How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

This is not about being tough. This is about using sense. I support many of your views. But I do not support power plays. Destroying hetero marriage is not a good thing.

Given that 50% of hetero marriages end in divorce, straights are doing a pretty good job of destroying the institution themselves...

I'm all for Gay Marriage. Why should just the straights have to suffer?
The feminist agenda, women in the workplace, the pill, easier sex, easier divorce, the slow breakdown of society has caused many opportunities for other agendas including gay marriage. Hetero marriage is work.
The feminist agenda, women in the workplace, the pill, easier sex, easier divorce, the slow breakdown of society has caused many opportunities for other agendas including gay marriage. Hetero marriage is work.

I think this is where you are little confused. Women can earn their own money and have children at a time of their choosing. And they can get out of marriages that were bad ideas. I'm not sure why you think any of these are bad things.
Imagine all the unwanted pregnancies the pill has prevented. A modern miracle. If we want more people working and less on the government dole, then women in the workplace is a necessity. Since it takes two working to survive, women have stepped up nicely.
Uh, guy, here was the gay marriage map right before Obergefell...

Try the map in the first vote under Bush. And note that in spite of the vote, most of those states changed to gay marriage either by activist representatives or activist judges; again, against the will of the voter.

I realize being a battered housewife Republican who won't find a better job, you don't understand the concept of consent. Dogs lack the intelligence to enter contracts.. That's why they can't get married.

I knew I'd see that OCD this morning. Gee, how did I know?

Wow, you mean that a kid might see a gay couple and realize some people are gay and there's not a problem with it. My God, that would be horrible!!! Don't you realize that your sort needs SOMEONE to hate on in order to ignore the screwing you are getting from the One Percent?

There is no God. Marriage should be a legal contract under the state. Gays should have access to it, if they want.

Correct. Kids have plenty of time to learn about sex and relationships later in life. They are confused enough as it is without throwing a Frisbee around and seeing his two same sex married neighbors kissing on the front porch.

Trump isn't asking "are you here illegally", he's asking if you are a citizen or not. Which again, defeats the purpose of an ennumeration.

He as every right to ask and insist they not be counted for representation. Again, those people are not free. They are invaders who are hiding from authorities.
There's a process to being a citizen. It should be followed. Instead of jobs illegals do for 10 dollars per hour, Americans might do them for 20 per hour.
Try the map in the first vote under Bush. And note that in spite of the vote, most of those states changed to gay marriage either by activist representatives or activist judges; again, against the will of the voter.

times changed... that was the thing. By the time the Court decided Obergefell, most of the country decided this wasn't a big deal.

The court doesn't go where the people don't want it to... I'm sorry you don't get this.

I knew I'd see that OCD this morning. Gee, how did I know?

Pointing you out as the perfect example of the dumb white trash that votes against it's own interest is hardly OCD.

Correct. Kids have plenty of time to learn about sex and relationships later in life. They are confused enough as it is without throwing a Frisbee around and seeing his two same sex married neighbors kissing on the front porch.

No confusion at all. They will either find out that they like boys or they like girls when puberty hits.

He as every right to ask and insist they not be counted for representation. Again, those people are not free. They are invaders who are hiding from authorities.

Well, no, actually, he doesn't. The courts are very clear on that EVERYONE has to be counted.

Here's the thing. the puprose is counterproductive. The question is meant to intimidate people into not being counted. But the thing is, th Census Bureau will just hire enumerators, talk to their neighbors,a nd find out who lives at 431 Maple regardless.

Better to keep the form simple and have as many people turn them in in the first place.

I've done Census taking... the kinds of weirdos who don't turn in their forms is always annoying... but we still get them.

Nursing is the most popular major today idiot.

When I was in college every other “white American chick” was a nursing major, and that was at a journalism school.

How many of them became nurses?

Last time I went to a Hospital, it was all Filipinas and Indians.

It's not up to a popular vote, it's up to what the Supreme Court says is constitutional or not. Prior to the ruling, states voted to have gay marriage accepted in their state. Every state but one voted against it. So the SC made a ruling against most of the people in the country.

And nobody ever blocked gay marriage. If you and your other wanted to get married, you find a religion that would marry you, and no government agency or law stopped you. It just wasn't recognized by the state.

Uh, guy, here was the gay marriage map right before Obergefell...


The court just validated what the country already decided.

They never gave consent to being put on a chain either, or being held against their will.

I realize being a battered housewife Republican who won't find a better job, you don't understand the concept of consent. Dogs lack the intelligence to enter contracts.. That's why they can't get married.

When I meant the children I meant children who are witness to it like neighbor kids and kids in school who have gay parents.

The point I made is marriage should not be a legal contract. If you want a legal contract, hire a lawyer and have a contract, but marriage should be the way it started which was a union of one man and one woman under God's eyes, and government should stay the hell out of it.

Wow, you mean that a kid might see a gay couple and realize some people are gay and there's not a problem with it. My God, that would be horrible!!! Don't you realize that your sort needs SOMEONE to hate on in order to ignore the screwing you are getting from the One Percent?

There is no God. Marriage should be a legal contract under the state. Gays should have access to it, if they want.

You mean people who are hiding in the shadows and fear being caught and deported are free people?

Trump isn't asking "are you here illegally", he's asking if you are a citizen or not. Which again, defeats the purpose of an ennumeration.

You are a liberal and a liar. But I repeat myself. For instance...the people of California rejected gay marriage. And DC crushed them. Yet you put it in the column of “already moved to gay marriage”.

Nursing is the most popular major today idiot.

When I was in college every other “white American chick” was a nursing major, and that was at a journalism school.

How many of them became nurses?

Last time I went to a Hospital, it was all Filipinas and Indians.

It's not up to a popular vote, it's up to what the Supreme Court says is constitutional or not. Prior to the ruling, states voted to have gay marriage accepted in their state. Every state but one voted against it. So the SC made a ruling against most of the people in the country.

And nobody ever blocked gay marriage. If you and your other wanted to get married, you find a religion that would marry you, and no government agency or law stopped you. It just wasn't recognized by the state.

Uh, guy, here was the gay marriage map right before Obergefell...


The court just validated what the country already decided.

They never gave consent to being put on a chain either, or being held against their will.

I realize being a battered housewife Republican who won't find a better job, you don't understand the concept of consent. Dogs lack the intelligence to enter contracts.. That's why they can't get married.

When I meant the children I meant children who are witness to it like neighbor kids and kids in school who have gay parents.

The point I made is marriage should not be a legal contract. If you want a legal contract, hire a lawyer and have a contract, but marriage should be the way it started which was a union of one man and one woman under God's eyes, and government should stay the hell out of it.

Wow, you mean that a kid might see a gay couple and realize some people are gay and there's not a problem with it. My God, that would be horrible!!! Don't you realize that your sort needs SOMEONE to hate on in order to ignore the screwing you are getting from the One Percent?

There is no God. Marriage should be a legal contract under the state. Gays should have access to it, if they want.

You mean people who are hiding in the shadows and fear being caught and deported are free people?

Trump isn't asking "are you here illegally", he's asking if you are a citizen or not. Which again, defeats the purpose of an ennumeration.

You are a liberal and a liar. But I repeat myself. For instance...the people of California rejected gay marriage. And DC crushed them. Yet you put it in the column of “already moved to gay marriage”.
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times changed... that was the thing. By the time the Court decided Obergefell, most of the country decided this wasn't a big deal.

The court doesn't go where the people don't want it to... I'm sorry you don't get this.

What would a lifelong appointed judge have to lose? What about a judge who is elected in a very liberal area?

Judges go against the majorities all the time.

Pointing you out as the perfect example of the dumb white trash that votes against it's own interest is hardly OCD.

The fact you are so obsessed with my job and healthcare is OCD. As far as voting against your own interest, you support a party that's trying to wipeout your race.

Well, no, actually, he doesn't. The courts are very clear on that EVERYONE has to be counted.

Here's the thing. the puprose is counterproductive. The question is meant to intimidate people into not being counted. But the thing is, th Census Bureau will just hire enumerators, talk to their neighbors,a nd find out who lives at 431 Maple regardless.

Better to keep the form simple and have as many people turn them in in the first place.

I've done Census taking... the kinds of weirdos who don't turn in their forms is always annoying... but we still get them.

So how much more difficult would it be to have check boxes whether you are legal or not?

Like I said, Democrats don't want it for two reasons: It allows them to cheat elections by having more representatives than they should have, and they don't want to reveal how many illegals there really are in this country. They keep trying to convince us that only 10 million are here. It's likely anywhere from 20 to 40 million, and the Democrats don't want that getting out.
You are a liberal and a liar. But I repeat myself. For instance...the people of California rejected gay marriage. And DC crushed them. Yet you put it in the column of “already moved to gay marriage”.

It barely passed a resolution that ONLY won because the Mormon Church flooded the state with propaganda about unrelated issues... This is why the courts threw it out.

When people realized they had been fooled, they came around.
The fact you are so obsessed with my job and healthcare is OCD. As far as voting against your own interest, you support a party that's trying to wipeout your race.

My race is the human race... The party trying to wipe that out is the one that wants to destroy the environment so the rich can make more money.

But back to the point. The rich screw you, you hate on poor people of color... that's kind of fucked up, dude. and you keep doing it.

So how much more difficult would it be to have check boxes whether you are legal or not?

YOu mean other than it is meant to intimidate non-citizens? That's really what it's about... "We know who you are now! We know where you live! We know how many kids you have."
My race is the human race...

Your race seems to be denial.

The party trying to wipe that out is the one that wants to destroy the environment so the rich can make more money.

Those rich are going to destroy the environment here or in China, India, Vietnam.......

But back to the point. The rich screw you, you hate on poor people of color... that's kind of fucked up, dude. and you keep doing it.

Let's see. The rich provide me with work, support charities so our government doesn't have to, provide me with products and services I use every day. Pay all the federal income taxes.

The poor people of color destroy neighborhoods, are responsible for most of the crime, close down businesses with theft and robbery, litter and bust bottles on my sidewalk and street, blare their music up so you can't even talk on the phone in peace, destroyed our schools and property value......

Now who did you say was screwing me again, I forgot?

YOu mean other than it is meant to intimidate non-citizens? That's really what it's about... "We know who you are now! We know where you live! We know how many kids you have."

You're correct, that is terrible. How dare we try to intimidate people who broke our laws and came here illegally. How dare we know how many kids they have that we are paying for. How dare we know where they live. We are just awful people here in America. Why I wouldn't blame them if they packed up and moved back home where they rightfully belong and teach us all a lesson.
The poor people of color destroy neighborhoods, are responsible for most of the crime, close down businesses with theft and robbery, litter and bust bottles on my sidewalk and street, blare their music up so you can't even talk on the phone in peace, destroyed our schools and property value......

Hoorray, Ray brought the racism again.

You're correct, that is terrible. How dare we try to intimidate people who broke our laws and came here illegally. How dare we know how many kids they have that we are paying for.

That's not the purpose of the census, buddy. The purpose is to count how many people live where, period. That way, the government knows where to allocate resources...

If you miss 11 million people because you tried to intimidate them into the shadows, you are cheating everyone. A road doesn't care about the citizenship of the people who drive on it, a sewer doesn't care if it's shit from an illegal... But if you think there are only 200,000 living in an neighborhood, but it's actually 500,000, you aren't going to get the resources you need.

(Waiting for more racism for Ray about how those people don't deserve roads or sewers.)
Hoorray, Ray brought the racism again.

You brought up race first as you always do. When somebody responds to your remarks......RACISM, RACISM!

That's not the purpose of the census, buddy. The purpose is to count how many people live where, period. That way, the government knows where to allocate resources...

If you miss 11 million people because you tried to intimidate them into the shadows, you are cheating everyone. A road doesn't care about the citizenship of the people who drive on it, a sewer doesn't care if it's shit from an illegal... But if you think there are only 200,000 living in an neighborhood, but it's actually 500,000, you aren't going to get the resources you need.

The primary reason for a Census is to determine representation of the state. Yes, federal dollars as well, but most of the federal dollars are based on who is rubbing who's back in Congress.

If it ever got out how badly the Census tilts our representation towards the Democrats, people would revolt and demand laws be put in place to not provide representation based on the illegal count and that would only be fair. Of course when have Democrats ever stood for fairness when it comes to power?

Two things: At the time the Constitution was written, there were no such thing as illegals. At the time the Constitution was written, the federal government provided very little to the states. Today, we have over 80 welfare programs and counting.
You are a liberal and a liar. But I repeat myself. For instance...the people of California rejected gay marriage. And DC crushed them. Yet you put it in the column of “already moved to gay marriage”.

It barely passed a resolution that ONLY won because the Mormon Church flooded the state with propaganda about unrelated issues... This is why the courts threw it out.

When people realized they had been fooled, they came around.

And this is why your kind have to be beaten and expelled from the body politic. You don’t respect it. Always the victory was too narrow. Always the people too dumb. And always s court to overrule it.
You are a tool and you don’t respect what you would hold me to. A sophist twisting and torturing the law to make it rule the people rather than serving as their creation.
The people of California rejected homosexual marriage. The ruling elites disagreed and broke them to their will. Your kind of tyranny.
You brought up race first as you always do. When somebody responds to your remarks......RACISM, RACISM!

Yes, Ray, you are a racist. Learn to deal with it before you hurt someone.

Two things: At the time the Constitution was written, there were no such thing as illegals. At the time the Constitution was written, the federal government provided very little to the states. Today, we have over 80 welfare programs and counting.

Yes, we do, but most of those are "White People Welfare" like Social Security and Medicare.

When the constitution was written, people considered bleeding a good treatment for Strep Throat, (it's how George Washington died), people shit in chamber pots because there were no centralized sewers, and most folks died before the age of 50 and the infant mortality rate was about 25%.

Thankfully, since then, we advanced with progressive programs that help people. We still have a very long, long way to go.

I would love to create a colony for all you guys who pine for the days of the Founding Slave Rapists, and make you all live like people did back then with indentured servitude, poor medical care and lousy public services...
Yes, Ray, you are a racist. Learn to deal with it before you hurt someone.

You better learn how to deal with reality because when somebody hits you with reality, you're like Dracula and the cross.

Yes, we do, but most of those are "White People Welfare" like Social Security and Medicare.

When the constitution was written, people considered bleeding a good treatment for Strep Throat, (it's how George Washington died), people shit in chamber pots because there were no centralized sewers, and most folks died before the age of 50 and the infant mortality rate was about 25%.

Thankfully, since then, we advanced with progressive programs that help people. We still have a very long, long way to go.

I would love to create a colony for all you guys who pine for the days of the Founding Slave Rapists, and make you all live like people did back then with indentured servitude, poor medical care and lousy public services...

Well it's my idea that we should divide as a country and have two countries instead. Draw a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Anybody in between would just have to pick a side to live on.

Then we could live in peace and harmony. If my side of the country was chosen as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight. We would be able to layoff half of our police force. Our economy would be booming because all the businesses would move to our lower-taxed country. We would build a huge Trump wall so that when the Democrat country collapsed, they wouldn't be able to sneak into our country.
Then we could live in peace and harmony. If my side of the country was chosen as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight. We would be able to layoff half of our police force. Our economy would be booming because all the businesses would move to our lower-taxed country. We would build a huge Trump wall so that when the Democrat country collapsed, they wouldn't be able to sneak into our country.

Really, let's have a look at that.

Let's look at the ten poorest states.


Look, everyone... the 10 poorest states, and 9 of them are consistently voting republican.

In fact, the richest states are- wait for it.. New York, California, Illinois, Washington... .


As the old saying goes, if you want to live like a Republican, vote for a Democrat!
Yes, Ray, you are a racist. Learn to deal with it before you hurt someone.

You better learn how to deal with reality because when somebody hits you with reality, you're like Dracula and the cross.

Yes, we do, but most of those are "White People Welfare" like Social Security and Medicare.

When the constitution was written, people considered bleeding a good treatment for Strep Throat, (it's how George Washington died), people shit in chamber pots because there were no centralized sewers, and most folks died before the age of 50 and the infant mortality rate was about 25%.

Thankfully, since then, we advanced with progressive programs that help people. We still have a very long, long way to go.

I would love to create a colony for all you guys who pine for the days of the Founding Slave Rapists, and make you all live like people did back then with indentured servitude, poor medical care and lousy public services...

Well it's my idea that we should divide as a country and have two countries instead. Draw a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Anybody in between would just have to pick a side to live on.

Then we could live in peace and harmony. If my side of the country was chosen as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight. We would be able to layoff half of our police force. Our economy would be booming because all the businesses would move to our lower-taxed country. We would build a huge Trump wall so that when the Democrat country collapsed, they wouldn't be able to sneak into our country.

That’s just stupid and will never happen. That’s the thinking of a dimwitted child frustrated by an adult world he can’t understand. Stop wasting time on such nonsense.

Real Americans have a responsibility to face whatever problems we have with maturity and patriotism and respect for our fellow citizens. Everyone wants to panic these days about how divided the country is, but they are ignorant of history and they forget that this country was built on and has always been a contentious republic of conflicting ideas and peoples. This is where our dynamic energy comes from. This is what has made America strong. This is what drives us towards an ever more perfect union. Quitters and traitors who would divide my great nation, had best bear in mind what happened the last time any concerted effort to do so was undertaken. Vile traitors who would endanger our republic will always be crushed like the dogs that they are.
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