How can there ever be peace here?

Oh Ima. What am I to do with you. My proposal is a peace proposal so the Palestinians can remain in Israel as long as they don't kill their host Israeli's.

Ima seems to have a problem of posting without ever thinking.
so you have one?
Could have fooled me:eusa_whistle:
So exactly how long have you been thinking about your plan to have Hamas decide for the Israelis how many of them to kill before they give up and all leave town? That's fucking brilliant! :lol:
Oh Ima. What am I to do with you. My proposal is a peace proposal so the Palestinians can remain in Israel as long as they don't kill their host Israeli's.

Ima seems to have a problem of posting without ever thinking.
So exactly how long have you been thinking about your plan to have Hamas decide for the Israelis how many of them to kill before they give up and all leave town? That's fucking brilliant! :lol:

So what are you going to do, round up all the pallies and say: everyone who wants to live in peace raise your hand and move to the left. The you gun down the rest? Gas them? Stick them in ovens. What exactly?
We could send them to Oz, no one would care. :D
Oh Ima. What am I to do with you. My proposal is a peace proposal so the Palestinians can remain in Israel as long as they don't kill their host Israeli's.

So exactly how long have you been thinking about your plan to have Hamas decide for the Israelis how many of them to kill before they give up and all leave town? That's fucking brilliant! :lol:

So what are you going to do, round up all the pallies and say: everyone who wants to live in peace raise your hand and move to the left. The you gun down the rest? Gas them? Stick them in ovens. What exactly?
We could send them to Oz, no one would care. :D
Sounds as if you are the bloodthirsty one.
What terrible thoughts you have. What do you have against Palestinians? Don't you want Israeli's & Palestinians living in peace?

Oh Ima. What am I to do with you. My proposal is a peace proposal so the Palestinians can remain in Israel as long as they don't kill their host Israeli's.

So exactly how long have you been thinking about your plan to have Hamas decide for the Israelis how many of them to kill before they give up and all leave town? That's fucking brilliant! :lol:

So what are you going to do, round up all the pallies and say: everyone who wants to live in peace raise your hand and move to the left. The you gun down the rest? Gas them? Stick them in ovens. What exactly?
We could send them to Oz, no one would care. :D
What terrible thoughts you have. What do you have against Palestinians? Don't you want Israeli's & Palestinians living in peace?

Oh Ima. What am I to do with you. My proposal is a peace proposal so the Palestinians can remain in Israel as long as they don't kill their host Israeli's.

So what are you going to do, round up all the pallies and say: everyone who wants to live in peace raise your hand and move to the left. The you gun down the rest? Gas them? Stick them in ovens. What exactly?
We could send them to Oz, no one would care. :D

Don't you want Israeli's & Palestinians living in peace?

Sure, but the Israeli government is keeping that from happening.
BINGO! How right you are on this one Tinmore. Peace offerings to Palestinians, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. And those Zionist leaders in Israel just can't seem to understnd why Israel is thanked with jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles. Truly if there is ever to be any hope for a lasting peace, this entire Zionist agenda has to go.

What terrible thoughts you have. What do you have against Palestinians? Don't you want Israeli's & Palestinians living in peace?

So what are you going to do, round up all the pallies and say: everyone who wants to live in peace raise your hand and move to the left. The you gun down the rest? Gas them? Stick them in ovens. What exactly?
We could send them to Oz, no one would care. :D

Don't you want Israeli's & Palestinians living in peace?

Sure, but the Israeli government is keeping that from happening.
BINGO! How right you are on this one Tinmore. Peace offerings to Palestinians, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. And those Zionist leaders in Israel just can't seem to understnd why Israel is thanked with jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles. Truly if there is ever to be any hope for a lasting peace, this entire Zionist agenda has to go.

What terrible thoughts you have. What do you have against Palestinians? Don't you want Israeli's & Palestinians living in peace?

Don't you want Israeli's & Palestinians living in peace?

Sure, but the Israeli government is keeping that from happening.

Israel has never offered jack to the Palestinians.
Hmmm. So then, do you think maybe Israel should take back Gaza?

BINGO! How right you are on this one Tinmore. Peace offerings to Palestinians, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. And those Zionist leaders in Israel just can't seem to understnd why Israel is thanked with jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles. Truly if there is ever to be any hope for a lasting peace, this entire Zionist agenda has to go.

Sure, but the Israeli government is keeping that from happening.

Israel has never offered jack to the Palestinians.
Hmmm. So then, do you think maybe Israel should take back Gaza?

BINGO! How right you are on this one Tinmore. Peace offerings to Palestinians, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. And those Zionist leaders in Israel just can't seem to understnd why Israel is thanked with jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles. Truly if there is ever to be any hope for a lasting peace, this entire Zionist agenda has to go.

Israel has never offered jack to the Palestinians.

Gaza never belonged to Israel.
For your education: All land belongs to whoever rules it at any given period in time. Consider that all Muslim lands are stolen lands. Know what I mean? Example --- "It's lstanbul, not Constantinople." Get it yet?

It sure as hell did after the Arab countries united to annihilate Israel in the 67 Arab/Israeli war.

It still did not belong to Israel.

You seem to have a problem distinguishing the difference between occupation and ownership. If they were the same, they would not have two different names.
Oh, and Tinmore, what ever happened to Zoroastrian Persia's land? Was it those land theiving Zionists who conquered it by force & gave the indigenous Zoroastrians a choice to convert, leave or be killed?

For your education: All land belongs to whoever rules it at any given period in time. Consider that all Muslim lands are stolen lands. Know what I mean? Example --- "It's lstanbul, not Constantinople." Get it yet?

It still did not belong to Israel.

You seem to have a problem distinguishing the difference between occupation and ownership. If they were the same, they would not have two different names.
Oh, and Tinmore, what ever happened to Zoroastrian Persia's land? Was it those land theiving Zionists who conquered it by force & gave the indigenous Zoroastrians a choice to convert, leave or be killed?

For your education: All land belongs to whoever rules it at any given period in time. Consider that all Muslim lands are stolen lands. Know what I mean? Example --- "It's lstanbul, not Constantinople." Get it yet?

You seem to have a problem distinguishing the difference between occupation and ownership. If they were the same, they would not have two different names.

Is that relevant to the Israel Palestine conflict? Perhaps you should ask that in a different forum.
Yes indeed I find that very relevant. You accuse Israel of "stealing Palestinian land" even though the Israeli's were there from around 1200 BCE & not a single Muslim, let alone Palestinian Muslim even existed until after the 7th century AD. Yet you never accuse the Muslims over all the lands they stole from those who lived there for century's before them. Why is that Tinmore?

Oh, and Tinmore, what ever happened to Zoroastrian Persia's land? Was it those land theiving Zionists who conquered it by force & gave the indigenous Zoroastrians a choice to convert, leave or be killed?

You seem to have a problem distinguishing the difference between occupation and ownership. If they were the same, they would not have two different names.

Is that relevant to the Israel Palestine conflict? Perhaps you should ask that in a different forum.
Eh, Tinmore, you still here? Chime in boy.

Yes indeed I find that very relevant. You accuse Israel of "stealing Palestinian land" even though the Israeli's were there from around 1200 BCE & not a single Muslim, let alone Palestinian Muslim even existed until after the 7th century AD. Yet you never accuse the Muslims over all the lands they stole from those who lived there for century's before them. Why is that Tinmore?

Oh, and Tinmore, what ever happened to Zoroastrian Persia's land? Was it those land theiving Zionists who conquered it by force & gave the indigenous Zoroastrians a choice to convert, leave or be killed?

Is that relevant to the Israel Palestine conflict? Perhaps you should ask that in a different forum.
Yes indeed I find that very relevant. You accuse Israel of "stealing Palestinian land" even though the Israeli's were there from around 1200 BCE & not a single Muslim, let alone Palestinian Muslim even existed until after the 7th century AD. Yet you never accuse the Muslims over all the lands they stole from those who lived there for century's before them. Why is that Tinmore?

Oh, and Tinmore, what ever happened to Zoroastrian Persia's land? Was it those land theiving Zionists who conquered it by force & gave the indigenous Zoroastrians a choice to convert, leave or be killed?

Is that relevant to the Israel Palestine conflict? Perhaps you should ask that in a different forum.

The Palestinian land belonged to the Muslims, Christians, and Jews whose normal residence was inside the borders that were defined in 1922. Palestine belonged to those Jews the same as the other people living there.

Was there a problem with that arrangement?
Well uh, wasn't the land Israel's even before 1922? Or was there no Israel until 1948?

Yes indeed I find that very relevant. You accuse Israel of "stealing Palestinian land" even though the Israeli's were there from around 1200 BCE & not a single Muslim, let alone Palestinian Muslim even existed until after the 7th century AD. Yet you never accuse the Muslims over all the lands they stole from those who lived there for century's before them. Why is that Tinmore?

Is that relevant to the Israel Palestine conflict? Perhaps you should ask that in a different forum.

The Palestinian land belonged to the Muslims, Christians, and Jews whose normal residence was inside the borders that were defined in 1922. Palestine belonged to those Jews the same as the other people living there.

Was there a problem with that arrangement?

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