How Can There Be Multiple Gods and Multiple Truths?

The water on earth is said to be older than sun. There were probably microscopic critters living in the water, similar to the tardigrade that Bo Bo was talking about, and when the sun started burning, those creatures evolved to adapt to their new environment of light and land, etc. New species evolved. There is a type of fish creature that had little extremities which is said to have crawled out of the ocean for food and eventually adapted to life on land is thought to be the beginning of all life on land.
I don't think anything in our solar system was here before the sun. Isn't our sun the center of our solar system?

Our planet, the moon, even us, we are all made of star stuff. We live because a sun gave its life. Maybe that's what they got wrong back then. Maybe God said sun and our ancestors thought he meant son.
It is a fluke that the earth just happens to be supportive of biologic
Verse 3 & 4...there WAS light AND energy, just not what we have currently.
In fact, that light and energy may possibly have been more conducive to life than what we have now.

So you think that an invisible entity created the universe and the planets, etc.?

The Creator is neither Visible nor Invisible; we have no concept.
Can an arrow know the craftsman who made it?
But then he came and talked to Moses?

God communicated with Moshe when Moshe was 80 years old.
It took Moshe 60 years of meditation to attain such a state of tranquility where God's communication wouldn't cause Moshe to go insane or have his nervous system destroyed.
Notice at Mount Sinai where the Children of Israel cannot handle the communication and tell Moshe to tell God to communicate with them through Moshe and not directly with them.

Who is Moshe and how do you know this Moshe wasn't just a nut? :D

Moses; He attributed everything to God and never asked anybody for anything.
The water on earth is said to be older than sun. There were probably microscopic critters living in the water, similar to the tardigrade that Bo Bo was talking about, and when the sun started burning, those creatures evolved to adapt to their new environment of light and land, etc. New species evolved. There is a type of fish creature that had little extremities which is said to have crawled out of the ocean for food and eventually adapted to life on land is thought to be the beginning of all life on land.
I don't think anything in our solar system was here before the sun. Isn't our sun the center of our solar system?

Our planet, the moon, even us, we are all made of star stuff. We live because a sun gave its life. Maybe that's what they got wrong back then. Maybe God said sun and our ancestors thought he meant son.

Earth’s Water is Older than the Sun | DTM
Lots of people say "God" has spoken to them. Goodness! Just look around, will ya?
And what's their follow up?
The Children of Israel leave Egypt and survive under God's protection for 40 years in a desert.
And once again, Moses never asks anyone for any favors.
It is a fluke that the earth just happens to be supportive of biologic
So you think that an invisible entity created the universe and the planets, etc.?

The Creator is neither Visible nor Invisible; we have no concept.
Can an arrow know the craftsman who made it?
But then he came and talked to Moses?

God communicated with Moshe when Moshe was 80 years old.
It took Moshe 60 years of meditation to attain such a state of tranquility where God's communication wouldn't cause Moshe to go insane or have his nervous system destroyed.
Notice at Mount Sinai where the Children of Israel cannot handle the communication and tell Moshe to tell God to communicate with them through Moshe and not directly with them.

Who is Moshe and how do you know this Moshe wasn't just a nut? :D

Moses; He attributed everything to God and never asked anybody for anything.

Lol. Oh, that means a lot. :D He was just another ignorant human. So you believe that a god spoke to a man through a bush?
The water on earth is said to be older than sun. There were probably microscopic critters living in the water, similar to the tardigrade that Bo Bo was talking about, and when the sun started burning, those creatures evolved to adapt to their new environment of light and land, etc. New species evolved. There is a type of fish creature that had little extremities which is said to have crawled out of the ocean for food and eventually adapted to life on land is thought to be the beginning of all life on land.
I don't think anything in our solar system was here before the sun. Isn't our sun the center of our solar system?

Our planet, the moon, even us, we are all made of star stuff. We live because a sun gave its life. Maybe that's what they got wrong back then. Maybe God said sun and our ancestors thought he meant son.

Earth’s Water is Older than the Sun | DTM
I really cannot believe that people really and truly believe these things??? :ack-1:
The Creator is neither Visible nor Invisible; we have no concept.
Can an arrow know the craftsman who made it?
But then he came and talked to Moses?

God communicated with Moshe when Moshe was 80 years old.
It took Moshe 60 years of meditation to attain such a state of tranquility where God's communication wouldn't cause Moshe to go insane or have his nervous system destroyed.
Notice at Mount Sinai where the Children of Israel cannot handle the communication and tell Moshe to tell God to communicate with them through Moshe and not directly with them.

Who is Moshe and how do you know this Moshe wasn't just a nut? :D

Moses; He attributed everything to God and never asked anybody for anything.

Lol. Oh, that means a lot. :D He was just another ignorant human. So you believe that a god spoke to a man through a bush?

Not through the bush; Moses saw the spiritual essence of the bush and realized there WAS something beyond the physical realm.
People never do read the verses in the original.
Moses. One of the ridiculous characters I think of when I think what a farce the Bible really is. Lol. :D He was just a crazy man. Nothing more.
I really cannot believe that people really and truly believe these things??? :ack-1:

You don't have to because they're not telling you to.
Get it?
Those who follow the Torah don't try to convince anyone else to follow it.
It is a fluke that the earth just happens to be supportive of biologic

It's not just the thousands of things regarding Earth, it's the universe and the set of about 40 cosmological constants which had to be precise to amazing caliber in order for the hydrogen and helium to fuse and create carbon and stuff, for planets to exist, for anything material to exist.

You are now talking about a "fluke" of the following magnitude: If you went to the casinos and played roulette on a wheel with 10^80 numbers... that's 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 numbers on the wheel... little ball goes spinning around and you land on the one number that pays the jackpot.... and you do this 40-50 times in a row. Never missing the jackpot... and you have the basic "fluke" you're talking about. Realistic?

More realistic than an entity, yes. Most definitely. It just so happens that our earth provided a great environment for the development and branching out of different species, us being just one of many.
And in 1 million or 20 million years from now when there is no life in our solar system, how perfect will things be for us then?

It is amazing how many things had to be just right for the world to be inhabitable but what about the billions of years it was not or the billions of years after we are gone? Not so perfect.
Moses. One of the ridiculous characters I think of when I think what a farce the Bible really is. Lol. :D He was just a crazy man. Nothing more.
Just wondering...What do you know about him?

What's to know? There isn't even any solid evidence the man ever even existed for goodness sakes! That is Old Testament!!! Yikes!
That's right and you have every right to feel that way.
You're a good person and that's what counts.
I'm sure that there are some stories that are actually "based" on facts. However, they are a highly embellished with myths to explain what people could not explain back in the old days.
It is a fluke that the earth just happens to be supportive of biologic

It's not just the thousands of things regarding Earth, it's the universe and the set of about 40 cosmological constants which had to be precise to amazing caliber in order for the hydrogen and helium to fuse and create carbon and stuff, for planets to exist, for anything material to exist.

You are now talking about a "fluke" of the following magnitude: If you went to the casinos and played roulette on a wheel with 10^80 numbers... that's 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 numbers on the wheel... little ball goes spinning around and you land on the one number that pays the jackpot.... and you do this 40-50 times in a row. Never missing the jackpot... and you have the basic "fluke" you're talking about. Realistic?

More realistic than an entity, yes. Most definitely. It just so happens that our earth provided a great environment for the development and branching out of different species, us being just one of many.
And in 1 million or 20 million years from now when there is no life in our solar system, how perfect will things be for us then?

It is amazing how many things had to be just right for the world to be inhabitable but what about the billions of years it was not or the billions of years after we are gone? Not so perfect.
It is a fluke that the earth just happens to be supportive of biologic

It's not just the thousands of things regarding Earth, it's the universe and the set of about 40 cosmological constants which had to be precise to amazing caliber in order for the hydrogen and helium to fuse and create carbon and stuff, for planets to exist, for anything material to exist.

You are now talking about a "fluke" of the following magnitude: If you went to the casinos and played roulette on a wheel with 10^80 numbers... that's 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 numbers on the wheel... little ball goes spinning around and you land on the one number that pays the jackpot.... and you do this 40-50 times in a row. Never missing the jackpot... and you have the basic "fluke" you're talking about. Realistic?

More realistic than an entity, yes. Most definitely. It just so happens that our earth provided a great environment for the development and branching out of different species, us being just one of many.
And in 1 million or 20 million years from now when there is no life in our solar system, how perfect will things be for us then?

It is amazing how many things had to be just right for the world to be inhabitable but what about the billions of years it was not or the billions of years after we are gone? Not so perfect.

You won't have to worry about that; unless you drink lots of Muscle Milk.
I'm sure that there are some stories that are actually "based" on facts. However, they are a highly embellished with myths to explain what people could not explain back in the old days.

It's funny how I read Torah Commentaries from 1,000 years ago that discuss the Big Bang Theory, Evolution and Comets.
There's nothing new under the sun.
There was a volcanic explosion, and ancient peoples would attribute something like that to "angry gods" and go sacrifice a virgin. Other "religious beliefs" are really not much different. If you've ever read the old testament, it is jam packed with bigotry, fear, and violence, as well as "sacrifices" and other such things. These beliefs are just borrowed from others before them, like Greek mythology, etc. Of course, when people traveled, these stories were spread, but they are still just stories with absolutely no solid evidence to back them, so I am going to go with science thanks. :)
Moses. One of the ridiculous characters I think of when I think what a farce the Bible really is. Lol. :D He was just a crazy man. Nothing more.
Just wondering...What do you know about him?

What's to know? There isn't even any solid evidence the man ever even existed for goodness sakes! That is Old Testament!!! Yikes!
We know for a fact he existed...sometime between 9000 and 15000 years ago give or take.

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