How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

If they are... that's on them.

The thing is, it's the one percenters who broke up the unions that created the white middle class, not the poor person who never got a taste to start with.

The one percenters had no choice. It was get away from the unions or close up because the American consumer refused to support the unions. I don't know where your hangup came from on refusing to place blame where it rightly belongs, but it seems to be a trait of yours.

You can't sell your union made widgets if Americans won't buy them. They will buy foreign made widgets at half the price. If you want to stay in business, you have to provide your customers with what they want, and that is lower priced widgets which can't be made as long as unions are controlling your company.

Actually, I did six years of active duty in addition to the five years I spent in the reserves...

I don't hate a piece of paper, I think it's outdated and badly written, and the founders were just dudes, they didn't shit marble. Capitalism is a shit sandwich for most people, because of the greed of the wealthy. It actually worked pretty well when we had unions and fair wage laws. But as Herbert Hoover observed, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy."

Oh come on. Anybody that's had discussions with you knows you are full of hate; hate of people or institutions that made this country great.

Actually, most countries have a constitution. Most of them update them every few decades to reflect what they are doing now.

It's why they don't use an amendment about Militias (which we don't have anymore because it was a terrible idea) to justify people owning guns (which is also largely a terrible idea.)

Those are not real Constitutions. Those are laws they call Constitutions. Our Constitution cannot be changed simply by who is in charge at the time. Our Constitution is the foundation of the country. Yes, it can be changed, but not by willy-nilly.
Churches in white neighborhoods do just fine as they have for generations. Older neighborhoods that stayed white rejuvenated just fine. It’s not until minority’s move in and bring their crime with them that those neighborhoods go to hell.

You do realize that for minorities to move in, the most productive white people end up moving out, right? There's a reason why the other white folks left you behind, Ray.

In the newest neighborhoods and oldest neighborhoods, there will always be people moving out. It's not the people moving out that brings a neighborhood down, it's the people moving in. People move out for a number of reasons. Divorce, lost their job, kids grown and gone, too old to maintain a property, company moving out of state, just a number of reasons.

My sister moved last year because of too many blacks. Again, with blacks come the violent crime. But as a do-gooder Christian, she refused to admit why she wanted to move. Finally, she admitted she was too scared to live in her own home. She makes pretty good money, so she moved to the whitest suburb she could afford.

It's a real shame too. My father built that house from ground up. In fact, he purchased the property and sat on it for a couple of years after my sister got married so when they were ready, to build a home for them. Ironically (at the time) she was living in one of my apartments here long before I owned the place.

Her and her ex designed the house, they helped my father in the building process. It's a high quality made home from the best materials overlooking a scenic wooded area, in the newest development in the suburb. Now it's nothing more than a lot of good memories.

How many fucking times are you gonna post a version of this old “oh, der goes da neighborhood!” nonsense? I’m sure you’ve earned your merit badge from stormfront by now.
Churches in white neighborhoods do just fine as they have for generations. Older neighborhoods that stayed white rejuvenated just fine. It’s not until minority’s move in and bring their crime with them that those neighborhoods go to hell.

You do realize that for minorities to move in, the most productive white people end up moving out, right? There's a reason why the other white folks left you behind, Ray.

In the newest neighborhoods and oldest neighborhoods, there will always be people moving out. It's not the people moving out that brings a neighborhood down, it's the people moving in. People move out for a number of reasons. Divorce, lost their job, kids grown and gone, too old to maintain a property, company moving out of state, just a number of reasons.

My sister moved last year because of too many blacks. Again, with blacks come the violent crime. But as a do-gooder Christian, she refused to admit why she wanted to move. Finally, she admitted she was too scared to live in her own home. She makes pretty good money, so she moved to the whitest suburb she could afford.

It's a real shame too. My father built that house from ground up. In fact, he purchased the property and sat on it for a couple of years after my sister got married so when they were ready, to build a home for them. Ironically (at the time) she was living in one of my apartments here long before I owned the place.

Her and her ex designed the house, they helped my father in the building process. It's a high quality made home from the best materials overlooking a scenic wooded area, in the newest development in the suburb. Now it's nothing more than a lot of good memories.

How many fucking times are you gonna post a version of this old “oh, der goes da neighborhood!” nonsense? I’m sure you’ve earned your merit badge from stormfront by now.

How many times? As many times as it takes to wake up these sellouts. The problem in this country is people are afraid of the truth. The truth can be hurtful at times. The truth can go against your beliefs. But the truth is simply that--the truth.
In the newest neighborhoods and oldest neighborhoods, there will always be people moving out. It's not the people moving out that brings a neighborhood down, it's the people moving in. People move out for a number of reasons. Divorce, lost their job, kids grown and gone, too old to maintain a property, company moving out of state, just a number of reasons.

My sister moved last year because of too many blacks. Again, with blacks come the violent crime. But as a do-gooder Christian, she refused to admit why she wanted to move. Finally, she admitted she was too scared to live in her own home. She makes pretty good money, so she moved to the whitest suburb she could afford.

so you kind of made my point. People move out of neighborhoods to live in nicer places, and other people move in... because no one wants to live there and the property is affordable. Of course, no one wants to live in Cleveland because its' a dump.

We just don't understand why a white would belong to a party that's against them. That's what's so confusing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party.

The Republicans have become the anti-working people party.

My status as a working person is more important to me than my skin color.

I realized a long time ago the Hispanic lesbian is in the same boat I am in, the one the One Percenters keep trying to sink.

Of course, it's not confusing why you keep voting for the people who screw you... they point at someone who is different and tell you to hate them and you do.
How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

because they don't look as good in jackboots as republicans......?

The one percenters had no choice. It was get away from the unions or close up because the American consumer refused to support the unions. I don't know where your hangup came from on refusing to place blame where it rightly belongs, but it seems to be a trait of yours.

Actually, I place the blame EXACTLY where it belongs. The greed of the One Percent.

They didn't really give the consumer a choice when they moved the industry, did they?

Used to be that we had reasonable wealth distribution, then the rich got greedy.



You can't sell your union made widgets if Americans won't buy them. They will buy foreign made widgets at half the price. If you want to stay in business, you have to provide your customers with what they want, and that is lower priced widgets which can't be made as long as unions are controlling your company.

Here's the thing, your argument would work if we were competing against non-union guys. The car makers in Japan and Germany have stronger unions than we do, and a higher rate of unionization, and they are kicking our asses so bad you'd forget they lost WWII.

Now why is that? Could it because while they were concentrating on quality, our one percenters were concentrating on profit. Take a look at a list of the worst cars ever made. Detroit needs to be happy they tried to make the Yugo a thing, because otherwise it would be crap cars like the Chevette, the Pinto, the Corvair.

Oh come on. Anybody that's had discussions with you knows you are full of hate; hate of people or institutions that made this country great.

Quite the contrary, i don't think a bunch of slave raping assholes made this country great. I don't think that a bunch of big corporations made this country great. What made this country great was working people who built it, defeated fascism, created a middle class and made us the most prosperous country in the world.

Your party wants to demolish the middle class because it makes too much money, get rid of the unions because workers have too many rights, and he, just for shit's and grins, let's give fascism a try.


Those are not real Constitutions. Those are laws they call Constitutions. Our Constitution cannot be changed simply by who is in charge at the time. Our Constitution is the foundation of the country. Yes, it can be changed, but not by willy-nilly.

Yes, our constitution is much too difficult to amend, which is why we are stuck with ass-pounding stupidity like the Second Amendment and the Electoral College.
Churches in white neighborhoods do just fine as they have for generations. Older neighborhoods that stayed white rejuvenated just fine. It’s not until minority’s move in and bring their crime with them that those neighborhoods go to hell.

You do realize that for minorities to move in, the most productive white people end up moving out, right? There's a reason why the other white folks left you behind, Ray.

In the newest neighborhoods and oldest neighborhoods, there will always be people moving out. It's not the people moving out that brings a neighborhood down, it's the people moving in. People move out for a number of reasons. Divorce, lost their job, kids grown and gone, too old to maintain a property, company moving out of state, just a number of reasons.

My sister moved last year because of too many blacks. Again, with blacks come the violent crime. But as a do-gooder Christian, she refused to admit why she wanted to move. Finally, she admitted she was too scared to live in her own home. She makes pretty good money, so she moved to the whitest suburb she could afford.

It's a real shame too. My father built that house from ground up. In fact, he purchased the property and sat on it for a couple of years after my sister got married so when they were ready, to build a home for them. Ironically (at the time) she was living in one of my apartments here long before I owned the place.

Her and her ex designed the house, they helped my father in the building process. It's a high quality made home from the best materials overlooking a scenic wooded area, in the newest development in the suburb. Now it's nothing more than a lot of good memories.

How many fucking times are you gonna post a version of this old “oh, der goes da neighborhood!” nonsense? I’m sure you’ve earned your merit badge from stormfront by now.

How many times? As many times as it takes to wake up these sellouts. The problem in this country is people are afraid of the truth. The truth can be hurtful at times. The truth can go against your beliefs. But the truth is simply that--the truth.

You wouldn’t know the truth if it picked you up and drilled your head through the floor. All you seem to know is how to fill the forum with racist spam. “Sellouts”? Go wash your hood.
Everything you post proves all of my points. Every single black church in America hates homosexuality more than Muslims hate Christians and Jews and yet your party begs for their vote. Nowhere in America has more backward social views than the inner cities. Singling out rural areas that are FAR more progressive than inner cities is one of the reasons why Democrats have already lost. Funny how you demons want to bitch and moan about Trump supposedly calling cesspool countries like Haiti and Somalia “shitholes” but you have absolutely no problem calling white rural areas “backwaters”. It is that racism that will doom the Democrats with younger white people and cause the absolute destruction of your demonic organization.

Younger white folks, except for maybe the mutants who become Skinheads, have already decided on the gay issue. THis is an old people hangup. They grew up watching Will and Grace.

And, yes, there's really no excuse for rural America having third world levels of fucking ignorance... not the way the rest of us subsidize your lifestyle to keep the food flowing.

Here is actually what is going to happen: Your party is going to campaign on reparations next year and Trump is going to call you racist for it and that will cause 70%+ of young white people and 90% of older white people to vote for Trump and the Republicans, giving them the power to control everything in the federal government and most state and local governments, and then the young white people will use their activism to destroy the rest of your party before this country becomes South Africa.

More fantasies. Besides the fact the eventual Democratic nominee will probably end up being someone like Brown or Biden, the fact is, when Trump's recession hits later this year or early next year, it won't really matter much who they put up.
Recessions matter less than racism to the electorate. Democrats will not be allowed to treat white people like they are rabid beasts any longer.

Uneducated reactionaries won’t win against the vast majority of the political spectrum.
Churches in white neighborhoods do just fine as they have for generations. Older neighborhoods that stayed white rejuvenated just fine. It’s not until minority’s move in and bring their crime with them that those neighborhoods go to hell.

You do realize that for minorities to move in, the most productive white people end up moving out, right? There's a reason why the other white folks left you behind, Ray.

In the newest neighborhoods and oldest neighborhoods, there will always be people moving out. It's not the people moving out that brings a neighborhood down, it's the people moving in. People move out for a number of reasons. Divorce, lost their job, kids grown and gone, too old to maintain a property, company moving out of state, just a number of reasons.

My sister moved last year because of too many blacks. Again, with blacks come the violent crime. But as a do-gooder Christian, she refused to admit why she wanted to move. Finally, she admitted she was too scared to live in her own home. She makes pretty good money, so she moved to the whitest suburb she could afford.

It's a real shame too. My father built that house from ground up. In fact, he purchased the property and sat on it for a couple of years after my sister got married so when they were ready, to build a home for them. Ironically (at the time) she was living in one of my apartments here long before I owned the place.

Her and her ex designed the house, they helped my father in the building process. It's a high quality made home from the best materials overlooking a scenic wooded area, in the newest development in the suburb. Now it's nothing more than a lot of good memories.

How many fucking times are you gonna post a version of this old “oh, der goes da neighborhood!” nonsense? I’m sure you’ve earned your merit badge from stormfront by now.

How many times? As many times as it takes to wake up these sellouts. The problem in this country is people are afraid of the truth. The truth can be hurtful at times. The truth can go against your beliefs. But the truth is simply that--the truth.

You wouldn’t know the truth if it picked you up and drilled your head through the floor. All you seem to know is how to fill the forum with racist spam. “Sellouts”? Go wash your hood.
Delete your account troll.
Everything you post proves all of my points. Every single black church in America hates homosexuality more than Muslims hate Christians and Jews and yet your party begs for their vote. Nowhere in America has more backward social views than the inner cities. Singling out rural areas that are FAR more progressive than inner cities is one of the reasons why Democrats have already lost. Funny how you demons want to bitch and moan about Trump supposedly calling cesspool countries like Haiti and Somalia “shitholes” but you have absolutely no problem calling white rural areas “backwaters”. It is that racism that will doom the Democrats with younger white people and cause the absolute destruction of your demonic organization.

Younger white folks, except for maybe the mutants who become Skinheads, have already decided on the gay issue. THis is an old people hangup. They grew up watching Will and Grace.

And, yes, there's really no excuse for rural America having third world levels of fucking ignorance... not the way the rest of us subsidize your lifestyle to keep the food flowing.

Here is actually what is going to happen: Your party is going to campaign on reparations next year and Trump is going to call you racist for it and that will cause 70%+ of young white people and 90% of older white people to vote for Trump and the Republicans, giving them the power to control everything in the federal government and most state and local governments, and then the young white people will use their activism to destroy the rest of your party before this country becomes South Africa.

More fantasies. Besides the fact the eventual Democratic nominee will probably end up being someone like Brown or Biden, the fact is, when Trump's recession hits later this year or early next year, it won't really matter much who they put up.
Recessions matter less than racism to the electorate. Democrats will not be allowed to treat white people like they are rabid beasts any longer.

Uneducated reactionaries won’t win against the vast majority of the political spectrum.

Another triggered little snowflake. Poor victim.
Churches in white neighborhoods do just fine as they have for generations. Older neighborhoods that stayed white rejuvenated just fine. It’s not until minority’s move in and bring their crime with them that those neighborhoods go to hell.

You do realize that for minorities to move in, the most productive white people end up moving out, right? There's a reason why the other white folks left you behind, Ray.

In the newest neighborhoods and oldest neighborhoods, there will always be people moving out. It's not the people moving out that brings a neighborhood down, it's the people moving in. People move out for a number of reasons. Divorce, lost their job, kids grown and gone, too old to maintain a property, company moving out of state, just a number of reasons.

My sister moved last year because of too many blacks. Again, with blacks come the violent crime. But as a do-gooder Christian, she refused to admit why she wanted to move. Finally, she admitted she was too scared to live in her own home. She makes pretty good money, so she moved to the whitest suburb she could afford.

It's a real shame too. My father built that house from ground up. In fact, he purchased the property and sat on it for a couple of years after my sister got married so when they were ready, to build a home for them. Ironically (at the time) she was living in one of my apartments here long before I owned the place.

Her and her ex designed the house, they helped my father in the building process. It's a high quality made home from the best materials overlooking a scenic wooded area, in the newest development in the suburb. Now it's nothing more than a lot of good memories.

How many fucking times are you gonna post a version of this old “oh, der goes da neighborhood!” nonsense? I’m sure you’ve earned your merit badge from stormfront by now.

How many times? As many times as it takes to wake up these sellouts. The problem in this country is people are afraid of the truth. The truth can be hurtful at times. The truth can go against your beliefs. But the truth is simply that--the truth.

You wouldn’t know the truth if it picked you up and drilled your head through the floor. All you seem to know is how to fill the forum with racist spam. “Sellouts”? Go wash your hood.

To you people any mention of race is racism, but none of you ever bothered to look up the term in the dictionary or even try to understand what the word means.
Actually, I place the blame EXACTLY where it belongs. The greed of the One Percent.

They didn't really give the consumer a choice when they moved the industry, did they?

Used to be that we had reasonable wealth distribution, then the rich got greedy.

Consumers had a choice many years ago when stores would purchase cheap foreign products and more expensive American made products. Their consumers most always chose cheaper foreign products hands down, and still do today.

That's why brick and mortar stores are going out of business; because it's cheaper to buy online at times than go to a store where they have top pay all those employees, pay the electric and gas bills, pay the property taxes, maintain the parking lot, and in lower income areas, suffer the theft loss.

If you think you can open up a company paying high wages to have people do monkey jobs, and sell your products at a store next to Chinese products, have at it, and give us all the secret how you did it. Your business will be closed in a few months, and maybe then you'll understand why we had to get rid of unions.

Here's the thing, your argument would work if we were competing against non-union guys. The car makers in Japan and Germany have stronger unions than we do, and a higher rate of unionization, and they are kicking our asses so bad you'd forget they lost WWII.

Now why is that? Could it because while they were concentrating on quality, our one percenters were concentrating on profit. Take a look at a list of the worst cars ever made. Detroit needs to be happy they tried to make the Yugo a thing, because otherwise it would be crap cars like the Chevette, the Pinto, the Corvair.

First of all, unions in other countries are not even close to ours here, and I posted the link for you the last time we had this conversation. They don't make the same wage or have nearly the same benefits. They don't strangle their automobile companies with legacy costs.

Many of those foreign made cars are made here in the US, and they don't have unions in our country. They do so because the manufacturers like to be close to their customers to reduce shipping costs. If they were union, those jobs would be back overseas.

Furthermore they are not worthless lazy SOB's in foreign countries because their unions don't protect slouches like they do here. Trust me, I spent years delivering to our auto plants in Ohio, and I can testify just how worthless those union workers are. That's why they are closing the Lordstown Ohio plant, a place I spent entire days waiting to get unloaded that my company had to passed the losses on to.

Quite the contrary, i don't think a bunch of slave raping assholes made this country great. I don't think that a bunch of big corporations made this country great. What made this country great was working people who built it, defeated fascism, created a middle class and made us the most prosperous country in the world.

Your party wants to demolish the middle class because it makes too much money, get rid of the unions because workers have too many rights, and he, just for shit's and grins, let's give fascism a try.

People work in every single country across the globe, but most of these other places are not near the US. What made us a great country is capitalism, and the fact that anybody can become anything they want if that's their desire. You need to work hard, make a lot of sacrifices, take a lot of financial risks, but only here will that payoff if successful.

You don't have those opportunities in most other countries. That's how we are different and why we are the most successful.

Yes, our constitution is much too difficult to amend, which is why we are stuck with ass-pounding stupidity like the Second Amendment and the Electoral College.

Your comment is evidence of why we can't change our Constitution that easily. Every time some Socialist or Commie would get power, we would reduce ourselves to the level of other countries. Our founders were brilliant in foreseeing that as a possibility in the future. So they wrote the document so that mob rule never exists in our future.
We just don't understand why a white would belong to a party that's against them. That's what's so confusing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party.

The Republicans have become the anti-working people party.

My status as a working person is more important to me than my skin color.

I realized a long time ago the Hispanic lesbian is in the same boat I am in, the one the One Percenters keep trying to sink.

Of course, it's not confusing why you keep voting for the people who screw you... they point at someone who is different and tell you to hate them and you do.

The Republicans are the anti-working party? Then why are working people doing better today than they have in many years under Trump?

The Republicans are working to keep companies in the US and perhaps try to attract more from overseas. The Democrat party is for taxing and regulating them right out of the country as they have done to thousands of companies in the past..

The Republicans are for protecting our border stopping foreigners from coming here and driving down our wages as they've been for many years. The Democrats are for ushering them in to further drive down US wages.

So what party is the anti-working party again?
In the newest neighborhoods and oldest neighborhoods, there will always be people moving out. It's not the people moving out that brings a neighborhood down, it's the people moving in. People move out for a number of reasons. Divorce, lost their job, kids grown and gone, too old to maintain a property, company moving out of state, just a number of reasons.

My sister moved last year because of too many blacks. Again, with blacks come the violent crime. But as a do-gooder Christian, she refused to admit why she wanted to move. Finally, she admitted she was too scared to live in her own home. She makes pretty good money, so she moved to the whitest suburb she could afford.

so you kind of made my point. People move out of neighborhoods to live in nicer places, and other people move in... because no one wants to live there and the property is affordable. Of course, no one wants to live in Cleveland because its' a dump.

No, whites move out of places that are polluted with low income minorities that the government moves in. That's why they leave. Perhaps it's something you are unaware of. Google White Flight.

Businesses too suffer because once the good people start leaving, they have less good employees to choose from. They also have to deal with the crime that comes in. So why is Cleveland a dump? Here's why:
You do realize that for minorities to move in, the most productive white people end up moving out, right? There's a reason why the other white folks left you behind, Ray.

In the newest neighborhoods and oldest neighborhoods, there will always be people moving out. It's not the people moving out that brings a neighborhood down, it's the people moving in. People move out for a number of reasons. Divorce, lost their job, kids grown and gone, too old to maintain a property, company moving out of state, just a number of reasons.

My sister moved last year because of too many blacks. Again, with blacks come the violent crime. But as a do-gooder Christian, she refused to admit why she wanted to move. Finally, she admitted she was too scared to live in her own home. She makes pretty good money, so she moved to the whitest suburb she could afford.

It's a real shame too. My father built that house from ground up. In fact, he purchased the property and sat on it for a couple of years after my sister got married so when they were ready, to build a home for them. Ironically (at the time) she was living in one of my apartments here long before I owned the place.

Her and her ex designed the house, they helped my father in the building process. It's a high quality made home from the best materials overlooking a scenic wooded area, in the newest development in the suburb. Now it's nothing more than a lot of good memories.

How many fucking times are you gonna post a version of this old “oh, der goes da neighborhood!” nonsense? I’m sure you’ve earned your merit badge from stormfront by now.

How many times? As many times as it takes to wake up these sellouts. The problem in this country is people are afraid of the truth. The truth can be hurtful at times. The truth can go against your beliefs. But the truth is simply that--the truth.

You wouldn’t know the truth if it picked you up and drilled your head through the floor. All you seem to know is how to fill the forum with racist spam. “Sellouts”? Go wash your hood.

To you people any mention of race is racism, but none of you ever bothered to look up the term in the dictionary or even try to understand what the word means.

When you post the exact same bullshit that’s based on fear, stereotypes, and your own little works of fiction, over and over again, that is spam based on racism.
In the newest neighborhoods and oldest neighborhoods, there will always be people moving out. It's not the people moving out that brings a neighborhood down, it's the people moving in. People move out for a number of reasons. Divorce, lost their job, kids grown and gone, too old to maintain a property, company moving out of state, just a number of reasons.

My sister moved last year because of too many blacks. Again, with blacks come the violent crime. But as a do-gooder Christian, she refused to admit why she wanted to move. Finally, she admitted she was too scared to live in her own home. She makes pretty good money, so she moved to the whitest suburb she could afford.

so you kind of made my point. People move out of neighborhoods to live in nicer places, and other people move in... because no one wants to live there and the property is affordable. Of course, no one wants to live in Cleveland because its' a dump.

No, whites move out of places that are polluted with low income minorities that the government moves in. That's why they leave. Perhaps it's something you are unaware of. Google White Flight.

Businesses too suffer because once the good people start leaving, they have less good employees to choose from. They also have to deal with the crime that comes in. So why is Cleveland a dump? Here's why:

In the newest neighborhoods and oldest neighborhoods, there will always be people moving out. It's not the people moving out that brings a neighborhood down, it's the people moving in. People move out for a number of reasons. Divorce, lost their job, kids grown and gone, too old to maintain a property, company moving out of state, just a number of reasons.

My sister moved last year because of too many blacks. Again, with blacks come the violent crime. But as a do-gooder Christian, she refused to admit why she wanted to move. Finally, she admitted she was too scared to live in her own home. She makes pretty good money, so she moved to the whitest suburb she could afford.

It's a real shame too. My father built that house from ground up. In fact, he purchased the property and sat on it for a couple of years after my sister got married so when they were ready, to build a home for them. Ironically (at the time) she was living in one of my apartments here long before I owned the place.

Her and her ex designed the house, they helped my father in the building process. It's a high quality made home from the best materials overlooking a scenic wooded area, in the newest development in the suburb. Now it's nothing more than a lot of good memories.

How many fucking times are you gonna post a version of this old “oh, der goes da neighborhood!” nonsense? I’m sure you’ve earned your merit badge from stormfront by now.

How many times? As many times as it takes to wake up these sellouts. The problem in this country is people are afraid of the truth. The truth can be hurtful at times. The truth can go against your beliefs. But the truth is simply that--the truth.

You wouldn’t know the truth if it picked you up and drilled your head through the floor. All you seem to know is how to fill the forum with racist spam. “Sellouts”? Go wash your hood.

To you people any mention of race is racism, but none of you ever bothered to look up the term in the dictionary or even try to understand what the word means.

When you post the exact same bullshit that’s based on fear, stereotypes, and your own little works of fiction, over and over again, that is spam based on racism.

Facts are not spam nor racism. Facts are simply facts.
Indeed, it's hard to believe that the second biggest party of the country stands for replacement of its own citizens and discrimination against majority of its citizens... in short genocide of its own population.

In Japan, they probably can't believe it.

America is dying, and left is doing everything to make it happen.

Half of our country wants to raise the hammer and sickle above the white house. 2020 will be the last year where somebody like Trump can possibly win through the legal system because afterwards the demographic shift will be so horrifically bad that Texas and Florida will turn blue. After that its game over for going to the ballot box as the left cement their power forever.

Then, you'll start to see things like a mono racial couple's tax to make it even more impossible for white children to be raised in America. The internet will be censored to such a degree that it will make 1984 look like a scary story for five year olds. Anything fun you could possibly do will be buried underneath a tidal wave of political correctness and the persecution of anything that has to relate to western civilization.

If Trump wins 2020 he will at best buy us four more years to prepare but after that we're on our own. Economy is good for now, but once it takes a shit America will collapse through rioting and Balkanization that will make the breakup of Yugoslavia look like a kid's sandbox. Leftists/socialists are feral creatures when you take their "bread" and circuses away.
Good news for the paranoid cowards! By the time the bones of any of you sackless mental defectives have crumbled to dust and your nonsense is long forgotten, there will still be loads of white folks around. So, you can go kill your second 12-pack of bud light and sniff your noon glue with calm but microscopic minds.

Right... there is nothing to fear.

In their rich history, Democrats never did anything to harm anyone, they always brought peace and prosperity for everyone. Those minor details such as slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching laws, blocking of CRAs, are not worth mentioning. And who cares about millions of illegals, voter frauds, killing babies, man in women restrooms, attempted coup, when all we have to worry about are "muh feelings".

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