How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?


Republicans are racists. ....

Says the racist democrat...

I'm not a racist. ....

It has been proven over and over again that you are one of the worst racists on this site.
Nah. That's just you being you. Over dramatic lil bich. Too politically correct.

Funny it bothers you when I do it but not when Republicans do it. I mean, I'm in the minority in the Democratic party. Most of us are good non racists but Republicans prove over and over with their words and policies that they are irish white devils.
Here's the thing, buddy. If we had socialism and every working adult got the EXACT same pay.... we'd all make well in excess of $50,000. You worry about the pittance poor people get.... (although you tend to ignore when it's white people welfare like Social Security or Medicare)... but not so much the corporate welfare the rest of us are paying for.

The main reason why so many young people are looking at Bernie is because they look at the nice union jobs their grandparents had that aren't there anymore. They look at their parents having to work full time jobs and then drive an Uber to put food on the the table. They look at leaving college with $65,000 in debt to even get an entry level job.

Trump promised to bring back Grandpa's union job (Just not the union), but those jobs disappeared a long time ago. So they are seeing he is full of shit and everyone is just waiting for it all to blow up in his recession.

Corporate welfare is a term used by Democrats meaning government is taking less of the money they created. That's not welfare. Welfare is giving something somebody else paid for to others that don't have it.

If everybody was making 50K, then who would want to invent things? Who would want to risk capital? Who would want the headaches of opening up and running a company or corporation? Who would invest in college or even a trade school? Who would you see for medical care when nobody went to school to become a doctor?


You mean dumb white people are worried because the one percenters have you scared you might have to share half your cookie after they've gobbled down the other 10.

Yes, they've been very good at getting you to vote against your own economic interests. That's why you are in a low paying job with no insurance.

Or maybe that's why you don't get badly needed psychologic care for your mental problems.

How am I voting against my own economic interest? I'm bringing home more money now. I am going to get one hell of a tax return for 2018. Our business is booming thanks to Trump. Fuel is still more than reasonable which is unusual in such a strong economy. No more Commie Care fines.

Would you like me to tell you what I lost under that Bozo eared Kenyan Klown?

Yeah, people who believe in talking snakes are really informed.

More so than people that believe man can control the climate, or if we take away guns, the criminals will be happy to turn theirs in.
Corporate welfare is a term used by Democrats meaning government is taking less of the money they created. That's not welfare. Welfare is giving something somebody else paid for to others that don't have it.

No, it means exactly what it is... big money paid to corporations to produce jobs that never happen. No Dressage Horsie left behind.

If everybody was making 50K, then who would want to invent things? Who would want to risk capital? Who would want the headaches of opening up and running a company or corporation? Who would invest in college or even a trade school? Who would you see for medical care when nobody went to school to become a doctor?

again, if the guy only became a doctor so he could make a shitload of money, I don't really want that guy cutting on me. Guess what happens in the Single Payer Countries where doctors don't make six figures? They still have doctors and they are just as good as ours.

How am I voting against my own economic interest? I'm bringing home more money now. I am going to get one hell of a tax return for 2018. Our business is booming thanks to Trump. Fuel is still more than reasonable which is unusual in such a strong economy. No more Commie Care fines.

Trump had nothing to do with the economic boom that started in 2010.

Would you like me to tell you what I lost under that Bozo eared Kenyan Klown?

I'm sure you love blaming the black guy for you being a white trash failure.

More so than people that believe man can control the climate, or if we take away guns, the criminals will be happy to turn theirs in.

Yeah, Gun control can't work... unless you ignore the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Italy where it works just fine and the have nowhere near our crime or murder rates.

As for climate change. Funny thing about Science... It remains true if you believe in it or not.
No, it means exactly what it is... big money paid to corporations to produce jobs that never happen. No Dressage Horsie left behind.

Sorry, but in spite of your commie beliefs, all money does not belong to government, therefore if they let you keep more of the money you earned, it's a gift from government to you.

again, if the guy only became a doctor so he could make a shitload of money, I don't really want that guy cutting on me. Guess what happens in the Single Payer Countries where doctors don't make six figures? They still have doctors and they are just as good as ours.

I seriously doubt they are as good as ours, otherwise people from all around the world wouldn't be coming here when they have serious problems that need the best care. Just because you have a passion to do something doesn't mean you'll spend the best part of your life learning how to do it with no financial reward.

rump had nothing to do with the economic boom that started in 2010.

Look at the manufacturing jobs created under Trump to DumBama's McDonald jobs. Anything Hussein did for businesses was a negative. How can you take credit for businesses pulling us out of a recession when all you did was make it harder for them to do that?

I'm sure you love blaming the black guy for you being a white trash failure.

Oh, that must be it in Joe's deluded world, it's because he's a Mulatto and not because of his actions.

Yeah, Gun control can't work... unless you ignore the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Italy where it works just fine and the have nowhere near our crime or murder rates.

As for climate change. Funny thing about Science... It remains true if you believe in it or not.

Real scientists understand that there is no evidence that man controls the environment. Some can say they see changes in our climate, but can offer no evidence of why. It's something we have no ability to understand.

Yeah, compare countries with gun control but forget about the kind of people in those countries. That makes a lot of sense.
I seriously doubt they are as good as ours, otherwise people from all around the world wouldn't be coming here when they have serious problems that need the best care. Just because you have a passion to do something doesn't mean you'll spend the best part of your life learning how to do it with no financial reward.

Medical Tourism is a myth, and a rich guy coming here for a treatment you would never get because you don't have insurance is nothing to be proud of.

Look at the manufacturing jobs created under Trump to DumBama's McDonald jobs. Anything Hussein did for businesses was a negative. How can you take credit for businesses pulling us out of a recession when all you did was make it harder for them to do that?

Businesses didn't pull us out of the recession, they got us into one. You don't seem to get this. Recessions aren't a bug of corporate conservatism, they are a design feature. They are trying to put the next recession off until after 2020, but they probably won't even be able to do that.

Economy is already slowing down...

So let's review. Obama got us from 10% unemployment in 2009 to 4.5% unemployment in 2017, and meh, no big deal. Trump bumps it to 4% and you think this is the greatest thing ever... because he's a white guy. And I'm sure when it pops back up to 8% next year, you'll have an excuse for that. It's all AOC's fault.. because she, something.

Real scientists understand that there is no evidence that man controls the environment. Some can say they see changes in our climate, but can offer no evidence of why. It's something we have no ability to understand.

which real scientists are those, the ones that collect money from the Koch brothers?

97% of Climate scientists have concluded humans are responsible for climate change.

97 out of 100 climate scientists agree: Humans are responsible for warming

But clearly, some guy you listen to on Hate Radio told you they weren't, so that must be true.

Yeah, compare countries with gun control but forget about the kind of people in those countries. That makes a lot of sense.

Look, Ray brought the Racism again!!!
Medical Tourism is a myth, and a rich guy coming here for a treatment you would never get because you don't have insurance is nothing to be proud of.

Not a myth at all. Trust me, my sister is a supervisor at the Cleveland Clinic where I am also a patient. Yes, they come here because they have money. And when they become seriously ill, they spend the most money they can on the best treatment.

Businesses didn't pull us out of the recession, they got us into one. You don't seem to get this. Recessions aren't a bug of corporate conservatism, they are a design feature. They are trying to put the next recession off until after 2020, but they probably won't even be able to do that.

Economy is already slowing down...

So let's review. Obama got us from 10% unemployment in 2009 to 4.5% unemployment in 2017, and meh, no big deal. Trump bumps it to 4% and you think this is the greatest thing ever... because he's a white guy. And I'm sure when it pops back up to 8% next year, you'll have an excuse for that. It's all AOC's fault.. because she, something.

Businesses didn't put us into a recession, government did. Government and their idiotic idea that their standards should be to give loans to anybody to put more minorities into their own houses. It was all a "see! Look what I did!" tactic.

The federal reserve pumped trillions into the stock market making those evil rich guys even richer. That's how the economy moved in the other direction. It was called Quantitive Easing. Look it up.

It's much easier for the economy to turn around when you're at rock bottom than when it's already up, but the wages were stagnant for most of Obama's years and the jobs not very well paying. Real jobs started to be created when Trump and the Republicans measures took shape. In fact right now, we have the highest household incomes in history. This is on top of the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for minorities and women. You didn't build that.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

which real scientists are those, the ones that collect money from the Koch brothers?

97% of Climate scientists have concluded humans are responsible for climate change.

97 out of 100 climate scientists agree: Humans are responsible for warming

But clearly, some guy you listen to on Hate Radio told you they weren't, so that must be true.

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

Look, Ray brought the Racism again!!!

Oh look, Joe is calling facts racism again!
Not a myth at all. Trust me, my sister is a supervisor at the Cleveland Clinic where I am also a patient. Yes, they come here because they have money. And when they become seriously ill, they spend the most money they can on the best treatment.

Nope, it's a myth. Sorry. A few rich people from impoverished countries coming here to get treatment you can't get isn't anything to be proud of.

Businesses didn't put us into a recession, government did. Government and their idiotic idea that their standards should be to give loans to anybody to put more minorities into their own houses. It was all a "see! Look what I did!" tactic.

Yawn, guy, the recession wasn't caused by a 25 year old law to stop racists from denying loans. The recession was caused by stupid white people buying McMansions hoping to flip them, and the bankers refusing to say no.

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

I'm sure the Koch brothers paid him really well for that.. but only a complete fucking moron would deny the world is getting a lot warmer.

Oh look, Joe is calling facts racism again!

again, you are the one insisting 'Those people' are responsible for the violence (even though most mass shooters are white men), when in fact, every otehr industrialized country has gun control, and every last fucking one of them (some of whom have large minority populations) have low crime rates.
Neither of you can open your eyes to the fact that the market is flooded with the hardest working, most productive workers this nation has ever seen and employers have NEVER had an easier time filling vacancies in the history of the nation. The fact is any employer not able to find dedicated loyal workers is a BAD employer. This is indisputable and the reason the economy is waking up a little. What's holding it back is tooany good workers. FACT.
Yawn, guy, the recession wasn't caused by a 25 year old law to stop racists from denying loans. The recession was caused by stupid white people buying McMansions hoping to flip them, and the bankers refusing to say no.

It wasn't 25 years old. Clinton and Cuomo both lowered standards greatly to promote minority home ownership. I posted the 1999 NYT article just to name one. Bush stupidly allowed it to continue, and when he got the economy moving again, unqualified people began buying homes. That created a drastic price increase that many others wanted to capitalize on.

I'm sure the Koch brothers paid him really well for that.. but only a complete fucking moron would deny the world is getting a lot warmer.

Sure, because any evidence a leftist brings to the table is untainted and any evidence a righty brings to the table was a pay off. Then you wonder why we refer to you on the left as uninformed voters.

again, you are the one insisting 'Those people' are responsible for the violence (even though most mass shooters are white men), when in fact, every otehr industrialized country has gun control, and every last fucking one of them (some of whom have large minority populations) have low crime rates.

No they don't because you would be comparing European countries which are mostly white. You are eight times more likely to be killed by a black in this country than a white. If you take all minorities out of the picture and just calculate crimes by whites, you'd find our statistics are only slightly higher than those European countries. Furthermore some of those countries are having record knife attacks that result in murder. Mass murder outside of 911 which were committed by minorities add very little to our murder rate per year.
Neither of you can open your eyes to the fact that the market is flooded with the hardest working, most productive workers this nation has ever seen and employers have NEVER had an easier time filling vacancies in the history of the nation. The fact is any employer not able to find dedicated loyal workers is a BAD employer. This is indisputable and the reason the economy is waking up a little. What's holding it back is tooany good workers. FACT.

Not sure who you are directing this to.

I don't think today's workers are really that hard working. In fact, if anything, they are kind of soft compared to their grandparents, who worked really hard factory jobs.

There are some real problems in the labor market. One of them being that we aren't bringing enough new workers on line to replace the ones who are retiring out of the system. The other is that schools and colleges aren't really preparing kids with the right skills.
It wasn't 25 years old. Clinton and Cuomo both lowered standards greatly to promote minority home ownership. I posted the 1999 NYT article just to name one. Bush stupidly allowed it to continue, and when he got the economy moving again, unqualified people began buying homes. That created a drastic price increase that many others wanted to capitalize on.

The changes Clinton made to the CRA was minimal, and it wasn't like Banks were making bad loans to poor people. They made bad loans to middle class people because they figured if they had to foreclose, they could just resell the house for more money. "Thanks for all the work you put into it, sucker!"

The real problem is they took these worthless loans, exaggerated their value and sold them as investments... that's why the system collapsed.

Sure, because any evidence a leftist brings to the table is untainted and any evidence a righty brings to the table was a pay off. Then you wonder why we refer to you on the left as uninformed voters.

Well, no, the Leftist bring science, the Right Winger brings an opinion a rich person paid for. The rich also paid for studies that smoking is good for you, even though most doctors said it wasn't.

Shit, I don't need any scientist to tell me that the winters here in Chicago are milder today than they were when I was growing up, and we had snow from November until April. Now we are lucky if we get snow from January to February.

No they don't because you would be comparing European countries which are mostly white. You are eight times more likely to be killed by a black in this country than a white. I

Ray, you don't have to keep reminding us how racist you are..

The UK has a lot of black folks. What they don't have is our murder rates, for some reason. Why do you think that is? (Hint, they banned guns a long time ago.)
Neither of you can open your eyes to the fact that the market is flooded with the hardest working, most productive workers this nation has ever seen and employers have NEVER had an easier time filling vacancies in the history of the nation. The fact is any employer not able to find dedicated loyal workers is a BAD employer. This is indisputable and the reason the economy is waking up a little. What's holding it back is tooany good workers. FACT.

The changes Clinton made to the CRA was minimal, and it wasn't like Banks were making bad loans to poor people. They made bad loans to middle class people because they figured if they had to foreclose, they could just resell the house for more money. "Thanks for all the work you put into it, sucker!"

The real problem is they took these worthless loans, exaggerated their value and sold them as investments... that's why the system collapsed.

Yes it is, but the changes Clinton made had nothing to do with CRA's. Lowering loan standards is what created the mess in the first place because many minorities didn't qualify for secure loans. However you can't make loan standards for different people. You need to make them for everybody or none at all.

So everybody took advantage of 0% down and no credit checks. In fact during the bubble, I had some banking business to do. I was made an offer by the loan officer to buy more rental property. I explained that I didn't have 30% down (which is the standard for rental property) for a down payment. She said they would give me a loan anyhow. All I had to do is give them the property and they would start making out the paperwork immediately.

Well, no, the Leftist bring science, the Right Winger brings an opinion a rich person paid for. The rich also paid for studies that smoking is good for you, even though most doctors said it wasn't.

Shit, I don't need any scientist to tell me that the winters here in Chicago are milder today than they were when I was growing up, and we had snow from November until April. Now we are lucky if we get snow from January to February.

So because we had a few nice winters, that's the end of the world? The earth is over 4.5 billion years old, and you think the average temperature for those billions of years was when you were a kid?

Where do these scientists get their paycheck from? After all, they don't invent anything or create sellable products. That's right, most of the money they get is from government, the same government that wants to convince the dupes of global warming.

Ray, you don't have to keep reminding us how racist you are..

The UK has a lot of black folks. What they don't have is our murder rates, for some reason. Why do you think that is? (Hint, they banned guns a long time ago.)

Yeah, sure they have blacks:

Ethnic groups: white 87.2%, black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%, Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%, mixed 2%, other 3.7% (2011 est.)

United Kingdom Demographics Profile 2018
Yes it is, but the changes Clinton made had nothing to do with CRA's. Lowering loan standards is what created the mess in the first place because many minorities didn't qualify for secure loans. However you can't make loan standards for different people. You need to make them for everybody or none at all.

So everybody took advantage of 0% down and no credit checks. In fact during the bubble, I had some banking business to do. I was made an offer by the loan officer to buy more rental property. I explained that I didn't have 30% down (which is the standard for rental property) for a down payment. She said they would give me a loan anyhow. All I had to do is give them the property and they would start making out the paperwork immediately.

30% down is a ridiculous amount to ask for... it you think that's what caused the problem, you are a silly person.

Nope. The problem was the bankers selling people houses they didn't need, couldn't afford and then selling the worthless mortgages as investments.

So because we had a few nice winters, that's the end of the world? The earth is over 4.5 billion years old, and you think the average temperature for those billions of years was when you were a kid?

It's not a few nice winters, it's dying coral reefs and melting permafrost and thinning ice sheets. The difference between billions of years and a few decades is how quickly life can adapt through evolution. Again, this is that science stuff you wingnuts don't understand.

Where do these scientists get their paycheck from? After all, they don't invent anything or create sellable products. That's right, most of the money they get is from government, the same government that wants to convince the dupes of global warming.

Um, if that were the case, the Koch Brothers pay more than the government does. Also, Scientists contribute a lot more to this country than guys who can drive a truck in a straight line... but never mind.

Yeah, sure they have blacks:

So by your logic, being 30% minority vs. 13% minority makes all the difference? We have 18,000 homicides a year (12,000 with guns) vs. their 600 a year (50 with guns).

Ummm...ummmm...ummmm... IT'S THE FUCKING GUNS, STUPID!
The changes Clinton made to the CRA was minimal, and it wasn't like Banks were making bad loans to poor people. They made bad loans to middle class people because they figured if they had to foreclose, they could just resell the house for more money. "Thanks for all the work you put into it, sucker!"

The real problem is they took these worthless loans, exaggerated their value and sold them as investments... that's why the system collapsed.

Yes it is, but the changes Clinton made had nothing to do with CRA's. Lowering loan standards is what created the mess in the first place because many minorities didn't qualify for secure loans. However you can't make loan standards for different people. You need to make them for everybody or none at all.

So everybody took advantage of 0% down and no credit checks. In fact during the bubble, I had some banking business to do. I was made an offer by the loan officer to buy more rental property. I explained that I didn't have 30% down (which is the standard for rental property) for a down payment. She said they would give me a loan anyhow. All I had to do is give them the property and they would start making out the paperwork immediately.

Well, no, the Leftist bring science, the Right Winger brings an opinion a rich person paid for. The rich also paid for studies that smoking is good for you, even though most doctors said it wasn't.

Shit, I don't need any scientist to tell me that the winters here in Chicago are milder today than they were when I was growing up, and we had snow from November until April. Now we are lucky if we get snow from January to February.

So because we had a few nice winters, that's the end of the world? The earth is over 4.5 billion years old, and you think the average temperature for those billions of years was when you were a kid?

Where do these scientists get their paycheck from? After all, they don't invent anything or create sellable products. That's right, most of the money they get is from government, the same government that wants to convince the dupes of global warming.

Ray, you don't have to keep reminding us how racist you are..

The UK has a lot of black folks. What they don't have is our murder rates, for some reason. Why do you think that is? (Hint, they banned guns a long time ago.)

Yeah, sure they have blacks:

Ethnic groups: white 87.2%, black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%, Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%, mixed 2%, other 3.7% (2011 est.)

United Kingdom Demographics Profile 2018

How is this law affecting you? I can't wait to hear your reply to this. I have a feeling you didn't get affected but the majority of truck drivers 60% got hurt by Trump's tax laws. So how did trump MAGA for drivers? He didn't. He hurt people who work for companies not independent drivers. Thus the war on workers.

The tax law made contracting more favorable because it eliminated a deduction for work expenses that had particularly benefited company drivers. Now contractors can take the expenses deduction, but employees can’t.

Although O’Daire makes more money as a contractor, she now has less security and has to pay for more things out of pocket. Because she now leases her truck, “I have to take on a lot more responsibility for truck maintenance and fuel,” she said. “It puts me in a situation where I’m one illness away from having difficulties paying my bills.”

Some Truckers Got Run Over By The Republicans' Tax Law | HuffPost

The law cut taxes for most households, and Republicans said it would especially help workers because employers would share the benefit of sharply lower business taxes. The trucking industry hailed the law, but it turns out carriers should have been proactive to prevent certain drivers from facing a tax hike. The companies were able to offset their drivers’ loss of the deduction by adjusting their payroll systems, but the law’s hasty enactment caught many off guard.

Though she had already considered becoming an independent contractor, the missing tax deduction was the deciding factor for O’Daire. As many as a million truckers previously benefited from writing off expenses. Many are only now discovering, during tax filing season, that the deduction is gone.

I'm so glad Trump is fucking truckers.

Under the old law, O’Daire could rack up more than $15,000 in deductions for the cost of food for each day on the road, plus more for things like parking, showers and supplies. The meal per diem let truckers reduce their taxable income by more than $50 per driving day. O’Daire said the deductions helped her get a $2,000 refund in each of her first two years as a trucker but that she expects to owe money this year because of the nine months that she was still a company driver.

There were 1.8 million people working as heavy or tractor-trailer truckers who drove regionally or cross-country in 2017, according to the latest data. About 40 percent were independent contractors, while 60 percent were company employees, said Jim O’Donnell of Trucker Tax Service, a Fort Wayne, Indiana, company that does tax preparation and bookkeeping for thousands of drivers.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act didn’t target truckers specifically. The law did away with a broad category of deductions that included employee work expenses that are not reimbursed by employers. Independent contractors can still deduct their work expenses, but most company employees can’t. (Independent contractors may also be eligible for an entirely new deduction that the law created.) So employees who worked from home, for example, used to be able to deduct their home office costs; in most cases, now they can’t.

Theoretically, the change should not have harmed any drivers. Though employees lost the deduction, trucking companies could still pay their employees a portion of their wages tax-free to account for the daily cost of food. Doing so should actually save companies money by letting them avoid some payroll taxes while giving their employees the same take-home pay.

But it’s unclear how many trucking firms have made adjustments for the new law, which took effect less than two weeks after President Donald Trump signed it. O’Donnell said Trucker Tax Service has prepared returns for several truckers whose companies haven’t given their workers the tax-advantaged pay. Revamping a payroll system, after all, can be complicated and take time.
I often wonder how Jews can be Democrats

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If they have money and have that greedy conservative gene then I get why they are republicans. Is that your pic for real? Clearly you are white trash. You have no business voting GOP. You don't make enough money.

And it's hard for Jews to vote Republican when guys like this vote GOP

Cantwell made numerous anti-Semitic statements during the filming, including saying that he wants a leader who is “someone like Donald Trump but who does not give his daughter to a Jew.” He added: “I don’t think you can feel about race like I do and watch that Kushner bastard walk around with that beautiful girl.”

Terrifying image of a white supremacist movement that feels emboldened and ready to use violence to achieve its aims. At the end of the movie, she travels back to North Carolina and watches him unload all the weapons he took with him - as if he were emptying his pockets after work. Watch it here.

Read more: WATCH: White Supremacist Hates That Trump ‘Gave His Daughter To A Jew’
How is this law affecting you? I can't wait to hear your reply to this.

It doesn't directly effect anything on me. But it doesn't have to in order to reject it.

The problem is when one commie gets away with something like this, other commies follow. Pretty soon it metastasizes and eventually poisons the entire state. If you read the OP, it said this is not the first school to be targeted by this. Others were before it. How did that happen? Nobody bitched enough.

So it's not about how something like this impacts my life, I reject the expansion of the Nanny State no matter what or where it is.
30% down is a ridiculous amount to ask for... it you think that's what caused the problem, you are a silly person.

Nope. The problem was the bankers selling people houses they didn't need, couldn't afford and then selling the worthless mortgages as investments.

Well the bank doesn't sell any houses, the bank makes loans to people that approach them to buy houses. It's not up to a bank to determine if you need a house or not. It's the business of the bank to lend you money if you do want one.

Banks get paid for processing loans. After the loan is made they sell it off to somebody else. They could care less if you pay it back or not. It's not their concern. It's no different than the auto dealership caring about if you take your new car and run it into a telephone pole. They don't care what you do with it.

Because the loan standards were lowered so much by government, most banks took advantage of the government F-ups. If they didn't participate, their competitors would. So they were loaning money to anybody that wanted it. As for 30% down, it's been that way for decades for rental property.

Um, if that were the case, the Koch Brothers pay more than the government does. Also, Scientists contribute a lot more to this country than guys who can drive a truck in a straight line... but never mind.

Or more than a guy that does something anybody could do watching a You-Tube video?

Yes, some scientists do work for private industry. But most of science is funded by government or colleges; both entities trying to push this global warming nonsense.

So by your logic, being 30% minority vs. 13% minority makes all the difference? We have 18,000 homicides a year (12,000 with guns) vs. their 600 a year (50 with guns).

Ummm...ummmm...ummmm... IT'S THE FUCKING GUNS, STUPID!

I'm stupid, but thinking that an inanimate object causes people to do things they wouldn't do is not stupid? When people get murdered, you are concentrating on the weapon instead of the person. Are you going to blame knives for all the stabbings and robberies in the UK now that they don't have guns? After all, article after article has been written about the problem. In fact London had more murders last year than New York City because of people using knives instead of guns. Well if it's the guns that cause the murders and not the people, why are they still having such problems over there?

Australia gun ban vs  US .jpg

If getting rid of guns stops murders, why did Australia not see any results until six years after the buyback? And why was our murders going down even with more states adopting CCW laws and more people buying guns?

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