How can Muslim women tolerate a lack of gender equality in Islamic cultures?

There are consequences that go along with choices and the consequences don't always fall entirely on the person exercising a choice.

Gender equality is a secular idea that has proven to be a failure in the western nations.

It gave rise to Feminism.......which lead to abortion on demand, rampant lesbianism, 50+% of children born to single mothers, rapid increase of STD's among women, increased female prison population, etc.

The first is very much true, but it wasn't gender equality alone that caused the problems you list.
Most of it was down to the rejection of religion, Christianity in most western cases, and the loss of moral values that was guaranteed to follow that rejection.
The political left have a lot to answer for.

I liked your post because you said something I believe is true.

Should I have given you a check mark because I agree with your statement? Or is it better for you to be liked?

Neither of of any matter.
I post because that's what I believe to be the case, not because I want to be liked.
That applies in any and every thread I post in.
I post against Israel's murder, as I post against IS and their stupidity.
I have little interest who likes it, more putting my point of view over.

But thanks for the thought. :)


All of the episodes of the "Little Mosque on the Prairie" can be found on Youtube.

It's a great show.......too bad it wasn't shown on American TV.

Even American TV executives have a limit to how much contrived multicultural nonsense they can stomach and push out to their audience. If propaganda is too blatant then Americans won't buy it. Canadian government propaganda doesn't have much appeal to American audiences.
The key to their strategy might be to increase the numbers of Muslims living in America so they can take advantage of our laws and rules and demand representation by one of their own. Muslim elected representatives and officials.

Check out the latest happenings from Norway:

"If norwegian soldiers can take planes to Afghanistan, then Osama and Mohammed can also take planes to Norway, inshaAllah. Now, the government must wake up and assume responsibility, before this war spreads to Norway. Before the counterpart reacts. Before moslems take the step necessary.

Do not confuse the moslems’ silence with weakness. Do not profit from the moslems’ patience. Do not force us to do something that can be avoided. This is not a threat, only the words of truth. The words of justice.

A warning that the consequences can be fatal. A warning about a 9/11 on norwegian ground, or larger attacks than the one carried out on 22 july. This is for your own good and in your own best interest.’

We do not want to be a part of norwegian society. And we do not consider it necessary either to move away from Norway, because we were born and grew up here. And Allah’s earth belongs to everybody.

But let Grønland become ours. Bar this city quarter and let us control it the way we wish to do it. This is the best for both parts.

We do not wish to live together with dirty beasts like you.
The key to their strategy might be to increase the numbers of Muslims living in America so they can take advantage of our laws and rules and demand representation by one of their own. Muslim elected representatives and officials.

Check out the latest happenings from Norway:

"If norwegian soldiers can take planes to Afghanistan, then Osama and Mohammed can also take planes to Norway, inshaAllah. Now, the government must wake up and assume responsibility, before this war spreads to Norway. Before the counterpart reacts. Before moslems take the step necessary.

Do not confuse the moslems’ silence with weakness. Do not profit from the moslems’ patience. Do not force us to do something that can be avoided. This is not a threat, only the words of truth. The words of justice.

A warning that the consequences can be fatal. A warning about a 9/11 on norwegian ground, or larger attacks than the one carried out on 22 july. This is for your own good and in your own best interest.’

We do not want to be a part of norwegian society. And we do not consider it necessary either to move away from Norway, because we were born and grew up here. And Allah’s earth belongs to everybody.

But let Grønland become ours. Bar this city quarter and let us control it the way we wish to do it. This is the best for both parts.

We do not wish to live together with dirty beasts like you.

But SURELY no one could possibly hold the MODERATE MUSLIMS responsible for the sins of those lunatics!

Actually, "Yes, we can!"

Until a more accurate method of discerning Jihadi from Moderate is discovered we can only count the total numbers of Muslims in a country and then look to the matrix described here:


by Richard Butrick

Forget the Five Pillars[1] of Islam. It is the Five Stages of Islam that threaten the fundamental freedoms of Western Democracy. Freedoms which include freedom of thought, expression, and association and the crucial derived right of freedom of the press. We should never forget that "Islam" means submission -- the opposite of self-determination and Enlightenment values.

Six years ago Dr. Peter Hammond published[2] a remarkable book which included a statistical study of the correlation between Muslim to non-Muslim population ratios and the transition from conciliatory Islam to fascist Islam. The stages are the same in 2011 but the demographics have changed to show an alarming progression. Many European nations and the U.S. are on the cusp of moving to a higher bracket. The demographics change but the story is the same. First comes the taqiyya and[3] the kitman; then comes the Sword of Islam. Imam[4] Rauf, the Ground Zero Mosque promoter, is the current master of taqiyya. He has gulled everyone from Bloomberg[5] to Maureen Dowd[6] of the NYT -- who fanaticizes over male Muslims. Expect doppelgangers of Khomeini for stage 5 and Islamic PEACE at last.

Stage 1. Establish a Beachhead

Population density at 2% (US, Australia, Canada).

Muslims are conciliatory, deferential but request harmless special treatment (foot bath facilities, removal/elimination of that which is offensive to delicate Muslim sensibilities - like walking dogs near Mosques).

Stage 2. Establish Outposts

Population density 2% - 5% (UK, Germany, Denmark). At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. A recent example[7] is that of Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal who is back in Jamaica after being kicked out of the UK. Sound harmless? Read on:

The dispatch, dated February 2010, warns that that Jamaica could be fertile ground for jihadists because of its underground drug economy, marginalized youth, insufficient security and gang networks in U.S. and British prisons.

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