How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Hilarious that Republicans are saying that they don’t understand why a white person wouldn’t join the nearly all white party.

The truth is that the whites that don’t join the nearly all white party don’t join because they’re not welcome.

We know that Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims.

So why would they join the nearly all white Republican party? I bet they wouldn’t feel safe.

We just don't understand why a white would belong to a party that's against them. That's what's so confusing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party.
But they haven't.

That's what Republicans say to justify having a nearly all white party.

Let's say it again.

Here are some whites that Republicans don't want in their party:

The number one being gays. Republicans hate gays more than they hate any other minority.
Rounding out whites who Republicans don't want in their party:
White Muslims
White Hispanics
College professors

See what I mean?

No, because the only one on that list we don't want are liberals. Nobody does. Everybody else are welcome.

Jim Kolbe - Wikipedia

Yes, the Democrats are the anti-white party. Why do you suppose stopping a wall is so important to them? Why do you suppose they harbor their sanctuary cities that morphed into sanctuary states? Why do you suppose they stopped Kate's Law? Now they are talking about illegals voting????

As a white American male to premise of the post makes no sense. Why do people assume one should vote according to race? It's character not race that matters. My pastor preaches this regularly.
But people live there just fine with much lower incomes. Anyplace that isn't a Commie refuge is a shithole to you.

Again, been to your city. It was a shithole... Almost no new buildings, half the houses were abandoned, it was decay and death... I was actually depressed just being there for a week, I'd hate to actually LIVE there.

Better bring an army then. Your side is unarmed. We are ready for anything.

Yup, keep telling yourself your gun makes up for your tiny penis.

Yes, I remember when DumBama said that with a wink-wink and a nod-nod. He didn't attend that preachers services for 20 years because he disagreed with him. That preacher married him and Moooochelle.

Actually, he probably attended that guys services because he was in that community, like most people do. Not that he really said anything that wrong. 9/11 being a result of our policies was a lot more sane than 911 happened because of gays and abortions, which is what the crazy religious right said.

No, I'm afraid we are all out of solutions. As we write, the Democrat party has a master plan of taking over this country. Their goal is to make the US a single-party government forever. If accomplished, we will quickly become Socialist and a little further down the road, Communist.

Yeah, too bad Capitalism was such a shit sandwich for most folks, which is why that seems like a good idea now. It was palatable when we had unions and strong workers rights, but your masters got too greedy, and people stopped buying into it. But I'm sure you'll keep eating that shit sandwich with a big shit-eating grin and say, "Hell, yeah, cancel my health insurance!"
Again, been to your city. It was a shithole... Almost no new buildings, half the houses were abandoned, it was decay and death... I was actually depressed just being there for a week, I'd hate to actually LIVE there.

So you seen 1/100th of our city and made that evaluation. Years ago a friend of mine went you your city and said the same exact thing.

Actually, he probably attended that guys services because he was in that community, like most people do. Not that he really said anything that wrong. 9/11 being a result of our policies was a lot more sane than 911 happened because of gays and abortions, which is what the crazy religious right said.

What, one person said that? Big deal. Your side was saying that George Bush planned it. Which one is crazier?

Yeah, too bad Capitalism was such a shit sandwich for most folks, which is why that seems like a good idea now. It was palatable when we had unions and strong workers rights, but your masters got too greedy, and people stopped buying into it. But I'm sure you'll keep eating that shit sandwich with a big shit-eating grin and say, "Hell, yeah, cancel my health insurance!"

This country would be another third world shithole without capitalism. Capitalism built this country. As for unions, capitalists didn't get greedy, the unions did.

Union That Bankrupted Hostess to Receive Generous Government Subsidies

Christie calls on union chief to resign over school voucher comment
Some people don’t like being called out as the irrational cowards they are, but then they post nonsense like dividing the United States the same way Laverne and Shirley divided the apartment by stringing up blankets across the middle of the room, or going into breathless hysterics over their paranoid belief that there is a vast conspiracy to rid the world of all white people. Really? Can people be such illogical cowards and then complain about being called out for what they are? Give me a break.
Just put a wall around NY and California.
Problem solved.
Capitalism as an Aspect is simplistic. As an ever-present aspect that moves and changes you could look at it. Think of GDP per Capita shrinks because you have a housewife, but isn't that a general Republican moralist outlook? Have you ever seen a Capitalist Propagandist, I would be very entertained Ray, if you were. Something as simple as cavemen trading furs? Communism fails when you did not try Full Communism, Only, Comrade! I've been studying one such transition we're talking about with the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson. Why, other countries were embracing Emergent communism and where were we in 1911? I don't know if it ever reached our minds. We saw the New Industry in New York, which took Immigrants, whether or not, you see assimilation or hospitality, in the idea of immigration. After all, did the Mongolians immigrate to China? Why did they wish to contribute? In either case, we saw New York and their, skyscrapers and industry, once again, tearing apart the country, with factory bosses and industry tying up the proverbial Maiden Princess in distress, of immigrant origin, in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and countless abuses, and had a Dixie resurgence, the "lost cause", the Knights of the Knightliest race who singe chivalry in gold by the lamps of Old". Woodrow Wilson was then elected, Woodrow Wilson's return to protection of our land and its women a 2nd George Washington, and all the world was dealing with the same Industrial era differently. In fact, Woodrow Wilson as a Princeton historian, theologian, and philosopher in office, saw the Communist development as a possible rise of Native Governance to believe in, as a Presbyterian! "Why has the Nation Chose the Democrat party, it is not the victory of a party, but the victory of humanity, with you men with me I cannot fail", it would be the last for a number of things. Women pushed the v ote and got it, they pushed the new National Anthem officially, "Star Spangled Banner". Overall, I think Woodrow Wilson had to make compromises. No, his First Lady was not a supporter, the American Princess of lineage of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, numerous. Somewhere, an ordinary but artistically influential subject of imperial Romanov Russia would be writing the "Rite of Spring". What a full circle Stravinsky is predicting for Russia, from conversion to Christianity in the 1100's as small as Poland, and the same year are Communists overthrowing Christian Government in 1913, full circle Russia is returning to the sacrifice of women in Spring festivals and ignorance.
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Hilarious that Republicans are saying that they don’t understand why a white person wouldn’t join the nearly all white party.

The truth is that the whites that don’t join the nearly all white party don’t join because they’re not welcome.

We know that Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims.

So why would they join the nearly all white Republican party? I bet they wouldn’t feel safe.

We just don't understand why a white would belong to a party that's against them. That's what's so confusing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party.
But they haven't.

That's what Republicans say to justify having a nearly all white party.

Let's say it again.

Here are some whites that Republicans don't want in their party:

The number one being gays. Republicans hate gays more than they hate any other minority.
Rounding out whites who Republicans don't want in their party:
White Muslims
White Hispanics
College professors

See what I mean?

White Muslims? White Hispanics? WTF, what's next White Blacks?

Yea, white Muslims. Islam is a religion, not a race.

And yea, White Hispanics. Spain? Duh?


These Republicans. It's like they need to be taught about everything. They have no idea that happens beyond Petticoat Junction or Mayberry. No wonder the world scares them. They know nothing about it.
We are all so Muslim tolerant and yet, to everyone's eyes, we don't need but the lightest reading to see the problem with uninterrupted Islam! If there is an Islam lite, an Islam secular, an Islam even under different Theology, than Where Is It? They used to have intellectuals , Where Is It? That doesn't exist. They're the same they always wanted one gigantic Islamic Empire as they were always taught, which they've been through most of history. They never respected any idea of separate nationalities, that's how all these "countries" the Europeans created all speak Arabic from the Quran, they are all just whispering to each other behind our backs. And we are probably meeting the True Zealots in these suicide plans, who knows!
I missed deanrd's premise, sorry. Well , what is it, these Republican Whites have racial sciences to pay attention to? Advanced social cohesion?
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We are all so Muslim tolerant and yet, to everyone's eyes, we don't need but the lightest reading to see the problem with uninterrupted Islam! If there is an Islam lite, an Islam secular, an Islam even under different Theology, than Where Is It? They used to have intellectuals , Where Is It? That doesn't exist. They're the same they always wanted one gigantic Islamic Empire as they were always taught, which they've been through most of history. They never respected any idea of separate nationalities, that's how all these "countries" the Europeans created all speak Arabic from the Quran, they are all just whispering to each other behind our backs. And we are probably meeting the True Zealots in these suicide plans, who knows!
It's not about who is better.


You can never take down religious right wing zealots if you don't work with those that aren't.

Plenty of dangerous right wing zealots on both sides.

The dangerous right wingers here blend in. You don't know who they are until they strike.
So the 12 year old who cut off his penis, put it on the hood of a car, at the instruction of an Imam, ran into a crowd and blew up his suicide vest needed like politics educational classes or like, intellectual decisions, because that penis is going to follow that 12 year old into heaven with the 72 virgins or the grapes or whatever. Whats a Right Wing outside a political system. Go to revolutionary Iran is hilarious, their whole government is out of the 70's I saw this all once. So they look like they Copied USA 3 branches, or some sort of thing, and ministers and all this, take all this logical stuff, Straight Line up to the Ayatollah Supreme Leader, oh! What was the Point, like there's a beauracracy of checks and balances under a religious dictator?!

Which reminds me, accost minorities is legal on specific occasions... Ethnic-Americans.

Le Bonnie Blue Confederacy de Corea Joseon!!!
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That’s just stupid and will never happen. That’s the thinking of a dimwitted child frustrated by an adult world he can’t understand. Stop wasting time on such nonsense.

Real Americans have a responsibility to face whatever problems we have with maturity and patriotism and respect for our fellow citizens. Everyone wants to panic these days about how divided the country is, but they are ignorant of history and they forget that this country was built on and has always been a contentious republic of conflicting ideas and peoples. This is where our dynamic energy comes from. This is what has made America strong. This is what drives us towards an ever more perfect union. Quitters and traitors who would divide my great nation, had best bear in mind what happened the last time any concerted effort to do so was undertaken. Vile traitors who would endanger our republic will always be crushed like the dogs that they are.

We've never been this divided before and are becoming more divided every year.


Every generation has had chicken little chicken shits saying that exact same thing.

No, they didn't. In fact it wasn't that way when I was younger. ....n.

Yes they did. You just weren’t paying attention when you were younger, or weren’t so much of a coward at that time. They have always been cowards among us just as they’re always been those ignorant of our history and our character as a nation. It’s a shame we let such useless weaklings remain in my great nation.

Oh, so it's your nation now, is it?


Always has been, Shirley.
(1) that number is fewer and fewer. Very little left of the people who built this country in the Democrat party.
(2) though the average iq of whites is higher than blacks or Latinos (but lower than Asians) there are some dumb whites. Severe outliers.
(3) lots of white women have been destroyed by the liberal war on women, children and families. Women are told they will starve if the government doesn’t replace the man who just left them and promised programs to replace the missing breadwinner.
And some of them just plain old hate our Nation. For whatever reason.
I heard 40% of people are descendants genetically of the Puritan Colony. See, we're all just playing politics. Most immigration around the 1840's German is Basically German racially anyway, we like being around ourselves. They just make white IQ in the first place! Who was the fresh prince of bel air?!
So the 12 year old who cut off his penis, put it on the hood of a car, at the instruction of an Imam, ran into a crowd and blew up his suicide vest needed like politics educational classes or like, intellectual decisions, because that penis is going to follow that 12 year old into heaven with the 72 virgins or the grapes or whatever. Whats a Right Wing outside a political system. Go to revolutionary Iran is hilarious, their whole government is out of the 70's I saw this all once. So they look like they Copied USA 3 branches, or some sort of thing, and ministers and all this, take all this logical stuff, Straight Line up to the Ayatollah Supreme Leader, oh! What was the Point, like there's a beauracracy of checks and balances under a religious dictator?!

Which reminds me, accost minorities is legal on specific occasions... Ethnic-Americans.

Le Bonnie Blue Confederacy de Corea Joseon!!!

So what was right white Winger Dylann Roof looking for?
When he went into a church and shot and killed all those people? Clearly he's just a kid.
Right wingers teach them young.

So you seen 1/100th of our city and made that evaluation. Years ago a friend of mine went you your city and said the same exact thing.

yeah, let's look at that.

Chicago Skyline


Cleveland Skyline

Notice a difference. Hint... it's the lack of any new and modern buildings.

What, one person said that? Big deal. Your side was saying that George Bush planned it. Which one is crazier?

We were talking about what Rev. Wright said, (That 9/11 was the chickens coming home to roost, our policies blew back on us.) compared to what Rev. Robertson said (that it was God's judgement for gays and witches and abortions).

What Robertson said was crazy. What Wright said was uncomfortable, but you could make the argument. WE armed Bin Laden. WE support Israel. We've been making war in that region since the 1980's. Should we really be surprised when it bites us in the ass?

This country would be another third world shithole without capitalism. Capitalism built this country. As for unions, capitalists didn't get greedy, the unions did.

So working people wanting a living wage is greedy, but CEO's getting 8 and 9 figure salaries, isn't.

Since you used Hostess as an example, let's look at who bankrupted Hostess.

Oh, wait, it was the greedy hedge funds that kept paying themselves huge dividends when the profits weren't there.
We were talking about what Rev. Wright said, (That 9/11 was the chickens coming home to roost, our policies blew back on us.) compared to what Rev. Robertson said (that it was God's judgement for gays and witches and abortions).

What Robertson said was crazy. What Wright said was uncomfortable, but you could make the argument. WE armed Bin Laden. WE support Israel. We've been making war in that region since the 1980's. Should we really be surprised when it bites us in the ass?

He said "God Damn America" which is unpatriotic. People are entitled to their religious beliefs even if they sound a little off. For a guy that claims to have been raised in a Christian environment, it sure seems like you didn't learn much.

But since I was actually raised Catholic, I can tell you Christian belief is that all is controlled by God good or bad. It's why people thank God if they survived a serious car accident or house fire. And when something bad does happen, they believe we have disappointed God in some way, and they don't express it by violating one of the Ten Commandments such as Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

So working people wanting a living wage is greedy, but CEO's getting 8 and 9 figure salaries, isn't.

Since you used Hostess as an example, let's look at who bankrupted Hostess.

Oh, wait, it was the greedy hedge funds that kept paying themselves huge dividends when the profits weren't there.

There is nothing wrong with wanting a working wage. There is something wrong with forcing somebody to pay you that wage, especially when you're not worth it or you are willing to see the business close down to get it.

CEO's make an agreement with companies for the work they do. They don't threaten them, commit acts of violence, march back and forth in front of the business holding signs for what they want, stop trucks from entering the business. It's a friendly mutual agreement.

Unions may be greedy, but they're not stupid. That's why no union has ever demanded that their company have a limit on what they can pay their CEO's. Even they know those CEO's are the reason they have any work in the first place. They know that a low paid CEO is a low quality CEO and that means no raises and perhaps layoffs. Unions make their money by leaching it off their workers.

Cleveland Ohio

Well God Damn America, isn't exactly the usual alternative astronomy study-guide, oh, im looking for something out among the stars, that its just out of sight ,its, oh George W BoUoUsh! Aw hell naw!
deanrd was talking to me. I heard about that church shooting. You said Right-winger "carefully taught"? Isn't this soldier a proper Right-Winger under Eisenhower? I'm curious your opinion on that. The answer is yes obviously, Goodbye Maria, off to Korea.
So wait where's a right-wing identification around any of this Dixie flag and what is that , a political right wing? I got to get to the source of this "Left-wing beliefs are liberal in that they believe society is best served with an expanded role for the government. People on the right believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role — and especially the power — of the government is minimized."

At the Height of Dixie awareness with Woodrow Wilson, this was Actually, Left Wing, Very Strongly, identity and definition Left Wing is Dixie. The People "believed in the Government and Big Government to protect them once again and we failed them! The industry is crushing men, women and children".
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