How big will the Ds lose in 2020?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
State and local D officials, like most noticeably in recent news the WV governor have gone Republican more often than Rs going D.

The blue state Tax base is shrinking fast during real after tax income increases for the nation as a whole.

The leading candidates for the D nomination are Biden, Sanders and Warren or dead meat in a general election.

The question is are the national and statewide Ds so bad that they will do serious damage on the local level?

If the Ds lose at the local level and the house of representatives, Trump's agenda will sail through. If the Ds lose their local ground game recovery will be slow, difficult and expensive. So, how much damage will the Ds do to themselves as a result of the witch hunt?
By about 15% or so so far. Need to see if any third parties pull any weight this cycle. None stand out yet, but if somebody runs a trans-sexual black latino missing a leg and wearing an 'I Love NAMBLA' hat then the Dems will face a major crisis, losing 75% of their base overnight.
my hope is that the dems get curb-stomped for this nonsense.

if they don't, and this political tactic works, it will only lead to more of the same from both parties, which isn't good for anyone.
Not sure if you are aware of how the tiny blue dot urban plantations and their MSM propagandists manage elections. In the cities, the old style of politics still rules. Don't say that the "New Green Deal" is horrible for union workers. Don't say that Trump is managing the economy to create jobs, after Obama said that "those jobs are not coming back". In 2020 if "the establishment" of both parties, the "Never-Trumpers" and the "democrat money machine" both try to defeat Trump, it could be tough for Trump to win. The good news is that if the economy is good Trump stands a good chance no matter what crap the dems pull. Polls are bullshit. Its everyone's wallet and 401k that really matter.
It looks like demoscum losses will be massive. Occasional cortex looks to be a one termer with the seat going GOP.
Not sure if you are aware of how the tiny blue dot urban plantations and their MSM propagandists manage elections. In the cities, the old style of politics still rules. Don't say that the "New Green Deal" is horrible for union workers. Don't say that Trump is managing the economy to create jobs, after Obama said that "those jobs are not coming back". In 2020 if "the establishment" of both parties, the "Never-Trumpers" and the "democrat money machine" both try to defeat Trump, it could be tough for Trump to win. The good news is that if the economy is good Trump stands a good chance no matter what crap the dems pull. Polls are bullshit. Its everyone's wallet and 401k that really matter.

I think most of those who have a clue realize Trump's biggest threat is from the establishment wing of his own Party in the 2020 contest. criminal illegal aliens voting is going to be rampant by Democrats, in many key states.
How many carbon-copy reruns of the OP's "how big will the Ds lose in 2018" torrent are yet to come?

How'd those work out by the way? No matter, press on regardless and expect different results. There's no place like home.... there's no place like home....
I'm hoping that common sense prevails over Democrat propaganda. And yes if the economy stays strong it will be very tough for the Democrats to win. But they will go lower and dirtier than any Party ever has, so don't underestimate them.
Major states with imploding finances is the real problem. More states going third world like CA will create major epidemics.
Trump fatigue and the policies of deliberate cruelty cannot be sustained. The American people elected a circus in 2016, and now the clown show is wearing thin. Without approval numbers above 50% EVER, the Tru,pain optimism is delusional.

Whatever will they do?
Make lots of ads (date time location stamped) with video of illegals storming the border, crap-needles-homeless in streets, car crashes by illegals, illegals killing-raping-robbing Americans. Run lots of simple Before-After charts-Graphs showing improvements (for the regular voters).

Dont need to waste time attacking Dem loons, they do enough for you. Go after what Dem policy causes. Dem shooters, Poverty, bad economy, crime...STL, CHI...etc.
Make lots of ads (date time location stamped) with video of illegals storming the border, crap-needles-homeless in streets, car crashes by illegals, illegals killing-raping-robbing Americans. Run lots of simple Before-After charts-Graphs showing improvements (for the regular voters).

Dont need to waste time attacking Dem loons, they do enough for you. Go after what Dem policy causes. Dem shooters, Poverty, bad economy, crime...STL, CHI...etc.

This exactly. The Right must take a step back so-to-speak, and get out of the Democrats' way. Give them enough slack rope to hang themselves with their policies of Cultural Marxism such as extreme late-term abortion, transgender mutilation and conversion of our children, releasing or bribing hardened criminals, open borders, cultural replacement, anti-patriotism, etc.

If Republicans do this, even provide airtime for what the farthest left Democrats message has become, no free thinking, freedom loving American will want to touch their madness. They'll want only to disengage from it immediately at full sprint.
Never assume anything, and never take things for granted in elections. That's what the Dems did last time. They won't make the same mistake again.
Dems will win the White House
That is a given

The House and Senate will follow

The big prize will be in the Governorships and State Houses

That will be Trumps legacy
Dems will win the White House
That is a given

2016 was a "given", 2020 will be taken by the voters.
The betting odds show Trump a 4:1 favorite to repeat.
If you have a sure thing candidate put some money where your mouth is:

Donald Trump EVEN
Joe Biden +425
Bernie Sanders +750
Pete Buttigieg +1100
Kamala Harris +1200
time for me to nag. With the Ds having upgraded their circular firing squads to 155s from M5s what is the expected damage?
I'm hoping that common sense prevails over Democrat propaganda. And yes if the economy stays strong it will be very tough for the Democrats to win. But they will go lower and dirtier than any Party ever has, so don't underestimate them.
You forget that it has been Democrats in the past that have made that strong economy accessible to the common and forgotten man, as opposed to the top end getting all the benefits of the so called strong economy you cite. The old get-more-by-the-week-but-less-in-deductions-and-returns isn't fooling anyone.
It's all going to come down to $$$$$.

It always does.

The Koch Brothers and George Soros can only pour so much money into selected local races. The DNC is on the edge of bankruptcy. Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

By the same token, President Trump and the RNC are rolling in cash. The RNC has a program to get more women to run and another to get non-politicians to run for local offices. They also have a push for more veterans.

So, how will the bucks be spent and will it overcome the Freebies for All mantra of the Dims?"

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