How can anyone on the left claim Trump has been anything but successful?

You can say that with a straight face after how much debt under Obama..............LOL

It's a problem and has always been a problem........It has always been unsustainable.......they have been saying that for decades now............

Revenue regardless of tax rate over history is 18%...........Yet we spend at 23 to 24% now........have to check......gdp..............unfunded liabilities are coming due.............and the interest on the debt is now 523 billion for last year............which jumped due to the fed raising rates.

Mandatory spending is the lion's share...........without touching it in cuts there is no solution other than eventual implosion.........been that way for a while one will tackle that.
Yes that's what repubs were saying about Obama and Trump is drastically increasing deficits during a strong economy. So yes, looks like trump is turning us into Greece, and Repubs should agree!
In order to cut the debt gotta cut 6% and possibly have a chance at stopping it.........that would require hitting mandatory spending............and reform to those programs.....when the unfunded hits..........we are Greece.........

No politician will tackle will not end well.
Especially when repubs are spending more rather than cutting.
Boxed into Omnibus spending bills under threat of Gov't the left who demanded more spending.

There are 2 sides to every only show 1.

What do we cut...........tell us what will save us all...............well................
The left have no power, they can't even stop a supreme court nomination. The repubs don't want to decrease spending, only a fool would believe they do.
They have stopping power in the Senate........filabusters........the last budget seems to have passed in the dark without much fanfare............both sides putting off future fights til after the elections.............

Both sides are out of control and neither side is willing to do it............

Want a balanced budget...........shut the gov't down..........spend only what comes in.......and cut everything we can't pay for.................there you go...............INSTANT BALANCED BUDGET.
So the debt is drastically increasing during a strong economy.

Healthcare costs are still out of control.

Cost of college is still increasing.

Afghan war continues.

Dow is below January highs.

The country is as divided as ever.

Mexico is not paying for the wall.

All this is success? Because we high 4% growth for one quarter?
There are successes when more Americans work...........when offshore money comes home............when less people need govt assistance..........which all increased under Obama...........

Economy is moving in the right direction.........Out of control spending and obligations of the Gov't never go down........they always go up..............To the cliff we go..........and always headed that way.
Gee if more people are working and fewer need assistance why are deficits increasing so rapidly?
Jesus..............interest on the debt.............pensions.......Social Security........BABY BOOMERS.......and War........
So the debt is drastically increasing during a strong economy.

Healthcare costs are still out of control.

Cost of college is still increasing.

Afghan war continues.

Dow is below January highs.

The country is as divided as ever.

Mexico is not paying for the wall.

All this is success? Because we high 4% growth for one quarter?
There are successes when more Americans work...........when offshore money comes home............when less people need govt assistance..........which all increased under Obama...........

Economy is moving in the right direction.........Out of control spending and obligations of the Gov't never go down........they always go up..............To the cliff we go..........and always headed that way.
Gee if more people are working and fewer need assistance why are deficits increasing so rapidly?
Jesus..............interest on the debt.............pensions.......Social Security........BABY BOOMERS.......and War........
Interest on the debt that republicans are working hard to increase. Strange deficits are increasing so much over just a couple years ago.
So the debt is drastically increasing during a strong economy.

Healthcare costs are still out of control.

Cost of college is still increasing.

Afghan war continues.

Dow is below January highs.

The country is as divided as ever.

Mexico is not paying for the wall.

All this is success? Because we high 4% growth for one quarter?
There are successes when more Americans work...........when offshore money comes home............when less people need govt assistance..........which all increased under Obama...........

Economy is moving in the right direction.........Out of control spending and obligations of the Gov't never go down........they always go up..............To the cliff we go..........and always headed that way.
Gee if more people are working and fewer need assistance why are deficits increasing so rapidly?
Jesus..............interest on the debt.............pensions.......Social Security........BABY BOOMERS.......and War........
Interest on the debt that republicans are working hard to increase. Strange deficits are increasing so much over just a couple years ago.
It's all one sided............hmmm..........and you are practicing for November................

Pull the plug..........what comes in......goes more borrowing...........

There you go.......Instant fix.......I suggest you do it......because I'll stand back and watch the public trample your ass after...........

Is this the last post wins.............hmmmm...........I think I'll let you post last..........LOL
So the debt is drastically increasing during a strong economy.

Healthcare costs are still out of control.

Cost of college is still increasing.

Afghan war continues.

Dow is below January highs.

The country is as divided as ever.

Mexico is not paying for the wall.

All this is success? Because we high 4% growth for one quarter?
There are successes when more Americans work...........when offshore money comes home............when less people need govt assistance..........which all increased under Obama...........

Economy is moving in the right direction.........Out of control spending and obligations of the Gov't never go down........they always go up..............To the cliff we go..........and always headed that way.
Gee if more people are working and fewer need assistance why are deficits increasing so rapidly?
Jesus..............interest on the debt.............pensions.......Social Security........BABY BOOMERS.......and War........
Interest on the debt that republicans are working hard to increase. Strange deficits are increasing so much over just a couple years ago.
It's all one sided............hmmm..........and you are practicing for November................

Pull the plug..........what comes in......goes more borrowing...........

There you go.......Instant fix.......I suggest you do it......because I'll stand back and watch the public trample your ass after...........

Is this the last post wins.............hmmmm...........I think I'll let you post last..........LOL
Republicans are in full control and we can see that means drastically increasing deficits.
How are you not doing well in this booming economy? I mean if you flip burgers for a living I guess shit is bad for you. But unless you are 17 years old that is nobody's fault but your own.

I was doing just as well when Obama was in office, but how well I'm doing isn't the point. That's on me, not anything Trump is doing.

Trump inherited a good economy and immediately started applying all the bad Republican ideas that get us into recessions. - Tariffs, tax cuts for rich people, deficit spending, deregulation.

Trump wants NO tariffs, he is using tariffs as leverage, don’t you understand that?
Deficit spending, why you so worried about that all the sudden, Obama doubled the dept of ALL previous presidents.
Inherited a good economy? Even your massia said what was trump gonna do bring a magic wand, he said it was the new normal and we should get used to it. Did you forget that he said that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How are you not doing well in this booming economy? I mean if you flip burgers for a living I guess shit is bad for you. But unless you are 17 years old that is nobody's fault but your own.

I was doing just as well when Obama was in office, but how well I'm doing isn't the point. That's on me, not anything Trump is doing.

Trump inherited a good economy and immediately started applying all the bad Republican ideas that get us into recessions. - Tariffs, tax cuts for rich people, deficit spending, deregulation.

Trump wants NO tariffs, he is using tariffs as leverage, don’t you understand that?
Deficit spending, why you so worried about that all the sudden, Obama doubled the dept of ALL previous presidents.
Inherited a good economy? Even your massia said what was trump gonna do bring a magic wand, he said it was the new normal and we should get used to it. Did you forget that he said that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump is an economic dotard

You engage in trade wars with one country
If you try a trade war with the whole lose
THINK for once! How in the hell does it help to bankrupt companies? Put 1,400 companies out of business? Layoff 450,000 people and cut $100 billion in tax revenue?

YOu mean other than we will have a planet to live on because we got rid of a toxic form of energy.

Seriously, fuck those 450,000 people. They can find something else to do for a living.

Coal is bad for us... this isn't complicated, you stupid fuck. But you science deniers keep trying to pretend we should keep destroying the planet so a few assholes can get rich exploiting the dumb white trash who'd be better off finding something else to do for a living.
Having back up forms of energy is a great thing dummy.. Coal has never been a primary form of energy, but it has been crucial in times of need as a back up or alternative. Maybe you would be better off living in countries that have rolling black outs as the norm ??

You're embarrassing yourself daily against your white man enemy... LOL.
How are you not doing well in this booming economy? I mean if you flip burgers for a living I guess shit is bad for you. But unless you are 17 years old that is nobody's fault but your own.

I was doing just as well when Obama was in office, but how well I'm doing isn't the point. That's on me, not anything Trump is doing.

Trump inherited a good economy and immediately started applying all the bad Republican ideas that get us into recessions. - Tariffs, tax cuts for rich people, deficit spending, deregulation.

Trump wants NO tariffs, he is using tariffs as leverage, don’t you understand that?
Deficit spending, why you so worried about that all the sudden, Obama doubled the dept of ALL previous presidents.
Inherited a good economy? Even your massia said what was trump gonna do bring a magic wand, he said it was the new normal and we should get used to it. Did you forget that he said that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump is an economic dotard

You engage in trade wars with one country
If you try a trade war with the whole lose
You are naive.
It is so simple to knock dumb people's argument down with the Internet!
Simple searches get answers BEFORE hitting the POST REPLY KEY!!!!

So we learned
A) Obama's 13 million was closer to 11.3 million.
B) That 95% of these "JOBS" were part-time or were contractors where health insurance wasn't needed to be offered by employer.
AND that this was probably the major reason that:
In addition, the average number of people on SNAP every month hit a record high in 2011 -- 44.7 million.
Newt Gingrich says Obama put more people on food stamps than any other U.S. President

Wonder why if there were "JOBS"?
Why are deficits increasing so rapidly if more people are working?

Where is your proof deficits specifically "increasing so rapidly"? What a dumb ass comment!
A) what do you mean INCREASING????
B) AND what is "so rapidly"?
Give me proof on A) deficits INCREASING B) "so rapidly"... exactly what is "so rapidly"???
The FY2019 federal budget estimates budget deficits out to 2023. It forecasts deficits just under $1 trillion per year, declining to $800 billion by 2023.
US Federal Deficit by Year - plus charts and analysis
Now what comprises these "deficits"???
A) NOW here is another lesson for you dummies:
It's difficult to reduce the budget deficit without cutting U.S. defense spending.
Now why is that happening??? dumb ass Obama!
But spending is down; the force is smaller than when Obama took office and its equipment is aging.
And, indeed, military leaders have spoken out about what they call the national-security dangers associated with climate change.

Second, mandatory spending has increased.
That means benefit payouts for Social Security, Medicare, and other mandated programs.
It's exceeded $2 trillion a year since FY 2011.
These payments consume two-thirds of the revenue each year.
Only an Act of Congress that amends a program's benefits can change them. That would require a majority vote in both houses and is unlikely to happen. Any reduction in benefits takes money out of the pockets of current beneficiaries. The powerful demographic of seniors would vote lawmakers out of office.
4 Reasons the U.S. Deficit Is Out of Control

NOW if you dumb f...ks would let people manage their OWN SS accounts by telling SS where to put the money... nearly every one of the people on SS would have had stashed
nearly $1 million by retirement! PROOF???
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Yeah look at the sh!thole economy the Republicans handed over to Obama, and then you look at the great economy Obama handed over to Trump, and Obama did a terrible job? That doesn’t even make sense.
Trump has damaged our Congress, our FBI, our foreign relations, he makes the presidency look like a joke, the Supreme Court is stained, Trump is like Midas. Everything he touches turns to sh!t.
And You thought he was such a good businessman. Anybody can be a good businessman if dad hands them $413 million.
You have to be a fool to see Trump as anything but a ConMan.
History will see Trump is a sh!tstain.
A stain who brought terrible damage and divided America. You can’t blame a divided America on Obama when one side is white Republicans and the other side is the entire rest of the world.
It is so simple to knock dumb people's argument down with the Internet!
Simple searches get answers BEFORE hitting the POST REPLY KEY!!!!

So we learned
A) Obama's 13 million was closer to 11.3 million.
B) That 95% of these "JOBS" were part-time or were contractors where health insurance wasn't needed to be offered by employer.
AND that this was probably the major reason that:
In addition, the average number of people on SNAP every month hit a record high in 2011 -- 44.7 million.
Newt Gingrich says Obama put more people on food stamps than any other U.S. President

Wonder why if there were "JOBS"?
Why are deficits increasing so rapidly if more people are working?

Where is your proof deficits specifically "increasing so rapidly"? What a dumb ass comment!
A) what do you mean INCREASING????
B) AND what is "so rapidly"?
Give me proof on A) deficits INCREASING B) "so rapidly"... exactly what is "so rapidly"???
The FY2019 federal budget estimates budget deficits out to 2023. It forecasts deficits just under $1 trillion per year, declining to $800 billion by 2023.
US Federal Deficit by Year - plus charts and analysis
Now what comprises these "deficits"???
A) NOW here is another lesson for you dummies:
It's difficult to reduce the budget deficit without cutting U.S. defense spending.
Now why is that happening??? dumb ass Obama!
But spending is down; the force is smaller than when Obama took office and its equipment is aging.
And, indeed, military leaders have spoken out about what they call the national-security dangers associated with climate change.

Second, mandatory spending has increased.
That means benefit payouts for Social Security, Medicare, and other mandated programs.
It's exceeded $2 trillion a year since FY 2011.
These payments consume two-thirds of the revenue each year.

Only an Act of Congress that amends a program's benefits can change them. That would require a majority vote in both houses and is unlikely to happen. Any reduction in benefits takes money out of the pockets of current beneficiaries. The powerful demographic of seniors would vote lawmakers out of office.
4 Reasons the U.S. Deficit Is Out of Control

NOW if you dumb f...ks would let people manage their OWN SS accounts by telling SS where to put the money... nearly every one of the people on SS would have had stashed
nearly $1 million by retirement! PROOF???
View attachment 221132
Sounds like they are increasing rapidly to me:

U.S. ran $214 billion budget deficit In August, compared with a $107.7 billion budget gap a year earlier

U.S. Budget Deficit Widened in August, Treasury Says
It’s hilarious to me that Republicans try so hard to take credit for what Obama did. Remember when Obama took down bin Laden? Remember how they try to take credit for that too? That’s because they’ve got nothing to show. They gave us the Iraq war and Afghanistan. And they let bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. And republican tax cuts for the rich gave us the beginning of our great deficit. And trumps made it way way worse in just a short amount of time.
If you recall, each month Obama's Labor Department cautioned us that the drop in unemployment was due, at least in part to so many Americans dropping out of the labor force out of despair of ever finding a decent job, and now all those people have come back to the labor force to find jobs, thus swelling the ranks of job seekers and slowing down the rise in wages. A loyal American would be celebrating our new prosperity instead of yearning for the bad old days under Obama.
You do realize that 13 million americans entered the labor force under the Great Obama.......numbers Crooked Donnie can only dream about
People graduated from school, entered the workforce and, as Obama's Labor Department told us, left the workforce because they couldn't find jobs under Obama. Since Trump became president, they have come back into the workforce and found jobs as have additional millions of Americans now graduating from school. In every area except two, Obama was a colossal, even disastrous, failure. The two areas in which he had something to contribute were showing America was ready to elect a black president even if he was a cynical politician with an empty resume, and in providing money allowing doctors and hospitals to digitize medical records.
13 million found jobs under the Great Obama

The problem is crappy salaries
Blame the Capitalists
And millions more left the workforce in despair under Obama. The problem under Obama was that companies and investment capital left the US for other countries while the Obama government and bots like you prattled about about rich people instead of taking measures to grow the economy and protect American jobs.
That is ridiculous propaganda
In other words, you don't like it but you cannot rationally dispute it.
No, what we need is what President Trump has given us, a robust economy in which anyone who wants a job can find one and a labor market so tight, wages will rise naturally as employers compete for the best workers and unemployment has become a lifestyle choice.
Still waiting for wages to rise
How could an economy with 3.7 percent unemployment and an almost fifty percent cut in corporate taxes only see a wage increase of 2.7 percent?
If you recall, each month Obama's Labor Department cautioned us that the drop in unemployment was due, at least in part to so many Americans dropping out of the labor force out of despair of ever finding a decent job, and now all those people have come back to the labor force to find jobs, thus swelling the ranks of job seekers and slowing down the rise in wages. A loyal American would be celebrating our new prosperity instead of yearning for the bad old days under Obama.
You do realize that 13 million americans entered the labor force under the Great Obama.......numbers Crooked Donnie can only dream about

AND YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!! NO where near 13 million jobs!
A) Where is your proof?
B) When you compare the number of jobs when Obama took office with the total now, the difference is a net gain of 11.3 million jobs
The workforce participation rate has ranged between 62.5% to 63%. That’s significantly lower than the 66% rate before the Great Recession. Workforce participation hasn’t been as low as it’s been lately since the Jimmy Carter-era economic malaise of the 1970s.
How many people have given up on seeking jobs? In 2014, FiveThirtyEight
estimated that 8 million working-age Americans were not employed but also not counted in the unemployment rate because they’d stopped looking for jobs.
Here's What Really Happened to Jobs During the Obama Years
And these people KNEW with a President making statements and policies like these there WoULD BE NO jobs!
View attachment 221102
The Great Obama faced an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office
Once he reversed the Great Bush Recession of 2008, he added 13 million jobs
In fact, Obama inherited a financial crisis, not a recession, from the Bush administration and it was his failure to promptly address the contraction of credit the financial crisis caused that led to the recession. It is more accurate to refer to the Bush financial crisis and the Obama recession.
It is so simple to knock dumb people's argument down with the Internet!
Simple searches get answers BEFORE hitting the POST REPLY KEY!!!!

So we learned
A) Obama's 13 million was closer to 11.3 million.
B) That 95% of these "JOBS" were part-time or were contractors where health insurance wasn't needed to be offered by employer.
AND that this was probably the major reason that:
In addition, the average number of people on SNAP every month hit a record high in 2011 -- 44.7 million.
Newt Gingrich says Obama put more people on food stamps than any other U.S. President

Wonder why if there were "JOBS"?
Why are deficits increasing so rapidly if more people are working?

Where is your proof deficits specifically "increasing so rapidly"? What a dumb ass comment!
A) what do you mean INCREASING????
B) AND what is "so rapidly"?
Give me proof on A) deficits INCREASING B) "so rapidly"... exactly what is "so rapidly"???
The FY2019 federal budget estimates budget deficits out to 2023. It forecasts deficits just under $1 trillion per year, declining to $800 billion by 2023.
US Federal Deficit by Year - plus charts and analysis
Now what comprises these "deficits"???
A) NOW here is another lesson for you dummies:
It's difficult to reduce the budget deficit without cutting U.S. defense spending.
Now why is that happening??? dumb ass Obama!
But spending is down; the force is smaller than when Obama took office and its equipment is aging.
And, indeed, military leaders have spoken out about what they call the national-security dangers associated with climate change.

Second, mandatory spending has increased.
That means benefit payouts for Social Security, Medicare, and other mandated programs.
It's exceeded $2 trillion a year since FY 2011.
These payments consume two-thirds of the revenue each year.

Only an Act of Congress that amends a program's benefits can change them. That would require a majority vote in both houses and is unlikely to happen. Any reduction in benefits takes money out of the pockets of current beneficiaries. The powerful demographic of seniors would vote lawmakers out of office.
4 Reasons the U.S. Deficit Is Out of Control

NOW if you dumb f...ks would let people manage their OWN SS accounts by telling SS where to put the money... nearly every one of the people on SS would have had stashed
nearly $1 million by retirement! PROOF???
View attachment 221132
Without Social Security, the elderly would be eating cat food. And I’m pretty sure that’s what Republicans want. Republicans think that’s funny.
Still waiting for wages to rise
How could an economy with 3.7 percent unemployment and an almost fifty percent cut in corporate taxes only see a wage increase of 2.7 percent?
If you recall, each month Obama's Labor Department cautioned us that the drop in unemployment was due, at least in part to so many Americans dropping out of the labor force out of despair of ever finding a decent job, and now all those people have come back to the labor force to find jobs, thus swelling the ranks of job seekers and slowing down the rise in wages. A loyal American would be celebrating our new prosperity instead of yearning for the bad old days under Obama.
You do realize that 13 million americans entered the labor force under the Great Obama.......numbers Crooked Donnie can only dream about

AND YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!! NO where near 13 million jobs!
A) Where is your proof?
B) When you compare the number of jobs when Obama took office with the total now, the difference is a net gain of 11.3 million jobs
The workforce participation rate has ranged between 62.5% to 63%. That’s significantly lower than the 66% rate before the Great Recession. Workforce participation hasn’t been as low as it’s been lately since the Jimmy Carter-era economic malaise of the 1970s.
How many people have given up on seeking jobs? In 2014, FiveThirtyEight
estimated that 8 million working-age Americans were not employed but also not counted in the unemployment rate because they’d stopped looking for jobs.
Here's What Really Happened to Jobs During the Obama Years
And these people KNEW with a President making statements and policies like these there WoULD BE NO jobs!
View attachment 221102
The Great Obama faced an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office
Once he reversed the Great Bush Recession of 2008, he added 13 million jobs
In fact, Obama inherited a financial crisis, not a recession, from the Bush administration and it was his failure to promptly address the contraction of credit the financial crisis caused that led to the recession. It is more accurate to refer to the Bush financial crisis and the Obama recession.
Obama did an amazing job with Republicans fighting him every step of the way.
Republicans would see the country fall before they would help Obama.
If you recall, each month Obama's Labor Department cautioned us that the drop in unemployment was due, at least in part to so many Americans dropping out of the labor force out of despair of ever finding a decent job, and now all those people have come back to the labor force to find jobs, thus swelling the ranks of job seekers and slowing down the rise in wages. A loyal American would be celebrating our new prosperity instead of yearning for the bad old days under Obama.
You do realize that 13 million americans entered the labor force under the Great Obama.......numbers Crooked Donnie can only dream about

AND YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!! NO where near 13 million jobs!
A) Where is your proof?
B) When you compare the number of jobs when Obama took office with the total now, the difference is a net gain of 11.3 million jobs
The workforce participation rate has ranged between 62.5% to 63%. That’s significantly lower than the 66% rate before the Great Recession. Workforce participation hasn’t been as low as it’s been lately since the Jimmy Carter-era economic malaise of the 1970s.
How many people have given up on seeking jobs? In 2014, FiveThirtyEight
estimated that 8 million working-age Americans were not employed but also not counted in the unemployment rate because they’d stopped looking for jobs.
Here's What Really Happened to Jobs During the Obama Years
And these people KNEW with a President making statements and policies like these there WoULD BE NO jobs!
View attachment 221102
The Great Obama faced an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office
Once he reversed the Great Bush Recession of 2008, he added 13 million jobs
In fact, Obama inherited a financial crisis, not a recession, from the Bush administration and it was his failure to promptly address the contraction of credit the financial crisis caused that led to the recession. It is more accurate to refer to the Bush financial crisis and the Obama recession.
Obama did an amazing job with Republicans fighting him every step of the way.
Republicans would see the country fall before they would help Obama.
He did an amazing job at what?
It is so simple to knock dumb people's argument down with the Internet!
Simple searches get answers BEFORE hitting the POST REPLY KEY!!!!

So we learned
A) Obama's 13 million was closer to 11.3 million.
B) That 95% of these "JOBS" were part-time or were contractors where health insurance wasn't needed to be offered by employer.
AND that this was probably the major reason that:
In addition, the average number of people on SNAP every month hit a record high in 2011 -- 44.7 million.
Newt Gingrich says Obama put more people on food stamps than any other U.S. President

Wonder why if there were "JOBS"?
Why are deficits increasing so rapidly if more people are working?

Where is your proof deficits specifically "increasing so rapidly"? What a dumb ass comment!
A) what do you mean INCREASING????
B) AND what is "so rapidly"?
Give me proof on A) deficits INCREASING B) "so rapidly"... exactly what is "so rapidly"???
The FY2019 federal budget estimates budget deficits out to 2023. It forecasts deficits just under $1 trillion per year, declining to $800 billion by 2023.
US Federal Deficit by Year - plus charts and analysis
Now what comprises these "deficits"???
A) NOW here is another lesson for you dummies:
It's difficult to reduce the budget deficit without cutting U.S. defense spending.
Now why is that happening??? dumb ass Obama!
But spending is down; the force is smaller than when Obama took office and its equipment is aging.
And, indeed, military leaders have spoken out about what they call the national-security dangers associated with climate change.

Second, mandatory spending has increased.
That means benefit payouts for Social Security, Medicare, and other mandated programs.
It's exceeded $2 trillion a year since FY 2011.
These payments consume two-thirds of the revenue each year.

Only an Act of Congress that amends a program's benefits can change them. That would require a majority vote in both houses and is unlikely to happen. Any reduction in benefits takes money out of the pockets of current beneficiaries. The powerful demographic of seniors would vote lawmakers out of office.
4 Reasons the U.S. Deficit Is Out of Control

NOW if you dumb f...ks would let people manage their OWN SS accounts by telling SS where to put the money... nearly every one of the people on SS would have had stashed
nearly $1 million by retirement! PROOF???
View attachment 221132
Without Social Security, the elderly would be eating cat food. And I’m pretty sure that’s what Republicans want. Republicans think that’s funny.

Don’t worry, if you worked a full time job you get more money when you collect. Hopefully it will be there, if we stop giving 20 something junkies SSD for fake PTSD, bipolar, borderline personality disorders, brought on by shooting dope. Most don’t qualify for selling burgers, and have no work history. But our vets who are heroes wind up getting screwed. That needs to be our priority. Seems to be going in a better direction with this administration.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Still waiting for wages to rise
How could an economy with 3.7 percent unemployment and an almost fifty percent cut in corporate taxes only see a wage increase of 2.7 percent?
If you recall, each month Obama's Labor Department cautioned us that the drop in unemployment was due, at least in part to so many Americans dropping out of the labor force out of despair of ever finding a decent job, and now all those people have come back to the labor force to find jobs, thus swelling the ranks of job seekers and slowing down the rise in wages. A loyal American would be celebrating our new prosperity instead of yearning for the bad old days under Obama.
You do realize that 13 million americans entered the labor force under the Great Obama.......numbers Crooked Donnie can only dream about

AND YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!! NO where near 13 million jobs!
A) Where is your proof?
B) When you compare the number of jobs when Obama took office with the total now, the difference is a net gain of 11.3 million jobs
The workforce participation rate has ranged between 62.5% to 63%. That’s significantly lower than the 66% rate before the Great Recession. Workforce participation hasn’t been as low as it’s been lately since the Jimmy Carter-era economic malaise of the 1970s.
How many people have given up on seeking jobs? In 2014, FiveThirtyEight
estimated that 8 million working-age Americans were not employed but also not counted in the unemployment rate because they’d stopped looking for jobs.
Here's What Really Happened to Jobs During the Obama Years
And these people KNEW with a President making statements and policies like these there WoULD BE NO jobs!
View attachment 221102
The Great Obama faced an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office
Once he reversed the Great Bush Recession of 2008, he added 13 million jobs
In fact, Obama inherited a financial crisis, not a recession, from the Bush administration and it was his failure to promptly address the contraction of credit the financial crisis caused that led to the recession. It is more accurate to refer to the Bush financial crisis and the Obama recession.

ONCE again you have you bassackwards facts totally UNSUPPORTED and ignorantly displayed!
HERE is reality!

NOW TARP Was PAID back during OBAMA and he STILL ran up the highest deficits of any past 5 presidents!

I DARE YOU to find anything DIFFERENT from the BELOW FACTS!!!!!

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