How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

He said "God Damn America" which is unpatriotic. People are entitled to their religious beliefs even if they sound a little off. For a guy that claims to have been raised in a Christian environment, it sure seems like you didn't learn much.

Sure. Learned they were all a bunch of self-righteous phonies, who used religion to control people.

But since I was actually raised Catholic, I can tell you Christian belief is that all is controlled by God good or bad. It's why people thank God if they survived a serious car accident or house fire. And when something bad does happen, they believe we have disappointed God in some way, and they don't express it by violating one of the Ten Commandments such as Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Who said he did take it in vain. Maybe he really thinks America is damned for some of the things we've done in our history that we have failed to repent for. Repentance and forgiveness are a big part of Christianity, but the first step is contrition. WHen we get dumb white people refusing to even admit racism is a real thing in this country, we are a long way from redemption.

There is nothing wrong with wanting a working wage. There is something wrong with forcing somebody to pay you that wage, especially when you're not worth it or you are willing to see the business close down to get it.

If you can't pay a working wage, you shouldn't be in business...

When you are paying your CEO 8 figures for FAILING and then demand working folks give up salary and benefits, that's kind of fucked up.

CEO's make an agreement with companies for the work they do. They don't threaten them, commit acts of violence, march back and forth in front of the business holding signs for what they want, stop trucks from entering the business. It's a friendly mutual agreement.

Exactly the problem... it's an old boy network... Shouldn't be this way to start with. Not how the Japanese and Germans run their companies.
Who said he did take it in vain. Maybe he really thinks America is damned for some of the things we've done in our history that we have failed to repent for. Repentance and forgiveness are a big part of Christianity, but the first step is contrition. WHen we get dumb white people refusing to even admit racism is a real thing in this country, we are a long way from redemption.

Yes, when you say God Damn anything, that is taking the Lords name in vain. Again, what Catholic school did you ever go to?

Nobody ever said racism isn't a real thing, we said it isn't a big thing nor widespread. You will always have people who hate certain kinds of people for whatever reason. You will have whites hating blacks, blacks hating whites, Puerto Ricans hating Mexicans, Chinese hating Japanese.

Black college students seek non-white roommate, and debate flares

If you can't pay a working wage, you shouldn't be in business...

When you are paying your CEO 8 figures for FAILING and then demand working folks give up salary and benefits, that's kind of fucked up.

One has nothing to do with another. You just don't understand because you don't know anything about contract work.

Contract work is about past performances. You get paid no matter what the outcome of your work. Some things there is nothing a CEO can do. Other times a CEO is slick enough to take a company out of the red and make it profitable.

It's no different than in sports or entertainment. If a star pitcher joins a team for 5 million a year, and has a less than expected performance for a year, he makes the same amount of money. Same with a rock band. In the past a rock band may have sold tens of millions of recordings. The next album turns out to be a bust. They still get paid whatever they were contracted for.

In a company, workers don't get paid based on how much a CEO makes. If there were no CEO at all, they'd still make the same money if they were still working. Your worth is not based on CEO pay. Your worth is what your employer can hire somebody else for at the same rate of pay. That's what we're all worth as employees.

Exactly the problem... it's an old boy network... Shouldn't be this way to start with. Not how the Japanese and Germans run their companies.

It's also why they are not productive as us either.
Yes, when you say God Damn anything, that is taking the Lords name in vain. Again, what Catholic school did you ever go to?

I went to 12 years of Catholic Schools, including a pretty prestigious HS in Chicago.
The thing was, merely saying God's name was enough to get you burned in hell, not just "Damn".

Nobody ever said racism isn't a real thing, we said it isn't a big thing nor widespread. You will always have people who hate certain kinds of people for whatever reason. You will have whites hating blacks, blacks hating whites, Puerto Ricans hating Mexicans, Chinese hating Japanese.

Blah, blah, blah... check your privilege.

It's also why they are not productive as us either.

The Japanese and Germans run rings round us in productivity and quality.
I went to 12 years of Catholic Schools, including a pretty prestigious HS in Chicago.
The thing was, merely saying God's name was enough to get you burned in hell, not just "Damn".

Correct. Anytime you use the Lords name in vain is a sin and a violation of the big ten.

The Japanese and Germans run rings round us in productivity and quality.

Quality yes because their people buy quality. Americans are not concerned about quality. We are concerned with low prices. Do you really believe that productivity or quality has anything to do with what their CEO's make? Please explain that dynamic.

Million-dollar executives multiply in corporate Japan
He said "God Damn America" which is unpatriotic. People are entitled to their religious beliefs even if they sound a little off. For a guy that claims to have been raised in a Christian environment, it sure seems like you didn't learn much.

Sure. Learned they were all a bunch of self-righteous phonies, who used religion to control people.

But since I was actually raised Catholic, I can tell you Christian belief is that all is controlled by God good or bad. It's why people thank God if they survived a serious car accident or house fire. And when something bad does happen, they believe we have disappointed God in some way, and they don't express it by violating one of the Ten Commandments such as Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Who said he did take it in vain. Maybe he really thinks America is damned for some of the things we've done in our history that we have failed to repent for. Repentance and forgiveness are a big part of Christianity, but the first step is contrition. WHen we get dumb white people refusing to even admit racism is a real thing in this country, we are a long way from redemption.

There is nothing wrong with wanting a working wage. There is something wrong with forcing somebody to pay you that wage, especially when you're not worth it or you are willing to see the business close down to get it.

If you can't pay a working wage, you shouldn't be in business...

When you are paying your CEO 8 figures for FAILING and then demand working folks give up salary and benefits, that's kind of fucked up.

CEO's make an agreement with companies for the work they do. They don't threaten them, commit acts of violence, march back and forth in front of the business holding signs for what they want, stop trucks from entering the business. It's a friendly mutual agreement.

Exactly the problem... it's an old boy network... Shouldn't be this way to start with. Not how the Japanese and Germans run their companies.

Yep. The Japanese and Germans sure kicked our ass...they are so superior.
Are you guys even linking to this thread? I guess in the Roman Republic you'd have "Your Man" on your shoulders in the Senate who's hopefully getting you Bread and Circuses. The Athenian Democracy had a Responsibility placed by lottery for non-slave male citizens to fill duty-responsibilities and for them all to vote to come to decisions. Very unabashedly at this time, too. Otherwise these are just unanchored forgotten words for 2 halves of a voting bloc. How about Democratic Republic of Korea, they all March their little, shiny boots, every single one, to check a single box, for the great leader. So theoretical, so correct.
Are you guys even linking to this thread? I guess in the Roman Republic you'd have "Your Man" on your shoulders in the Senate who's hopefully getting you Bread and Circuses. The Athenian Democracy had a Responsibility placed by lottery for non-slave male citizens to fill duty-responsibilities and for them all to vote to come to decisions. Very unabashedly at this time, too. Otherwise these are just unanchored forgotten words for 2 halves of a voting bloc. How about Democratic Republic of Korea, they all March their little, shiny boots, every single one, to check a single box, for the great leader. So theoretical, so correct.

Broccoli potato mountain climbing sneakers birds fly up then left go that way 5 o’clock ham steak Pringles shake shake shake to wahoo wahoo .
Correct. Anytime you use the Lords name in vain is a sin and a violation of the big ten.

Awesome. The stupidity that saying a bad word is just as bad as killing someone is why I left the church... I just couldn't keep a God Damn straight face.

Quality yes because their people buy quality. Americans are not concerned about quality. We are concerned with low prices. Do you really believe that productivity or quality has anything to do with what their CEO's make? Please explain that dynamic.

No, CEO's are generally worthless and clueless, but they control the system to pay themselves big pay... which is why Executive pay needs to be regulated.

When the poor steal, it's called Crime.
When the rich steal, it's called profits.
No, CEO's are generally worthless and clueless, but they control the system to pay themselves big pay... which is why Executive pay needs to be regulated.

When the poor steal, it's called Crime.
When the rich steal, it's called profits.

When the government regulates pay in the private industry, it's called a dictatorship.

If you have some time today, look up the word "steal." Theft is the act of taking the property of another against their will. Theft is not earning money that a liberal doesn't approve of.
When the government regulates pay in the private industry, it's called a dictatorship.

Sure... you tell yourself that, buddy.

If you have some time today, look up the word "steal." Theft is the act of taking the property of another against their will. Theft is not earning money that a liberal doesn't approve of.

If someone else does the work, but the CEO gets the profits, that's stealing. sorry you aren't clear on the concept.

When I'm going down the road at 65 MPH in a vehicle propelled by a flammable liquid, I want to know the guys who put it together were well paid and happy with their jobs. I'm less concerned that the CEO in charge of them has enough dressage horses.
If someone else does the work, but the CEO gets the profits, that's stealing. sorry you aren't clear on the concept.

When I'm going down the road at 65 MPH in a vehicle propelled by a flammable liquid, I want to know the guys who put it together were well paid and happy with their jobs. I'm less concerned that the CEO in charge of them has enough dressage horses.

Most could care less who was paid what, CEO or workers. We just care that we have a vehicle that can go 65 mph down the highway.

Workers never were promised profit when they freely accepted the job. Workers were promised X dollars if they did X work. Therefore profit is not their property, it's the property of the company that created that profit. Therefore no theft is involved.

If you want a companies profit, then get a job with profit sharing. If you can't find one with that benefit, then you are welcome to buy stock from your company and enjoy some of that profit yourself.
Most could care less who was paid what, CEO or workers. We just care that we have a vehicle that can go 65 mph down the highway.

I'm sure you don't think it through... You don't think through a lot of things.

Workers never were promised profit when they freely accepted the job. Workers were promised X dollars if they did X work. Therefore profit is not their property, it's the property of the company that created that profit. Therefore no theft is involved.

That's one way of looking at it.. it probably explains why Bernie Sanders is so popular now, that kind of attitude towards working folks.
That's one way of looking at it.. it probably explains why Bernie Sanders is so popular now, that kind of attitude towards working folks.

Bernie is popular because he's a borderline Communist and that attracts younger Democrats. I'm going to give you this and I'm going to give you that is nothing more than buying votes from the lazy and irresponsible which the Democrats have spent decades creating.

The Democrats rely on the politically ignorant to stay in power. That's why they want ex-cons to vote. That's why they want to lower the voting age to 16. That's why they want non-citizens to vote. The rest of the country is waking up and they are a little worried right now.

The biggest threat to a Democrat politician is an informed voter.
Bernie is popular because he's a borderline Communist and that attracts younger Democrats. I'm going to give you this and I'm going to give you that is nothing more than buying votes from the lazy and irresponsible which the Democrats have spent decades creating.

Here's the thing, buddy. If we had socialism and every working adult got the EXACT same pay.... we'd all make well in excess of $50,000. You worry about the pittance poor people get.... (although you tend to ignore when it's white people welfare like Social Security or Medicare)... but not so much the corporate welfare the rest of us are paying for.

The main reason why so many young people are looking at Bernie is because they look at the nice union jobs their grandparents had that aren't there anymore. They look at their parents having to work full time jobs and then drive an Uber to put food on the the table. They look at leaving college with $65,000 in debt to even get an entry level job.

Trump promised to bring back Grandpa's union job (Just not the union), but those jobs disappeared a long time ago. So they are seeing he is full of shit and everyone is just waiting for it all to blow up in his recession.

The Democrats rely on the politically ignorant to stay in power. That's why they want ex-cons to vote. That's why they want to lower the voting age to 16. That's why they want non-citizens to vote. The rest of the country is waking up and they are a little worried right now.

You mean dumb white people are worried because the one percenters have you scared you might have to share half your cookie after they've gobbled down the other 10.

Yes, they've been very good at getting you to vote against your own economic interests. That's why you are in a low paying job with no insurance.

The biggest threat to a Democrat politician is an informed voter.

Yeah, people who believe in talking snakes are really informed.
The hard part for young people is the fact that employers have it so easy filling jobs because the market is bursting with hard working dedicated young workers. This depresses wages as employers can bottom out their wages. They see how hard they have to work only to struggle to make any ends meet. Then this older generation criticizes them for living in their parents basement. No merit to this. Then we criticize women because too many of them are choosing work and the birthrates and more meritless garbage.
A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?

Because we aren’t rich. The Republican Party only works for the upper class.

They use wedge issues to con dummies like you into voting for them. You’re using racism to do it now. Maybe later you’ll use god guns and gays as other wedge issues.

Republicans are racists. They don’t think blacks are as smart as whites
That's one way of looking at it.. it probably explains why Bernie Sanders is so popular now, that kind of attitude towards working folks.

Bernie is popular because he's a borderline Communist and that attracts younger Democrats. I'm going to give you this and I'm going to give you that is nothing more than buying votes from the lazy and irresponsible which the Democrats have spent decades creating.

The Democrats rely on the politically ignorant to stay in power. That's why they want ex-cons to vote. That's why they want to lower the voting age to 16. That's why they want non-citizens to vote. The rest of the country is waking up and they are a little worried right now.

The biggest threat to a Democrat politician is an informed voter.

Republicans are racists. ....

Says the racist democrat...

I'm not a racist. I don't think whites are smarter than blacks. But have you seen on that other thread where I've gotten Republicans to admit that's what they believe? I asked them how less than 1% of CEO's of Fortune 500 companies are black, they admit they believe it's because blacks aren't smart enough.

And now they want me to prove that any "important" republican such as Trump or McConnell believes that. It's going to be hard to get them on record. Perhaps if someone secretly tapes Trump we can expose the truth.

But even when we catch him on tape you'll say he was just kidding. Locker room talk is what you will say.

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