How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

I would really hate it if Japan became a multicultural cesspool like the US where everyone is constantly afraid they might hurt the feelings of some group or another. But I wouldn't be surprised if when they're done ruining the US they move on to another prosperous and clean nation.

It seems that some people here want to use Japan as a repository for all their own very thinly (if at all) veiled racist fears and fantasies. These people don’t actually know anything about the country, but that’s not important to them.

If we were such terrible racist white supremacists then why would we wish prosperity and success on a nation that is almost 100% non-white?

Try reading again.

What do you think would happen to Japan's rigid and disciplined society if they suddenly had a bunch of competing minority groups to worry about? Honest question.

Japan is - obviously - historically and geographically quite different than the United States, so “what if”s do not apply.

A certain sort of imbecile wants to look at Japan and say look look where can we be like that? Ignoring the obvious truths of geography and history out of a desperate fear of anyone who looks slightly and superficially different and going to a very flawed sense of the history and nature of the United States itself. The bottom line is that your plan is not a fantasy receptacle for all of the weakness of racist in the United States. People shooting their miles all about it without knowing a damn thing about the country or it’s people just look like jackasses. It’s really time to grow up folks.

You didn't answer my question...
You will when the economy actually does go south. Yeah, look at the economy since Trump took over and reduced taxes and regulations. 3.4% growth in the fourth quarter and 4.2% for the second quarter. But that's not the great news. The great news is that growth was with real jobs.

Um, actually, it was 2.6 last's already slowing down. And people are starting to realize that they are paying more in taxes, not less under Trump.

Even poor people can afford bottled water. The point is you think that Republicans would poison themselves by making air and water worse. You are being led by the nose like a five year old that broke a vase. They tell you what to think and you don't even question how stupid it is.

Hey, did you hear about Flint, Michigan.. yes, I do believe the rich are happy to let the poor drink poison water.

The poor shouldn't have to buy bottled water. NOBODY should have to buy bottled water because whatever is coming out of the tap is unfit to drink.

Perhaps that's why The Boss, Alexandria Kelly Bundy is now the icon for the Democrat party. You know......the ditz that told you people the world was going to end in 12 years if we don't tear down every building and get rid of every car.

The only people paying attention to AOC is you.. and she didn't even change the party affiliation of her district. You missed the 41 seats you DID lose in the house because people are tired of your shit.

Your argument isn't with me, it's with the employees at the plants that told me about them buying garbage parts backed up by my former mechanic. I drove for two different tool and die shops. I know the inferior steel they used to make those parts for the auto companies. They went right off the press and into a pallet box. None of the parts were ever treated for rust prevention. Bare steel that likely started rusting a year after installed. I just threw them in the truck and delivered them as they were.

Actually, no, I think you lost track of the argument a long time ago.

The US did not lose market share because Union guys made a good living.

They lost market share because the produced an inferior product and generally showed contempt for their customers. I think they've made up the difference in quality since then... but I remember how my 84 Chevette would choke out if I got if over 70MPH, or how my 88 Escort caught on fire that one time.

Those decisions were made in the board rooms, not the assembly lines.
You are an old person, idiot. You are yesterday’s news, and with trash like you gone things will change fat faster far more than you can imagine.

You don’t know shit about millennials.

I know most of you are entitled, lazy and have no work ethic, but hopefully you'll grow out of that.

The only reason that millennials reliably vote Democrat is because they have been told to by the media. As the media gets taken over by Gen Xers and especially millennials the idea that you must vote Democrat will go away because millennials will own both parties. Without the past constantly being brought up by boomers it will become a lot more about actual issues, and that will split a lot more evenly.

Fairly unlikely... Here's how it's more likely to play out. As white folks become a smaller and smaller group, and as millenials who are less religious and less focused on "Moral Issues", no one is going to vote for "Work harder so the rich can have more."
Back to the op....OMG....stop the presses...there are white Democrat voters. Why would anybody care? Really...why even ask the question? What is the rationale?
How does taxing the wealthy help your income unless government confiscates all money for redistribution? You people need to move to Cuba or North Korea where that system is already in place. Here's something you can never choke down, it's called logic: Nobody would open or operate a business if government took most of their money....nobody.

Funny thing. You know what the top marginal rate was in 1953 when Ike was President? It was 93% on incomes over 400K. Our businesses did just fine. CEO's lived comfortable suburban lifestyles.

The thing about Cuba or North Korea is you act like they just sprung into being the day Communism was declared..

Um, no. Korea was a colony of Japan for a half century before independence, and the Japanese pretty much looted the place of all the resources... Cuba was a place were the people lived in abject poverty and the country was run by Corporations and Gangsters (But I repeat myself.)

They were poor miserable placed to live long before the Commies ever got there.

Oh, making the rich pay their fair share... Not actually communism. We did it under Ike, and we were just fine.
Back to the op....OMG....stop the presses...there are white Democrat voters. Why would anybody care? Really...why even ask the question? What is the rationale?

*sigh* Because white people, especially men are on the top of the Dem's shit-list. That's why people are asking.
I don't see any war on white people much less white men. Seems like a fairy tale.

The left has enthusiastically embraced this corny "the future is female" slogan. The left celebrates white men being pushed out of positions of power and replaced with black, brown trans, whatever....anything other than white and male is an improvement. If you haven't noticed this trend then you're not paying attention or you've been programmed to not recognize it for what it is.
The left has enthusiastically embraced this corny "the future is female" slogan. The left celebrates white men being pushed out of positions of power and replaced with black, brown trans, whatever....anything other than white and male is an improvement. If you haven't noticed this trend then you're not paying attention or you've been programmed to not recognize it for what it is.

Guy, Congress is still 70% white and male, while white males only make up 35% of the population... They also represent the majority of CEO's and other decision makers...

All of which means nothing to you or me. A white guy in the Corner office will downsize you just as fast as a black woman. Maybe faster.
The left has enthusiastically embraced this corny "the future is female" slogan. The left celebrates white men being pushed out of positions of power and replaced with black, brown trans, whatever....anything other than white and male is an improvement. If you haven't noticed this trend then you're not paying attention or you've been programmed to not recognize it for what it is.

Guy, Congress is still 70% white and male, while white males only make up 35% of the population... They also represent the majority of CEO's and other decision makers...

All of which means nothing to you or me. A white guy in the Corner office will downsize you just as fast as a black woman. Maybe faster.

The left's war on white men affects society as a whole and greenlights all sorts of discriminatory actions against them.
The left's war on white men affects society as a whole and greenlights all sorts of discriminatory actions against them.

Okay... and what discrimination is that? White people are more likely to get job offers, promotions and scholarships....


If you are a big failure, it isn't because of your white skin, it's because of that Swastika you had someone draw on it.
The left has enthusiastically embraced this corny "the future is female" slogan. The left celebrates white men being pushed out of positions of power and replaced with black, brown trans, whatever....anything other than white and male is an improvement. If you haven't noticed this trend then you're not paying attention or you've been programmed to not recognize it for what it is.

Guy, Congress is still 70% white and male, while white males only make up 35% of the population... They also represent the majority of CEO's and other decision makers...

All of which means nothing to you or me. A white guy in the Corner office will downsize you just as fast as a black woman. Maybe faster.

I'd downsize you in a heartbeat. You're cancer to ANY organization.
The left's war on white men affects society as a whole and greenlights all sorts of discriminatory actions against them.

Okay... and what discrimination is that? White people are more likely to get job offers, promotions and scholarships....

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If you are a big failure, it isn't because of your white skin, it's because of that Swastika you had someone draw on it.

I know you guys have this idea that white men only succeed in certain sectors because of some kind of racist conspiracy but have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe it has a little bit to do with aptitude? Why aren't there more men working as nurses in retirement homes or as elementary school teachers? Why aren't there more women bricklayers and plumbers? I smell a sexist conspiracy! Social Justice Man to the rescue!
I'd downsize you in a heartbeat. You're cancer to ANY organization.

But I could put my resume up against yours and be far more impressive.

I know you guys have this idea that white men only succeed in certain sectors because of some kind of racist conspiracy but have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe it has a little bit to do with aptitude?

Um, no, that's never occurred to me. What has occurred to me is that when it's white guys making the decisions, they will favor other white guys. I've told the story about how my former boss, whom i don't consider to be a racist, showed more favoritism towards a young white intern than he did towards women of color who had worked for him for years.
I'd downsize you in a heartbeat. You're cancer to ANY organization.

But I could put my resume up against yours and be far more impressive.

I know you guys have this idea that white men only succeed in certain sectors because of some kind of racist conspiracy but have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe it has a little bit to do with aptitude?

Um, no, that's never occurred to me. What has occurred to me is that when it's white guys making the decisions, they will favor other white guys. I've told the story about how my former boss, whom i don't consider to be a racist, showed more favoritism towards a young white intern than he did towards women of color who had worked for him for years.

Sure thing, but hey we know white Conservatives OWE you. You could never do what I do, I would never WANT to do what you do. You are a malignant tumor on humanity.
I'd downsize you in a heartbeat. You're cancer to ANY organization.

But I could put my resume up against yours and be far more impressive.

I know you guys have this idea that white men only succeed in certain sectors because of some kind of racist conspiracy but have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe it has a little bit to do with aptitude?

Um, no, that's never occurred to me. What has occurred to me is that when it's white guys making the decisions, they will favor other white guys. I've told the story about how my former boss, whom i don't consider to be a racist, showed more favoritism towards a young white intern than he did towards women of color who had worked for him for years.

Of course common fucking sense wouldn't occur to you. Does in-group favoritism play a role in hiring practices? I'm sure it does, a bit. But a company won't succeed if they only hire the boss's retarded cousins and nephews.

Speaking of in-group favoritism, there's a reason jews tend to be wealthy and in charge of some of the most powerful corporations and media empires but I don't see anyone talking about knocking them down a peg or two...
Not buying the war on white men...and I'm a white man. Heterosexual married one. Former business owning one. How crazy I can't see it...just crazy. Lol
Um, no, that's never occurred to me. What has occurred to me is that when it's white guys making the decisions, they will favor other white guys. I've told the story about how my former boss, whom i don't consider to be a racist, showed more favoritism towards a young white intern than he did towards women of color who had worked for him for years.

Certainly, because lust and human nature have no place at work. Lunch is a personal thing, not professional.

You wouldn't have given it a second thought if he took out a Puerto Rican hottie or a young Mexican chick with a nice shape while leaving two old white broads behind because it simply wouldn't have clicked because you couldn't make it a race issue.

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