How can we be sure Judaism's holy sites will be safe?

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The Israelis destroyed hundreds of Mosques in Israel after expelling hundreds of thousands of Arabs.

They better learn their own history before they demand anything from others.

They don't need to demand. They have what they want. It's your boyos who are throwing hissy fits and making demands. Hmmm...brand new poster...10 posts all right here. I see you took up where you left off.
They don't need to demand. They have what they want. It's your boyos who are throwing hissy fits and making demands. Hmmm...brand new poster...10 posts all right here. I see you took up where you left off.

The West Bank WILL become Arab Palestine.

Its only a matter of when.
They don't need to demand. They have what they want. It's your boyos who are throwing hissy fits and making demands. Hmmm...brand new poster...10 posts all right here. I see you took up where you left off.

The West Bank WILL become Arab Palestine.

Its only a matter of when.

Here's the vision...


Here's where they are now...


I do not believe that Smart Vegas Money is betting the same way that you are...
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Hoffstra; et al,

Technically, it already is.

They don't need to demand. They have what they want. It's your boyos who are throwing hissy fits and making demands. Hmmm...brand new poster...10 posts all right here. I see you took up where you left off.

The West Bank WILL become Arab Palestine.

Its only a matter of when.

Palestine National Council and Declaration of Independence of 15 November 1988 (see annexes II and III). A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988

Pursuant to the resolutions of the Arab Summit Conferences and on the basis of the international legitimacy embodied in the resolutions of the United Nations since 1947, and

Through the exercise by the Palestinian Arab people of its right to self-determination, political independence and sovereignty over its territory:

The Palestine National Council hereby declares, in the Name of God and on behalf of the Palestinian Arab people, the establishment of the State of Palestine in the land of Palestine with its capital at Jerusalem.

Most Respectfully,
"The Arab population declined from about 97% at the turn of the century to about 65% by 1947.

Where are the "droves" that you are talking about?"

Since percentages are not absolute numbers but represent a ratio - isn't it obvious the *number* of Arabs could grow while their *percentage* overall declined???
It makes me laugh with these people who think the West Bank is going to become the Palestinian State. It is not legal, it is not feasible, it won't happen. Nothing more to be said.
The Israelis destroyed hundreds of Mosques in Israel after expelling hundreds of thousands of Arabs.

They better learn their own history before they demand anything from others.
Wow, I've heard a lot of lies about Israel, but that one, never.

Perhaps there is a link for this? LOL.
Sweet Caroline -

Um.....have you heard of Benjamin Netanyahu?

"I think that peace will require two states, a Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state."

"I don't want to govern the Palestinians. I don't want them as subjects of Israel or as citizens of Israel. I want them to have their own independent state but a demilitarized state."

Or how about Yirzhak Rabin....

"I believe that in the long run, separation between Israel and the Palestinians is the best solution for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

"I enter negotiations with Chairman Arafat, the leader of the PLO, the representative of the Palestinian people, with the purpose to have coexistence between our two entities, Israel as a Jewish state and Palestinian state, entity, next to us, living in peace."

I'm kinda stunned that as an Israeli, you aren't aware of these comments.
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The Israelis destroyed hundreds of Mosques in Israel after expelling hundreds of thousands of Arabs.

They better learn their own history before they demand anything from others.
Wow, I've heard a lot of lies about Israel, but that one, never.

Perhaps there is a link for this? LOL.

Hundreds of mosques destroyed by Israel?

Horseshit, piled high, to the ceiling...

There were never that many in the entire so-called Land...

Never mind that many being destroyed by the Israelis...

Give it a couple of weeks...

By that time, our colleague will have racheted it up from hundreds to thousands of mosques...
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Sweet Caroline -

Um.....have you heard of Benjamin Netanyahu?

"I think that peace will require two states, a Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state."

"I don't want to govern the Palestinians. I don't want them as subjects of Israel or as citizens of Israel. I want them to have their own independent state but a demilitarized state."

Or how about Yirzhak Rabin....

"I believe that in the long run, separation between Israel and the Palestinians is the best solution for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

"I enter negotiations with Chairman Arafat, the leader of the PLO, the representative of the Palestinian people, with the purpose to have coexistence between our two entities, Israel as a Jewish state and Palestinian state, entity, next to us, living in peace."

I'm kinda stunned that as an Israeli, you aren't aware of these comments.

So many = two. Talk about exaggeration!
Those "so many heads of State" do not necessarily mean the whole of the West Bank for a Palestinian State.

This is from Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs channel, which makes it obvious that a Palestinian State in the WB won't be happening any time soon, if ever.

[ame=]outstanding Explanation: Why Israel can't withdraw to its pre '67 borders line - Please Share - YouTube[/ame]
Caroline -

There are more....Olmert, many do you want to see?

And yes, they DO mean the West Bank, which suggests to me that your idea that they are promoting an illegal plan is probably false.

You really might consider going back to square one on this issue....I have to say you seem to have really grabbed the wrong end of the stick on the legality of occupation.
Caroline -

There are more....Olmert, many do you want to see?

And yes, they DO mean the West Bank, which suggests to me that your idea that they are promoting an illegal plan is probably false.

You really might consider going back to square one on this issue....I have to say you seem to have really grabbed the wrong end of the stick on the legality of occupation.

There is no "illegality of occupation" and the WB will not be given up. Cry as much as you want, but it is not going to happen.
The Israelis destroyed hundreds of Mosques in Israel after expelling hundreds of thousands of Arabs.

They better learn their own history before they demand anything from others.

Or WHAT, exactly???? You appear to believe that making threats is 'discussion'.....

I'm sure the entire Israeli population is shivering in their sandals at the prospect of being threatened by some nameless bullyboy on a chat board................. :lol:
Just return the stolen land back to the Palestinian people and the problem will be solved. .. :cool:

What stolen land? What Palestinian people? The ones the Russians helped Arafat invent in 1960 for a propaganda warfare against Israel and the Jewish people?!

These people have no claim whatsover to Israeli land! Get lost!
Jeremiah -

Let's try and stick to facts.

There were at least two Palestinian nationalist organisations operating at the turn of the 20th century. So no, they weren't invented in 1960.

I really don't understand why posters here repeat the same old myths and nonsense again and again and again - particularly when the know it is false. Israel an afford integrity.
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the 'West Bank' commonly known as Judea and Samaria,

Only by Zionist fools and those who study ancient history.
That was 2,000 years or more ago.
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