How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Everybody is anything, hey, I said lets vote Obama instead of Hillary this time, then I spent 10 years going WTF's happening so, oh and I listen to Rush Limbaugh like Every Single Day , Megga Dittoes - rushbo open line Friday because its hilarious. Obama's first campaign was "Let Them Eat Cake" which I was Totally Pro "Let them Eat Cake".
Unkotare Japanese using Post World-War 2 philosophy is hilarious. Like people forget how Presbyterianism and Europeanism died, like Woodrow Wilson the Ulster-Scotsman leading the way again, why can't we study Europe, Why can't the Executive 3-branch system absorb Congress like a Parliament in the UK? Then you go overseas to Germany, we're the uber-Nazis of the European Union. No one shall be heard, who says, we are not all Brothers! Nazi flag bans! Anti-Nazis! Eisenhower founded a religion on the safety of US Citizens, that was his prayer right? Why didn't that village boy in Africa think of US citizenship! Jesus 2.0! Then the Democrats-Republicans flipped, right there. Its weird. Deep South DixieCrat convulsions then its all Southern Republicans. The Party of Lincoln! We get screwed and like it!
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Yes, Ray, you are a racist. Learn to deal with it before you hurt someone.

You better learn how to deal with reality because when somebody hits you with reality, you're like Dracula and the cross.

Yes, we do, but most of those are "White People Welfare" like Social Security and Medicare.

When the constitution was written, people considered bleeding a good treatment for Strep Throat, (it's how George Washington died), people shit in chamber pots because there were no centralized sewers, and most folks died before the age of 50 and the infant mortality rate was about 25%.

Thankfully, since then, we advanced with progressive programs that help people. We still have a very long, long way to go.

I would love to create a colony for all you guys who pine for the days of the Founding Slave Rapists, and make you all live like people did back then with indentured servitude, poor medical care and lousy public services...

Well it's my idea that we should divide as a country and have two countries instead. Draw a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Anybody in between would just have to pick a side to live on.

Then we could live in peace and harmony. If my side of the country was chosen as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight. We would be able to layoff half of our police force. Our economy would be booming because all the businesses would move to our lower-taxed country. We would build a huge Trump wall so that when the Democrat country collapsed, they wouldn't be able to sneak into our country.

That’s just stupid and will never happen. That’s the thinking of a dimwitted child frustrated by an adult world he can’t understand. Stop wasting time on such nonsense.

Real Americans have a responsibility to face whatever problems we have with maturity and patriotism and respect for our fellow citizens. Everyone wants to panic these days about how divided the country is, but they are ignorant of history and they forget that this country was built on and has always been a contentious republic of conflicting ideas and peoples. This is where our dynamic energy comes from. This is what has made America strong. This is what drives us towards an ever more perfect union. Quitters and traitors who would divide my great nation, had best bear in mind what happened the last time any concerted effort to do so was undertaken. Vile traitors who would endanger our republic will always be crushed like the dogs that they are.

We've never been this divided before and are becoming more divided every year.

When you have a problem you simply solve it. That's all. You don't come out with all kinds of whacked out political solutions that only benefit you or your party. You just solve the problem which many on the left don't want to do.

You are correct on two points: one is that it will never happen. Two is that I am frustrated by liberalism and the Democrats in general. If I never had to deal with a liberal again, I couldn't be any happier.

On the right, constitutionalists are trying to steer the party via the Tea Party just to name one. On the left you have a party strongly endorsed by the US Communist Party who's platform and concerns are almost identical.

So where is the middle-ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none, and that's why we should divide the country.
Then we could live in peace and harmony. If my side of the country was chosen as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight. We would be able to layoff half of our police force. Our economy would be booming because all the businesses would move to our lower-taxed country. We would build a huge Trump wall so that when the Democrat country collapsed, they wouldn't be able to sneak into our country.

Really, let's have a look at that.

Let's look at the ten poorest states.

View attachment 249443

Look, everyone... the 10 poorest states, and 9 of them are consistently voting republican.

In fact, the richest states are- wait for it.. New York, California, Illinois, Washington... .


As the old saying goes, if you want to live like a Republican, vote for a Democrat!

Perhaps, but those are the highest cost of living states as well. Somebody making 80K a year in California is about the same as somebody making 40K a year in my state; probably 25K a year in Alabama.

Notice who bitched the most about Trump's mortgage interest deduction limit and state tax deductions. Yep, those states you pointed out just to name a few. A 800K house in my state is almost a mansion while in states you outlined is simply a nice sized middle-class home.

Watch some HDTV sometime and look for yourself. A 800K home in Montana is like a ski resort.
Yes, Ray, you are a racist. Learn to deal with it before you hurt someone.

You better learn how to deal with reality because when somebody hits you with reality, you're like Dracula and the cross.

Yes, we do, but most of those are "White People Welfare" like Social Security and Medicare.

When the constitution was written, people considered bleeding a good treatment for Strep Throat, (it's how George Washington died), people shit in chamber pots because there were no centralized sewers, and most folks died before the age of 50 and the infant mortality rate was about 25%.

Thankfully, since then, we advanced with progressive programs that help people. We still have a very long, long way to go.

I would love to create a colony for all you guys who pine for the days of the Founding Slave Rapists, and make you all live like people did back then with indentured servitude, poor medical care and lousy public services...

Well it's my idea that we should divide as a country and have two countries instead. Draw a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Anybody in between would just have to pick a side to live on.

Then we could live in peace and harmony. If my side of the country was chosen as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight. We would be able to layoff half of our police force. Our economy would be booming because all the businesses would move to our lower-taxed country. We would build a huge Trump wall so that when the Democrat country collapsed, they wouldn't be able to sneak into our country.

That’s just stupid and will never happen. That’s the thinking of a dimwitted child frustrated by an adult world he can’t understand. Stop wasting time on such nonsense.

Real Americans have a responsibility to face whatever problems we have with maturity and patriotism and respect for our fellow citizens. Everyone wants to panic these days about how divided the country is, but they are ignorant of history and they forget that this country was built on and has always been a contentious republic of conflicting ideas and peoples. This is where our dynamic energy comes from. This is what has made America strong. This is what drives us towards an ever more perfect union. Quitters and traitors who would divide my great nation, had best bear in mind what happened the last time any concerted effort to do so was undertaken. Vile traitors who would endanger our republic will always be crushed like the dogs that they are.

We've never been this divided before and are becoming more divided every year.


Every generation has had chicken little chicken shits saying that exact same thing.
Yes, Ray, you are a racist. Learn to deal with it before you hurt someone.

You better learn how to deal with reality because when somebody hits you with reality, you're like Dracula and the cross.

Yes, we do, but most of those are "White People Welfare" like Social Security and Medicare.

When the constitution was written, people considered bleeding a good treatment for Strep Throat, (it's how George Washington died), people shit in chamber pots because there were no centralized sewers, and most folks died before the age of 50 and the infant mortality rate was about 25%.

Thankfully, since then, we advanced with progressive programs that help people. We still have a very long, long way to go.

I would love to create a colony for all you guys who pine for the days of the Founding Slave Rapists, and make you all live like people did back then with indentured servitude, poor medical care and lousy public services...

Well it's my idea that we should divide as a country and have two countries instead. Draw a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Anybody in between would just have to pick a side to live on.

Then we could live in peace and harmony. If my side of the country was chosen as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight. We would be able to layoff half of our police force. Our economy would be booming because all the businesses would move to our lower-taxed country. We would build a huge Trump wall so that when the Democrat country collapsed, they wouldn't be able to sneak into our country.

That’s just stupid and will never happen. That’s the thinking of a dimwitted child frustrated by an adult world he can’t understand. Stop wasting time on such nonsense.

Real Americans have a responsibility to face whatever problems we have with maturity and patriotism and respect for our fellow citizens. Everyone wants to panic these days about how divided the country is, but they are ignorant of history and they forget that this country was built on and has always been a contentious republic of conflicting ideas and peoples. This is where our dynamic energy comes from. This is what has made America strong. This is what drives us towards an ever more perfect union. Quitters and traitors who would divide my great nation, had best bear in mind what happened the last time any concerted effort to do so was undertaken. Vile traitors who would endanger our republic will always be crushed like the dogs that they are.

We've never been this divided before and are becoming more divided every year.


Every generation has had chicken little chicken shits saying that exact same thing.

No, they didn't. In fact it wasn't that way when I was younger. Sure, people had differences and opinions, but not like today. Today, we have two groups so totally opposite of each other there is little to discuss. Democrats consider Republicans as more of an enemy than foreign terrorists. Their pure hatred is vile and overt. They make no bones about it either.

Our country is nothing more than a relationship. Relationships end because people grow apart and there is nothing in the world that can make them happy except separation. That's why boyfriend and girlfriend break up. That's why people get divorces even after many years together. That's why people leave jobs or quit making contact with siblings.

It's not a chicken shit move, it's the smartest move. Again, if you have a problem, just solve it and move on.
Perhaps, but those are the highest cost of living states as well. Somebody making 80K a year in California is about the same as somebody making 40K a year in my state; probably 25K a year in Alabama.

Uh, dude, your state is a dump. Alabama is practically a third world country...

Our country is nothing more than a relationship. Relationships end because people grow apart and there is nothing in the world that can make them happy except separation. That's why boyfriend and girlfriend break up. That's why people get divorces even after many years together. That's why people leave jobs or quit making contact with siblings.

No, buddy, it's going to be like this, we are going to run roughshod over your little minority of hateful, uneducated, stupid white people and you'll be better off for it.
Ray from Cleveland, Look, I Have the solutions, sir, that non-partisan, solutions. No jokes. Obama once went to a church, that said, America's chickens come home to roost. He disowned that guy. Unkotare said we're chickens. We sent a mission to Korea to make chickens. Korean women get all our money. America's chickens come home to roost. This is central platform, healthcare, foreign diplomacy, infrastructure.

Why is it no one respects the 1901 Alabama constitution, because white supremacy means 51%, which I want my congressman to keep alabama white, and that's diplomatic, unlike White Power, and such things. People don't respect that John Knox wrote it. We got a flag of North Ireland where Stonewall Jackson is from, what about it? The hollow-skulled-one. I'm sure many parts of the country have different cults and beliefs around stonewall Jackson. We made the Confederate Flag official for his burial. You see, a tree, where his tomb is, Grew Into the coffin, so that, the roots were one with his coffin. true story. There are currently roots in stonewall Jackson's dead lifeless face, and I'm going to make poems about it, and we're all one with the earth, or something. Robert E Lee's offspring go blind and we take care of our own. Hellen Keller courage. Totally Ray, Grandmaster Thurmond said, 'all the army rifles can't make them integrate our churches', that's why, we must make a Black-Church, out of Solid Gold.

I live up North, don't ask me. Like yuuuuck. Birmingham.
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Uh, dude, your state is a dump. Alabama is practically a third world country...

But people live there just fine with much lower incomes. Anyplace that isn't a Commie refuge is a shithole to you.

No, buddy, it's going to be like this, we are going to run roughshod over your little minority of hateful, uneducated, stupid white people and you'll be better off for it.

Better bring an army then. Your side is unarmed. We are ready for anything.
Ray from Cleveland, Look, I Have the solutions, sir, that non-partisan, solutions. No jokes. Obama once went to a church, that said, America's chickens come home to roost. He disowned that guy. Unkotare said we're chickens. We sent a mission to Korea to make chickens. Korean women get all our money. America's chickens come home to roost. This is central platform, healthcare, foreign diplomacy, infrastructure.

Why is it no one respects the 1901 Alabama constitution, because white supremacy means 51%, which I want my congressman to keep alabama white, and that's diplomatic, unlike White Power, and such things. People don't respect that John Knox wrote it. We got a flag of North Ireland where Stonewall Jackson is from, what about it? The hollow-skulled-one. I'm sure many parts of the country have different cults and beliefs around stonewall Jackson. We made the Confederate Flag official for his burial. You see, a tree, where his tomb is, Grew Into the coffin, so that, the roots were one with his coffin. true story. There are currently roots in stonewall Jackson's dead lifeless face, and I'm going to make poems about it, and we're all one with the earth, or something.

Yes, I remember when DumBama said that with a wink-wink and a nod-nod. He didn't attend that preachers services for 20 years because he disagreed with him. That preacher married him and Moooochelle.

No, I'm afraid we are all out of solutions. As we write, the Democrat party has a master plan of taking over this country. Their goal is to make the US a single-party government forever. If accomplished, we will quickly become Socialist and a little further down the road, Communist.

Through brainwashing this might not be able to be stopped. However if we could separate the country, there would be hope that the great experiment can live on for centuries. If we don't, the entire country is at stake and the only freedom we will know about will be in history books IF the commies don't get rid of them like they are doing with statues all across the country today.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

― George Orwell, 1984
Hilarious that Republicans are saying that they don’t understand why a white person wouldn’t join the nearly all white party.

The truth is that the whites that don’t join the nearly all white party don’t join because they’re not welcome.

We know that Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims.

So why would they join the nearly all white Republican party? I bet they wouldn’t feel safe.

We just don't understand why a white would belong to a party that's against them. That's what's so confusing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party.
But they haven't.

That's what Republicans say to justify having a nearly all white party.

Let's say it again.

Here are some whites that Republicans don't want in their party:

The number one being gays. Republicans hate gays more than they hate any other minority.
Rounding out whites who Republicans don't want in their party:
White Muslims
White Hispanics
College professors

See what I mean?
Hilarious that Republicans are saying that they don’t understand why a white person wouldn’t join the nearly all white party.

The truth is that the whites that don’t join the nearly all white party don’t join because they’re not welcome.

We know that Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims.

So why would they join the nearly all white Republican party? I bet they wouldn’t feel safe.

We just don't understand why a white would belong to a party that's against them. That's what's so confusing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party.
But they haven't.

That's what Republicans say to justify having a nearly all white party.

Let's say it again.

Here are some whites that Republicans don't want in their party:

The number one being gays. Republicans hate gays more than they hate any other minority.
Rounding out whites who Republicans don't want in their party:
White Muslims
White Hispanics
College professors

See what I mean?

White Muslims? White Hispanics? WTF, what's next White Blacks?
Yes, Ray, you are a racist. Learn to deal with it before you hurt someone.

You better learn how to deal with reality because when somebody hits you with reality, you're like Dracula and the cross.

Yes, we do, but most of those are "White People Welfare" like Social Security and Medicare.

When the constitution was written, people considered bleeding a good treatment for Strep Throat, (it's how George Washington died), people shit in chamber pots because there were no centralized sewers, and most folks died before the age of 50 and the infant mortality rate was about 25%.

Thankfully, since then, we advanced with progressive programs that help people. We still have a very long, long way to go.

I would love to create a colony for all you guys who pine for the days of the Founding Slave Rapists, and make you all live like people did back then with indentured servitude, poor medical care and lousy public services...

Well it's my idea that we should divide as a country and have two countries instead. Draw a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Anybody in between would just have to pick a side to live on.

Then we could live in peace and harmony. If my side of the country was chosen as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight. We would be able to layoff half of our police force. Our economy would be booming because all the businesses would move to our lower-taxed country. We would build a huge Trump wall so that when the Democrat country collapsed, they wouldn't be able to sneak into our country.

That’s just stupid and will never happen. That’s the thinking of a dimwitted child frustrated by an adult world he can’t understand. Stop wasting time on such nonsense.

Real Americans have a responsibility to face whatever problems we have with maturity and patriotism and respect for our fellow citizens. Everyone wants to panic these days about how divided the country is, but they are ignorant of history and they forget that this country was built on and has always been a contentious republic of conflicting ideas and peoples. This is where our dynamic energy comes from. This is what has made America strong. This is what drives us towards an ever more perfect union. Quitters and traitors who would divide my great nation, had best bear in mind what happened the last time any concerted effort to do so was undertaken. Vile traitors who would endanger our republic will always be crushed like the dogs that they are.

We've never been this divided before and are becoming more divided every year.


Every generation has had chicken little chicken shits saying that exact same thing.

No, they didn't. In fact it wasn't that way when I was younger. ....n.

Yes they did. You just weren’t paying attention when you were younger, or weren’t so much of a coward at that time. They have always been cowards among us just as they’re always been those ignorant of our history and our character as a nation. It’s a shame we let such useless weaklings remain in my great nation.
Hilarious that Republicans are saying that they don’t understand why a white person wouldn’t join the nearly all white party.

The truth is that the whites that don’t join the nearly all white party don’t join because they’re not welcome.

We know that Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims.

So why would they join the nearly all white Republican party? I bet they wouldn’t feel safe.

We just don't understand why a white would belong to a party that's against them. That's what's so confusing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party.
But they haven't.

That's what Republicans say to justify having a nearly all white party.

Let's say it again.

Here are some whites that Republicans don't want in their party:

The number one being gays. Republicans hate gays more than they hate any other minority.
Rounding out whites who Republicans don't want in their party:
White Muslims
White Hispanics
College professors

See what I mean?

White Muslims? White Hispanics? ?

You sir better catch the next boat out of here while I recite as much meaningless recitations as possible. ahem....
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with Liberty in Justice for all". Stonewall Jackson confirmed that he believes all countries that are in any sort of United Union are one nation and not several, which is nice, or other Presbyterian Elders did.

There are several groups that are Wavering Loyalty, lets see... America America… Who not American?! Particularly the umm nationless drifters such as... the um.. Mexicans...

So Eisenhower made a new PCUSA religion in 1958 that is so free that gay turtles officiate marrying gay turtles in the name of a she-god. This is slightly exaggerated until I earn my freedoms.

Ahn Changho studied with Presbyterian school of Yonsei at "16:15".

This is more like Presbyterianism at "2:32;52". 2:19;00 is also fun start for some story.
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Hilarious that Republicans are saying that they don’t understand why a white person wouldn’t join the nearly all white party.

The truth is that the whites that don’t join the nearly all white party don’t join because they’re not welcome.

We know that Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims.

So why would they join the nearly all white Republican party? I bet they wouldn’t feel safe.

We just don't understand why a white would belong to a party that's against them. That's what's so confusing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party.
But they haven't.

That's what Republicans say to justify having a nearly all white party.

Let's say it again.

Here are some whites that Republicans don't want in their party:

The number one being gays. Republicans hate gays more than they hate any other minority.
Rounding out whites who Republicans don't want in their party:
White Muslims
White Hispanics
College professors

See what I mean?

White Muslims? White Hispanics? ?


And? And what?
Some people don’t like being called out as the irrational cowards they are, but then they post nonsense like dividing the United States the same way Laverne and Shirley divided the apartment by stringing up blankets across the middle of the room, or going into breathless hysterics over their paranoid belief that there is a vast conspiracy to rid the world of all white people. Really? Can people be such illogical cowards and then complain about being called out for what they are? Give me a break.
Hilarious that Republicans are saying that they don’t understand why a white person wouldn’t join the nearly all white party.

The truth is that the whites that don’t join the nearly all white party don’t join because they’re not welcome.

We know that Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims.

So why would they join the nearly all white Republican party? I bet they wouldn’t feel safe.

We just don't understand why a white would belong to a party that's against them. That's what's so confusing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party.
But they haven't.

That's what Republicans say to justify having a nearly all white party.

Let's say it again.

Here are some whites that Republicans don't want in their party:

The number one being gays. Republicans hate gays more than they hate any other minority.
Rounding out whites who Republicans don't want in their party:
White Muslims
White Hispanics
College professors

See what I mean?

White Muslims? White Hispanics? ?


And? And what?

That’s my question.
Yes, Ray, you are a racist. Learn to deal with it before you hurt someone.

You better learn how to deal with reality because when somebody hits you with reality, you're like Dracula and the cross.

Yes, we do, but most of those are "White People Welfare" like Social Security and Medicare.

When the constitution was written, people considered bleeding a good treatment for Strep Throat, (it's how George Washington died), people shit in chamber pots because there were no centralized sewers, and most folks died before the age of 50 and the infant mortality rate was about 25%.

Thankfully, since then, we advanced with progressive programs that help people. We still have a very long, long way to go.

I would love to create a colony for all you guys who pine for the days of the Founding Slave Rapists, and make you all live like people did back then with indentured servitude, poor medical care and lousy public services...

Well it's my idea that we should divide as a country and have two countries instead. Draw a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Anybody in between would just have to pick a side to live on.

Then we could live in peace and harmony. If my side of the country was chosen as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight. We would be able to layoff half of our police force. Our economy would be booming because all the businesses would move to our lower-taxed country. We would build a huge Trump wall so that when the Democrat country collapsed, they wouldn't be able to sneak into our country.

That’s just stupid and will never happen. That’s the thinking of a dimwitted child frustrated by an adult world he can’t understand. Stop wasting time on such nonsense.

Real Americans have a responsibility to face whatever problems we have with maturity and patriotism and respect for our fellow citizens. Everyone wants to panic these days about how divided the country is, but they are ignorant of history and they forget that this country was built on and has always been a contentious republic of conflicting ideas and peoples. This is where our dynamic energy comes from. This is what has made America strong. This is what drives us towards an ever more perfect union. Quitters and traitors who would divide my great nation, had best bear in mind what happened the last time any concerted effort to do so was undertaken. Vile traitors who would endanger our republic will always be crushed like the dogs that they are.

We've never been this divided before and are becoming more divided every year.

When you have a problem you simply solve it. That's all. You don't come out with all kinds of whacked out political solutions that only benefit you or your party. You just solve the problem which many on the left don't want to do.

You are correct on two points: one is that it will never happen. Two is that I am frustrated by liberalism and the Democrats in general. If I never had to deal with a liberal again, I couldn't be any happier.

On the right, constitutionalists are trying to steer the party via the Tea Party just to name one. On the left you have a party strongly endorsed by the US Communist Party who's platform and concerns are almost identical.

So where is the middle-ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none, and that's why we should divide the country.
Socialism and Democratic socialism, which is the same thing everywhere in the world but GOP dupe world, GOP dupe. The problem is that the GOP has their own facts and imaginary planet...

The rest of the world agrees with you brainwashed functional morons? You are out of your tiny mind..... Just like affirmative action being racism against whites. Hilarious propaganda and brainwash, for ignorant GOP Dupes only...
Could you imagine if voters were like scholars to the greater Pomp and Circumstance of America! Hmm!!! How can the people be sacrificed, to the historical memory of America! Right? Hilarious. We've changed national anthems 3 times. We changed who's voting, religions, morals. How can we get more prosperity politics. American is some catch-all word for some insubstantial getting-along-with-everyone catch-all. I think it literally means integrationable rather than an American ethnicity from the Old World, what a Brit might say, stupid American. Whats-in-it-for Americans voting. So what's Unkotare and everybody about? He's grafted Napoleonic Chauvinism , the strongman Nationalist, onto Hail Columbia. You might get a clergyman and a salute from the homefront.
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You better learn how to deal with reality because when somebody hits you with reality, you're like Dracula and the cross.

Well it's my idea that we should divide as a country and have two countries instead. Draw a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Anybody in between would just have to pick a side to live on.

Then we could live in peace and harmony. If my side of the country was chosen as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight. We would be able to layoff half of our police force. Our economy would be booming because all the businesses would move to our lower-taxed country. We would build a huge Trump wall so that when the Democrat country collapsed, they wouldn't be able to sneak into our country.

That’s just stupid and will never happen. That’s the thinking of a dimwitted child frustrated by an adult world he can’t understand. Stop wasting time on such nonsense.

Real Americans have a responsibility to face whatever problems we have with maturity and patriotism and respect for our fellow citizens. Everyone wants to panic these days about how divided the country is, but they are ignorant of history and they forget that this country was built on and has always been a contentious republic of conflicting ideas and peoples. This is where our dynamic energy comes from. This is what has made America strong. This is what drives us towards an ever more perfect union. Quitters and traitors who would divide my great nation, had best bear in mind what happened the last time any concerted effort to do so was undertaken. Vile traitors who would endanger our republic will always be crushed like the dogs that they are.

We've never been this divided before and are becoming more divided every year.


Every generation has had chicken little chicken shits saying that exact same thing.

No, they didn't. In fact it wasn't that way when I was younger. ....n.

Yes they did. You just weren’t paying attention when you were younger, or weren’t so much of a coward at that time. They have always been cowards among us just as they’re always been those ignorant of our history and our character as a nation. It’s a shame we let such useless weaklings remain in my great nation.

Oh, so it's your nation now, is it?

A coward is not one that finds solutions, a coward is one that surrenders. Speaking of cowards, you're just afraid because you know which side of the wall you'd be on. Can't blame you there.

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