How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

More government dependency. We see how great that's worked out for us so far.

worked out for you just fine.. We didn't collapse into social anarchy in the 1960's, did we? Everyone thought we would.

How did it workout for me? I work and support myself. The only thing I need government for is to stay the hell out of my life. The further the better.

Now those social programs brought us trillions into debt and greatly promoted irresponsibility.
If you call social security a social program you are's one of the greatest things this nation has ever done....
How does taxing the wealthy help your income unless government confiscates all money for redistribution? You people need to move to Cuba or North Korea where that system is already in place. Here's something you can never choke down, it's called logic: Nobody would open or operate a business if government took most of their money....nobody.

Funny thing. You know what the top marginal rate was in 1953 when Ike was President? It was 93% on incomes over 400K. Our businesses did just fine. CEO's lived comfortable suburban lifestyles.

The thing about Cuba or North Korea is you act like they just sprung into being the day Communism was declared..

Um, no. Korea was a colony of Japan for a half century before independence, and the Japanese pretty much looted the place of all the resources... Cuba was a place were the people lived in abject poverty and the country was run by Corporations and Gangsters (But I repeat myself.)

They were poor miserable placed to live long before the Commies ever got there.

Oh, making the rich pay their fair share... Not actually communism. We did it under Ike, and we were just fine.

Except for the fact that nobody ever paid that tax rate. If government is taking 90% of everything you make then it's simply not worth having a business.

Companies and owners stayed here because in the 50's, workers were much closer in pay scales to the rest of the world. We didn't have weather radar and overseas travel was expensive and risky. Even communication was antiquated and expensive. There was no advantage to leaving.

In the 70's unions began to get greedy, and companies began leaving the US. When Reagan realized the problem, he lowered taxes on companies to help keep them here. Reagan knew that government and unions were chasing the rich and their companies right out of the country.

Today with our advanced communications and travel, a company owner can run his business from his cell phone sitting on the toilet. He can keep track of inventory, orders, personal stocks, and supervisors all over the world. Meeting are done on the internet instead of in person.
So if workers make low wages, which is what you clamoring for, how can they afford to live? I've never seen a SUPPOSED worker who clamors for low wages for workers. Some people really HATE workers. They are ANTI american.
If the rich want to take their company overseas they should RESCIND their citizenship here and move. Buh bye.
So if workers make low wages, which is what you clamoring for, how can they afford to live? I've never seen a SUPPOSED worker who clamors for low wages for workers. Some people really HATE workers. They are ANTI american.

Nobody is advocating for lower wages. Just reasonable ones that won't bankrupt businesses.
Um, actually, it was 2.6 last's already slowing down. And people are starting to realize that they are paying more in taxes, not less under Trump.

No, most people are paying less. It's those liberals states that may be paying more due to the mortgage interest change deductions.

Hey, did you hear about Flint, Michigan.. yes, I do believe the rich are happy to let the poor drink poison water.

The poor shouldn't have to buy bottled water. NOBODY should have to buy bottled water because whatever is coming out of the tap is unfit to drink.

And who was running Flint at the time? You find an anomaly and try to make it across the board problem.

The only people paying attention to AOC is you.. and she didn't even change the party affiliation of her district. You missed the 41 seats you DID lose in the house because people are tired of your shit.

Yet we gained in the Senate. We have a history of the Prez losing the house in the first midterm election. Yet still, both parties had record turnouts for the midterms.

Actually, no, I think you lost track of the argument a long time ago.

The US did not lose market share because Union guys made a good living.

They lost market share because the produced an inferior product and generally showed contempt for their customers. I think they've made up the difference in quality since then... but I remember how my 84 Chevette would choke out if I got if over 70MPH, or how my 88 Escort caught on fire that one time.

Those decisions were made in the board rooms, not the assembly lines.

Yes, they did manufacture a substandard product compared to foreign made products. It's because of the unions and all the associated costs. They had to recoup those losses somewhere, so they bought cheaper and less quality parts to make the cars while still making them competitive price wise.

Every car company has product cycle problems and many have ridden them out. General Motors has a problem that eats away at their profit like no other company, it is their legacy costs. These problems have been gathering steam since 1950 when negotiations for pension and health care started, long before Bob Lutz or Rick Wagoner were in power.

General Motors marketshare is going down and has been for some time. Ford has the same problems. With every new car manufacturer coming to America, including China soon, their marketshare may continue to go down. According to Stefan Weinman spokesman for General Motors, General Motors spends $5.2 billion on health care for 1.1 million people, equaling $4,727 annually per person. People can buy cheaper cars and get the same value without the health care costs of $1,525 built into every vehicle made. Add another $675 per car for pension costs.

General Motors - A legacy of problems | Driving the Nation

So as you can see, because of legacy costs, American made cars are over 2 grand more than foreign made products.
So what then? Americans should make less money. Then you will complain, I mean act like a snowflake, that young people are living in basements. In today's wages I don't blame them. The country doesn't need them to get married and have kids. They can't afford them.
So if workers make low wages, which is what you clamoring for, how can they afford to live? I've never seen a SUPPOSED worker who clamors for low wages for workers. Some people really HATE workers. They are ANTI american.

Nobody is advocating for lower wages. Just reasonable ones that won't bankrupt businesses.
Best way to increase wages is to shrink the labor pool, grow the labor demand... or both. There is nothing more deleterious to the low to middling skilled work force than setting an arbitrary wage (cus they aint gonna get hired)... companies should not offer do you expect people to afford life in america? Because in your America they wouldn't. companies should not offer do you expect people to afford life in america? Because in your America they wouldn't.
I'm all for privatization, much like your auto policy, where U can splurge or 'tighten the belt' & shop shop shop for the best bargain weighing catastrophic / vs. likely or unlikely medical needs etc. Give the employee the tax discount, not the company, thereby maximizing wages. Above all else though, ya got to trim the fat in the population by prioritizing the citizenry ONLY.

Requiring one to pay the cost of another meets the definition of slavery (don't get all PC here) required labor - working without compensation is the working definition. In the US w have inalienable rights, which don't require taking from one, to give another. Our forefathers didn't die so that an illegal alien could be afforded medicare & U pay for it despite being unwilling to do so.
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Most working folk get their insurance from their employer....if this ever goes away those people are screwed...done for.
Japan is not replacing its own population with invaders. A smart move by any metric.


Legislation is being passed right now expanding immigration.

It will fail, because Japanese are smart enough to look out for their own interest.


Too late, coward. Passed on Dec. 7. :lol:
They are not planning on bringing any 3rd world people in, that is for sure.

Wrong again, dumbass. Many of the immigrants that will be allowed into the country under this legislation will in fact come from Third World countries or Third World parts of countries. You’re wrong again, as usual.

Why not from 1st world countries? Why not more educated people with quality and work habits?
Legislation is being passed right now expanding immigration.

It will fail, because Japanese are smart enough to look out for their own interest.


Too late, coward. Passed on Dec. 7. :lol:
They are not planning on bringing any 3rd world people in, that is for sure.

Wrong again, dumbass. Many of the immigrants that will be allowed into the country under this legislation will in fact come from Third World countries or Third World parts of countries. You’re wrong again, as usual.

Why not from 1st world countries? Why not more educated people with quality and work habits?

People from 1st world countries have always been able to enter, and lot of workers from the 3rd world do have quality and work habits, of course.
How does taxing the wealthy help your income unless government confiscates all money for redistribution? You people need to move to Cuba or North Korea where that system is already in place. Here's something you can never choke down, it's called logic: Nobody would open or operate a business if government took most of their money....nobody.

Funny thing. You know what the top marginal rate was in 1953 when Ike was President? It was 93% on incomes over 400K. Our businesses did just fine. CEO's lived comfortable suburban lifestyles.

The thing about Cuba or North Korea is you act like they just sprung into being the day Communism was declared..

Um, no. Korea was a colony of Japan for a half century before independence, and the Japanese pretty much looted the place of all the resources... Cuba was a place were the people lived in abject poverty and the country was run by Corporations and Gangsters (But I repeat myself.)

They were poor miserable placed to live long before the Commies ever got there.

Oh, making the rich pay their fair share... Not actually communism. We did it under Ike, and we were just fine.

Except for the fact that nobody ever paid that tax rate. If government is taking 90% of everything you make then it's simply not worth having a business.

Companies and owners stayed here because in the 50's, workers were much closer in pay scales to the rest of the world. We didn't have weather radar and overseas travel was expensive and risky. Even communication was antiquated and expensive. There was no advantage to leaving.

In the 70's unions began to get greedy, and companies began leaving the US. When Reagan realized the problem, he lowered taxes on companies to help keep them here. Reagan knew that government and unions were chasing the rich and their companies right out of the country.

Today with our advanced communications and travel, a company owner can run his business from his cell phone sitting on the toilet. He can keep track of inventory, orders, personal stocks, and supervisors all over the world. Meeting are done on the internet instead of in person.

Unions keep wages at a liveable scale. Nothing wrong with that. The corporations and bankers have unions but they're called the supreme court and government bailouts. Even Obama bailed them out even though he's been accused of being a liberal and a progressive. Too funny that one. We haven't had a liberal in the white house since LBJ.
How does taxing the wealthy help your income unless government confiscates all money for redistribution? You people need to move to Cuba or North Korea where that system is already in place. Here's something you can never choke down, it's called logic: Nobody would open or operate a business if government took most of their money....nobody.

Funny thing. You know what the top marginal rate was in 1953 when Ike was President? It was 93% on incomes over 400K. Our businesses did just fine. CEO's lived comfortable suburban lifestyles.

The thing about Cuba or North Korea is you act like they just sprung into being the day Communism was declared..

Um, no. Korea was a colony of Japan for a half century before independence, and the Japanese pretty much looted the place of all the resources... Cuba was a place were the people lived in abject poverty and the country was run by Corporations and Gangsters (But I repeat myself.)

They were poor miserable placed to live long before the Commies ever got there.

Oh, making the rich pay their fair share... Not actually communism. We did it under Ike, and we were just fine.

Except for the fact that nobody ever paid that tax rate. If government is taking 90% of everything you make then it's simply not worth having a business.

Companies and owners stayed here because in the 50's, workers were much closer in pay scales to the rest of the world. We didn't have weather radar and overseas travel was expensive and risky. Even communication was antiquated and expensive. There was no advantage to leaving.

In the 70's unions began to get greedy, and companies began leaving the US. When Reagan realized the problem, he lowered taxes on companies to help keep them here. Reagan knew that government and unions were chasing the rich and their companies right out of the country.

Today with our advanced communications and travel, a company owner can run his business from his cell phone sitting on the toilet. He can keep track of inventory, orders, personal stocks, and supervisors all over the world. Meeting are done on the internet instead of in person.

Unions keep wages at a liveable scale. Nothing wrong with that. The corporations and bankers have unions but they're called the supreme court and government bailouts. Even Obama bailed them out even though he's been accused of being a liberal and a progressive. Too funny that one. We haven't had a liberal in the white house since LBJ.

That's because DumBama had absolutely no experience in economics or business. The man never even ran a hotdog stand.

Yes, there is something wrong with unions forcing companies to overpay employees. When that happens, they lose their ability to compete, especially with foreign manufacturers. So they only have two choices: move out of the country or state to compete, or join their employees in the unemployment line.

As a truck driver, I can't tell you how many customers we lost over the years for that reason. So unions not only closed down their own businesses, but created a domino effect for other businesses such as the transportation company I work for.

The only way to ever bring back unions is to change the attitude of the American consumer, and I don't see that happening anytime soon. If people are not going to buy union made products, the company simply can't stay in business.

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