How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

This is not about being tough. This is about using sense. I support many of your views. But I do not support power plays. Destroying hetero marriage is not a good thing.

Given that 50% of hetero marriages end in divorce, straights are doing a pretty good job of destroying the institution themselves...

I'm all for Gay Marriage. Why should just the straights have to suffer?
I don't think Democrats are generally anti-white party. They just don't have anything to offer to whites.

Democrat succeed in politics of ethnic identity. Let's get black vote (13%), let's get Latinos (14%), if they get Asians (5%)... they're already over 30% right there, the rest they'll get from some other groups, such as feminists, gays... They don't look for common good, their politics is cobbling together coalition of different groups by turning them against the only group that can prevent them from being in power, whites.

They always appeal to groups, never to individuals. That's why those individuals who apart from their groups are being called out, traitors, uncle Toms, deplorables, etc. Good example would be when Hillary said how white women voted against their own interest when they didn't vote for her.

The fact that they are trying to rush people of race into this country as quickly as possible at the cost to whites tells me they are the anti-white party. They are aiming to have a single-party government forever, and whites are preventing that goal.

*They closed down the government to stop the wall.
*They stopped Kate's law from actually becoming law.
*They created sanctuary states which stemmed from their sanctuary cities.
*They make illegals feel welcome by providing them with drivers license and protecting them from the feds.

They are not fighting so hard out of the goodness of their heart. They want to commit political genocide.

Congress passed legislation that funded border security & Trump shit down the government to throw a tissy fit that he did not get his wall.

Kate's law was stupid & loaded up our prisons with nonviolent people who got caught illegally gaining entry.

You don't know what a sanctuary city is.

So you would rather have convicted felons roaming our streets instead of in prison? How Democrat of you.

Laws are designed to provide punishment and deterrent. If all we are going to do with convicted felons is send them back IF they are caught, then there is zero deterrent from coming back here. This is where sanctuary cities come to play. If a convicted felon is caught in one of those cities, nothing happens to him because he broke no law and they aren't going to inform ICE of his presence. If he does break a law, they will only hold him as long as law permits and not hold him for ICE agents. In some places, they created laws that authorities are not allowed to inform or contact ICE period.

Border security (according to the Democrats) means things they can easily remove if they ever regain power of the federal government. That's why they are fighting tooth and nail to stop the wall, because it's something they won't be able to remove.

What convicted felons? How does a convicted felon walk around? If they are convicted of a felony, they are in prison. If they served their time, then are allowed to walk free.

Kate's law would imprison all who come back & get caught.

If an illegal does not break the law in a sanctuary city, how do they get caught?

Sanctuary cities allow all residents to be involved with solving crimes and participate in the community. They know they will not be picked up & deported sas long as they do not commit any crimes. A lot better & safer than having a lot of people hiding in the shadows.

They are walking around free. That’s the problem. Invaders are held to a different standard than American citizens. If you are a convicted felon, you are not allowed in this country in the first place. You cannot get a Visa, cannot get a green card, cannot get a work permit. You are not allowed here.

Yes, Kate’s law would have imprisoned all felons who came back after deportation for a minimum of five years so they wouldn’t want to come back. That’s the idea.

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What about US citizen convicted felons?
I just watched Star Trek Discovery second season premiere. It is a far more Star Trek universe show that is still massively extreme feminist. For no more then several per cent of the population of women that are tough, we have emasculated males for lesbians, trained women, heavy set women and amazon women included in that group. This is an insult to all of the men who are casualties in wars and domestic problems. Nothing wrong with hiring the ladies. But for the ones who are what is needed in pure equality of the job. Instead the standards are changed and TV and movies show something different then reality.

Good post. It prompted me to open new thread so we keep this one clean(er).

Men Favor Military Draft for Women A Lot More Than Women Do
The fact that they are trying to rush people of race into this country as quickly as possible at the cost to whites tells me they are the anti-white party. They are aiming to have a single-party government forever, and whites are preventing that goal.

*They closed down the government to stop the wall.
*They stopped Kate's law from actually becoming law.
*They created sanctuary states which stemmed from their sanctuary cities.
*They make illegals feel welcome by providing them with drivers license and protecting them from the feds.

They are not fighting so hard out of the goodness of their heart. They want to commit political genocide.

Congress passed legislation that funded border security & Trump shit down the government to throw a tissy fit that he did not get his wall.

Kate's law was stupid & loaded up our prisons with nonviolent people who got caught illegally gaining entry.

You don't know what a sanctuary city is.

So you would rather have convicted felons roaming our streets instead of in prison? How Democrat of you.

Laws are designed to provide punishment and deterrent. If all we are going to do with convicted felons is send them back IF they are caught, then there is zero deterrent from coming back here. This is where sanctuary cities come to play. If a convicted felon is caught in one of those cities, nothing happens to him because he broke no law and they aren't going to inform ICE of his presence. If he does break a law, they will only hold him as long as law permits and not hold him for ICE agents. In some places, they created laws that authorities are not allowed to inform or contact ICE period.

Border security (according to the Democrats) means things they can easily remove if they ever regain power of the federal government. That's why they are fighting tooth and nail to stop the wall, because it's something they won't be able to remove.

What convicted felons? How does a convicted felon walk around? If they are convicted of a felony, they are in prison. If they served their time, then are allowed to walk free.

Kate's law would imprison all who come back & get caught.

If an illegal does not break the law in a sanctuary city, how do they get caught?

Sanctuary cities allow all residents to be involved with solving crimes and participate in the community. They know they will not be picked up & deported sas long as they do not commit any crimes. A lot better & safer than having a lot of people hiding in the shadows.

They are walking around free. That’s the problem. Invaders are held to a different standard than American citizens. If you are a convicted felon, you are not allowed in this country in the first place. You cannot get a Visa, cannot get a green card, cannot get a work permit. You are not allowed here.

Yes, Kate’s law would have imprisoned all felons who came back after deportation for a minimum of five years so they wouldn’t want to come back. That’s the idea.

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What about US citizen convicted felons?

What about them? Most of them sacrificed the liberty to vote. Many can't find decent paying jobs. They are forbidden to legally own firearms. They pay the price for their crimes against society.
This is not about being tough. This is about using sense. I support many of your views. But I do not support power plays. Destroying hetero marriage is not a good thing.

Given that 50% of hetero marriages end in divorce, straights are doing a pretty good job of destroying the institution themselves...

I'm all for Gay Marriage. Why should just the straights have to suffer?

Just got off of Facebook a little while ago. One of my friends posted an article about two cousins getting married and wanting it to be recognized in Utah. I responded by saying I told people this was going to happen after the gay marriage ruling. Next it will be brother and sister, mother and son, man and dog.
We already lock up too many people. Frankly, I don't want a real criminal let loose so you can remind us how much you hate Mexicans.

It has nothing to do with hating anybody. These felons have murdered our people or caused some other harm to American citizens. They should be locked up once we kick them out should they return.

If you cause trouble at a bar and get kicked out, and then return, the bouncers will kick your ass and throw you out again, or the owner will call the cops to have you removed.

Representatives aren't allocated on the number of voters or citizens, they are allocated on the number of people. Trump is including that question for one reason, to scare undocumented people off from being counted. Defeats the entire purpose of the census.

Democrats are cheating the system by having those people counted in Democrat districts. They should count for zero as far as representation is concerned since they shouldn't be here in the first place.
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Just got off of Facebook a little while ago. One of my friends posted an article about two cousins getting married and wanting it to be recognized in Utah. I responded by saying I told people this was going to happen after the gay marriage ruling. Next it will be brother and sister, mother and son, man and dog.

Uh, dude, Cousin marriage is already legal in a bunch of states.


Sexual relations with closer relations are already criminal in most states, so no worries there until you get those laws overturned. Dogs can't marry people because they can't consent or enter contracts... You really need to think your crazy through before you say stuff.

Okay, make it easier for you, why is gay marriage, in and of itself, bad.

Excuses that don't count are "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad".

Democrats are cheating the system by having those people counted in Democrat districts. They should count for zero as far as representation is concerned since they shouldn't be here in the first place.

Except that's not what the constitution says. The constitutions says all people counted in 2020, period. Legal, illegal, citizen, alien... whatever. YOu reside here... you get counted.

Don't like it, amend the constitution.

It has nothing to do with hating anybody. These felons have murdered our people or caused some other harm to American citizens. They should be locked up once we kick them out should they return.

If someone murdered someone, they should be locked up. What you want to do is lock someone up after they've already served their time just for coming back, something we wouldn't do to a citizen.
Sexual relations with closer relations are already criminal in most states, so no worries there until you get those laws overturned

Wrong. The Supreme Court in the marriage case stated that it's unconstitutional to limit marriage to normal people. Even though the Constitution mentions nothing about marriage, they could not rule that it only applies to normal and gay couples.

Therefore it's only a matter of time before somebody wants an incest marriage and you can't make laws against a SC ruling that says it's constitutional.

Dogs can't marry people because they can't consent or enter contracts... You really need to think your crazy through before you say stuff.

Do dogs give consent to being owned? Do dogs give consent to being put on a leash or kept outside? Do dogs give consent to sleep in a dog house or in a basement?

Okay, make it easier for you, why is gay marriage, in and of itself, bad.

Excuses that don't count are "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad".

Because I think we need to have standards when it comes to marriage for our children's sake. I don't think government shroud be involved in marriage in the first place. I think marriage should be kept in the religious sector.

Except that's not what the constitution says. The constitutions says all people counted in 2020, period. Legal, illegal, citizen, alien... whatever. YOu reside here... you get counted.

Don't like it, amend the constitution.

No, what we should change is how people are counted. The Constitution doesn't say we have to provide representatives based on the count of everybody in the Census.

If someone murdered someone, they should be locked up. What you want to do is lock someone up after they've already served their time just for coming back, something we wouldn't do to a citizen.

Foreigners are not the same as citizens. They don't have the same privileges or rights as Americans do. Coming here a felon or not is breaking our laws, and if it were up to me, any foreigner caught here illegally would serve a minimum of five years in prison if caught, not just felons.

If you are a citizen here, you lose certain rights anyway. So if you think it's okay to have felons coming back, how about American felons being allowed to own firearms?
Wrong. The Supreme Court in the marriage case stated that it's unconstitutional to limit marriage to normal people. Even though the Constitution mentions nothing about marriage, they could not rule that it only applies to normal and gay couples.

Therefore it's only a matter of time before somebody wants an incest marriage and you can't make laws against a SC ruling that says it's constitutional.

You're a little confused, buddy. The ruling that opened the door to gay marriage was Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down all the laws against Sodomy. Once the underlying behavior was legalized, then there was no impediment to blocking gay marriage legally.

I don't see anyone really knocking down the incest laws. There's simply no one who is keen on that... even in Jesus land where all the dumb white trash is already inbred and stupid.

Do dogs give consent to being owned? Do dogs give consent to being put on a leash or kept outside? Do dogs give consent to sleep in a dog house or in a basement?

Nope, which is why they can't enter a marriage contract. This isn't complicated.

Because I think we need to have standards when it comes to marriage for our children's sake. I don't think government shroud be involved in marriage in the first place. I think marriage should be kept in the religious sector.

Yeah, because religion never fucks anything up. You do realize some churches were performing gay weddings long before the state legalized it, right? Nope, marriage is a legal contract, and therefore has to be a government issue.

If you want to really make marriage for the "Children", then you should outlaw divorce for any couple with a child under 18. Heck, let's go one further, let's COMPEL women to marry the men who knock them up.

See how your position sounds crazy. You should stick to racism, your homophobia sounds even sillier.

No, what we should change is how people are counted. The Constitution doesn't say we have to provide representatives based on the count of everybody in the Census.

Actually, it does.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

Not citizens... Free persons.
Foreigners are not the same as citizens. They don't have the same privileges or rights as Americans do. Coming here a felon or not is breaking our laws, and if it were up to me, any foreigner caught here illegally would serve a minimum of five years in prison if caught, not just felons.

Well, it's a good thing it's not up to you... Jesus Christ, if you want an example of what a country would be like if it were up to people like you, it would be Germany 1933-45..
Foreigners are not the same as citizens. They don't have the same privileges or rights as Americans do. Coming here a felon or not is breaking our laws, and if it were up to me, any foreigner caught here illegally would serve a minimum of five years in prison if caught, not just felons.

Well, it's a good thing it's not up to you... Jesus Christ, if you want an example of what a country would be like if it were up to people like you, it would be Germany 1933-45..

The country would be in much better shape. Imagine the pay offers for labor without all these foreigners around. You guys complain about the rich, complain about the minimum wage, and at the same time, usher in all these foreigners to take jobs Americans should be doing. And no, there are no jobs that Americans won't do for the right price.
The country would be in much better shape. Imagine the pay offers for labor without all these foreigners around. You guys complain about the rich, complain about the minimum wage, and at the same time, usher in all these foreigners to take jobs Americans should be doing. And no, there are no jobs that Americans won't do for the right price.

A whole lot of flaws in this theory.

The first one being that foreigners contribute nothing. They do jobs, but they also increase consumer demand.

yes, contrary to what you think consumer demand creates jobs. So when an immigrant comes here, he produces goods and services, but he also consumes goods and services produced by other people. I realize being a battered housewife Republican, you think jobs are created by rich assholes riding around in limos, but no, they are created by consumers.

Some of my best customers are immigrants... they have some wicked awesome skills, but not so great at writing them down.

On a related note, even when we are talking about legal immigrants, in fields that pay well, there are jobs Americans won't do. take nursing for example. Most of the nurses you see in hospitals here in Chicago are Filipinos, Indians and Poles. White American chicks aren't took keen on being around sick people leaking bodily fluids, for some reason.
The country would be in much better shape. Imagine the pay offers for labor without all these foreigners around. You guys complain about the rich, complain about the minimum wage, and at the same time, usher in all these foreigners to take jobs Americans should be doing. And no, there are no jobs that Americans won't do for the right price.

A whole lot of flaws in this theory.

The first one being that foreigners contribute nothing. They do jobs, but they also increase consumer demand.

yes, contrary to what you think consumer demand creates jobs. So when an immigrant comes here, he produces goods and services, but he also consumes goods and services produced by other people. I realize being a battered housewife Republican, you think jobs are created by rich assholes riding around in limos, but no, they are created by consumers.

Some of my best customers are immigrants... they have some wicked awesome skills, but not so great at writing them down.

On a related note, even when we are talking about legal immigrants, in fields that pay well, there are jobs Americans won't do. take nursing for example. Most of the nurses you see in hospitals here in Chicago are Filipinos, Indians and Poles. White American chicks aren't took keen on being around sick people leaking bodily fluids, for some reason.

Nursing is the most popular major today idiot.

When I was in college every other “white American chick” was a nursing major, and that was at a journalism school.
The country would be in much better shape. Imagine the pay offers for labor without all these foreigners around. You guys complain about the rich, complain about the minimum wage, and at the same time, usher in all these foreigners to take jobs Americans should be doing. And no, there are no jobs that Americans won't do for the right price.

A whole lot of flaws in this theory.

The first one being that foreigners contribute nothing. They do jobs, but they also increase consumer demand.

yes, contrary to what you think consumer demand creates jobs. So when an immigrant comes here, he produces goods and services, but he also consumes goods and services produced by other people. I realize being a battered housewife Republican, you think jobs are created by rich assholes riding around in limos, but no, they are created by consumers.

Some of my best customers are immigrants... they have some wicked awesome skills, but not so great at writing them down.

On a related note, even when we are talking about legal immigrants, in fields that pay well, there are jobs Americans won't do. take nursing for example. Most of the nurses you see in hospitals here in Chicago are Filipinos, Indians and Poles. White American chicks aren't took keen on being around sick people leaking bodily fluids, for some reason.

Regular nurses are from every walk of life. RN"s are harder to come by because the education is very intense. I know people that have tried to be an RN. Also there is a lot of vitriol between doctors and RN's. Most of the RN's I worked with hated doctors. In spite of the shortage, we never had a problem finding one to work for our company because they didn't have to deal with doctors--only patients which is why they took up the profession in the first place.

Your theory is flawed about immigrants. Most immigrants end up on social programs. Your comment reminds me of the Piglosi theory that the more people one welfare and unemployment, the better for the economy.
The country would be in much better shape. Imagine the pay offers for labor without all these foreigners around. You guys complain about the rich, complain about the minimum wage, and at the same time, usher in all these foreigners to take jobs Americans should be doing. And no, there are no jobs that Americans won't do for the right price.

A whole lot of flaws in this theory.

The first one being that foreigners contribute nothing. They do jobs, but they also increase consumer demand.

yes, contrary to what you think consumer demand creates jobs. So when an immigrant comes here, he produces goods and services, but he also consumes goods and services produced by other people. I realize being a battered housewife Republican, you think jobs are created by rich assholes riding around in limos, but no, they are created by consumers.

Some of my best customers are immigrants... they have some wicked awesome skills, but not so great at writing them down.

On a related note, even when we are talking about legal immigrants, in fields that pay well, there are jobs Americans won't do. take nursing for example. Most of the nurses you see in hospitals here in Chicago are Filipinos, Indians and Poles. White American chicks aren't took keen on being around sick people leaking bodily fluids, for some reason.

Regular nurses are from every walk of life. RN"s are harder to come by because the education is very intense. I know people that have tried to be an RN. Also there is a lot of vitriol between doctors and RN's. Most of the RN's I worked with hated doctors. In spite of the shortage, we never had a problem finding one to work for our company because they didn't have to deal with doctors--only patients which is why they took up the profession in the first place.

Your theory is flawed about immigrants. Most immigrants end up on social programs. Your comment reminds me of the Piglosi theory that the more people one welfare and unemployment, the better for the economy.

RN = Registered Nurse
The country would be in much better shape. Imagine the pay offers for labor without all these foreigners around. You guys complain about the rich, complain about the minimum wage, and at the same time, usher in all these foreigners to take jobs Americans should be doing. And no, there are no jobs that Americans won't do for the right price.

A whole lot of flaws in this theory.

The first one being that foreigners contribute nothing. They do jobs, but they also increase consumer demand.

yes, contrary to what you think consumer demand creates jobs. So when an immigrant comes here, he produces goods and services, but he also consumes goods and services produced by other people. I realize being a battered housewife Republican, you think jobs are created by rich assholes riding around in limos, but no, they are created by consumers.

Some of my best customers are immigrants... they have some wicked awesome skills, but not so great at writing them down.

On a related note, even when we are talking about legal immigrants, in fields that pay well, there are jobs Americans won't do. take nursing for example. Most of the nurses you see in hospitals here in Chicago are Filipinos, Indians and Poles. White American chicks aren't took keen on being around sick people leaking bodily fluids, for some reason.

Regular nurses are from every walk of life. RN"s are harder to come by because the education is very intense. I know people that have tried to be an RN. Also there is a lot of vitriol between doctors and RN's. Most of the RN's I worked with hated doctors. In spite of the shortage, we never had a problem finding one to work for our company because they didn't have to deal with doctors--only patients which is why they took up the profession in the first place.

Your theory is flawed about immigrants. Most immigrants end up on social programs. Your comment reminds me of the Piglosi theory that the more people one welfare and unemployment, the better for the economy.

Eventually, we all get on to SS. Just like you.
You're a little confused, buddy. The ruling that opened the door to gay marriage was Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down all the laws against Sodomy. Once the underlying behavior was legalized, then there was no impediment to blocking gay marriage legally.

I don't see anyone really knocking down the incest laws. There's simply no one who is keen on that... even in Jesus land where all the dumb white trash is already inbred and stupid.

It's not up to a popular vote, it's up to what the Supreme Court says is constitutional or not. Prior to the ruling, states voted to have gay marriage accepted in their state. Every state but one voted against it. So the SC made a ruling against most of the people in the country.

And nobody ever blocked gay marriage. If you and your other wanted to get married, you find a religion that would marry you, and no government agency or law stopped you. It just wasn't recognized by the state.

Nope, which is why they can't enter a marriage contract. This isn't complicated.

They never gave consent to being put on a chain either, or being held against their will.

Yeah, because religion never fucks anything up. You do realize some churches were performing gay weddings long before the state legalized it, right? Nope, marriage is a legal contract, and therefore has to be a government issue.

If you want to really make marriage for the "Children", then you should outlaw divorce for any couple with a child under 18. Heck, let's go one further, let's COMPEL women to marry the men who knock them up.

See how your position sounds crazy. You should stick to racism, your homophobia sounds even sillier.

When I meant the children I meant children who are witness to it like neighbor kids and kids in school who have gay parents.

The point I made is marriage should not be a legal contract. If you want a legal contract, hire a lawyer and have a contract, but marriage should be the way it started which was a union of one man and one woman under God's eyes, and government should stay the hell out of it.

Actually, it does.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

Not citizens... Free persons.

You mean people who are hiding in the shadows and fear being caught and deported are free people?
The country would be in much better shape. Imagine the pay offers for labor without all these foreigners around. You guys complain about the rich, complain about the minimum wage, and at the same time, usher in all these foreigners to take jobs Americans should be doing. And no, there are no jobs that Americans won't do for the right price.

A whole lot of flaws in this theory.

The first one being that foreigners contribute nothing. They do jobs, but they also increase consumer demand.

yes, contrary to what you think consumer demand creates jobs. So when an immigrant comes here, he produces goods and services, but he also consumes goods and services produced by other people. I realize being a battered housewife Republican, you think jobs are created by rich assholes riding around in limos, but no, they are created by consumers.

Some of my best customers are immigrants... they have some wicked awesome skills, but not so great at writing them down.

On a related note, even when we are talking about legal immigrants, in fields that pay well, there are jobs Americans won't do. take nursing for example. Most of the nurses you see in hospitals here in Chicago are Filipinos, Indians and Poles. White American chicks aren't took keen on being around sick people leaking bodily fluids, for some reason.

Regular nurses are from every walk of life. RN"s are harder to come by because the education is very intense. I know people that have tried to be an RN. Also there is a lot of vitriol between doctors and RN's. Most of the RN's I worked with hated doctors. In spite of the shortage, we never had a problem finding one to work for our company because they didn't have to deal with doctors--only patients which is why they took up the profession in the first place.

Your theory is flawed about immigrants. Most immigrants end up on social programs. Your comment reminds me of the Piglosi theory that the more people one welfare and unemployment, the better for the economy.

RN = Registered Nurse

I'm quite aware of that working in the medical field for ten years. I was pointing out the difference between RN's and LPN's.

Nursing is the most popular major today idiot.

When I was in college every other “white American chick” was a nursing major, and that was at a journalism school.

How many of them became nurses?

Last time I went to a Hospital, it was all Filipinas and Indians.

It's not up to a popular vote, it's up to what the Supreme Court says is constitutional or not. Prior to the ruling, states voted to have gay marriage accepted in their state. Every state but one voted against it. So the SC made a ruling against most of the people in the country.

And nobody ever blocked gay marriage. If you and your other wanted to get married, you find a religion that would marry you, and no government agency or law stopped you. It just wasn't recognized by the state.

Uh, guy, here was the gay marriage map right before Obergefell...


The court just validated what the country already decided.

They never gave consent to being put on a chain either, or being held against their will.

I realize being a battered housewife Republican who won't find a better job, you don't understand the concept of consent. Dogs lack the intelligence to enter contracts.. That's why they can't get married.

When I meant the children I meant children who are witness to it like neighbor kids and kids in school who have gay parents.

The point I made is marriage should not be a legal contract. If you want a legal contract, hire a lawyer and have a contract, but marriage should be the way it started which was a union of one man and one woman under God's eyes, and government should stay the hell out of it.

Wow, you mean that a kid might see a gay couple and realize some people are gay and there's not a problem with it. My God, that would be horrible!!! Don't you realize that your sort needs SOMEONE to hate on in order to ignore the screwing you are getting from the One Percent?

There is no God. Marriage should be a legal contract under the state. Gays should have access to it, if they want.

You mean people who are hiding in the shadows and fear being caught and deported are free people?

Trump isn't asking "are you here illegally", he's asking if you are a citizen or not. Which again, defeats the purpose of an ennumeration.

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