How can anyone on the left claim Trump has been anything but successful?

If you recall, each month Obama's Labor Department cautioned us that the drop in unemployment was due, at least in part to so many Americans dropping out of the labor force out of despair of ever finding a decent job, and now all those people have come back to the labor force to find jobs, thus swelling the ranks of job seekers and slowing down the rise in wages. A loyal American would be celebrating our new prosperity instead of yearning for the bad old days under Obama.
You do realize that 13 million americans entered the labor force under the Great Obama.......numbers Crooked Donnie can only dream about

AND YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!! NO where near 13 million jobs!
A) Where is your proof?
B) When you compare the number of jobs when Obama took office with the total now, the difference is a net gain of 11.3 million jobs
The workforce participation rate has ranged between 62.5% to 63%. That’s significantly lower than the 66% rate before the Great Recession. Workforce participation hasn’t been as low as it’s been lately since the Jimmy Carter-era economic malaise of the 1970s.
How many people have given up on seeking jobs? In 2014, FiveThirtyEight
estimated that 8 million working-age Americans were not employed but also not counted in the unemployment rate because they’d stopped looking for jobs.
Here's What Really Happened to Jobs During the Obama Years
And these people KNEW with a President making statements and policies like these there WoULD BE NO jobs!
View attachment 221102
The Great Obama faced an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office
Once he reversed the Great Bush Recession of 2008, he added 13 million jobs
In fact, Obama inherited a financial crisis, not a recession, from the Bush administration and it was his failure to promptly address the contraction of credit the financial crisis caused that led to the recession. It is more accurate to refer to the Bush financial crisis and the Obama recession.

ONCE again you have you bassackwards facts totally UNSUPPORTED and ignorantly displayed!
HERE is reality!
View attachment 221135

NOW TARP Was PAID back during OBAMA and he STILL ran up the highest deficits of any past 5 presidents!

I DARE YOU to find anything DIFFERENT from the BELOW FACTS!!!!!
View attachment 221136
If you understood what you posted, you would understand it says the root of the financial crisis began during the Clinton administration and was inherited by Bush from Clinton and later passed on to Obama, but it does not address the fact that it was Obama's failure to address the credit contraction from the financial crisis that caused the recession.

About ten years earlier, Sweden experienced a similar financial crisis when its real estate market crashed and left the nation's banks holding huge amounts of now worthless securities. To prevent this financial crisis from causing a recession, the Swedish government immediately took over the banks and pumped enough money into them to make sure there was no contraction of credit. Mindful of the Swedish experience, her in the US left wing economists urged Obama to do the same thing, but Obama, always a politician but never a political leader, was too afraid of being branded too far left, refused and instead focused on trying to save the banks while letting the economy fall into recession. A careful review of this presidency shows he had no policies, no ideas of his own, just an endless supply of political slogans
Idiots like you think "recessions" start like your water faucet... on / off. Or like when you dummies flip the light switch always comes on immediately or off.

"Recessions" are NOT like that.

Businesses don't wake up one morning and say.."Not going to hire anyone. Not going to buy any more supplies."
It is called "Business cycle".

Quite right. And funny how it is this "cycle" always starts when the GOP in in charge.

Cause of 2008 Recession ??
In 1999 the Congress enacted and President Clinton signed into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act.

Which had nothing to do with the crash that happened 9 years later.

What happened was that not the banks had less latitude to discriminate against minorities.

It was that they sold McMansions to Middle Class idiots, who then borrowed up to their eyeballs and couldn't pay them back...

They then took these worthless mortgages and sold them as investments to other stupid white people.
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Impressive wall that Mexico paid for...and H. Clinton in prison ......
gossip? their tax cut economics policies are capitally worthless under Any form of Capitalism if they don't cover spending.

A) There is no such word in regards to monetary or economic policies being "capitally"!

adverb cap·i·tal·ly | \ ˈka-pə-tə-lē , ˈkap-tə- \
Definition of capitally 1: in a manner involving capital punishment 2: in a capital manner : EXCELLENTLY

B) SPENDING... and what it is going towards....

1) First, the attacks on 9/11 led to the War on Terror.
That almost doubled annual military spending. It rose from $437.4 billion in 2003 to a peak of $855.1 billion in 2011.
That includes the defense department budget and off-budget emergency spending.
It also includes spending for departments that support defense, such as Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the National Nuclear Security Administration.

2) Second, mandatory spending has increased.
That means benefit payouts for Social Security, Medicare, and other mandated programs. It's exceeded $2 trillion a year since FY 2011. These payments consume two-thirds
of the revenue each year. Only an Act of Congress that amends a program's benefits can change them. That would require a majority vote in both houses and is unlikely to happen.
Any reduction in benefits takes money out of the pockets of current beneficiaries. The powerful demographic of seniors would vote lawmakers out of office.

3)Third, the Trump tax cuts will stimulate growth by 0.7 percent annually.
4 Reasons the U.S. Deficit Is Out of Control
how can the right wing be for tax cut economics, with an alleged war on terror going on? there is no power to provide for the general warfare or the common offense.

What do you mean "alleged" and also you mean there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO power to "provide for the general warfare"no money, no army, navy,etc.....? There is ZERO?
And then what do you mean "common offense" ? Does THAT MEAN the USA should go and attack Canada, i.e. go on the OFFENSE?? Or attack China, Russia, go on the OFFENSE?
the power to provide for the general welfare is general.

and, the common Defense is Not the same as the common Offense nor the general Warfare.
Idiots like you think "recessions" start like your water faucet... on / off. Or like when you dummies flip the light switch always comes on immediately or off.

"Recessions" are NOT like that.

Businesses don't wake up one morning and say.."Not going to hire anyone. Not going to buy any more supplies."
It is called "Business cycle".

Quite right. And funny how it is this "cycle" always starts when the GOP in in charge.

Cause of 2008 Recession ??
In 1999 the Congress enacted and President Clinton signed into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act.

Which had nothing to do with the crash that happened 9 years later.

What happened was that not the banks had less latitude to discriminate against minorities.

It was that they sold McMansions to Middle Class idiots, who then borrowed up to their eyeballs and couldn't pay them back...

They then took these worthless mortgages and sold them as investments to other stupid white people.
Enabled by whom, and what policies ?
Impressive wall that Mexico paid for...and H. Clinton in prison ......
gossip? their tax cut economics policies are capitally worthless under Any form of Capitalism if they don't cover spending.

A) There is no such word in regards to monetary or economic policies being "capitally"!

adverb cap·i·tal·ly | \ ˈka-pə-tə-lē , ˈkap-tə- \
Definition of capitally 1: in a manner involving capital punishment 2: in a capital manner : EXCELLENTLY

B) SPENDING... and what it is going towards....

1) First, the attacks on 9/11 led to the War on Terror.
That almost doubled annual military spending. It rose from $437.4 billion in 2003 to a peak of $855.1 billion in 2011.
That includes the defense department budget and off-budget emergency spending.
It also includes spending for departments that support defense, such as Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the National Nuclear Security Administration.

2) Second, mandatory spending has increased.
That means benefit payouts for Social Security, Medicare, and other mandated programs. It's exceeded $2 trillion a year since FY 2011. These payments consume two-thirds
of the revenue each year. Only an Act of Congress that amends a program's benefits can change them. That would require a majority vote in both houses and is unlikely to happen.
Any reduction in benefits takes money out of the pockets of current beneficiaries. The powerful demographic of seniors would vote lawmakers out of office.

3)Third, the Trump tax cuts will stimulate growth by 0.7 percent annually.
4 Reasons the U.S. Deficit Is Out of Control
how can the right wing be for tax cut economics, with an alleged war on terror going on? there is no power to provide for the general warfare or the common offense.

What do you mean "alleged" and also you mean there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO power to "provide for the general warfare"no money, no army, navy,etc.....? There is ZERO?
And then what do you mean "common offense" ? Does THAT MEAN the USA should go and attack Canada, i.e. go on the OFFENSE?? Or attack China, Russia, go on the OFFENSE?
the power to provide for the general welfare is general.

and, the common Defense is Not the same as the common Offense nor the general Warfare.

There never was a "common OFFENSE"! Do you understand? Your "common Offense" means The USA can for NO REASON go and attack i.e. GO ON OFFENSE!
The USA has NEVER done that in the history of our country!
Name me ONE time that the USA with NO reason nothing no attack no killings NOTHING when the USA decided...hmmmm let's GO ON OFFENSE and attack a country"!
JUST plain ignorance!
You do realize that 13 million americans entered the labor force under the Great Obama.......numbers Crooked Donnie can only dream about

AND YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!! NO where near 13 million jobs!
A) Where is your proof?
B) When you compare the number of jobs when Obama took office with the total now, the difference is a net gain of 11.3 million jobs
The workforce participation rate has ranged between 62.5% to 63%. That’s significantly lower than the 66% rate before the Great Recession. Workforce participation hasn’t been as low as it’s been lately since the Jimmy Carter-era economic malaise of the 1970s.
How many people have given up on seeking jobs? In 2014, FiveThirtyEight
estimated that 8 million working-age Americans were not employed but also not counted in the unemployment rate because they’d stopped looking for jobs.
Here's What Really Happened to Jobs During the Obama Years
And these people KNEW with a President making statements and policies like these there WoULD BE NO jobs!
View attachment 221102
The Great Obama faced an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office
Once he reversed the Great Bush Recession of 2008, he added 13 million jobs
In fact, Obama inherited a financial crisis, not a recession, from the Bush administration and it was his failure to promptly address the contraction of credit the financial crisis caused that led to the recession. It is more accurate to refer to the Bush financial crisis and the Obama recession.

ONCE again you have you bassackwards facts totally UNSUPPORTED and ignorantly displayed!
HERE is reality!
View attachment 221135

NOW TARP Was PAID back during OBAMA and he STILL ran up the highest deficits of any past 5 presidents!

I DARE YOU to find anything DIFFERENT from the BELOW FACTS!!!!!
View attachment 221136
If you understood what you posted, you would understand it says the root of the financial crisis began during the Clinton administration and was inherited by Bush from Clinton and later passed on to Obama, but it does not address the fact that it was Obama's failure to address the credit contraction from the financial crisis that caused the recession.

About ten years earlier, Sweden experienced a similar financial crisis when its real estate market crashed and left the nation's banks holding huge amounts of now worthless securities. To prevent this financial crisis from causing a recession, the Swedish government immediately took over the banks and pumped enough money into them to make sure there was no contraction of credit. Mindful of the Swedish experience, her in the US left wing economists urged Obama to do the same thing, but Obama, always a politician but never a political leader, was too afraid of being branded too far left, refused and instead focused on trying to save the banks while letting the economy fall into recession. A careful review of this presidency shows he had no policies, no ideas of his own, just an endless supply of political slogans

So where did I NOT understand what I posted?
A) 1995 Acorn Obama the attorney forced banks to lend money to unqualified people.
B) Clinton in 1999 then allowed Fannie/Freddie greater leeway.
C) Bush with just a few other major issues to contend with TRIED 17 times to control Fannie/Freddie!
GWB's administration was LAUGHED AT BY Democrats Frank and Dodd after 17 times trying to get Fannie/Freddie fixed!
"Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties.
President Bush publicly called for GSE reform at least 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted.
Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems.
Setting the Record Straight: The Three Most Egregious Claims In The New York Times Article On The Housing Crisis

So tell me where I misunderstood that chronology and events ?
Idiots like you think "recessions" start like your water faucet... on / off. Or like when you dummies flip the light switch always comes on immediately or off.

"Recessions" are NOT like that.

Businesses don't wake up one morning and say.."Not going to hire anyone. Not going to buy any more supplies."
It is called "Business cycle".

Quite right. And funny how it is this "cycle" always starts when the GOP in in charge.

Cause of 2008 Recession ??
In 1999 the Congress enacted and President Clinton signed into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act.

Which had nothing to do with the crash that happened 9 years later.

What happened was that not the banks had less latitude to discriminate against minorities.

It was that they sold McMansions to Middle Class idiots, who then borrowed up to their eyeballs and couldn't pay them back...

They then took these worthless mortgages and sold them as investments to other stupid white people.
You've almost got it right.
These mortgages were called subprime. The primary problem was packaging this mortgages mixed with good mortgages and selling them all with good ratings. These were sold as derivatives, such as credit-default-swaps, which were enabled by that financial modernization act. So that Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was a contributor.
Subprime mortgage causes.

But back to the topic; was Trump successful? He has a global confidence rating lower than Putin.
Could it be that Trump is a chronic liar?
Idiots like you think "recessions" start like your water faucet... on / off. Or like when you dummies flip the light switch always comes on immediately or off.

"Recessions" are NOT like that.

Businesses don't wake up one morning and say.."Not going to hire anyone. Not going to buy any more supplies."
It is called "Business cycle".

Quite right. And funny how it is this "cycle" always starts when the GOP in in charge.

Cause of 2008 Recession ??
In 1999 the Congress enacted and President Clinton signed into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act.

Which had nothing to do with the crash that happened 9 years later.

What happened was that not the banks had less latitude to discriminate against minorities.

It was that they sold McMansions to Middle Class idiots, who then borrowed up to their eyeballs and couldn't pay them back...

They then took these worthless mortgages and sold them as investments to other stupid white people.
You've almost got it right.
These mortgages were called subprime. The primary problem was packaging this mortgages mixed with good mortgages and selling them all with good ratings. These were sold as derivatives, such as credit-default-swaps, which were enabled by that financial modernization act. So that Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was a contributor.
Subprime mortgage causes.

But back to the topic; was Trump successful? He has a global confidence rating lower than Putin.
Could it be that Trump is a chronic liar?
So what the f...k does being a "chronic liar" have to do with making good deals for America?
I mean seriously Obama LIED 36 times "You can keep your plan".... OBAMA's top 20 lies!
The BIG AND VAST difference is so f...king what? Trump is making things happen that politically correct dumb economically speaking idiots like Obama stupidly did!
I mean why would you want 1,400 companies to go bankrupt? Or utilities' rates "skyrocket" or the USA become energy DEPENDENT on the likes of Brazil?
Trump may lie don't argue about that but so far his lies are making things positive happen for the USA!
So Trump....KEEP those LIES up!!!
Idiots like you think "recessions" start like your water faucet... on / off. Or like when you dummies flip the light switch always comes on immediately or off.

"Recessions" are NOT like that.

Businesses don't wake up one morning and say.."Not going to hire anyone. Not going to buy any more supplies."
It is called "Business cycle".

Quite right. And funny how it is this "cycle" always starts when the GOP in in charge.

Cause of 2008 Recession ??
In 1999 the Congress enacted and President Clinton signed into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act.

Which had nothing to do with the crash that happened 9 years later.

What happened was that not the banks had less latitude to discriminate against minorities.

It was that they sold McMansions to Middle Class idiots, who then borrowed up to their eyeballs and couldn't pay them back...

They then took these worthless mortgages and sold them as investments to other stupid white people.
You've almost got it right.
These mortgages were called subprime. The primary problem was packaging this mortgages mixed with good mortgages and selling them all with good ratings. These were sold as derivatives, such as credit-default-swaps, which were enabled by that financial modernization act. So that Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was a contributor.
Subprime mortgage causes.

But back to the topic; was Trump successful? He has a global confidence rating lower than Putin.
Could it be that Trump is a chronic liar?
So what the f...k does being a "chronic liar" have to do with making good deals for America?
I mean seriously Obama LIED 36 times "You can keep your plan".... OBAMA's top 20 lies!
The BIG AND VAST difference is so f...king what? Trump is making things happen that politically correct dumb economically speaking idiots like Obama stupidly did!
I mean why would you want 1,400 companies to go bankrupt? Or utilities' rates "skyrocket" or the USA become energy DEPENDENT on the likes of Brazil?
Trump may lie don't argue about that but so far his lies are making things positive happen for the USA!
So Trump....KEEP those LIES up!!!
View attachment 221192
haha, Trump has a global confidence rating lower than Putin
Idiots like you think "recessions" start like your water faucet... on / off. Or like when you dummies flip the light switch always comes on immediately or off.

"Recessions" are NOT like that.

Businesses don't wake up one morning and say.."Not going to hire anyone. Not going to buy any more supplies."
It is called "Business cycle".

Quite right. And funny how it is this "cycle" always starts when the GOP in in charge.

Cause of 2008 Recession ??
In 1999 the Congress enacted and President Clinton signed into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act.

Which had nothing to do with the crash that happened 9 years later.

What happened was that not the banks had less latitude to discriminate against minorities.

It was that they sold McMansions to Middle Class idiots, who then borrowed up to their eyeballs and couldn't pay them back...

They then took these worthless mortgages and sold them as investments to other stupid white people.

You are very confused. Dodd/Frank opened to doors for allowing unqualified people to get loans for people to qualify for more than they were capable of paying. This was done under the guise of "fairness", but in reality, it was to stimulate the housing market and the economy more than anything else, which it did, at the expense of being the foundation for the 2008 recession. Many Democratic lemmings actually bought the "fairness" farce. That in itself is says quite a bit about many Democrats.

We can ALWAYS count on Democratic politicians to devise short-sighted economic policies and for their loyal, ideological followers to defend their idiocy, no matter how illogical.
gossip? their tax cut economics policies are capitally worthless under Any form of Capitalism if they don't cover spending.

A) There is no such word in regards to monetary or economic policies being "capitally"!

adverb cap·i·tal·ly | \ ˈka-pə-tə-lē , ˈkap-tə- \
Definition of capitally 1: in a manner involving capital punishment 2: in a capital manner : EXCELLENTLY

B) SPENDING... and what it is going towards....

1) First, the attacks on 9/11 led to the War on Terror.
That almost doubled annual military spending. It rose from $437.4 billion in 2003 to a peak of $855.1 billion in 2011.
That includes the defense department budget and off-budget emergency spending.
It also includes spending for departments that support defense, such as Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the National Nuclear Security Administration.

2) Second, mandatory spending has increased.
That means benefit payouts for Social Security, Medicare, and other mandated programs. It's exceeded $2 trillion a year since FY 2011. These payments consume two-thirds
of the revenue each year. Only an Act of Congress that amends a program's benefits can change them. That would require a majority vote in both houses and is unlikely to happen.
Any reduction in benefits takes money out of the pockets of current beneficiaries. The powerful demographic of seniors would vote lawmakers out of office.

3)Third, the Trump tax cuts will stimulate growth by 0.7 percent annually.
4 Reasons the U.S. Deficit Is Out of Control
how can the right wing be for tax cut economics, with an alleged war on terror going on? there is no power to provide for the general warfare or the common offense.

What do you mean "alleged" and also you mean there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO power to "provide for the general warfare"no money, no army, navy,etc.....? There is ZERO?
And then what do you mean "common offense" ? Does THAT MEAN the USA should go and attack Canada, i.e. go on the OFFENSE?? Or attack China, Russia, go on the OFFENSE?
the power to provide for the general welfare is general.

and, the common Defense is Not the same as the common Offense nor the general Warfare.

There never was a "common OFFENSE"! Do you understand? Your "common Offense" means The USA can for NO REASON go and attack i.e. GO ON OFFENSE!
The USA has NEVER done that in the history of our country!
Name me ONE time that the USA with NO reason nothing no attack no killings NOTHING when the USA decided...hmmmm let's GO ON OFFENSE and attack a country"!
JUST plain ignorance!
there is no general warfare clause or world police clause, either. our exorbitantly expensive superpower is only making the rich, richer through the use of weapons of mass and micro destruction on a For-Profit basis.

only great shysters, do that.
A) There is no such word in regards to monetary or economic policies being "capitally"!

adverb cap·i·tal·ly | \ ˈka-pə-tə-lē , ˈkap-tə- \
Definition of capitally 1: in a manner involving capital punishment 2: in a capital manner : EXCELLENTLY

B) SPENDING... and what it is going towards....

1) First, the attacks on 9/11 led to the War on Terror.
That almost doubled annual military spending. It rose from $437.4 billion in 2003 to a peak of $855.1 billion in 2011.
That includes the defense department budget and off-budget emergency spending.
It also includes spending for departments that support defense, such as Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the National Nuclear Security Administration.

2) Second, mandatory spending has increased.
That means benefit payouts for Social Security, Medicare, and other mandated programs. It's exceeded $2 trillion a year since FY 2011. These payments consume two-thirds
of the revenue each year. Only an Act of Congress that amends a program's benefits can change them. That would require a majority vote in both houses and is unlikely to happen.
Any reduction in benefits takes money out of the pockets of current beneficiaries. The powerful demographic of seniors would vote lawmakers out of office.

3)Third, the Trump tax cuts will stimulate growth by 0.7 percent annually.
4 Reasons the U.S. Deficit Is Out of Control
how can the right wing be for tax cut economics, with an alleged war on terror going on? there is no power to provide for the general warfare or the common offense.

What do you mean "alleged" and also you mean there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO power to "provide for the general warfare"no money, no army, navy,etc.....? There is ZERO?
And then what do you mean "common offense" ? Does THAT MEAN the USA should go and attack Canada, i.e. go on the OFFENSE?? Or attack China, Russia, go on the OFFENSE?
the power to provide for the general welfare is general.

and, the common Defense is Not the same as the common Offense nor the general Warfare.

There never was a "common OFFENSE"! Do you understand? Your "common Offense" means The USA can for NO REASON go and attack i.e. GO ON OFFENSE!
The USA has NEVER done that in the history of our country!
Name me ONE time that the USA with NO reason nothing no attack no killings NOTHING when the USA decided...hmmmm let's GO ON OFFENSE and attack a country"!
JUST plain ignorance!
there is no general warfare clause or world police clause, either. our exorbitantly expensive superpower is only making the rich, richer through the use of weapons of mass and micro destruction on a For-Profit basis.

only great shysters, do that.

Hey you are HALF right!!!
There is NO general warfare clause or world police clause!

And the UNITED STATES DOES spend nearly 3 times as much as the next largest country China..but practically speaking the USA has more expensive equipment!
NOW for your truly DUMB rationale...'only making rich richer..." What a dummy!

OK... DUMMY... let's say the USA said SCREW it... we're pulling all our troops out of Europe/ASIA .
I bet you think that China/Russia will start singing "kumbaya" let's all live at peace together!
I bet you think they will reach across and apologize for killing nearly 100 million people in the past.
The horrors of communism has filled up endless books. At least 100 million people died under self-described communist regimes. Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, and Kim Il Sung are among the chief killers.Communism Killed 100 Million People in the 20th Century: Don't Flip Off a Memorial for Its Victims
how can the right wing be for tax cut economics, with an alleged war on terror going on? there is no power to provide for the general warfare or the common offense.

What do you mean "alleged" and also you mean there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO power to "provide for the general warfare"no money, no army, navy,etc.....? There is ZERO?
And then what do you mean "common offense" ? Does THAT MEAN the USA should go and attack Canada, i.e. go on the OFFENSE?? Or attack China, Russia, go on the OFFENSE?
the power to provide for the general welfare is general.

and, the common Defense is Not the same as the common Offense nor the general Warfare.

There never was a "common OFFENSE"! Do you understand? Your "common Offense" means The USA can for NO REASON go and attack i.e. GO ON OFFENSE!
The USA has NEVER done that in the history of our country!
Name me ONE time that the USA with NO reason nothing no attack no killings NOTHING when the USA decided...hmmmm let's GO ON OFFENSE and attack a country"!
JUST plain ignorance!
there is no general warfare clause or world police clause, either. our exorbitantly expensive superpower is only making the rich, richer through the use of weapons of mass and micro destruction on a For-Profit basis.

only great shysters, do that.

Hey you are HALF right!!!
There is NO general warfare clause or world police clause!

And the UNITED STATES DOES spend nearly 3 times as much as the next largest country China..but practically speaking the USA has more expensive equipment!
NOW for your truly DUMB rationale...'only making rich richer..." What a dummy!

OK... DUMMY... let's say the USA said SCREW it... we're pulling all our troops out of Europe/ASIA .
I bet you think that China/Russia will start singing "kumbaya" let's all live at peace together!
I bet you think they will reach across and apologize for killing nearly 100 million people in the past.
The horrors of communism has filled up endless books. At least 100 million people died under self-described communist regimes. Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, and Kim Il Sung are among the chief killers.Communism Killed 100 Million People in the 20th Century: Don't Flip Off a Memorial for Its Victims
don't believe in Capitalism right wingers? we know you don't care about natural rights.
You do realize that 13 million americans entered the labor force under the Great Obama.......numbers Crooked Donnie can only dream about
People graduated from school, entered the workforce and, as Obama's Labor Department told us, left the workforce because they couldn't find jobs under Obama. Since Trump became president, they have come back into the workforce and found jobs as have additional millions of Americans now graduating from school. In every area except two, Obama was a colossal, even disastrous, failure. The two areas in which he had something to contribute were showing America was ready to elect a black president even if he was a cynical politician with an empty resume, and in providing money allowing doctors and hospitals to digitize medical records.
13 million found jobs under the Great Obama

The problem is crappy salaries
Blame the Capitalists
And millions more left the workforce in despair under Obama. The problem under Obama was that companies and investment capital left the US for other countries while the Obama government and bots like you prattled about about rich people instead of taking measures to grow the economy and protect American jobs.
That is ridiculous propaganda
In other words, you don't like it but you cannot rationally dispute it. posted poorly constructed propaganda
If you recall, each month Obama's Labor Department cautioned us that the drop in unemployment was due, at least in part to so many Americans dropping out of the labor force out of despair of ever finding a decent job, and now all those people have come back to the labor force to find jobs, thus swelling the ranks of job seekers and slowing down the rise in wages. A loyal American would be celebrating our new prosperity instead of yearning for the bad old days under Obama.
You do realize that 13 million americans entered the labor force under the Great Obama.......numbers Crooked Donnie can only dream about

AND YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!! NO where near 13 million jobs!
A) Where is your proof?
B) When you compare the number of jobs when Obama took office with the total now, the difference is a net gain of 11.3 million jobs
The workforce participation rate has ranged between 62.5% to 63%. That’s significantly lower than the 66% rate before the Great Recession. Workforce participation hasn’t been as low as it’s been lately since the Jimmy Carter-era economic malaise of the 1970s.
How many people have given up on seeking jobs? In 2014, FiveThirtyEight
estimated that 8 million working-age Americans were not employed but also not counted in the unemployment rate because they’d stopped looking for jobs.
Here's What Really Happened to Jobs During the Obama Years
And these people KNEW with a President making statements and policies like these there WoULD BE NO jobs!
View attachment 221102
The Great Obama faced an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office
Once he reversed the Great Bush Recession of 2008, he added 13 million jobs
In fact, Obama inherited a financial crisis, not a recession, from the Bush administration and it was his failure to promptly address the contraction of credit the financial crisis caused that led to the recession. It is more accurate to refer to the Bush financial crisis and the Obama recession.
Obama did an amazing job with Republicans fighting him every step of the way.
Republicans would see the country fall before they would help Obama.
One of the finest accomplishments of the Great Obama

Rescuing an economy that Republicans were doing their best to destroy
Trump's been pretty successful, but that doesn't mean that he isn't a total buffoon, and that I'm not enjoying the show! :popcorn:
You do realize that 13 million americans entered the labor force under the Great Obama.......numbers Crooked Donnie can only dream about

AND YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!! NO where near 13 million jobs!
A) Where is your proof?
B) When you compare the number of jobs when Obama took office with the total now, the difference is a net gain of 11.3 million jobs
The workforce participation rate has ranged between 62.5% to 63%. That’s significantly lower than the 66% rate before the Great Recession. Workforce participation hasn’t been as low as it’s been lately since the Jimmy Carter-era economic malaise of the 1970s.
How many people have given up on seeking jobs? In 2014, FiveThirtyEight
estimated that 8 million working-age Americans were not employed but also not counted in the unemployment rate because they’d stopped looking for jobs.
Here's What Really Happened to Jobs During the Obama Years
And these people KNEW with a President making statements and policies like these there WoULD BE NO jobs!
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The Great Obama faced an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office
Once he reversed the Great Bush Recession of 2008, he added 13 million jobs
In fact, Obama inherited a financial crisis, not a recession, from the Bush administration and it was his failure to promptly address the contraction of credit the financial crisis caused that led to the recession. It is more accurate to refer to the Bush financial crisis and the Obama recession.
Obama did an amazing job with Republicans fighting him every step of the way.
Republicans would see the country fall before they would help Obama.
One of the finest accomplishments of the Great Obama

Rescuing an economy that Republicans were doing their best to destroy

Well jUST think what Obama could have done if he hadn't been encouraging part time workers (ACA - 50 employees have to have group health) or encourage bankruptcies, or
wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies or wanted HIGHER gas prices and your utility rates to "skyrocket"... or worse yet if he hadn't been so anti-environmentalist to encourage
1 million barrels of oil to be spilled in the open ocean which would have happened according to experts... Yea think what the economy would have been!
Hey you are HALF right!!!
There is NO general warfare clause or world police clause!

And the UNITED STATES DOES spend nearly 3 times as much as the next largest country China..but practically speaking the USA has more expensive equipment!
NOW for your truly DUMB rationale...'only making rich richer..." What a dummy!

we piss away a lot of money on systems we don't nee, that don't work and make the rich richer. SO , um, yeah.

I bet you think they will reach across and apologize for killing nearly 100 million people in the past.
The horrors of communism has filled up endless books. At least 100 million people died under self-described communist regimes. Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, and Kim Il Sung are among the chief killers

Ho- hum, boring Bircher Propaganda... Maybe the west needs to apologize for all the genocide it caused in America, India and AUstralia before it whines about the imaginary people killed by the Communists.

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