "director" is going for. He begins with a voice over his voice over so you can't understand a word he's saying. I caught the word freemasons a few times, and determined the "director" is a batshit loon.
I tried to watch it, but didn't make it 5 minutes in. I'm not sure what this "director" is going for. He begins with a voice over his voice over so you can't understand a word he's saying. I caught the word freemasons a few times, and determined the "director" is a batshit loon.
I take you're in denial, that or you're one of their shills, hey?
It's amazing how truth and facts are perceived as propaganda.


What is propaganda and how is it used?
How Does Propaganda Work?

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