How can there ever be peace here?

HUH??? All of today's history would not be what it is without the history of the past. Think man, think for a change. And then tell me when Israel began stealing "Palestinian land."

Lets figure out this land issue rationally & without bias. Which came first, Solomon's Temple or the Al Asqa Mosque? Once we know that we will know who is stealing who's land.

What happened 3000 years ago is irrelevant, because why not go further back and say 12,000 years ago, there were no jews, so therefore, no claim to anything. See how your bogus arguments can bite you in your ball?

There are no palestinians and no palestinian land. They admit to just being arabs from egypt and saudi arabia who invaded Israel.

Palesteenian Hamas Minister of the Interior Fathi Hammad, Al-Hekma TV [Egypt]: "Half of the Palestiniains are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis"
Brothers, there are 1.8 million of us in Gaza. Allah be praised, we all have Arab roots and every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots--whether from Saudi Arabia, from Yemen, or anywhere.

Personally, half my family is Egyptian. We are all like that.

More than 30 families in the Gaza Strip are called Al-Masri [Egyptian]

Brothers, half of the Palestiniains are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis

Who are the Palestinians? we have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians. we are Arabs. We are Muslims
Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad Slams Egypt over Fuel Shortage in Gaza Strip, and Says: "Half of the Palestinians Are Egyptians and the Other Half Are Saudis"
Lets figure out this land issue rationally & without bias. Which came first, Solomon's Temple or the Al Asqa Mosque? Once we know that we will know who is stealing who's land.

The temple and the mosque will continue to be a sticking point but the rest is pretty cut and dried.

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire its lands were divided into separate states Palestine being one of them. When the League of Nations defined Palestine's borders in 1922, all of the people whose normal residence was inside those borders officially became Palestinians.

The Ottoman Empire lost ownership of the land and it was ceded to the Palestinians either individually owned or collectively owned as communal land.
Lets figure out this land issue rationally & without bias. Which came first, Solomon's Temple or the Al Asqa Mosque? Once we know that we will know who is stealing who's land.

The temple and the mosque will continue to be a sticking point but the rest is pretty cut and dried.

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire its lands were divided into separate states Palestine being one of them. When the League of Nations defined Palestine's borders in 1922, all of the people whose normal residence was inside those borders officially became Palestinians.

The Ottoman Empire lost ownership of the land and it was ceded to the Palestinians either individually owned or collectively owned as communal land.

Eugene Rostow, Legal Scholar, Former Dean of the Yale Law School, Under Secretary of State in the Johnson administration, US State Dept Legal Advisor, Drafter of UN Res. 242 pertaining to Israeli land in the West Bank...
The British Mandate recognized the right of the Jewish people to "close settlement" in the whole of the Mandated territory [Palestine]. The Jewish right of settlement in Palestine west of the Jordan river, that is, in Israel, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, was made unassailable. That right has never been terminated and cannot be terminated except by a recognized peace between Israel and its neighbors. And perhaps not even then, in view of Article 80 of the U.N. Charter, "the Palestine article," which provides that "nothing in the Charter shall be construed ... to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments...."

The mandate implicitly denies Arab claims to national political rights in the area in favor of the Jews; the mandated territory was in effect reserved to the Jewish people for their self-determination and political development, in acknowledgment of the historic connection of the Jewish people to the land. Lord Curzon, who was then the British Foreign Minister, made this reading of the mandate explicit. There remains simply the theory that the Arab inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have an inherent 'natural law' claim to the area. Neither customary international law nor the United Nations Charter acknowledges that every group of people claiming to be a nation has the right to a state of its own."
Resolved: are the settlements legal? Israeli West Bank policies
By 126 A.D. and Hadrian's decree, neo-zionist Jews wanted back into Syria-Palestina, as Hadrian called it.

Around 1149 A.D., a group of Jews in the Crusader-administered Holy Land migrated to Abbyssinia, the actual land of Jewish orignin. See also, Aramaic, the language spoken by many Christians in the Middle East and the language of Jesus, since the Aramids from Abbyssinia conquered Judea, before the Romans did.

Their descendants were a tribe, called the Lemba, in Ethiopia. They tried to emigrate to Israel, but the racist, apartheid Israelis held them up, until DNA proved they had more Cohen DNA than do 95% of modern Israelis, so the High Court said let them in, 2000.

Get a clue!! Zionism has been killing, since the Habirus stoned Moses, for throwing down the tablets. The covenant was broken rocks, Indy-fans. The Habirus then returned to their bloody purge of the area around the Sea of Galillee, where the ex-Egyptian Habirus slew all residents of Ai, Jericho, Haxor, and about 50 other places, as a prelude to modern bulldozer, nuke, and Uzi crusading.

They kicked out Palestinians and Christians, native to Palestine, for modern Israel.

By the time of the Industrial Revolution, Christians wanted another Crusade. By the time of George Washington's death, 1799, Christians were conspiring against our separation and standing army clauses, and against USCA 4, security. They added conspiracy against USCA 5/14, due process, as they went along. Americans wanted back into the Holy Land, as of the Tripolitan War, see Stephen Decatur.

By 1882, the Brits had a zionist conspiracy, the year between the Boer Wars, to launch zionist settlers, to Palestine. In the name of future apartheid, the Brits incited the Mahdi Army rebellion, in Egypt, 1886. There has been trouble including mass murder, in Europe, ever since.

The US discriminated against Jewish people, in various ways, keeping Aaron Burr out of the Veep's office, preventing WWII refugees from emigrating to the US, but after WWII, the US started supporting the apartheid, fascist state of Israel, simultaneous to the NSA doing a lot of domestic ripoff surveillance and the CIA starting a lot of wars, see Korea, Iran-Iraq.

The CIA overflew China in 1948, from Tibet and Taiwan, inciting China to take Tibet, 1949. The CIA supported the Shah with MI6 in 1953 and Saddam in 1958, where Saddam was a Sunni, helping rule then ruling a Shiite majority. The US supports a Sunni King of Bahrain, ruling another Shiite majority. The Russians support Shiite Assad, ruling a Sunni majority. The big powers are all stinking zombies, you know.

As for Israel, there was going to be war, when the zionist-affected Crusade got going. But under Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, the Oslo Accords were signed. This was blown off by the Israelis, when Rabin was assassinated. The Israelis cited suicide bombers, but really what happened was more bulldozing and settling.

Lousy Israel is just doing what the Old Testament describes, KILLING PEOPLE TO TAKE THEIR LAND. So what about the Torah?

Israel will likely be the source, of any WWIII. So keep your fissionable materials locked up, tight. Problem is, all those Christians are so STUPID, they kept evolution out of US schools, until 1958, when the Russians launched Sputnik. Oops, we better get some science or hire some more Mexicans to teach us how to pick lettuce. How about we hire Carlos Mencia to sing DDD, in church?

Christians and Jews aren't as restrained as the late Meyer Lansky. They are right in Jimmy Carter's face, for decrying zionazism. AIPAC owns the separation clause, so they have our government breaking this, all day and night, for years. Expect WWIII, someday, so no wonder the DOD wants to invade Iran. It is part of the plan!

We have about 31 Mark 1 or whatever reactors are like the Fukushima Daiichi, which blew, and they have their spent waste, lying around in pools, which somebody can hit. Get that the heck over to Yucca Mtn., for a 10,000 year cool-down, eh? And quit talking like your chromosomes are broke, ALREADY. Petroleum breaks these, too. :cool:
By 126 A.D. and Hadrian's decree, neo-zionist Jews wanted back into Syria-Palestina, as Hadrian called it.

Around 1149 A.D., a group of Jews in the Crusader-administered Holy Land migrated to Abbyssinia, the actual land of Jewish orignin. See also, Aramaic, the language spoken by many Christians in the Middle East and the language of Jesus, since the Aramids from Abbyssinia conquered Judea, before the Romans did.

Their descendants were a tribe, called the Lemba, in Ethiopia. They tried to emigrate to Israel, but the racist, apartheid Israelis held them up, until DNA proved they had more Cohen DNA than do 95% of modern Israelis, so the High Court said let them in, 2000.

Get a clue!! Zionism has been killing, since the Habirus stoned Moses, for throwing down the tablets. The covenant was broken rocks, Indy-fans. The Habirus then returned to their bloody purge of the area around the Sea of Galillee, where the ex-Egyptian Habirus slew all residents of Ai, Jericho, Haxor, and about 50 other places, as a prelude to modern bulldozer, nuke, and Uzi crusading.

They kicked out Palestinians and Christians, native to Palestine, for modern Israel.

By the time of the Industrial Revolution, Christians wanted another Crusade. By the time of George Washington's death, 1799, Christians were conspiring against our separation and standing army clauses, and against USCA 4, security. They added conspiracy against USCA 5/14, due process, as they went along. Americans wanted back into the Holy Land, as of the Tripolitan War, see Stephen Decatur.

By 1882, the Brits had a zionist conspiracy, the year between the Boer Wars, to launch zionist settlers, to Palestine. In the name of future apartheid, the Brits incited the Mahdi Army rebellion, in Egypt, 1886. There has been trouble including mass murder, in Europe, ever since.

The US discriminated against Jewish people, in various ways, keeping Aaron Burr out of the Veep's office, preventing WWII refugees from emigrating to the US, but after WWII, the US started supporting the apartheid, fascist state of Israel, simultaneous to the NSA doing a lot of domestic ripoff surveillance and the CIA starting a lot of wars, see Korea, Iran-Iraq.

The CIA overflew China in 1948, from Tibet and Taiwan, inciting China to take Tibet, 1949. The CIA supported the Shah with MI6 in 1953 and Saddam in 1958, where Saddam was a Sunni, helping rule then ruling a Shiite majority. The US supports a Sunni King of Bahrain, ruling another Shiite majority. The Russians support Shiite Assad, ruling a Sunni majority. The big powers are all stinking zombies, you know.

As for Israel, there was going to be war, when the zionist-affected Crusade got going. But under Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, the Oslo Accords were signed. This was blown off by the Israelis, when Rabin was assassinated. The Israelis cited suicide bombers, but really what happened was more bulldozing and settling.

Lousy Israel is just doing what the Old Testament describes, KILLING PEOPLE TO TAKE THEIR LAND. So what about the Torah?

Israel will likely be the source, of any WWIII. So keep your fissionable materials locked up, tight. Problem is, all those Christians are so STUPID, they kept evolution out of US schools, until 1958, when the Russians launched Sputnik. Oops, we better get some science or hire some more Mexicans to teach us how to pick lettuce. How about we hire Carlos Mencia to sing DDD, in church?

Christians and Jews aren't as restrained as the late Meyer Lansky. They are right in Jimmy Carter's face, for decrying zionazism. AIPAC owns the separation clause, so they have our government breaking this, all day and night, for years. Expect WWIII, someday, so no wonder the DOD wants to invade Iran. It is part of the plan!

We have about 31 Mark 1 or whatever reactors are like the Fukushima Daiichi, which blew, and they have their spent waste, lying around in pools, which somebody can hit. Get that the heck over to Yucca Mtn., for a 10,000 year cool-down, eh? And quit talking like your chromosomes are broke, ALREADY. Petroleum breaks these, too. :cool:

Woo ... I could use a taste of whatever it is you've been smokin'.
By 126 A.D. and Hadrian's decree, neo-zionist Jews wanted back into Syria-Palestina, as Hadrian called it.

You fucked up right at the outset. The rest of your post is more unintelligible gibberish.

Hadrian did not call Judea/Israel "palaestina" until 135 CE, not 126 CE, following the Bar Kokhba Revolt of 132 CE-135 CE. Jerusalem was renamed Aelia Capitolina, after Hadrian, whose Roman name was Publius Aelius Hadrianus.

While Jews were expelled from Jerusalem, they remained elsewhere in Judea/Israel. The Yeshiva Jewish Academy was established in Yabneh, Israel under Vespasian. Jesus Christ, a Jew, lived in Galilee, Israel.

It was Antoninus Pius who permitted Jewish reentry into Jerusalem and Caracalla granted Roman citizenship to Jews.

Now, you know
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Them poppies must be good this year. Read this folks.

By 126 A.D. and Hadrian's decree, neo-zionist Jews wanted back into Syria-Palestina, as Hadrian called it.

Around 1149 A.D., a group of Jews in the Crusader-administered Holy Land migrated to Abbyssinia, the actual land of Jewish orignin. See also, Aramaic, the language spoken by many Christians in the Middle East and the language of Jesus, since the Aramids from Abbyssinia conquered Judea, before the Romans did.

Their descendants were a tribe, called the Lemba, in Ethiopia. They tried to emigrate to Israel, but the racist, apartheid Israelis held them up, until DNA proved they had more Cohen DNA than do 95% of modern Israelis, so the High Court said let them in, 2000.

Get a clue!! Zionism has been killing, since the Habirus stoned Moses, for throwing down the tablets. The covenant was broken rocks, Indy-fans. The Habirus then returned to their bloody purge of the area around the Sea of Galillee, where the ex-Egyptian Habirus slew all residents of Ai, Jericho, Haxor, and about 50 other places, as a prelude to modern bulldozer, nuke, and Uzi crusading.

They kicked out Palestinians and Christians, native to Palestine, for modern Israel.

By the time of the Industrial Revolution, Christians wanted another Crusade. By the time of George Washington's death, 1799, Christians were conspiring against our separation and standing army clauses, and against USCA 4, security. They added conspiracy against USCA 5/14, due process, as they went along. Americans wanted back into the Holy Land, as of the Tripolitan War, see Stephen Decatur.

By 1882, the Brits had a zionist conspiracy, the year between the Boer Wars, to launch zionist settlers, to Palestine. In the name of future apartheid, the Brits incited the Mahdi Army rebellion, in Egypt, 1886. There has been trouble including mass murder, in Europe, ever since.

The US discriminated against Jewish people, in various ways, keeping Aaron Burr out of the Veep's office, preventing WWII refugees from emigrating to the US, but after WWII, the US started supporting the apartheid, fascist state of Israel, simultaneous to the NSA doing a lot of domestic ripoff surveillance and the CIA starting a lot of wars, see Korea, Iran-Iraq.

The CIA overflew China in 1948, from Tibet and Taiwan, inciting China to take Tibet, 1949. The CIA supported the Shah with MI6 in 1953 and Saddam in 1958, where Saddam was a Sunni, helping rule then ruling a Shiite majority. The US supports a Sunni King of Bahrain, ruling another Shiite majority. The Russians support Shiite Assad, ruling a Sunni majority. The big powers are all stinking zombies, you know.

As for Israel, there was going to be war, when the zionist-affected Crusade got going. But under Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, the Oslo Accords were signed. This was blown off by the Israelis, when Rabin was assassinated. The Israelis cited suicide bombers, but really what happened was more bulldozing and settling.

Lousy Israel is just doing what the Old Testament describes, KILLING PEOPLE TO TAKE THEIR LAND. So what about the Torah?

Israel will likely be the source, of any WWIII. So keep your fissionable materials locked up, tight. Problem is, all those Christians are so STUPID, they kept evolution out of US schools, until 1958, when the Russians launched Sputnik. Oops, we better get some science or hire some more Mexicans to teach us how to pick lettuce. How about we hire Carlos Mencia to sing DDD, in church?

Christians and Jews aren't as restrained as the late Meyer Lansky. They are right in Jimmy Carter's face, for decrying zionazism. AIPAC owns the separation clause, so they have our government breaking this, all day and night, for years. Expect WWIII, someday, so no wonder the DOD wants to invade Iran. It is part of the plan!

We have about 31 Mark 1 or whatever reactors are like the Fukushima Daiichi, which blew, and they have their spent waste, lying around in pools, which somebody can hit. Get that the heck over to Yucca Mtn., for a 10,000 year cool-down, eh? And quit talking like your chromosomes are broke, ALREADY. Petroleum breaks these, too. :cool:
I am still waiting for someone to enlighten me as to when did Israel's ancient land become this "Palestinian land" that they claim Israel is now stealing?
I am still waiting for someone to enlighten me as to when did Israel's ancient land become this "Palestinian land" that they claim Israel is now stealing?

I am still waiting for you to ask a relevant question.
Hey look. Just because you don't seem to believe Israel is stealing "Palestinian land" doesn't mean that is true. Soon someone will educate us as to when Israel's ancient land became this "Palestinian land" that Israel is now stealing. Just you wait & see.

I am still waiting for someone to enlighten me as to when did Israel's ancient land become this "Palestinian land" that they claim Israel is now stealing?

I am still waiting for you to ask a relevant question.
Hey look. Just because you don't seem to believe Israel is stealing "Palestinian land" doesn't mean that is true. Soon someone will educate us as to when Israel's ancient land became this "Palestinian land" that Israel is now stealing. Just you wait & see.

I am still waiting for someone to enlighten me as to when did Israel's ancient land become this "Palestinian land" that they claim Israel is now stealing?

I am still waiting for you to ask a relevant question.

Arabs' homes and land were taken and they got booted out, "Palestinian" is just a generic term for these arabs, for lack of a better name.
Gosh I wonder why those Arabs who's land & properties Israel stole from them don't just post the deeds to their land & properties all over the internet?

Hey look. Just because you don't seem to believe Israel is stealing "Palestinian land" doesn't mean that is true. Soon someone will educate us as to when Israel's ancient land became this "Palestinian land" that Israel is now stealing. Just you wait & see.

I am still waiting for you to ask a relevant question.

Arabs' homes and land were taken and they got booted out, "Palestinian" is just a generic term for these arabs, for lack of a better name.
Gosh, is it actually possible the land never belonged to the Palestinians in the first place? That they are just a bunch of squatters on Israel's ancient land for generations now?

Gosh I wonder why those Arabs who's land & properties Israel stole from them don't just post the deeds to their land & properties all over the internet?

Hey look. Just because you don't seem to believe Israel is stealing "Palestinian land" doesn't mean that is true. Soon someone will educate us as to when Israel's ancient land became this "Palestinian land" that Israel is now stealing. Just you wait & see.

Arabs' homes and land were taken and they got booted out, "Palestinian" is just a generic term for these arabs, for lack of a better name.
Gosh, is it actually possible the land never belonged to the Palestinians in the first place? That they are just a bunch of squatters on Israel's ancient land for generations now?

Gosh I wonder why those Arabs who's land & properties Israel stole from them don't just post the deeds to their land & properties all over the internet?

Arabs' homes and land were taken and they got booted out, "Palestinian" is just a generic term for these arabs, for lack of a better name.

I thought Israel, which the Jews established 3000 years ago, was a Hebrew word. When did Israel become a "palestinian" word and in what year did they establish Israel before the Jews in 1000 BCE?
Well, I learned on this board that "Israel is stealing "Palestinian land." I am adamantly against land thieves & have asked to learn when did Israel's ancient land became this "Palestinian land" that Israel is stealing so I can condemn Israel. Yet there has been no answer. Why is that?

Gosh, is it actually possible the land never belonged to the Palestinians in the first place? That they are just a bunch of squatters on Israel's ancient land for generations now?

Gosh I wonder why those Arabs who's land & properties Israel stole from them don't just post the deeds to their land & properties all over the internet?

I thought Israel, which the Jews established 3000 years ago, was a Hebrew word. When did Israel become a "palestinian" word and in what year did they establish Israel before the Jews in 1000 BCE?
Well, I learned on this board that "Israel is stealing "Palestinian land." I am adamantly against land thieves & have asked to learn when did Israel's ancient land became this "Palestinian land" that Israel is stealing so I can condemn Israel. Yet there has been no answer. Why is that?

Gosh, is it actually possible the land never belonged to the Palestinians in the first place? That they are just a bunch of squatters on Israel's ancient land for generations now?

I thought Israel, which the Jews established 3000 years ago, was a Hebrew word. When did Israel become a "palestinian" word and in what year did they establish Israel before the Jews in 1000 BCE?

The palestinians have been around since at least the dinosaurs, but, they just never got around to naming their country...
[ame=]Who are the Palestinians? - YouTube[/ame]
Well, it is true that the first & only indigenous Palestinians WERE JEWS. In fact, there were no Muslims at all until the 7th century A.D., let alone Muslim Palestinians.

Well, I learned on this board that "Israel is stealing "Palestinian land." I am adamantly against land thieves & have asked to learn when did Israel's ancient land became this "Palestinian land" that Israel is stealing so I can condemn Israel. Yet there has been no answer. Why is that?

I thought Israel, which the Jews established 3000 years ago, was a Hebrew word. When did Israel become a "palestinian" word and in what year did they establish Israel before the Jews in 1000 BCE?

The palestinians have been around since at least the dinosaurs, but, they just never got around to naming their country...
[ame=]Who are the Palestinians? - YouTube[/ame]
Well, it is true that the first & only indigenous Palestinians WERE JEWS. In fact, there were no Muslims at all until the 7th century A.D., let alone Muslim Palestinians.

Well, I learned on this board that "Israel is stealing "Palestinian land." I am adamantly against land thieves & have asked to learn when did Israel's ancient land became this "Palestinian land" that Israel is stealing so I can condemn Israel. Yet there has been no answer. Why is that?

The palestinians have been around since at least the dinosaurs, but, they just never got around to naming their country...
[ame=]Who are the Palestinians? - YouTube[/ame]

Jews established Israel 1500 years before muhammad was even born and he never set foot in Israel.

Fakestinians do not appear in their own quran but the Children of Israel do :bow3:
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Well, it is true that the first & only indigenous Palestinians WERE JEWS. In fact, there were no Muslims at all until the 7th century A.D., let alone Muslim Palestinians.

So when the first humans came out of Africa, they were already Jewish? :tinfoil:

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