How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Certainly, because lust and human nature have no place at work. Lunch is a personal thing, not professional.

You wouldn't have given it a second thought if he took out a Puerto Rican hottie or a young Mexican chick with a nice shape while leaving two old white broads behind because it simply wouldn't have clicked because you couldn't make it a race issue.

But that's not what happened. We actually did have some pretty hot Asian chicks working there, and he never too them out to lunch, either.

Maybe because he didn't work with them and know them well enough? Maybe because Asian women don't do anything for him?

As a white guy, of course I'm attracted to White women. It's quite normal; not that you would know what normal is. But I don't care for middle-eastern women. I don't care for black women. I don't care for Mexican or Indian women. There is nothing wrong or racist about it just as if a man from India or Indian descent is attracted to Indian women and not white ones.
Why is it hilarious? The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. What fool would side with a party that wants to eliminate them as the majority in their very own country?

I don't think Democrats are generally anti-white party. They just don't have anything to offer to whites.

Democrat succeed in politics of ethnic identity. Let's get black vote (13%), let's get Latinos (14%), if they get Asians (5%)... they're already over 30% right there, the rest they'll get from some other groups, such as feminists, gays... They don't look for common good, their politics is cobbling together coalition of different groups by turning them against the only group that can prevent them from being in power, whites.

They always appeal to groups, never to individuals. That's why those individuals who apart from their groups are being called out, traitors, uncle Toms, deplorables, etc. Good example would be when Hillary said how white women voted against their own interest when they didn't vote for her.

The fact that they are trying to rush people of race into this country as quickly as possible at the cost to whites tells me they are the anti-white party. They are aiming to have a single-party government forever, and whites are preventing that goal.

*They closed down the government to stop the wall.
*They stopped Kate's law from actually becoming law.
*They created sanctuary states which stemmed from their sanctuary cities.
*They make illegals feel welcome by providing them with drivers license and protecting them from the feds.

They are not fighting so hard out of the goodness of their heart. They want to commit political genocide.
Why is it hilarious? The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. What fool would side with a party that wants to eliminate them as the majority in their very own country?

I don't think Democrats are generally anti-white party. They just don't have anything to offer to whites.

Democrat succeed in politics of ethnic identity. Let's get black vote (13%), let's get Latinos (14%), if they get Asians (5%)... they're already over 30% right there, the rest they'll get from some other groups, such as feminists, gays... They don't look for common good, their politics is cobbling together coalition of different groups by turning them against the only group that can prevent them from being in power, whites.

They always appeal to groups, never to individuals. That's why those individuals who apart from their groups are being called out, traitors, uncle Toms, deplorables, etc. Good example would be when Hillary said how white women voted against their own interest when they didn't vote for her.

The fact that they are trying to rush people of race into this country as quickly as possible at the cost to whites tells me they are the anti-white party. They are aiming to have a single-party government forever, and whites are preventing that goal.

*They closed down the government to stop the wall.
*They stopped Kate's law from actually becoming law.
*They created sanctuary states which stemmed from their sanctuary cities.
*They make illegals feel welcome by providing them with drivers license and protecting them from the feds.

They are not fighting so hard out of the goodness of their heart. They want to commit political genocide.

Congress passed legislation that funded border security & Trump shit down the government to throw a tissy fit that he did not get his wall.

Kate's law was stupid & loaded up our prisons with nonviolent people who got caught illegally gaining entry.

You don't know what a sanctuary city is.
Why is it hilarious? The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. What fool would side with a party that wants to eliminate them as the majority in their very own country?

I don't think Democrats are generally anti-white party. They just don't have anything to offer to whites.

Democrat succeed in politics of ethnic identity. Let's get black vote (13%), let's get Latinos (14%), if they get Asians (5%)... they're already over 30% right there, the rest they'll get from some other groups, such as feminists, gays... They don't look for common good, their politics is cobbling together coalition of different groups by turning them against the only group that can prevent them from being in power, whites.

They always appeal to groups, never to individuals. That's why those individuals who apart from their groups are being called out, traitors, uncle Toms, deplorables, etc. Good example would be when Hillary said how white women voted against their own interest when they didn't vote for her.

The fact that they are trying to rush people of race into this country as quickly as possible at the cost to whites tells me they are the anti-white party. They are aiming to have a single-party government forever, and whites are preventing that goal.

*They closed down the government to stop the wall.
*They stopped Kate's law from actually becoming law.
*They created sanctuary states which stemmed from their sanctuary cities.
*They make illegals feel welcome by providing them with drivers license and protecting them from the feds.

They are not fighting so hard out of the goodness of their heart. They want to commit political genocide.

Congress passed legislation that funded border security & Trump shit down the government to throw a tissy fit that he did not get his wall.

Kate's law was stupid & loaded up our prisons with nonviolent people who got caught illegally gaining entry.

You don't know what a sanctuary city is.

So you would rather have convicted felons roaming our streets instead of in prison? How Democrat of you.

Laws are designed to provide punishment and deterrent. If all we are going to do with convicted felons is send them back IF they are caught, then there is zero deterrent from coming back here. This is where sanctuary cities come to play. If a convicted felon is caught in one of those cities, nothing happens to him because he broke no law and they aren't going to inform ICE of his presence. If he does break a law, they will only hold him as long as law permits and not hold him for ICE agents. In some places, they created laws that authorities are not allowed to inform or contact ICE period.

Border security (according to the Democrats) means things they can easily remove if they ever regain power of the federal government. That's why they are fighting tooth and nail to stop the wall, because it's something they won't be able to remove.
Better check your facts. A recession is defined as two negative growth quarters.

Uh, guy, 2002 and 2003 were pretty fucked up. You'd have crucified Obama for that kind of economy. But it was okay, Bush was White.

The more illegals we have the further they drive American wages down. It's one of the reasons why we on the right are trying to stop the flow. What the left does is yap about higher minimum wages, and then welcomes illegals with open arms. Of course the people on the left are too stupid to figure that out.

If you have higher minimum wages, it doesn't matter where the workers come from. Sorry you don't get this.

Somehow, I think your life is tortured by your OCD. You wake up in the morning looking to turn anything into race, and go to bed dreaming about racism. And it's not just me. You call anybody here who disagrees with you a racist.

No, mostly it's just you and few other open racists who come here to say things you'd be too chickenshit to say in public.

They are not competing like our CEO's do. In Socialist countries, there is only so much you can make. If they are any good at their trade, they move to the US where they can make real money, just like doctors and engineers.

Not really. Kind of hard to have a CEO who barely speaks English be effective.

The thing is, the Europeans and Japanese don't have big stroke-off magazines like Fortune and Forbes telling the CEO's how fucking important they are.
Laws are designed to provide punishment and deterrent. If all we are going to do with convicted felons is send them back IF they are caught, then there is zero deterrent from coming back here. This is where sanctuary cities come to play. If a convicted felon is caught in one of those cities, nothing happens to him because he broke no law and they aren't going to inform ICE of his presence. If he does break a law, they will only hold him as long as law permits and not hold him for ICE agents. In some places, they created laws that authorities are not allowed to inform or contact ICE period.

But this is the problem.. ICE doesn't really have the facilities to hold or process that many undocumented immigrants... So they depend on local jails to hold people, with local jails picking up most of the bill. This is why the Sanctuary cities are ignoring these laws, as they should. I really don't want my tax dollars spent jailing someone who isn't violent because the ICE Jackboots might get around to deporting him in a couple of years.

Border security (according to the Democrats) means things they can easily remove if they ever regain power of the federal government. That's why they are fighting tooth and nail to stop the wall, because it's something they won't be able to remove.

You realize walls can be torn down, right?

But this is the problem.. ICE doesn't really have the facilities to hold or process that many undocumented immigrants... So they depend on local jails to hold people, with local jails picking up most of the bill. This is why the Sanctuary cities are ignoring these laws, as they should. I really don't want my tax dollars spent jailing someone who isn't violent because the ICE Jackboots might get around to deporting him in a couple of years.

Then let that be ICE's problem. ICE may not pick them up on the spot, but they will be there within a day or two. It has nothing to do with what ICE wants, it has to do with Democrats wanting illegals in this country dangerous or not. They don't care if they rape or kill Americans, just as long as they count in the US Census so they can cheat in representation of Congress people. Trump wanted the Census to be able to ask people if they were legal or not, and the Democrats had a shit fit and fought it tooth and nail. Democrats are born cheats and thieves you know.

You realize walls can be torn down, right?

Nothing would make us happier. Nothing would back up our claim how Democrats want to destroy this country with illegals than them tearing down billions of dollars in taxpayer funded walls that were working.
Then let that be ICE's problem. ICE may not pick them up on the spot, but they will be there within a day or two. It has nothing to do with what ICE wants, it has to do with Democrats wanting illegals in this country dangerous or not.

Except ICE isn't there in "a day or two"... they expect the jails to hold on to these guys for months, and they don't have the budget for it. I did a resume for an ICE guy, and he told me, most of his job is going to local jails not to pick up undocumented immigrants, but to make sure they aren't locking them up with the murderers or otherwise holding them in inhuman conditions.

They don't care if they rape or kill Americans, just as long as they count in the US Census so they can cheat in representation of Congress people. Trump wanted the Census to be able to ask people if they were legal or not, and the Democrats had a shit fit and fought it tooth and nail. Democrats are born cheats and thieves you know.

The constitution doesn't require a count of citizens, they require a count of PEOPLE. So what Trump is asking for is unconstitutional.

The only born cheat is the party that insisted on putting a Russian stooge in office after he lost by 3 million votes.

Also, you are more likely to be killed a white nut with a gun than an illegal... but it's not like you'd want to take guns away from White nuts... you'd be high on that list.
Why is it hilarious? The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. What fool would side with a party that wants to eliminate them as the majority in their very own country?

I don't think Democrats are generally anti-white party. They just don't have anything to offer to whites.

Democrat succeed in politics of ethnic identity. Let's get black vote (13%), let's get Latinos (14%), if they get Asians (5%)... they're already over 30% right there, the rest they'll get from some other groups, such as feminists, gays... They don't look for common good, their politics is cobbling together coalition of different groups by turning them against the only group that can prevent them from being in power, whites.

They always appeal to groups, never to individuals. That's why those individuals who apart from their groups are being called out, traitors, uncle Toms, deplorables, etc. Good example would be when Hillary said how white women voted against their own interest when they didn't vote for her.
They are an anti-white party.
Why is it hilarious? The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. What fool would side with a party that wants to eliminate them as the majority in their very own country?

I don't think Democrats are generally anti-white party. They just don't have anything to offer to whites.

Democrat succeed in politics of ethnic identity. Let's get black vote (13%), let's get Latinos (14%), if they get Asians (5%)... they're already over 30% right there, the rest they'll get from some other groups, such as feminists, gays... They don't look for common good, their politics is cobbling together coalition of different groups by turning them against the only group that can prevent them from being in power, whites.

They always appeal to groups, never to individuals. That's why those individuals who apart from their groups are being called out, traitors, uncle Toms, deplorables, etc. Good example would be when Hillary said how white women voted against their own interest when they didn't vote for her.

The fact that they are trying to rush people of race into this country as quickly as possible at the cost to whites tells me they are the anti-white party. They are aiming to have a single-party government forever, and whites are preventing that goal.

*They closed down the government to stop the wall.
*They stopped Kate's law from actually becoming law.
*They created sanctuary states which stemmed from their sanctuary cities.
*They make illegals feel welcome by providing them with drivers license and protecting them from the feds.

They are not fighting so hard out of the goodness of their heart. They want to commit political genocide.

Congress passed legislation that funded border security & Trump shit down the government to throw a tissy fit that he did not get his wall.

Kate's law was stupid & loaded up our prisons with nonviolent people who got caught illegally gaining entry.

You don't know what a sanctuary city is.

So you would rather have convicted felons roaming our streets instead of in prison? How Democrat of you.

Laws are designed to provide punishment and deterrent. If all we are going to do with convicted felons is send them back IF they are caught, then there is zero deterrent from coming back here. This is where sanctuary cities come to play. If a convicted felon is caught in one of those cities, nothing happens to him because he broke no law and they aren't going to inform ICE of his presence. If he does break a law, they will only hold him as long as law permits and not hold him for ICE agents. In some places, they created laws that authorities are not allowed to inform or contact ICE period.

Border security (according to the Democrats) means things they can easily remove if they ever regain power of the federal government. That's why they are fighting tooth and nail to stop the wall, because it's something they won't be able to remove.

What convicted felons? How does a convicted felon walk around? If they are convicted of a felony, they are in prison. If they served their time, then are allowed to walk free.

Kate's law would imprison all who come back & get caught.

If an illegal does not break the law in a sanctuary city, how do they get caught?

Sanctuary cities allow all residents to be involved with solving crimes and participate in the community. They know they will not be picked up & deported sas long as they do not commit any crimes. A lot better & safer than having a lot of people hiding in the shadows.
Why is it hilarious? The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. What fool would side with a party that wants to eliminate them as the majority in their very own country?

I don't think Democrats are generally anti-white party. They just don't have anything to offer to whites.

Democrat succeed in politics of ethnic identity. Let's get black vote (13%), let's get Latinos (14%), if they get Asians (5%)... they're already over 30% right there, the rest they'll get from some other groups, such as feminists, gays... They don't look for common good, their politics is cobbling together coalition of different groups by turning them against the only group that can prevent them from being in power, whites.

They always appeal to groups, never to individuals. That's why those individuals who apart from their groups are being called out, traitors, uncle Toms, deplorables, etc. Good example would be when Hillary said how white women voted against their own interest when they didn't vote for her.
They are an anti-white party.

They are an anti-white supremacist party.

There I fixed it.
Then let that be ICE's problem. ICE may not pick them up on the spot, but they will be there within a day or two. It has nothing to do with what ICE wants, it has to do with Democrats wanting illegals in this country dangerous or not.

Except ICE isn't there in "a day or two"... they expect the jails to hold on to these guys for months, and they don't have the budget for it. I did a resume for an ICE guy, and he told me, most of his job is going to local jails not to pick up undocumented immigrants, but to make sure they aren't locking them up with the murderers or otherwise holding them in inhuman conditions.

They don't care if they rape or kill Americans, just as long as they count in the US Census so they can cheat in representation of Congress people. Trump wanted the Census to be able to ask people if they were legal or not, and the Democrats had a shit fit and fought it tooth and nail. Democrats are born cheats and thieves you know.

The constitution doesn't require a count of citizens, they require a count of PEOPLE. So what Trump is asking for is unconstitutional.

The only born cheat is the party that insisted on putting a Russian stooge in office after he lost by 3 million votes.

Also, you are more likely to be killed a white nut with a gun than an illegal... but it's not like you'd want to take guns away from White nuts... you'd be high on that list.
Police department have been sued & lost for illegal incarceration when ICE doesn't show up in time.
What we have is a contingent of white males out there who got bamboozled by the feminists over the years......the snowflakes among us. Most are miserable because in their formative years, they stood on the sidelines with their thumb up their ass. Most tend to the hysterical like women. Almost all are appeasers. That's what happens when you are growing up and not competing with and against other become naturally submissive and subservient. Man on the right know it too.......almost instantly......when they are in the presence of a limpwrister. Watch in the next 18 months as this gets highlighted on YouTube at these antifa affairs!:113::113:
Then let that be ICE's problem. ICE may not pick them up on the spot, but they will be there within a day or two. It has nothing to do with what ICE wants, it has to do with Democrats wanting illegals in this country dangerous or not.

Except ICE isn't there in "a day or two"... they expect the jails to hold on to these guys for months, and they don't have the budget for it. I did a resume for an ICE guy, and he told me, most of his job is going to local jails not to pick up undocumented immigrants, but to make sure they aren't locking them up with the murderers or otherwise holding them in inhuman conditions.

They don't care if they rape or kill Americans, just as long as they count in the US Census so they can cheat in representation of Congress people. Trump wanted the Census to be able to ask people if they were legal or not, and the Democrats had a shit fit and fought it tooth and nail. Democrats are born cheats and thieves you know.

The constitution doesn't require a count of citizens, they require a count of PEOPLE. So what Trump is asking for is unconstitutional.

The only born cheat is the party that insisted on putting a Russian stooge in office after he lost by 3 million votes.

Also, you are more likely to be killed a white nut with a gun than an illegal... but it's not like you'd want to take guns away from White nuts... you'd be high on that list.
Police department have been sued & lost for illegal incarceration when ICE doesn't show up in time.

They have? I’m sure you have a link for that.

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Why is it hilarious? The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. What fool would side with a party that wants to eliminate them as the majority in their very own country?

I don't think Democrats are generally anti-white party. They just don't have anything to offer to whites.

Democrat succeed in politics of ethnic identity. Let's get black vote (13%), let's get Latinos (14%), if they get Asians (5%)... they're already over 30% right there, the rest they'll get from some other groups, such as feminists, gays... They don't look for common good, their politics is cobbling together coalition of different groups by turning them against the only group that can prevent them from being in power, whites.

They always appeal to groups, never to individuals. That's why those individuals who apart from their groups are being called out, traitors, uncle Toms, deplorables, etc. Good example would be when Hillary said how white women voted against their own interest when they didn't vote for her.

The fact that they are trying to rush people of race into this country as quickly as possible at the cost to whites tells me they are the anti-white party. They are aiming to have a single-party government forever, and whites are preventing that goal.

*They closed down the government to stop the wall.
*They stopped Kate's law from actually becoming law.
*They created sanctuary states which stemmed from their sanctuary cities.
*They make illegals feel welcome by providing them with drivers license and protecting them from the feds.

They are not fighting so hard out of the goodness of their heart. They want to commit political genocide.

Congress passed legislation that funded border security & Trump shit down the government to throw a tissy fit that he did not get his wall.

Kate's law was stupid & loaded up our prisons with nonviolent people who got caught illegally gaining entry.

You don't know what a sanctuary city is.

So you would rather have convicted felons roaming our streets instead of in prison? How Democrat of you.

Laws are designed to provide punishment and deterrent. If all we are going to do with convicted felons is send them back IF they are caught, then there is zero deterrent from coming back here. This is where sanctuary cities come to play. If a convicted felon is caught in one of those cities, nothing happens to him because he broke no law and they aren't going to inform ICE of his presence. If he does break a law, they will only hold him as long as law permits and not hold him for ICE agents. In some places, they created laws that authorities are not allowed to inform or contact ICE period.

Border security (according to the Democrats) means things they can easily remove if they ever regain power of the federal government. That's why they are fighting tooth and nail to stop the wall, because it's something they won't be able to remove.

What convicted felons? How does a convicted felon walk around? If they are convicted of a felony, they are in prison. If they served their time, then are allowed to walk free.

Kate's law would imprison all who come back & get caught.

If an illegal does not break the law in a sanctuary city, how do they get caught?

Sanctuary cities allow all residents to be involved with solving crimes and participate in the community. They know they will not be picked up & deported sas long as they do not commit any crimes. A lot better & safer than having a lot of people hiding in the shadows.

They are walking around free. That’s the problem. Invaders are held to a different standard than American citizens. If you are a convicted felon, you are not allowed in this country in the first place. You cannot get a Visa, cannot get a green card, cannot get a work permit. You are not allowed here.

Yes, Kate’s law would have imprisoned all felons who came back after deportation for a minimum of five years so they wouldn’t want to come back. That’s the idea.

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Then let that be ICE's problem. ICE may not pick them up on the spot, but they will be there within a day or two. It has nothing to do with what ICE wants, it has to do with Democrats wanting illegals in this country dangerous or not.

Except ICE isn't there in "a day or two"... they expect the jails to hold on to these guys for months, and they don't have the budget for it. I did a resume for an ICE guy, and he told me, most of his job is going to local jails not to pick up undocumented immigrants, but to make sure they aren't locking them up with the murderers or otherwise holding them in inhuman conditions.

They don't care if they rape or kill Americans, just as long as they count in the US Census so they can cheat in representation of Congress people. Trump wanted the Census to be able to ask people if they were legal or not, and the Democrats had a shit fit and fought it tooth and nail. Democrats are born cheats and thieves you know.

The constitution doesn't require a count of citizens, they require a count of PEOPLE. So what Trump is asking for is unconstitutional.

The only born cheat is the party that insisted on putting a Russian stooge in office after he lost by 3 million votes.

Also, you are more likely to be killed a white nut with a gun than an illegal... but it's not like you'd want to take guns away from White nuts... you'd be high on that list.

Nobody said anything about not counting them. I was talking about representatives which illegals are not allowed to have. Representatives are for Americans only— not illegals. That’s why they can’t vote in this country.

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Why is it hilarious? The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. What fool would side with a party that wants to eliminate them as the majority in their very own country?

I don't think Democrats are generally anti-white party. They just don't have anything to offer to whites.

Democrat succeed in politics of ethnic identity. Let's get black vote (13%), let's get Latinos (14%), if they get Asians (5%)... they're already over 30% right there, the rest they'll get from some other groups, such as feminists, gays... They don't look for common good, their politics is cobbling together coalition of different groups by turning them against the only group that can prevent them from being in power, whites.

They always appeal to groups, never to individuals. That's why those individuals who apart from their groups are being called out, traitors, uncle Toms, deplorables, etc. Good example would be when Hillary said how white women voted against their own interest when they didn't vote for her.
They are an anti-white party.

Made up of a majority of white people?
What we have is a contingent of white males out there who got bamboozled by the feminists over the years......the snowflakes among us. Most are miserable because in their formative years, they stood on the sidelines with their thumb up their ass. Most tend to the hysterical like women. Almost all are appeasers. That's what happens when you are growing up and not competing with and against other become naturally submissive and subservient. Man on the right know it too.......almost instantly......when they are in the presence of a limpwrister. Watch in the next 18 months as this gets highlighted on YouTube at these antifa affairs!:113::113:

Is this your way of trying to proclaim how ‘tough’ you think you are?
They are walking around free. That’s the problem. Invaders are held to a different standard than American citizens. If you are a convicted felon, you are not allowed in this country in the first place. You cannot get a Visa, cannot get a green card, cannot get a work permit. You are not allowed here.

Yes, Kate’s law would have imprisoned all felons who came back after deportation for a minimum of five years so they wouldn’t want to come back. That’s the idea.

We already lock up too many people. Frankly, I don't want a real criminal let loose so you can remind us how much you hate Mexicans.

Nobody said anything about not counting them. I was talking about representatives which illegals are not allowed to have. Representatives are for Americans only— not illegals. That’s why they can’t vote in this country.

Representatives aren't allocated on the number of voters or citizens, they are allocated on the number of people. Trump is including that question for one reason, to scare undocumented people off from being counted. Defeats the entire purpose of the census.
Why is it hilarious? The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. What fool would side with a party that wants to eliminate them as the majority in their very own country?

I don't think Democrats are generally anti-white party. They just don't have anything to offer to whites.

Democrat succeed in politics of ethnic identity. Let's get black vote (13%), let's get Latinos (14%), if they get Asians (5%)... they're already over 30% right there, the rest they'll get from some other groups, such as feminists, gays... They don't look for common good, their politics is cobbling together coalition of different groups by turning them against the only group that can prevent them from being in power, whites.

They always appeal to groups, never to individuals. That's why those individuals who apart from their groups are being called out, traitors, uncle Toms, deplorables, etc. Good example would be when Hillary said how white women voted against their own interest when they didn't vote for her.

The fact that they are trying to rush people of race into this country as quickly as possible at the cost to whites tells me they are the anti-white party. They are aiming to have a single-party government forever, and whites are preventing that goal.

*They closed down the government to stop the wall.
*They stopped Kate's law from actually becoming law.
*They created sanctuary states which stemmed from their sanctuary cities.
*They make illegals feel welcome by providing them with drivers license and protecting them from the feds.

They are not fighting so hard out of the goodness of their heart. They want to commit political genocide.

Congress passed legislation that funded border security & Trump shit down the government to throw a tissy fit that he did not get his wall.

Kate's law was stupid & loaded up our prisons with nonviolent people who got caught illegally gaining entry.

You don't know what a sanctuary city is.
What we have is a contingent of white males out there who got bamboozled by the feminists over the years......the snowflakes among us. Most are miserable because in their formative years, they stood on the sidelines with their thumb up their ass. Most tend to the hysterical like women. Almost all are appeasers. That's what happens when you are growing up and not competing with and against other become naturally submissive and subservient. Man on the right know it too.......almost instantly......when they are in the presence of a limpwrister. Watch in the next 18 months as this gets highlighted on YouTube at these antifa affairs!:113::113:

Is this your way of trying to proclaim how ‘tough’ you think you are?
This is not about being tough. This is about using sense. I support many of your views. But I do not support power plays. Destroying hetero marriage is not a good thing.

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