How can Hillary Win with her party stacked against her? Or is it her party?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Wow! There are some really surprising things taking place right now in the ramp up to the 2016 Potus contest. I personally am of the Opinion that Hillary is pretty much unbeatable and probably not for the same reasons that others do. My take on the current state of the election process here in the US is that it is attended to by Zombie squads who stagger into the booth and swat at what is familiar to them. For this reason alone Hillary has an unparalleled advantage unlike any POTUS candidate in the History of this contest.

Now then to date we have not heard from any other serious contenders on from the left. If there are any I am totally unaware of them. I have been saying right along that for the GOP to have any kind of chance against the huge recognition factor that Clinton has they would have to start EARLY and pretty much skip the convention. That however is when I assumed that her own party would be in her corner. That apparently is not the case and given Obama's penchant for meddling internationally I am ready to begin naming two distinct groups on the American left those being the Original Democratic Party and the Newly arrived ( as of Obama's election ) American Globalist party which is clearly against a Clinton victory in 2016 and you just have to wonder..... why exactly?? Now I have a hunch that Hillary will win even against those odds but this is indeed a game changer to be sure.

If you look closely you can see the distinct separation of the left into these two categories. Now that Obama has no election numbers to juggle we are seeing the modus operandi in full splendor and it has a distinctly anti-american/Globally inclusive flavor to it. The cheerleaders of course are predictable....the Black Caucus actually believes that Obama Gives a flying fkk about them and so they will bring up his coat tails no matter what....even though he has no more terms left.....that one is pretty comical if not sadly simplistic too! Then there are the commy Akademiks like Axelrod and Jarett....both shadowy figures and both decidedly Anti-American radicals. Apparently there are a whole slew of these people on the left that have just been silent until now. Add to that some of the super wacky socialist propagators like Wasserman-schultz or Bernie Sanders and you have the distinct construct of a totally separate and distinct political faction that has goals quite different from the original democratic platform. I think Bob Menendez might be on to something here folks! There are of course some sub sections here like the growing rift between the needs of the black community and the needs of the Latino community...that one is going to be fun to watch! Also there are some real Americans still in the Democratic Party who seem to be distancing themselves from the Obama radicals.

With all the news that the White house is working feverishly topple Hillary...still haven't heard anything from the lefty cabal here on that wonders whether a Hillary nomination this summer will be a Truly Democrat[ic] Nomination or if it will be one contested by the Globalist wing of the party.

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