How can one take a stand against illegal immigration or force local politicians to?

Considering the damage Illegal immigration can do, with particular emphasis on the dangerously aggressive type of illegals presently pouring in from the Middle East, any elected official who will not act to eliminate this invasive threat may be regarded as treasonous to the fundamental interests of the Nation and must be promptly removed from office -- regardless of any other consideration. It is important that those of us who understand the nature of the threat these illegal Muslims pose to our Country make every possible effort to educate those who do not understand it and to convince them to vote the treacherous pro-immigrant politicians out.

Again -- this is critically important!
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Anybody have any good ideas? A certain letter that you sent to a politician that’s worded just right? Share it here.
You take a stand by saying you arent going to stand for it anymore. However, you might get your ass kicked like those losers did from the confederacy.

I seriously doubt that...I wear a bright red Make America Great Again hat everyday to the ghettos and barrios where I have building projects going. I try to provoke the filthy cockroaches...they’re scared little bitches...they won’t engage. I’m 6’4” 260lbs...the common cockroach is 5’6” 120lbs....I like physics and my odds.
I seriously doubt you go to the ghettos everyday much less wear a MAGA hat like the school shooter. Your confederate loser heroes had delusions of grandeur like you and you see what happened to them after they started believing their own press clippings right?

Why do you refer to “confederate losers” when the Hillarywing of the Democratic Party still holds those beliefs...they have ever brought the idea of nullification back as their response to illegal immigration! The Hillarybots are disgusting
Considering the damage Illegal immigration can do, with particular emphasis on the dangerously aggressive type of illegals presently pouring in from the Middle East, any elected official who will not act to eliminate this invasive threat may be regarded as treasonous to the fundamental interests of the Nation and must be promptly removed from office -- regardless of any other consideration. It is important that those of us who understand the nature of the threat these illegal Muslims pose to our Country make every possible effort to educate those who do not understand it and to convince them to vote the treacherous pro-immigrant politicians out.

Ooooh, there's a scary Muslim hiding under your bed, right now.
Considering the damage Illegal immigration can do, with particular emphasis on the dangerously aggressive type of illegals presently pouring in from the Middle East, any elected official who will not act to eliminate this invasive threat may be regarded as treasonous to the fundamental interests of the Nation and must be promptly removed from office -- regardless of any other consideration. It is important that those of us who understand the nature of the threat these illegal Muslims pose to our Country make every possible effort to educate those who do not understand it and to convince them to vote the treacherous pro-immigrant politicians out.

Ooooh, there's a scary Muslim hiding under your bed, right now.

Every nation has a right to defend its own borders. Just exactly where in the Constitution does it state that we HAVE to accept immigrants (or even refugees for that matter) from all parts of the world, particularly from those known areas where terrorists have built a strongholds and actively look for means to infiltrate our country.

Do we need another 9-11 because some are too thickheaded, or just lacking in intelligence to know we need protective measures in place to protect our own citizens?
Every nation has a right to defend its own borders. Just exactly where in the Constitution does it state that we HAVE to accept immigrants (or even refugees for that matter) from all parts of the world, particularly from those known areas where terrorists have built a strongholds and actively look for means to infiltrate our country.

Hey, guy, when we stop arming terrorists, we probably won't have a problem with them anymore. WE armed Saddam. WE armed Bin Laden. WE armed the assholes who killed those folks in Benghazi.

Which has nothing to do with how to rework our immigration laws. The 9/11 hijackers got in here legally on student visas because the Saudis fucking OWN us.
Anybody have any good ideas? A certain letter that you sent to a politician that’s worded just right? Share it here.

Why do so many people fret over so - called "illegal immigration" when it is actually a symptom of a much deeper disease?

The American people have, of their own free will and volition, created the symptoms whereby they demand the government help save them from themselves. The more you demand the government do something, the more they will reduce your Rights and attack your Liberties until you have nothing left.

And, as they do that, you come closer to having the United States Supreme Court make the final decision as to how to best handle the situation. If you let them decide, you are not going to like what they have to say.

The best place to look for a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. You don't need the government to resolve this issue.
Considering the damage Illegal immigration can do, with particular emphasis on the dangerously aggressive type of illegals presently pouring in from the Middle East, any elected official who will not act to eliminate this invasive threat may be regarded as treasonous to the fundamental interests of the Nation and must be promptly removed from office -- regardless of any other consideration. It is important that those of us who understand the nature of the threat these illegal Muslims pose to our Country make every possible effort to educate those who do not understand it and to convince them to vote the treacherous pro-immigrant politicians out.

Ooooh, there's a scary Muslim hiding under your bed, right now.

Every nation has a right to defend its own borders. Just exactly where in the Constitution does it state that we HAVE to accept immigrants (or even refugees for that matter) from all parts of the world, particularly from those known areas where terrorists have built a strongholds and actively look for means to infiltrate our country.

Do we need another 9-11 because some are too thickheaded, or just lacking in intelligence to know we need protective measures in place to protect our own citizens?

The Constitution is very limited in the role it can play toward foreigners. For example, Article 1, Section 8 states:

"To establish an Uniform Rule of Naturalization"

What the Constitution does not say is that people have to become citizens in order to conduct business in the United States. What the Constitution does not say is that we have to extend the privileges and benefits of citizenship to non-citizens. Yet the right demands that all foreigners become citizens and the left gives the foreigners the same benefits and privileges of citizenship.

It's dishonest to claim that foreigners are "invading" because over half of America is willingly doing business with those who are undocumented. That makes them, for all intents and purposes, invitees.
A simple fee or fine can ensure all foreign nationals in the US, have a federal id.

Bumper sticker slogans for solutions are what is responsible for the demise of the Republic.
No faith in capitalism?

I think the system IS working. Over half of America is on drugs, be it legal or illegal. The government starts out with treating children for absolutely bogus conditions like ADD / ADHD. So the child is introduced to Ritalin. From there, children are taught they need SSRIs / opioids because their lives are so bad they can't cope. Then the children lose their insurance or decide to self medicate.

So, we have a government and their constituency that is so freaking stupid that they want to criminalize drugs after they just spent years creating the addicts. Foreigners take advantage of the situation by importing drugs. And the bulk of Americans, so stupid from the effects of drugs, they cannot figure this equation out:

Once you've created the addict, you either legalize drugs, cease and desist creating addicts, OR accept the fact that drugs are going to come in the U.S. via the border.

The addicts, unable and unwilling to work, leave a void whereby foreign laborers come in and do the job. Even if you got rid of the foreigners, it won't make an addict clean and it won't give them a clean criminal record. Adding insult to injury, even if an addict cleans up their act, we have a nation of dumb asses that rely on background checks and we have no second chances nor do we believe in redemption. So that half of America, most likely are not returning to work.

Then we blame all of this on foreigners and want to punish them for the conditions our own people created - AND REFUSE TO DEAL WITH. It's easier to blame the foreigners, but the practice means that the people are willing to forfeit their unalienable Rights and Liberties instead of addressing the root cause of their problems. I'm not willing to give up my Rights so that nit wits can get laws passed to screw with the foreigners - all of whom are simply taking advantage of the situation the American people created for themselves.
A simple fee or fine can ensure all foreign nationals in the US, have a federal id.

Bumper sticker slogans for solutions are what is responsible for the demise of the Republic.
No faith in capitalism?

I think the system IS working. Over half of America is on drugs, be it legal or illegal. The government starts out with treating children for absolutely bogus conditions like ADD / ADHD. So the child is introduced to Ritalin. From there, children are taught they need SSRIs / opioids because their lives are so bad they can't cope. Then the children lose their insurance or decide to self medicate.

So, we have a government and their constituency that is so freaking stupid that they want to criminalize drugs after they just spent years creating the addicts. Foreigners take advantage of the situation by importing drugs. And the bulk of Americans, so stupid from the effects of drugs, they cannot figure this equation out:

Once you've created the addict, you either legalize drugs, cease and desist creating addicts, OR accept the fact that drugs are going to come in the U.S. via the border.

The addicts, unable and unwilling to work, leave a void whereby foreign laborers come in and do the job. Even if you got rid of the foreigners, it won't make an addict clean and it won't give them a clean criminal record. Adding insult to injury, even if an addict cleans up their act, we have a nation of dumb asses that rely on background checks and we have no second chances nor do we believe in redemption. So that half of America, most likely are not returning to work.

Then we blame all of this on foreigners and want to punish them for the conditions our own people created - AND REFUSE TO DEAL WITH. It's easier to blame the foreigners, but the practice means that the people are willing to forfeit their unalienable Rights and Liberties instead of addressing the root cause of their problems. I'm not willing to give up my Rights so that nit wits can get laws passed to screw with the foreigners - all of whom are simply taking advantage of the situation the American people created for themselves.
All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id.
A simple fee or fine can ensure all foreign nationals in the US, have a federal id.

Bumper sticker slogans for solutions are what is responsible for the demise of the Republic.
No faith in capitalism?

I think the system IS working. Over half of America is on drugs, be it legal or illegal. The government starts out with treating children for absolutely bogus conditions like ADD / ADHD. So the child is introduced to Ritalin. From there, children are taught they need SSRIs / opioids because their lives are so bad they can't cope. Then the children lose their insurance or decide to self medicate.

So, we have a government and their constituency that is so freaking stupid that they want to criminalize drugs after they just spent years creating the addicts. Foreigners take advantage of the situation by importing drugs. And the bulk of Americans, so stupid from the effects of drugs, they cannot figure this equation out:

Once you've created the addict, you either legalize drugs, cease and desist creating addicts, OR accept the fact that drugs are going to come in the U.S. via the border.

The addicts, unable and unwilling to work, leave a void whereby foreign laborers come in and do the job. Even if you got rid of the foreigners, it won't make an addict clean and it won't give them a clean criminal record. Adding insult to injury, even if an addict cleans up their act, we have a nation of dumb asses that rely on background checks and we have no second chances nor do we believe in redemption. So that half of America, most likely are not returning to work.

Then we blame all of this on foreigners and want to punish them for the conditions our own people created - AND REFUSE TO DEAL WITH. It's easier to blame the foreigners, but the practice means that the people are willing to forfeit their unalienable Rights and Liberties instead of addressing the root cause of their problems. I'm not willing to give up my Rights so that nit wits can get laws passed to screw with the foreigners - all of whom are simply taking advantage of the situation the American people created for themselves.
All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id.

I'm just not into that Orwellian crap. I don't like the fact that I'm required to have such an ID where the government can track everything we do from the womb to the tomb, 24 / 7 / 365.

Heaven forbid the government do a complete takeover and try to tyrannize all of us. Due to the inability to mount any opposition because Uncle Scam knows everything about us we'd never be able to mount a resistance.

Unless you want something from Uncle Scam (i.e. money, an education, healthcare at taxpayer expense, etc.) then ID serves little purpose.
A simple fee or fine can ensure all foreign nationals in the US, have a federal id.

Bumper sticker slogans for solutions are what is responsible for the demise of the Republic.
No faith in capitalism?

I think the system IS working. Over half of America is on drugs, be it legal or illegal. The government starts out with treating children for absolutely bogus conditions like ADD / ADHD. So the child is introduced to Ritalin. From there, children are taught they need SSRIs / opioids because their lives are so bad they can't cope. Then the children lose their insurance or decide to self medicate.

So, we have a government and their constituency that is so freaking stupid that they want to criminalize drugs after they just spent years creating the addicts. Foreigners take advantage of the situation by importing drugs. And the bulk of Americans, so stupid from the effects of drugs, they cannot figure this equation out:

Once you've created the addict, you either legalize drugs, cease and desist creating addicts, OR accept the fact that drugs are going to come in the U.S. via the border.

The addicts, unable and unwilling to work, leave a void whereby foreign laborers come in and do the job. Even if you got rid of the foreigners, it won't make an addict clean and it won't give them a clean criminal record. Adding insult to injury, even if an addict cleans up their act, we have a nation of dumb asses that rely on background checks and we have no second chances nor do we believe in redemption. So that half of America, most likely are not returning to work.

Then we blame all of this on foreigners and want to punish them for the conditions our own people created - AND REFUSE TO DEAL WITH. It's easier to blame the foreigners, but the practice means that the people are willing to forfeit their unalienable Rights and Liberties instead of addressing the root cause of their problems. I'm not willing to give up my Rights so that nit wits can get laws passed to screw with the foreigners - all of whom are simply taking advantage of the situation the American people created for themselves.
All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id.

I'm just not into that Orwellian crap. I don't like the fact that I'm required to have such an ID where the government can track everything we do from the womb to the tomb, 24 / 7 / 365.

Heaven forbid the government do a complete takeover and try to tyrannize all of us. Due to the inability to mount any opposition because Uncle Scam knows everything about us we'd never be able to mount a resistance.

Unless you want something from Uncle Scam (i.e. money, an education, healthcare at taxpayer expense, etc.) then ID serves little purpose.
are you a foreign national in the US? if not, don't whine about it, be Patriotic.
Bumper sticker slogans for solutions are what is responsible for the demise of the Republic.
No faith in capitalism?

I think the system IS working. Over half of America is on drugs, be it legal or illegal. The government starts out with treating children for absolutely bogus conditions like ADD / ADHD. So the child is introduced to Ritalin. From there, children are taught they need SSRIs / opioids because their lives are so bad they can't cope. Then the children lose their insurance or decide to self medicate.

So, we have a government and their constituency that is so freaking stupid that they want to criminalize drugs after they just spent years creating the addicts. Foreigners take advantage of the situation by importing drugs. And the bulk of Americans, so stupid from the effects of drugs, they cannot figure this equation out:

Once you've created the addict, you either legalize drugs, cease and desist creating addicts, OR accept the fact that drugs are going to come in the U.S. via the border.

The addicts, unable and unwilling to work, leave a void whereby foreign laborers come in and do the job. Even if you got rid of the foreigners, it won't make an addict clean and it won't give them a clean criminal record. Adding insult to injury, even if an addict cleans up their act, we have a nation of dumb asses that rely on background checks and we have no second chances nor do we believe in redemption. So that half of America, most likely are not returning to work.

Then we blame all of this on foreigners and want to punish them for the conditions our own people created - AND REFUSE TO DEAL WITH. It's easier to blame the foreigners, but the practice means that the people are willing to forfeit their unalienable Rights and Liberties instead of addressing the root cause of their problems. I'm not willing to give up my Rights so that nit wits can get laws passed to screw with the foreigners - all of whom are simply taking advantage of the situation the American people created for themselves.
All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id.

I'm just not into that Orwellian crap. I don't like the fact that I'm required to have such an ID where the government can track everything we do from the womb to the tomb, 24 / 7 / 365.

Heaven forbid the government do a complete takeover and try to tyrannize all of us. Due to the inability to mount any opposition because Uncle Scam knows everything about us we'd never be able to mount a resistance.

Unless you want something from Uncle Scam (i.e. money, an education, healthcare at taxpayer expense, etc.) then ID serves little purpose.
are you a foreign national in the US? if not, don't whine about it, be Patriotic.

"No man can put a chain about the ankleof his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck." Frederick Douglas, former slave

" the absence of a constitution, men look entirely to party; and instead of principle governing party, party governs principle. An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."

Thomas Paine, A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government (1795)
Every nation has a right to defend its own borders. Just exactly where in the Constitution does it state that we HAVE to accept immigrants (or even refugees for that matter) from all parts of the world, particularly from those known areas where terrorists have built a strongholds and actively look for means to infiltrate our country.

Hey, guy, when we stop arming terrorists, we probably won't have a problem with them anymore. WE armed Saddam. WE armed Bin Laden. WE armed the assholes who killed those folks in Benghazi.

Which has nothing to do with how to rework our immigration laws. The 9/11 hijackers got in here legally on student visas because the Saudis fucking OWN us.

Show me a link where it shows the United States arming all the worlds terrorists. That’s the most idiotic post I’ve seen for not enforcing our borders, and setting immigration restrictions.
Anybody have any good ideas? A certain letter that you sent to a politician that’s worded just right? Share it here.

Why do so many people fret over so - called "illegal immigration" when it is actually a symptom of a much deeper disease?

The American people have, of their own free will and volition, created the symptoms whereby they demand the government help save them from themselves. The more you demand the government do something, the more they will reduce your Rights and attack your Liberties until you have nothing left.

And, as they do that, you come closer to having the United States Supreme Court make the final decision as to how to best handle the situation. If you let them decide, you are not going to like what they have to say.

The best place to look for a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. You don't need the government to resolve this issue.

The problem with your argument is the United States has always had laws concerning Citizenship, it’s what defines a nation. Every country has some form of laws with interests in defending their own borders. Without a clear defined enforced border there is no national sovereignty.
Considering the damage Illegal immigration can do, with particular emphasis on the dangerously aggressive type of illegals presently pouring in from the Middle East, any elected official who will not act to eliminate this invasive threat may be regarded as treasonous to the fundamental interests of the Nation and must be promptly removed from office -- regardless of any other consideration. It is important that those of us who understand the nature of the threat these illegal Muslims pose to our Country make every possible effort to educate those who do not understand it and to convince them to vote the treacherous pro-immigrant politicians out.

Ooooh, there's a scary Muslim hiding under your bed, right now.

Every nation has a right to defend its own borders. Just exactly where in the Constitution does it state that we HAVE to accept immigrants (or even refugees for that matter) from all parts of the world, particularly from those known areas where terrorists have built a strongholds and actively look for means to infiltrate our country.

Do we need another 9-11 because some are too thickheaded, or just lacking in intelligence to know we need protective measures in place to protect our own citizens?

The Constitution is very limited in the role it can play toward foreigners. For example, Article 1, Section 8 states:

"To establish an Uniform Rule of Naturalization"

What the Constitution does not say is that people have to become citizens in order to conduct business in the United States. What the Constitution does not say is that we have to extend the privileges and benefits of citizenship to non-citizens. Yet the right demands that all foreigners become citizens and the left gives the foreigners the same benefits and privileges of citizenship.

It's dishonest to claim that foreigners are "invading" because over half of America is willingly doing business with those who are undocumented. That makes them, for all intents and purposes, invitees.

There is nothing in the Constitution that states the United States is “obligates” to accept refugees or immigrants. Our nation is free to restrict its borders to the further flow of immigrants if it so chooses, and we have done so through our own narion’s History.
All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id.

I'm just not into that Orwellian crap. I don't like the fact that I'm required to have such an ID where the government can track everything we do from the womb to the tomb, 24 / 7 / 365.

Heaven forbid the government do a complete takeover and try to tyrannize all of us. Due to the inability to mount any opposition because Uncle Scam knows everything about us we'd never be able to mount a resistance.

Unless you want something from Uncle Scam (i.e. money, an education, healthcare at taxpayer expense, etc.) then ID serves little purpose.

If you keep the government ID to a photo ID, without a chip or some form of scan feature, they can’t track you unless they physically write your information down with a photo copy of your card. I do support a clear government ID from your home state (if you don’t already own a drivers license), a clear unique Federal card for foreign nationalists, with a separate paper card for work visas or temporary entry. Make it a part of your identification, just like we already do in order to enter every government building, library, obtain alcohol, flights, hotel reservations, traffic violation, gun purchases, rentals, museums, picking up your child at school, and YES especially even before you vote. If the government REALLY needs to track you, they already have that ability ... unless you can find a way to eliminate your social security number.

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