How can one take a stand against illegal immigration or force local politicians to?

Broke Loser - As a veteran Paramedic, I've asked at least a dozen politicians - the most recent being former L.A. Mayor Tony Villaraigosa 0 why they won't spend a 24-hour ride-along shift with a Paramedic team in South San Diego? Then I handed them my phone number.

They each - every single one - smiled and said, "I'd really like to do that."

No, they really don't. Because if they did, they might have to try to explain why 85 emergency rooms have closed. just in California alone. And they would cower in the corner of the ambulance at the mere sight of who - exactly - is responsible for most of the blood-letting on our streets - night after night after night.

Here's a question for your favorite politician, and one I personally asked Tony V (who may well be our next Governor):

When is the last time you heard about a Vietnamese or a Japanese drive-by shooting in L.A.?

Dear Broke Loser: don't hold your breath for a logical answer.
Very well said!
again, talk to your fellow white people who hire them to pick their lettuce and clean their toilets and watch their kids.
You've raised an important issue. But the presence of temporary day-help would be easily controllable by establishing and properly maintaining a biometric citizen ID system to prevent employment of illegals and enable the regulated presence of "carded" day workers.
Pull ICE and DHS out of the state of California completely.
Warn the people first, but DO IT.
Allow it to go lawless.
Deport all ILLEGALS to the state of California.
Stop ALL federal benefit coverage for things like emergency room care for ILLEGALS.
Should take just one summer to get the results you need.

Um, Dork Furby, CA sends more to Washington than they get back.
CalPers will require 100 % of every tax dollar taken in and still be short! They carry a lot of their debt off book thus your statement is a lie.
You've raised an important issue. But the presence of temporary day-help would be easily controllable by establishing and properly maintaining a biometric citizen ID system to prevent employment of illegals and enable the regulated presence of "carded" day workers.

Oh, I agree, a national ID card system would be great. But we'd never do that because the Libertarian Wing of the GOP would be seeing black UN helicopters or some such shit.

That said, the people who are determined to cheat working Americans out of money will try to find a way around it, unless you really enforce it.
CalPers will require 100 % of every tax dollar taken in and still be short! They carry a lot of their debt off book thus your statement is a lie.

Um, no. You really don't know what you are talking about, Dork Furby.

The Blue states carry the red states. We have the industry and the economic activity, not the states where Cleetus marries his cousin, Betty Sue.
CalPers will require 100 % of every tax dollar taken in and still be short! They carry a lot of their debt off book thus your statement is a lie.

Um, no. You really don't know what you are talking about, Dork Furby.

The Blue states carry the red states. We have the industry and the economic activity, not the states where Cleetus marries his cousin, Betty Sue.
You better look up CalPers on the net idiot. It will be technically insolvent in June of this year. william the wie
Can bring you up to date on that.
You overestimated how ready, willing and able I am to go crawling through the CalPers sewer.

85 Emergency room closures in CA just posted and linked by Patric Paramedic on another thread I'm following.

Adjusted for the 30% tax bracket the 10 year treasury yields only 60% as much as CA's top rated debt.

I don't know about you but I haven't seen or heard any of the usual propaganda about "everyone is rebuilding." to cover up for the fact that U-Haul charges nearly double for outgoing trucks v. incoming trucks in CA.

If yield whores didn't make crack whores seem picky CA would have gone into default long ago.

And in summary only raiding CalPers funds is keeping CA out of default.
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You overestimated how ready, willing and able I am to go crawling through the CalPers sewer.

85 Emergency room closures in CA just posted and linked by Silhouette on another thread I'm following.

Adjusted for the 30% tax bracket the 10 year treasury yields only 60% as much as CA's top rated debt.

I don't know about you but I haven't seen or heard any of the usual propaganda about "everyone is rebuilding." to cover up for the fact that U-Haul charges nearly double for outgoing trucks v. incoming trucks in CA.

If yield whores didn't make crack whores seem picky CA would have gone into default long ago.

And in summary only raiding CalPers funds is keeping CA out of default.
Truck fees are 185% higher for leaving California. California has a off book debt ratio much higher. Many California residents that are retired are moving to no take States where laws force unions to keep their promises on benefits.
I was using the Austin TX numbers. If you are using the AZ numbers as I suspect then the SOCAL real estate market is in really bad shape. didn't that premium used to be a lot higher back in 2015?
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You overestimated how ready, willing and able I am to go crawling through the CalPers sewer.

85 Emergency room closures in CA just posted and linked by Silhouette on another thread I'm following.

Adjusted for the 30% tax bracket the 10 year treasury yields only 60% as much as CA's top rated debt.

I don't know about you but I haven't seen or heard any of the usual propaganda about "everyone is rebuilding." to cover up for the fact that U-Haul charges nearly double for outgoing trucks v. incoming trucks in CA.

If yield whores didn't make crack whores seem picky CA would have gone into default long ago.

And in summary only raiding CalPers funds is keeping CA out of default.
Truck fees are 185% higher for leaving California. California has a off book debt ratio much higher. Many California residents that are retired are moving to no take States where laws force unions to keep their promises on benefits.
You overestimated how ready, willing and able I am to go crawling through the CalPers sewer.

85 Emergency room closures in CA just posted and linked by, (see edit above) on another thread I'm following.

Adjusted for the 30% tax bracket the 10 year treasury yields only 60% as much as CA's top rated debt.

I don't know about you but I haven't seen or heard any of the usual propaganda about "everyone is rebuilding." to cover up for the fact that U-Haul charges nearly double for outgoing trucks v. incoming trucks in CA.

If yield whores didn't make crack whores seem picky CA would have gone into default long ago.

And in summary only raiding CalPers funds is keeping CA out of default.
Truck fees are 185% higher for leaving California. California has a off book debt ratio much higher. Many California residents that are retired are moving to no take States where laws force unions to keep their promises on benefits.
I doubt that will work on CalPers because of 10th Amendment and the relevant unions are flat broke due to legislation in another state. What will work is public service union strikes.
You better look up CalPers on the net idiot. It will be technically insolvent in June of this year. william the wie
Can bring you up to date on that.

That's one program... you miss the point entirely.

You just aren't very smart, are you?
That one program carries more debt than all the money the state takes in idiot! All of it, they just cut Union benefits by 63% illegally to make any type of payment. Maybe you should study up on public debt load moron.
the yield on the 10 year treasury is eroding and I am getting vibes that at least some blue state munis are dropping in price. I kind of doubt that intelligence because yield whores never show that much sense.
My money is on a further collapse of public services before any of the big five, CA, IL, MA, NJ & NY, go into default and followed how quickly and by how many is anyone's guess.
Broke Loser - As a veteran Paramedic, I've asked at least a dozen politicians - the most recent being former L.A. Mayor Tony Villaraigosa 0 why they won't spend a 24-hour ride-along shift with a Paramedic team in South San Diego? Then I handed them my phone number.

They each - every single one - smiled and said, "I'd really like to do that."

No, they really don't. Because if they did, they might have to try to explain why 85 emergency rooms have closed. just in California alone. And they would cower in the corner of the ambulance at the mere sight of who - exactly - is responsible for most of the blood-letting on our streets - night after night after night.

Here's a question for your favorite politician, and one I personally asked Tony V (who may well be our next Governor):

When is the last time you heard about a Vietnamese or a Japanese drive-by shooting in L.A.?

Dear Broke Loser: don't hold your breath for a logical answer.
Good old Southbay San is that shithole these days? My condolence. Glad I left.
That one program carries more debt than all the money the state takes in idiot! All of it, they just cut Union benefits by 63% illegally to make any type of payment. Maybe you should study up on public debt load moron.

Why, you guys always exaggerate it... to justify tax cuts for rich people.

"Their debt is unsustainable if we go out 50 years!!!"
That one program carries more debt than all the money the state takes in idiot! All of it, they just cut Union benefits by 63% illegally to make any type of payment. Maybe you should study up on public debt load moron.

Why, you guys always exaggerate it... to justify tax cuts for rich people.

"Their debt is unsustainable if we go out 50 years!!!"
How many car payments you going to make idiot when your mortgage takes 100% of your check?
How many car payments you going to make idiot when your mortgage takes 100% of your check?

Again, you're babbling....

So you are going to give back your Trump Tax cut to pay down the 20 Trillion debt, right?
You can take a stand on anything you want. You can’t force anyone else into that stand.

That’s brilliant....any ideas?

Your representative is “supposed” to vote according to their constituents, that’s not always the case with regard to those in D,C. ... especially in regards to illegal or undocumented immigrants.

Now California would not object to using illegal immigrants to increase its representation in the House under Congress. You may not know this, but when it comes to the census there is nothing to differentiate the U.S. citizen from one who is here illegally. All those living within the boundary of the United States gets counted. This is why, with regards to DACA, there is no exact count as to how many fit into that description except for those who make it known to the government.

The state of Texas is changing their state run election to the electoral college, a rather good decision to combat the flow of illegal immigrants in seeking our nation’s benefits as well as a desire for representation. Again representation is based on “people residing within the state”, not a count of U.S. citizenship. No more will cities overwhelmingly dictate state legislative policy, but those rural suburbs will have equal say and representation. Our best hope is to start on the state level, even make the case for a state electoral college with your local representative.
It's been declining all on it's own since 2008.

Only hire contractors with pay-rolled employees to work on your house.

Make the penalty for hiring undocumented workers and paying them under the table punishable by death or life in prison.

So what exactly is Libby Schaaf’s excuse? Either we protect and allow illegal (undocumented workers) to stay contrary to our federal immigration law, or we indeed enforce a penalty on those who don’t enforce it. Does she qualify for your life in prison or death penalty proposal? What penalty do you propose for those in a position meant to enforce federal law?

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