How bad did the dems lose?

They lost VERY badly due mainly to the fact that they ran an Ultimate- Insider candidate and they used identity politics to pit Americans against eachother based on physical traits. Any other candidate would've prolly won
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And the excuses for their epic top to bottom defeat are:

Cyber hacking, we should use popular vote, voter suppression, the media helped Trump win, misogyny, women's internalized misogyny, and on, and on, and on ...........
Think of Hillary as Kim and this will become simpler. Also keep in mind that the Ds celebrate the birthday of their genocidal founder Andrew Jackson annually just like their descendant parties most famously in Germany.
Didnt Mrs Clinton get thrashed by getting 2 million more votes than Trump ?
It sounds a bit North Korean to me.
Crocked Hitlery won the fringe coasts and NOTHING in between, and America isn't going to let the freaks, illegals and perverts packed into LA and NYC chose the president. That's why we have the EC. If you don't like it, leave, jerk off.
They lost VERY badly due mainly to the fact that they ran an Ultimate- Insider candidate and they used identity politics to pit Americans against eachother based on physical traits. Any other candidate would've prolly won
Doubt it.....

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