How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?


Most normal people aren’t bigoted losers.

Favoritism? Because he simply took her out to lunch? Are you jealous he didn't take you out too?

And just how much did he blow on this lunch date? Did he make reservations?

It sounds to me like his lunch date was more personal than professional. A middle-aged white guy who likes young white women. Gee, that's never happened before unless a cigar was involved.

Um, no, it was a team lunch. He didn't bother to show up for the Chinese lady or the Black lady... but man- White Privilege, Baby!

This was the point you are ignoring, kind of like where you ignore all the points.

He SHOULD have made time for the other women, because they had worked very hard for him for years. All the intern did was 'not get in the way" and "Let the bag of blonde hair she was working with do a little less work than she already did." (Another absolute worthless POS who got promoted unnecessarily, but that's another story.)

Incidentally, when I left that company, I really didn't want him at my lunch, so I didn't even invite him. By 2015, he completely stopped giving a fuck and was totally phoning it in.
Favoritism? Because he simply took her out to lunch? Are you jealous he didn't take you out too?

And just how much did he blow on this lunch date? Did he make reservations?

It sounds to me like his lunch date was more personal than professional. A middle-aged white guy who likes young white women. Gee, that's never happened before unless a cigar was involved.

Um, no, it was a team lunch. He didn't bother to show up for the Chinese lady or the Black lady... but man- White Privilege, Baby!

This was the point you are ignoring, kind of like where you ignore all the points.

He SHOULD have made time for the other women, because they had worked very hard for him for years. All the intern did was 'not get in the way" and "Let the bag of blonde hair she was working with do a little less work than she already did." (Another absolute worthless POS who got promoted unnecessarily, but that's another story.)

Incidentally, when I left that company, I really didn't want him at my lunch, so I didn't even invite him. By 2015, he completely stopped giving a fuck and was totally phoning it in.

The point you're ignoring is that race was simply not a factor. If those other two ladies would have been white, they probably would have been treated the same. He got his jollies being seen with a young white attractive girl, and that's all it was.
The point you're ignoring is that race was simply not a factor. If those other two ladies would have been white, they probably would have been treated the same. He got his jollies being seen with a young white attractive girl, and that's all it was.

Uh, no... Not sure how he got his "Jollies", exactly. I mean, the guy was an asshole,but he wasn't a creep.

I wouldn't even say he was racist the way you are.

I point out that by virtue of being white, this woman got better consideration and treatment than women of color who did a lot of hard work.
Men are attracted to hot young women. That's the reality, better get into grasp with it.

JoeB of course knows this very well, frothing after young women like you wouldn't even believe. The only problem is that he is a loser and can't get any. But maybe we can fix it all by "redistributing the wealth".

Uh, dude, I'm really not interested in women under 40... Anything below that I'd consider too young.

But this wasn't the point I was making. The point I was making was that this Intern who really hadn't accomplished much of anything got more attention from the GM than women of color who had been with the company for years... because... racism.
No, either because she was an intern and the color woman was an employee who got a full paycheck, or because she was hot.
The point you're ignoring is that race was simply not a factor. If those other two ladies would have been white, they probably would have been treated the same. He got his jollies being seen with a young white attractive girl, and that's all it was.

Uh, no... Not sure how he got his "Jollies", exactly. I mean, the guy was an asshole,but he wasn't a creep.

I wouldn't even say he was racist the way you are.

I point out that by virtue of being white, this woman got better consideration and treatment than women of color who did a lot of hard work.

But not because she was white. That's the point I'm making. Was it because she was good looking? Yes. Was it because she was so young? Absolutely. But let's face it, it was only lunch and that's it. It's not like they spent a weekend in a mountain lodge and she was promoted the next day. It was lunch with a young hot girl.

Years ago I worked at a place where the boss started screwing around with an office worker. She was no special employee. But she was good looking, very nice shape, and when she got cold, very obvious regardless how thick her bra was.

HIs wife somehow found out about the affair and he was forced to resigned as our manager. Before he did, he nominated her to take his place. She couldn't manage her checkbook. So after he left, a new regional manager came along, and the same thing happened.

When the new regional manager was replaced by a guy who didn't buy into her looks, all the employees got together and we sent a letter to the President of the company explaining the events that took place, and she finally got kicked out of there.

So yes, these kinds of things happen all the time in business. But the actors in my situation were all white. Race had nothing to do with it.
No, either because she was an intern and the color woman was an employee who got a full paycheck, or because she was hot.

Why should "She was hot" give her an advantage over people who busted their ass for years for this company?

But not because she was white. That's the point I'm making. Was it because she was good looking? Yes. Was it because she was so young? Absolutely. But let's face it, it was only lunch and that's it. It's not like they spent a weekend in a mountain lodge and she was promoted the next day. It was lunch with a young hot girl.

Uh, no, guy, the problem was, this shows the subtle influence of racism when white males are making all the hiring/promotion/career decisions and you don't have government or a union protecting your rights. Some bag of hair gets promoted despite her lack of merit, while you bust your ass for little reward.

It completely defeats your argument that capitalism is this wonderful, race free meritocracy.

When the new regional manager was replaced by a guy who didn't buy into her looks, all the employees got together and we sent a letter to the President of the company explaining the events that took place, and she finally got kicked out of there.

So yes, these kinds of things happen all the time in business. But the actors in my situation were all white. Race had nothing to do with it.

Wait, wait, wait... a white woman with no skills got promoted by two managers she was banging, and you don't think her race had anything to do with it?

Check your privilege, buddy. These things SHOULDN'T happen in business.
Why should "She was hot" give her an advantage over people who busted their ass for years for this company?

Do I really need to explain it to you? :4_13_65:

Uh, no, guy, the problem was, this shows the subtle influence of racism when white males are making all the hiring/promotion/career decisions and you don't have government or a union protecting your rights. Some bag of hair gets promoted despite her lack of merit, while you bust your ass for little reward.

It completely defeats your argument that capitalism is this wonderful, race free meritocracy.

So that wouldn't happen under Socialism or Communism? A white male being in charge of those things has nothing to do with race. It was only lunch for crying out loud.

Wait, wait, wait... a white woman with no skills got promoted by two managers she was banging, and you don't think her race had anything to do with it?

Check your privilege, buddy. These things SHOULDN'T happen in business.

What would her race have to do with it? It was a small branch. We only had a dozen workers or so. Everybody was white except the respiratory therapist and he was a guy.
No, either because she was an intern and the color woman was an employee who got a full paycheck, or because she was hot.

Why should "She was hot" give her an advantage over people who busted their ass for years for this company?

But not because she was white. That's the point I'm making. Was it because she was good looking? Yes. Was it because she was so young? Absolutely. But let's face it, it was only lunch and that's it. It's not like they spent a weekend in a mountain lodge and she was promoted the next day. It was lunch with a young hot girl.

Uh, no, guy, the problem was, this shows the subtle influence of racism when white males are making all the hiring/promotion/career decisions and you don't have government or a union protecting your rights. Some bag of hair gets promoted despite her lack of merit, while you bust your ass for little reward.

It completely defeats your argument that capitalism is this wonderful, race free meritocracy.

When the new regional manager was replaced by a guy who didn't buy into her looks, all the employees got together and we sent a letter to the President of the company explaining the events that took place, and she finally got kicked out of there.

So yes, these kinds of things happen all the time in business. But the actors in my situation were all white. Race had nothing to do with it.

Wait, wait, wait... a white woman with no skills got promoted by two managers she was banging, and you don't think her race had anything to do with it?

Check your privilege, buddy. These things SHOULDN'T happen in business.
I'm sure black women getting banged by their boss get promotions too.
Do I really need to explain it to you?

No, dummy, you've already admitted your argument for marketplace meritocracy had no validity.

So that wouldn't happen under Socialism or Communism? A white male being in charge of those things has nothing to do with race. It was only lunch for crying out loud.

Well, let's look at that. Under a fair system with unions, someone would have saw that and filed a union complaint. Then they would have looked at other things this guy was doing, like taking 2 hour lunches with his mostly white posse of young friends. Or the nice black temp he fired to create a position for his Drinking Buddy. (Guess who got his workload doubled after that.)

What would her race have to do with it? It was a small branch. We only had a dozen workers or so. Everybody was white except the respiratory therapist and he was a guy.

And he wasn't considered for promotion, was he? Thanks for making my point again!
Well, let's look at that. Under a fair system with unions, someone would have saw that and filed a union complaint.

Which is why we no longer have unions. A guy wants to take a girl out on a lunch date and a union would get involved. Lunch is off company time for hourly paid employees, and it's likely the manager worked on salary.

And he wasn't considered for promotion, was he? Thanks for making my point again!

No, he wasn't. He was a respiratory therapist. He knew absolutely zero of what went on in the office. Most of his work was seeing our patients outside of the shop.
Which is why we no longer have unions. A guy wants to take a girl out on a lunch date and a union would get involved. Lunch is off company time for hourly paid employees, and it's likely the manager worked on salary.

No, we no longer have unions because the one percent didn't like sharing the wealth..

So you sit there with NO INSURANCE, and blame everyone but the one percenter who took it from you.

It's really not his place to take a young girl out on a lunch date. It was actually kind of unprofessional... and everyone saw it.

Also sad and pathetic.

No, he wasn't. He was a respiratory therapist. He knew absolutely zero of what went on in the office. Most of his work was seeing our patients outside of the shop.

But you just said that Ms Huge Boobs didn't know what she was doing, either.

Check your privilege, buddy.
No, we no longer have unions because the one percent didn't like sharing the wealth..

So you sit there with NO INSURANCE, and blame everyone but the one percenter who took it from you.

It's really not his place to take a young girl out on a lunch date. It was actually kind of unprofessional... and everyone saw it.

Also sad and pathetic.

The reason we have no unions is because people wised up after seeing company after company leaving the US for higher grounds. Taxed to death, regulated to death, and of course, unions which were bleeding them dry.

Unions were fine at first, but then became too powerful and too greedy. Workers finally realized it's better to work without a union than having no job at all. The left actually believes that if we brought back unions, companies would just hand over a ton of money to the workers. But here is no truth to that. Companies leave when labor starts to cost too much.

But you just said that Ms Huge Boobs didn't know what she was doing, either.

Check your privilege, buddy.

She knew about what went on in the office. But that's only part of a managers job. The therapist knew nothing but his profession. Even though she was far from management material, he was even further.

Now if there was a union, she still would have gotten the job over him because she was there twice as long as him. You see, one of the failures of unions was mutiny. Unions took over who got hired, who got fired, who got promoted. Qualifications simply don't matter to a union. It's who's been paying them the longest that mattered.
The reason we have no unions is because people wised up after seeing company after company leaving the US for higher grounds. Taxed to death, regulated to death, and of course, unions which were bleeding them dry.

Ray stays up at night worried about rich people not being able afford dressage horses while he can't get a doctor's appointment.

Now if there was a union, she still would have gotten the job over him because she was there twice as long as him. You see, one of the failures of unions was mutiny. Unions took over who got hired, who got fired, who got promoted. Qualifications simply don't matter to a union. It's who's been paying them the longest that mattered.

Works for me. The person who has been there the longest probably knows what is going on. Certainly better than, "Whoops, you ran up too many medical bills, we are going to downsize you because you are too old." Which is pretty much what cured me of Republicanism.
The biggest problem why wages have been so rotten is because companies have never had it so easy to find highly productive qualified hard working young people. The market is overflowing with them. It's way too easy to find good workers in America. Waaaassy too easy. So they are forced to take crappy jobs that pay a rotten wage like 15 bucks an hour. Then we criticize them because they can't afford a thing.
Unions were needed in the late 19th and early 20th, when the worst of the un-checked Robber Barons ruled the roost.

And, once some halfway-decent labor laws were enacted and enforced, unions served as watch-dogs for another generation or two.

But, beginning in the 1960s, unions began to lose their appeal, and their effectiveness, and it's been downhill ever since.

It did not help matters that their bread-and-butter (manufacturing) fled overseas, and that Republicans broke the back of several unions.

Frankly, unions became too political, too corrupt, and too ineffective as a shield for workers in day-to-day conflicts with management.

They lost sight of the Little Guy, so, naturally, in the long run, the Little Guy lost sight of them, as well.

Ultimately, unions became too weak and ineffective and unattractive to hold onto their memberships.

It will be interesting to see if any of the present-day labor unions can reverse this decades-long slide down the Slippery Slope.

I doubt it... but none of us owns a crystal ball.
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I guess the only way a worker can get ahead is a college education and a willingness to not be loyal to a company, not have an interest in helping grow the company, and not be all that friendly to management. A willingness to walk away when called upon to make a difference is needed nowadays. Always be looking for better...screw the employer had to be the mindset in today's American workforce. Self first.

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