How bad did the dems lose?

What's funny is, Trump is the guy they wanted to run against. I wonder what percentage of the left shit themselves that Tuesday night.
And now, since they run everything, Republicans can safely be blamed for each and every bad thing that happens in the country.
Takes 60 senators to control the Senate as you dems reminded us the last 8 years.
Nope, Republicans showed us that it only takes 41 to derail anything from happening. I expect the tyranny of the minority to continue, but with the shoe on the other foot this time.
Which means the republicans do NOT control the senate.

We do now that Harry Reid played the nuclear option, a simple 51 vote majority, yet another miscalculation by the left. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on if the GOP returns in kind.
Didnt Mrs Clinton get thrashed by getting 2 million more votes than Trump ?
It sounds a bit North Korean to me.
Crocked Hitlery won the fringe coasts and NOTHING in between, and America isn't going to let the freaks, illegals and perverts packed into LA and NYC chose the president. That's why we have the EC. If you don't like it, leave, jerk off.
Most Americans voted for Hillary. 2m more in fact. They would have been better off having a lie in than trying to beat a rigged election.
Translation: Most illegal immigrants in Ca. voted for Hillary, about 2 million.
Where is your proof ?
You think it doesn't happen?

Still waiting.
They need to move further left and openly embrace Socialism

Actually Bernie Commie would have been a better candidate than the Crooked Hillary bitch.

What were these Moon Bats thinking?

Not only did she have more baggage than Delta Airlines but she ran on a platform to demonize the NRA, bring in a million damn Muslims, have open borders and to raise taxes.

The Democrats lost big because the had a lousy candidate for President, were extreme Left Wingers and they have been connected to Obama's failures.

Like you suggested they should just go ahead and embrace their extreme far Left core beliefs and stop trying to pretend they are somehow mainstream America. They would never win another election but they would at least be an honest party.
Didnt Mrs Clinton get thrashed by getting 2 million more votes than Trump ?
It sounds a bit North Korean to me.

So, you didn't know that we were not a direct democracy? Despite a similar incident that got global attention just a few years ago?

Wow, that's...special.
Didnt Mrs Clinton get thrashed by getting 2 million more votes than Trump ?
It sounds a bit North Korean to me.

So, you didn't know that we were not a direct democracy? Despite a similar incident that got global attention just a few years ago?

Wow, that's...special.
Its a shit system from the middle ages. Any electoral system that does not respect the will of the majority needs to be overhauled.
Didnt Mrs Clinton get thrashed by getting 2 million more votes than Trump ?
It sounds a bit North Korean to me.

So, you didn't know that we were not a direct democracy? Despite a similar incident that got global attention just a few years ago?

Wow, that's...special.
Its a shit system from the middle ages. Any electoral system that does not respect the will of the majority needs to be overhauled.

Your rejection of checks and balances and desire for mob rule is noted.

YOur spin on that is noted and ridiculed.

YOur pretense of surprise is dishonest propaganda.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Fuck California. They don't rule this nation.
Didnt Mrs Clinton get thrashed by getting 2 million more votes than Trump ?
It sounds a bit North Korean to me.

So, you didn't know that we were not a direct democracy? Despite a similar incident that got global attention just a few years ago?

Wow, that's...special.
Its a shit system from the middle ages. Any electoral system that does not respect the will of the majority needs to be overhauled.
Meanwhile YOU advocate ignoring the majority in your own vote, what a hypocrite.
And now, since they run everything, Republicans can safely be blamed for each and every bad thing that happens in the country.

And take credit for everything good.
Yeah, but that never happens when Republicans run things. Their mantra is that government doesn't work. They take great pains to make sure it doesn't.

You are either young or lying.
Enlighten me as to all the great and wonderful things the republicans have done for the country and the people in the last 40 years.
And now, since they run everything, Republicans can safely be blamed for each and every bad thing that happens in the country.

And take credit for everything good.
Yeah, but that never happens when Republicans run things. Their mantra is that government doesn't work. They take great pains to make sure it doesn't.

You are either young or lying.
Enlighten me as to all the great and wonderful things the republicans have done for the country and the people in the last 40 years.

Lets start with the massive Reagan Economic Boom and Victory in the Cold War.

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