How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Recessions matter less than racism to the electorate. Democrats will not be allowed to treat white people like they are rabid beasts any longer.

Uneducated reactionaries won’t win against the vast majority of the political spectrum.

Again, it won't matter after a certain point. White people drop by 2% of the electorate every year... Republicans haven't won the popular vote honestly since 1988.
Recessions matter less than racism to the electorate. Democrats will not be allowed to treat white people like they are rabid beasts any longer.

Uneducated reactionaries won’t win against the vast majority of the political spectrum.

Again, it won't matter after a certain point. White people drop by 2% of the electorate every year... Republicans haven't won the popular vote honestly since 1988.

Sure, get back to us when the popular vote makes a difference...dumbass.
The Republicans are the anti-working party? Then why are working people doing better today than they have in many years under Trump?

Because Obama fixed Bush's fucked up economy. We've been over this.

The Republicans are working to keep companies in the US and perhaps try to attract more from overseas. The Democrat party is for taxing and regulating them right out of the country as they have done to thousands of companies in the past..

Yes, I'm sure that's what you believe when you drive around the slum listening to hate radio... but some of us like drinking clean water and don't like seeing our rivers catch on fire.

First of all, unions in other countries are not even close to ours here, and I posted the link for you the last time we had this conversation. They don't make the same wage or have nearly the same benefits. They don't strangle their automobile companies with legacy costs.

I'm sure you posted some horseshit link, but the thing is, the only reason their unions don't have those costs is because the GOVERNMENT takes care of those things. They have more rights than Americans do, more vacation time, and they can have a say in who runs the company.

Are you going to post another fake link like the Hitler statue fake news?
Because Obama fixed Bush's fucked up economy. We've been over this.

DumBama didn't do anything for the economy. What happened with him is that the federal reserve dumped trillions of dollars into the stock market making the rich people even richer. Everything DumBama did related to business was a negative.

Yes, I'm sure that's what you believe when you drive around the slum listening to hate radio... but some of us like drinking clean water and don't like seeing our rivers catch on fire.

Well, we Republicans drink different water and breathe different air than you Democrats.

I'm sure you posted some horseshit link, but the thing is, the only reason their unions don't have those costs is because the GOVERNMENT takes care of those things. They have more rights than Americans do, more vacation time, and they can have a say in who runs the company.

Are you going to post another fake link like the Hitler statue fake news?

Anything you read against your belief is fake to you. Those foreign auto companies within the US do not have those things. They have healthcare and retirement like any American company. What they don't have are ridiculous benefits for employees that haven't worked in 20 years and are still alive.

About five years ago I ran into a guy I hung around with as a teen. He told me of another friend of ours who he stayed in touch with. He was a painter at a UAW plant. He retired at 50 with full pension and benefits. You have to put those costs into the price of your cars, and the only way to compete against foreign companies with those costs are to use cheaper parts.

That's why my Toyota came with a 100,000 mile seven year bumper to bumper warranty, and American cars only have a 3 year 30,000 mile warranty. And mind you with my last two Toyota's, I never used that warranty once. I plan on buying another car this spring, and you can bet your ass it won't be an American car. I'm not paying people to sit home while I work everyday. I'll pay workers who are at work every day and work until 65 like I have to do.
Recessions matter less than racism to the electorate. Democrats will not be allowed to treat white people like they are rabid beasts any longer.

Uneducated reactionaries won’t win against the vast majority of the political spectrum.

Again, it won't matter after a certain point. White people drop by 2% of the electorate every year... Republicans haven't won the popular vote honestly since 1988.
As I said before in another thread, if Trump wins next year you will be in deep shit.

At that point the baby boomers will finally stop being able to poison the culture and the cultural norms will begin to shift to what millennials actually want.

Millennials don’t give a shit about unions, we aren’t actually politically correct and we don’t actually tolerate any discrimination, so when you combine that with an admiration for nationalist Japan and the fact that we are by and large pro-life the only issues that Democrats have is ironically gun rights and of course drug legalization.
when you combine that with an admiration for nationalist Japan .....

You have no idea what you're talking about, and you have clearly never set foot in Japan or so much as spoken to more than a handful of Japanese people in your life. Japan today is divided by political orientation more or less like the US is. The Japanese main stream media and a good half of the population is about as leftist as the democrats here are. You need to stop trying to invoke things you don't understand.
when you combine that with an admiration for nationalist Japan .....

You have no idea what you're talking about, and you have clearly never set foot in Japan or so much as spoken to more than a handful of Japanese people in your life. Japan today is divided by political orientation more or less like the US is. The Japanese main stream media and a good half of the population is about as leftist as the democrats here are. You need to stop trying to invoke things you don't understand.

Not even close to as leftist as the Democrats are.

Most of them probably aren’t even as left wing as I am.

You clearly don’t know shit about Japan. LOL
when you combine that with an admiration for nationalist Japan .....

You have no idea what you're talking about, and you have clearly never set foot in Japan or so much as spoken to more than a handful of Japanese people in your life. Japan today is divided by political orientation more or less like the US is. The Japanese main stream media and a good half of the population is about as leftist as the democrats here are. You need to stop trying to invoke things you don't understand.

Not even close to as leftist as the Democrats are.

Most of them probably aren’t even as left wing as I am.

Wrong again, dumbass. No amount of YouTube videos will change the fact that you know absolutely nothing about what you’re trying to talk about.
Yes, they are. The other issues, in a nutshell are: climate change, social justice, gun control, abortion rights.

Each one crazier than the other.
Don't forget murdering newborn babies, promoting Islamic sedition, and illegal alien invasion.
That's why brick and mortar stores are going out of business; because it's cheaper to buy online at times than go to a store where they have top pay all those employees, pay the electric and gas bills, pay the property taxes, maintain the parking lot, and in lower income areas, suffer the theft loss.

If you think you can open up a company paying high wages to have people do monkey jobs, and sell your products at a store next to Chinese products, have at it, and give us all the secret how you did it. Your business will be closed in a few months, and maybe then you'll understand why we had to get rid of unions.

Guy, you just gave us a good explanation of why we need to scrap capitalism, tax the wealthy at 90% and give everyone a living income. Capitalism doesn't work. Thanks for realizing that, you battered housewife Republican, you.

People work in every single country across the globe, but most of these other places are not near the US. What made us a great country is capitalism, and the fact that anybody can become anything they want if that's their desire. You need to work hard, make a lot of sacrifices, take a lot of financial risks, but only here will that payoff if successful.

Or we can vote to be a social democracy, have free health care, decent wages... we won't be filthy rich, but we'll live comfortably.

(Pssst... this is the part where you whine about "Freeeeeeedom" because a black guy might have the same thing you have.)
Japan is too traditional to fall for globalization and multiculturalism trap. They don't need invaders that will screw up their national harmony.

Okay, except now they don't have enough young people to support the old people who are retiring. Women aren't having enough kids to replace the people who are aging out of the workforce. This is a real problem. and while there is much to admire about Japan, their xenophobia is killing them.

I don't know what's your point about Poles, Germans, and Irish, but...

Poles were screwed by both, Germans and Russians so bad, they will not accept multiculturalism for a long time. Nearly 97% of the country are Poles, 90% of the country are Catholics. You think they would want to change that?

YOu obviously missed my point. My point was about the immigrants coming here. Not the countries they came from.

When I was growing up, we had a big wave of Polish Immigrants, especially here in Chicago. and you had people whining they were taking jobs, and of course, there were all the Polish jokes. at the end of the day, the Polocks were just fine, they learned english and assimilated.

100 years ago, between the world wars, we had a wave of German immigration. No one was happy to see Germans coming over between WWI and WWII. Prohibition largely got passed because they tricked stupid people into thinking it was an anti-German law. But funny thing, Germans assimilated. My grandfather stopped calling himself "Ludwig" and started calling himself "Louis" and changed the pronunciation of his last name.

150 years ago, they said the same thing about the Irish.

So today, we've got the newest batch of bigots saying stuff about the Mexicans... and guess what, the Mexicans will be fine.
Democrats haven't won the white vote in a presidential election since 1964. they NEED blacks and Hispanics to be ANGRY & NUMEROUS!
DumBama didn't do anything for the economy. What happened with him is that the federal reserve dumped trillions of dollars into the stock market making the rich people even richer. Everything DumBama did related to business was a negative.

Okay, look at the economy in 2009 and then look at it in 2016. All Trump has done is not managed to fuck it up, but don't worry, he will. Proably a recession next year, all the economists say... then, Buh-bye republicans... we won't miss you.

Well, we Republicans drink different water and breathe different air than you Democrats.

No, you don't... you just drink that shit with a big stupid smile on your face... but the rich don't have to worry, they'll always have bottled water.

Anything you read against your belief is fake to you.

Yes, when you post a fake news story about a Hitler statue being put up because you didn't bother to read it or hoped I wouldn't, I really have a hard time taking you seriously.

Those foreign auto companies within the US do not have those things. They have healthcare and retirement like any American company. What they don't have are ridiculous benefits for employees that haven't worked in 20 years and are still alive.

About five years ago I ran into a guy I hung around with as a teen. He told me of another friend of ours who he stayed in touch with. He was a painter at a UAW plant. He retired at 50 with full pension and benefits. You have to put those costs into the price of your cars, and the only way to compete against foreign companies with those costs are to use cheaper parts.

Um, everyone is using the same cheap parts... I used to work at a company that made antennas... we imported the automotive antennas from China.. Guess what, the same antennas went into the GM and Nissan cars.

No, the real problem that American Car manufacturers had was not the quality of parts, it was the DESIGN. The market demanded better fuel efficiency, the Germans and Japanese rose to the challenge, the American car makers made crap like the Escort, the Chevette and the Pinto.

So while you had my Dad's generation who would have never bought a Japanese car because he was still pissed off about Pearl Harbor, the later generations either started out buying quality Japanese Cars, or they bought a Fix Or Repair Daily (FORD). The Japanese gained consumer loyalty through quality, while the US didn't. So even when you could afford a nicer car, you stuck with what worked for you.
As I said before in another thread, if Trump wins next year you will be in deep shit.

At that point the baby boomers will finally stop being able to poison the culture and the cultural norms will begin to shift to what millennials actually want.

1) Trump won't win next year. He didn't win last time, we aren't going to make that mistake of voting third party again.

2) Millennials don't want the old people stuff you want. They don't care about gay marriage, they don't care about abortion, except when they need one, and they aren't terrified of Mexicans like you are.

What they DO care about is that they have to get a Bachelor's degree to just get entry level access to the economy, and that ends up costing them more than a house. This is why Bernie was so popular among Millennials.

Millennials don’t give a shit about unions, we aren’t actually politically correct and we don’t actually tolerate any discrimination, so when you combine that with an admiration for nationalist Japan and the fact that we are by and large pro-life the only issues that Democrats have is ironically gun rights and of course drug legalization.

are you on drugs? No, Millennials don't understand the value of unions, but they get starting out 65K in debt for a piece of paper just fine.

On the economic issues, the Republicans only have, "We want you to work harder for less money"... The bullshit about gays and abortions is just how they keep stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests.
when you combine that with an admiration for nationalist Japan .....

You have no idea what you're talking about, and you have clearly never set foot in Japan or so much as spoken to more than a handful of Japanese people in your life. Japan today is divided by political orientation more or less like the US is. The Japanese main stream media and a good half of the population is about as leftist as the democrats here are. You need to stop trying to invoke things you don't understand.

Not even close to as leftist as the Democrats are.

Most of them probably aren’t even as left wing as I am.

Wrong again, dumbass. No amount of YouTube videos will change the fact that you know absolutely nothing about what you’re trying to talk about.
Literally 1 guy has a vague understanding of what political correctness a fucking city. You are full of shit. That video was made only days ago.

You couldn’t go to a trailer park in the middle of fucking nowhere America and not have literally everyone you ask know more about what political correctness is than the only guy who knew anything about it in a video set in a Japanese urban setting who had a clue.

From literally everything I have read and heard the left in Japan is more to the right than Republicans in almost every aspect. They are unapologetically racist and hate white people. They are so racist that only fringe right wing groups like the Yakuza match that racism. The only real difference between the right and the left in Japan is that the left is more Pan-East Asian while the right is nationalistic and don’t like the Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans.

Your problem is that you don’t understand where the American parties actually stand. Republicans are basically center left. Democrats are not far from being 100% socialists and communists(with the socialists being the “moderates”).
Okay, look at the economy in 2009 and then look at it in 2016. All Trump has done is not managed to fuck it up, but don't worry, he will. Proably a recession next year, all the economists say... then, Buh-bye republicans... we won't miss you.

You will when the economy actually does go south. Yeah, look at the economy since Trump took over and reduced taxes and regulations. 3.4% growth in the fourth quarter and 4.2% for the second quarter. But that's not the great news. The great news is that growth was with real jobs.

No, you don't... you just drink that shit with a big stupid smile on your face... but the rich don't have to worry, they'll always have bottled water.

Even poor people can afford bottled water. The point is you think that Republicans would poison themselves by making air and water worse. You are being led by the nose like a five year old that broke a vase. They tell you what to think and you don't even question how stupid it is.

Perhaps that's why The Boss, Alexandria Kelly Bundy is now the icon for the Democrat party. You know......the ditz that told you people the world was going to end in 12 years if we don't tear down every building and get rid of every car.

Um, everyone is using the same cheap parts... I used to work at a company that made antennas... we imported the automotive antennas from China.. Guess what, the same antennas went into the GM and Nissan cars.

Yeah, because car antennas go bad all the time.

No, the real problem that American Car manufacturers had was not the quality of parts, it was the DESIGN. The market demanded better fuel efficiency, the Germans and Japanese rose to the challenge, the American car makers made crap like the Escort, the Chevette and the Pinto.

So while you had my Dad's generation who would have never bought a Japanese car because he was still pissed off about Pearl Harbor, the later generations either started out buying quality Japanese Cars, or they bought a Fix Or Repair Daily (FORD). The Japanese gained consumer loyalty through quality, while the US didn't. So even when you could afford a nicer car, you stuck with what worked for you.

Your argument isn't with me, it's with the employees at the plants that told me about them buying garbage parts backed up by my former mechanic. I drove for two different tool and die shops. I know the inferior steel they used to make those parts for the auto companies. They went right off the press and into a pallet box. None of the parts were ever treated for rust prevention. Bare steel that likely started rusting a year after installed. I just threw them in the truck and delivered them as they were.

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