How black Americans and Latinos are doing under President Trump


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Trump's real record on race may surprise you
Fewer Blacks, Hispanics Go Jobless Under Trump
The black unemployment rate has fallen by a full percentage point in the last year, black labor force participation is up and the number of black Americans with a job has risen by 600,000 from last year. Preliminary data show black wages and incomes are up since the election.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

With his DOE choice black children will have a chance at school choice!

Just a SMALL reason he will get the LARGEST percentage of latino and black votes in 2020 compared to ANY GOP presidential candidate in history. He backs his words up with action!

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