How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

It's not like a club that everybody wants to get into. In fact during the big union days, you couldn't work at at some companies unless you joined by force. I only worked two jobs that had unions, and again, by force. Democrats like force because if people have a choice, they shun Democrats and their criminal cohorts.
And Americans shun them at the voting booths, which is why Democrats need foreigners streaming into the country, to obtain VOTES.

The whole point in foreigners being here is to wipe out the white race; not genocidally of course, but politically.

Every other group of people outside of whites vote a majority Democrat. Once whites are out of the picture, the Democrats have their utopia which is to have a single-party government for eternity, or so they hope.

If accomplished, the process will start the end of the Great Experiment. Socialism will quickly be the new law of the land followed by Communism a little while later.

If they do not erase history like they are trying to do today with tearing down historical statues and such, our grandchildren will want to understand what went wrong; why we had traitors that surrendered the greatest country on earth and how we became defenseless to stop it.

What kind of America does the left want to see in the future???

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

― George Orwell, 1984
It's not paranoia, when your whole life has been worsened by Affirmative Action (for 42 years), and even retirement income is reduced from it. You are not well informed.

Another information-deprived liberal victim of liberal OMISSION media.

Guy, if you are born white and male in this society, this is still the E-Ticket in America.. I'm sorry you don't get this.

And Americans shun them at the voting booths, which is why Democrats need foreigners streaming into the country, to obtain VOTES.

Yet your party hasn't won a national election without some kind of cheating since 1988.

Not sure why you don't consider people of color to be "Americans'. I saw lots of people of color when I served, but usually the dumb white trash in Jesus Land couldn't even pass the ASVAB.
The whole point in foreigners being here is to wipe out the white race; not genocidally of course, but politically.

Every other group of people outside of whites vote a majority Democrat. Once whites are out of the picture, the Democrats have their utopia which is to have a single-party government for eternity, or so they hope.

again, if white people were so ass-poundingly stupid, we'd be there already.

Only two kinds of people vote Republican. Millionaires and morons. Check your back account if you are unclear which category you fall into.

If accomplished, the process will start the end of the Great Experiment. Socialism will quickly be the new law of the land followed by Communism a little while later.

and this would be a bad thing, why? Frankly, most of us working ourselves to death so a few rich people can live in mansions and take fancy Italian Vacations (where they already have the socialism you whine about and they are just fine) is not an experiment we need to repeat. We did it. We got the result. It sucks. Time to try something else.

If they do not erase history like they are trying to do today with tearing down historical statues and such, our grandchildren will want to understand what went wrong; why we had traitors that surrendered the greatest country on earth and how we became defenseless to stop it.

What kind of America does the left want to see in the future???

Um, yeah, we aren't going to have statues to racists who enslaved people anymore. We aren't going to treat them like heroes. This is a good thing. Maybe you should read a bit about WHY those statues were put up to start with.

HINT. They weren't put up when the Civil War just ended. Those people KNEW they had fucked it up.

They were put up during the 'Lost Cause" revisionism. The one where the South wasn't fighting for slavery, it was fighting for "State's Rights". So the Orwellian complaint about changing history did happen, in the beginning of the 20th century, when dumb white people wanted to make themselves the heroes of a bad story.

All we are doing is actually setting the record straight.
I saw lots of people of color when I served, but usually the dumb white trash in Jesus Land couldn't even pass the ASVAB.

Your personal anecdotes noted, and dismissed.

Distribution of race and ethnicity among the U.S. military | Statista
The stats do not factor in trashiness levels.

This is true... but reason does. I had one White Trash guy in my AIT group... of course, he couldn't comprehend the material and washed out. Even filling out simple supply forms was a bit too much for him.

Most people join the military for education and healthcare benefits, don't they? If you're white and poor in america then that means you're a failure who's not taking full advantage of white privilege. Therefore it stands to reason that most whites who join are trash. Right?
Most people join the military for education and healthcare benefits, don't they? If you're white and poor in america then that means you're a failure who's not taking full advantage of white privilege. Therefore it stands to reason that most whites who join are trash. Right?

Naw, most of us who join do it because we love our country and it is a pretty awesome adventure. (Providing there isn't a war, in which case it's a horrifying adventure, but never mind.)

The problem with being white and poor in America is that we used to have unions and good jobs for them... and then they screamed at you about the darkies and the abortions and the gays and you dumb white trash, being the dumb white trash you are, shit your own beds..
Only two kinds of people vote Republican. Millionaires and morons. Check your back account if you are unclear which category you fall into.

Check your skin color, because as far as I'm concerned, only a moron would support a party who's main goal is to make them a minority.

and this would be a bad thing, why?

Look at the places that have done just that like Venezuela. Don't you ever turn on the news?

We did it. We got the result. It sucks. Time to try something else.

If you think it sucks so bad, WTF are you still doing here? Why do you want to change this country when there are already dozens of other countries that are already like that?

Um, yeah, we aren't going to have statues to racists who enslaved people anymore. We aren't going to treat them like heroes. This is a good thing. Maybe you should read a bit about WHY those statues were put up to start with.

Those statues represent our history. Democrats only want to have history that favors their political view. History is not selective except in the minds of Socialists and Communists. History is just history.

All we are doing is actually setting the record straight.

And I'm sure you would do the same with our Constitution if given a chance. Once this country is over with, you will have that chance, except you won't be here. Not to worry though, your grandchildren will be, and remember you for it.
Most people join the military for education and healthcare benefits, don't they? If you're white and poor in america then that means you're a failure who's not taking full advantage of white privilege. Therefore it stands to reason that most whites who join are trash. Right?

Naw, most of us who join do it because we love our country and it is a pretty awesome adventure. (Providing there isn't a war, in which case it's a horrifying adventure, but never mind.)

The problem with being white and poor in America is that we used to have unions and good jobs for them... and then they screamed at you about the darkies and the abortions and the gays and you dumb white trash, being the dumb white trash you are, shit your own beds..

How do opinions on abortion relate to declining blue collar jobs?
Check your skin color, because as far as I'm concerned, only a moron would support a party who's main goal is to make them a minority.

Again, I realized a long time ago that the Hispanic Lesbian chick is in the same boat I am in vs. the One Percenters...

We don't really have conflicting interests...

The biggest fear you have is that when White people are in the minority, they will get the same treatment they gave others.

Look at the places that have done just that like Venezuela. Don't you ever turn on the news?

Okay, did you miss the part where for 100 years, we've treated Venezuela like a colony, and when they got fed up, we made economic war on them for the last 20 years?

This information has been deviously hidden from you in things called "Books".

If you think it sucks so bad, WTF are you still doing here? Why do you want to change this country when there are already dozens of other countries that are already like that?

Because this country needs to be redeemed, and unlike you, I'm a veteran... I've put more work into this country than you ever will.

Those statues represent our history. Democrats only want to have history that favors their political view. History is not selective except in the minds of Socialists and Communists. History is just history.

You are right. They represent a history we SHOULD BE PROFOUNDLY ASHAMED OF. Think about what the Confederates did. They started an UNWINNABLE WAR that killed hundreds of thousands of people so a FEW rich white folks could keep owning other human beings. Why the fuck do they deserve statues and monuments?

Hey, guess what, you won't find one statue of Hitler anywhere in Germany today.... do you think that German just forgot that part of their history?

And I'm sure you would do the same with our Constitution if given a chance. Once this country is over with, you will have that chance, except you won't be here. Not to worry though, your grandchildren will remember you.

Most countries update their constitutions on a regular basis, so they don't have weird shit like a Militia Amendment being interpreted as a right for crazy people to own machine guns long after we stopped having militias as a thing.
Only two kinds of people vote Republican. Millionaires and morons. Check your back account if you are unclear which category you fall into.

Check your skin color, because as far as I'm concerned, only a moron would support a party who's main goal is to make them a minority.

and this would be a bad thing, why?

Look at the places that have done just that like Venezuela. Don't you ever turn on the news?

We did it. We got the result. It sucks. Time to try something else.

If you think it sucks so bad, WTF are you still doing here? Why do you want to change this country when there are already dozens of other countries that are already like that?

Um, yeah, we aren't going to have statues to racists who enslaved people anymore. We aren't going to treat them like heroes. This is a good thing. Maybe you should read a bit about WHY those statues were put up to start with.

Those statues represent our history. Democrats only want to have history that favors their political view. History is not selective except in the minds of Socialists and Communists. History is just history.

All we are doing is actually setting the record straight.

And I'm sure you would do the same with our Constitution if given a chance. Once this country is over with, you will have that chance, except you won't be here. Not to worry though, your grandchildren will be, and remember you for it.

They just want to neuter our sons and rape our daughters, no need to get all defensive!
They just want to neuter our sons and rape our daughters, no need to get all defensive!

If you need a statue of an old racist to feel potent, I'm kind of sorry for you.

You seem to think its unreasonable for white people to resist in the face of their own ethnic cleansing and eventual violent retribution at the hands of people who have never been slaves.
Check your skin color, because as far as I'm concerned, only a moron would support a party who's main goal is to make them a minority.

Again, I realized a long time ago that the Hispanic Lesbian chick is in the same boat I am in vs. the One Percenters...

We don't really have conflicting interests...

The biggest fear you have is that when White people are in the minority, they will get the same treatment they gave others.
You mean they will worship us, create cuckold sites to encourage us to bang their wives, give trillions in charity to mostly us and eventually let us take over again?

I guess my fears were just a bit unwarranted then.
Check your skin color, because as far as I'm concerned, only a moron would support a party who's main goal is to make them a minority.

Again, I realized a long time ago that the Hispanic Lesbian chick is in the same boat I am in vs. the One Percenters...

We don't really have conflicting interests...

The biggest fear you have is that when White people are in the minority, they will get the same treatment they gave others.

Look at the places that have done just that like Venezuela. Don't you ever turn on the news?

Okay, did you miss the part where for 100 years, we've treated Venezuela like a colony, and when they got fed up, we made economic war on them for the last 20 years?

This information has been deviously hidden from you in things called "Books".

If you think it sucks so bad, WTF are you still doing here? Why do you want to change this country when there are already dozens of other countries that are already like that?

Because this country needs to be redeemed, and unlike you, I'm a veteran... I've put more work into this country than you ever will.

Those statues represent our history. Democrats only want to have history that favors their political view. History is not selective except in the minds of Socialists and Communists. History is just history.

You are right. They represent a history we SHOULD BE PROFOUNDLY ASHAMED OF. Think about what the Confederates did. They started an UNWINNABLE WAR that killed hundreds of thousands of people so a FEW rich white folks could keep owning other human beings. Why the fuck do they deserve statues and monuments?

Hey, guess what, you won't find one statue of Hitler anywhere in Germany today.... do you think that German just forgot that part of their history?

And I'm sure you would do the same with our Constitution if given a chance. Once this country is over with, you will have that chance, except you won't be here. Not to worry though, your grandchildren will remember you.

Most countries update their constitutions on a regular basis, so they don't have weird shit like a Militia Amendment being interpreted as a right for crazy people to own machine guns long after we stopped having militias as a thing.

Cut the bullshit bud...NOBODY believes you’re White and NOBODY believes you’re a Veteran.
Check your skin color, because as far as I'm concerned, only a moron would support a party who's main goal is to make them a minority.

Again, I realized a long time ago that the Hispanic Lesbian chick is in the same boat I am in vs. the One Percenters...

We don't really have conflicting interests...

The biggest fear you have is that when White people are in the minority, they will get the same treatment they gave others.

Look at the places that have done just that like Venezuela. Don't you ever turn on the news?

Okay, did you miss the part where for 100 years, we've treated Venezuela like a colony, and when they got fed up, we made economic war on them for the last 20 years?

This information has been deviously hidden from you in things called "Books".

If you think it sucks so bad, WTF are you still doing here? Why do you want to change this country when there are already dozens of other countries that are already like that?

Because this country needs to be redeemed, and unlike you, I'm a veteran... I've put more work into this country than you ever will.

Those statues represent our history. Democrats only want to have history that favors their political view. History is not selective except in the minds of Socialists and Communists. History is just history.

You are right. They represent a history we SHOULD BE PROFOUNDLY ASHAMED OF. Think about what the Confederates did. They started an UNWINNABLE WAR that killed hundreds of thousands of people so a FEW rich white folks could keep owning other human beings. Why the fuck do they deserve statues and monuments?

Hey, guess what, you won't find one statue of Hitler anywhere in Germany today.... do you think that German just forgot that part of their history?

And I'm sure you would do the same with our Constitution if given a chance. Once this country is over with, you will have that chance, except you won't be here. Not to worry though, your grandchildren will remember you.

Most countries update their constitutions on a regular basis, so they don't have weird shit like a Militia Amendment being interpreted as a right for crazy people to own machine guns long after we stopped having militias as a thing.

Cut the bullshit bud...NOBODY believes you’re White and NOBODY believes you’re a Veteran.

I don't have any doubt he's white because most black people can barely string together a coherent sentence much less paragraphs. Besides, white liberals have consistently proven to be our own worst enemies.
Check your skin color, because as far as I'm concerned, only a moron would support a party who's main goal is to make them a minority.

Again, I realized a long time ago that the Hispanic Lesbian chick is in the same boat I am in vs. the One Percenters...

We don't really have conflicting interests...

The biggest fear you have is that when White people are in the minority, they will get the same treatment they gave others.

Look at the places that have done just that like Venezuela. Don't you ever turn on the news?

Okay, did you miss the part where for 100 years, we've treated Venezuela like a colony, and when they got fed up, we made economic war on them for the last 20 years?

This information has been deviously hidden from you in things called "Books".

If you think it sucks so bad, WTF are you still doing here? Why do you want to change this country when there are already dozens of other countries that are already like that?

Because this country needs to be redeemed, and unlike you, I'm a veteran... I've put more work into this country than you ever will.

Those statues represent our history. Democrats only want to have history that favors their political view. History is not selective except in the minds of Socialists and Communists. History is just history.

You are right. They represent a history we SHOULD BE PROFOUNDLY ASHAMED OF. Think about what the Confederates did. They started an UNWINNABLE WAR that killed hundreds of thousands of people so a FEW rich white folks could keep owning other human beings. Why the fuck do they deserve statues and monuments?

Hey, guess what, you won't find one statue of Hitler anywhere in Germany today.... do you think that German just forgot that part of their history?

And I'm sure you would do the same with our Constitution if given a chance. Once this country is over with, you will have that chance, except you won't be here. Not to worry though, your grandchildren will remember you.

Most countries update their constitutions on a regular basis, so they don't have weird shit like a Militia Amendment being interpreted as a right for crazy people to own machine guns long after we stopped having militias as a thing.

Cut the bullshit bud...NOBODY believes you’re White and NOBODY believes you’re a Veteran.

I don't have any doubt he's white because most black people can barely string together a coherent sentence much less paragraphs. Besides, white liberals have consistently proven to be our own worst enemies.

While I know you could be right, I really hope you’re wrong. I hope we don’t have Caucasians as fucked up in the head as JoeB131 is.


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