How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Again, I realized a long time ago that the Hispanic Lesbian chick is in the same boat I am in vs. the One Percenters...

We don't really have conflicting interests...

The biggest fear you have is that when White people are in the minority, they will get the same treatment they gave others.

Probably much worse. I'm sure your great grandchildren will thank you every day for being homeless and unable to work and make money.

Because this country needs to be redeemed, and unlike you, I'm a veteran... I've put more work into this country than you ever will.

You're not a Vietnam vet, you joined the reserves. Furthermore you only did it for personal gain because your posts here reveal how much you hate this country. You hate our Constitution, you hate our founders, you hate capitalism, you hate most of the people in this country, you hate businesses, you hate wealth.

Unfortunately for you, these are all the things that make our country great and why millions a year are trying to break down our barriers to get here.

You are right. They represent a history we SHOULD BE PROFOUNDLY ASHAMED OF. Think about what the Confederates did. They started an UNWINNABLE WAR that killed hundreds of thousands of people so a FEW rich white folks could keep owning other human beings. Why the fuck do they deserve statues and monuments?

Hey, guess what, you won't find one statue of Hitler anywhere in Germany today.... do you think that German just forgot that part of their history?


New Hitler Statue? “Nothing To Do With Glorification!”

Most countries update their constitutions on a regular basis, so they don't have weird shit like a Militia Amendment being interpreted as a right for crazy people to own machine guns long after we stopped having militias as a thing.

Most countries don't have a Constitution period. It's one of the things that make our country so exceptional.
I'm a white heterosexual married man...I vote third party. Had enuff of the warped major two parties. I'm sure you hate me. Good.
My values and patriotism won't allow for another vote.

Do what you want but voting 3rd party? might as well just stay home. Sure, the republicans are flawed but at least they haven't gone completely off the deep end like democrats have.
Nope...when I vote 3rd party I vindicate myself. It makes me feel like I stick it to the others who hate me. Refreshing even if it doesn't count.
Never said I was. I just like to show how idiotic the op is. Painting with a broad brush is a sign of not too bright. To this you can agree.
Coming from one who refutes the youth of today are the hardest working most productive generation of workers this nation had ever seen. Their work ethic is unsurpassed and only bad emoyers have an ounce of difficulty finding them.
How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Because the alternative is much worse.

You seem to think its unreasonable for white people to resist in the face of their own ethnic cleansing and eventual violent retribution at the hands of people who have never been slaves.

You know what, I interacted with a bunch of brown, black and yellow folks yesterday, and not a one of them tried to Ethnically cleanse me.

Telling me, "Hey, maybe we should take down that statue of the racist war criminal" is hardly ethnic cleansing.

While I know you could be right, I really hope you’re wrong. I hope we don’t have Caucasians as fucked up in the head as JoeB131 is.

You spend every day hating on brown people who've done you no harm, no one is as fucked in the head as you are.

You see, the funny thing is, I get why some white people are outraged. I get that they look at the life their parents and grandparents had, and they don't have the same prospects.

And instead of blaming the people who broke up their unions and rolled back all their rights at work, they blame the poor immigrants who takes the kind of job getting dirt under their fingernails they by and large didn't want to start with.
I don't have any doubt he's white because most black people can barely string together a coherent sentence much less paragraphs. Besides, white liberals have consistently proven to be our own worst enemies.

I think you are confused as to who your enemy is.

Your enemy is not the guy who takes the thankless job picking lettuce, cleaning bathrooms, or hanging around the Home Depot waiting for a white person to pay them $100 to hang some drywall.

Your enemy is the One Percenter who broke up your unions, automated processes in his factory, passed a bunch of right to work laws that makes being a working American a lot less affluent than it was 50 years ago when we still had a white middle class.
I don't have any doubt he's white because most black people can barely string together a coherent sentence much less paragraphs. Besides, white liberals have consistently proven to be our own worst enemies.

I think you are confused as to who your enemy is.

Your enemy is not the guy who takes the thankless job picking lettuce, cleaning bathrooms, or hanging around the Home Depot waiting for a white person to pay them $100 to hang some drywall.

Your enemy is the One Percenter who broke up your unions, automated processes in his factory, passed a bunch of right to work laws that makes being a working American a lot less affluent than it was 50 years ago when we still had a white middle class.

Certainly, because we can't blame the American consumer who will only buy cheap products even if they are made overseas. Blame the 1% who are struggling to give Americans what they want.

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