How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Probably much worse. I'm sure your great grandchildren will thank you every day for being homeless and unable to work and make money.

If they are... that's on them.

The thing is, it's the one percenters who broke up the unions that created the white middle class, not the poor person who never got a taste to start with.

You're not a Vietnam vet, you joined the reserves. Furthermore you only did it for personal gain because your posts here reveal how much you hate this country. You hate our Constitution, you hate our founders, you hate capitalism, you hate most of the people in this country, you hate businesses, you hate wealth.

Actually, I did six years of active duty in addition to the five years I spent in the reserves...

I don't hate a piece of paper, I think it's outdated and badly written, and the founders were just dudes, they didn't shit marble. Capitalism is a shit sandwich for most people, because of the greed of the wealthy. It actually worked pretty well when we had unions and fair wage laws. But as Herbert Hoover observed, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy."

Wow, dude, did you actually read the article, or did you just look at the picture? This was about a town that accepted a statue of Marx, and this guy made up a fake story about a Hitler statue.


FAKE NEWS, of course!

Were it true, there’d be riots and diplomatic rows compared to which the current Turk uproar would seem like a teen lovers’ tiff.

The outrage would likely escalate if the German mayor declared that –

“This has nothing to do with glorification. Those times are over.”
But the sheer hypocrisy of present-day Social Democrats can be gauged when we compare my Fake News with the real report which I’m ridiculing.

After months of discussions, Trier city council voted on Monday in favor of accepting a 6.3-meter (21-foot) bronze representation of the revolutionary socialist thinker Karl Marx. Council members in the southern western German town voted by a majority of 42 to 11.

Too bad. I'm sure you had plans to visit.

Most countries don't have a Constitution period. It's one of the things that make our country so exceptional.

Actually, most countries have a constitution. Most of them update them every few decades to reflect what they are doing now.

It's why they don't use an amendment about Militias (which we don't have anymore because it was a terrible idea) to justify people owning guns (which is also largely a terrible idea.)
You seem to think its unreasonable for white people to resist in the face of their own ethnic cleansing and eventual violent retribution at the hands of people who have never been slaves.

You know what, I interacted with a bunch of brown, black and yellow folks yesterday, and not a one of them tried to Ethnically cleanse me.

Telling me, "Hey, maybe we should take down that statue of the racist war criminal" is hardly ethnic cleansing.

While I know you could be right, I really hope you’re wrong. I hope we don’t have Caucasians as fucked up in the head as JoeB131 is.

You spend every day hating on brown people who've done you no harm, no one is as fucked in the head as you are.

You see, the funny thing is, I get why some white people are outraged. I get that they look at the life their parents and grandparents had, and they don't have the same prospects.

And instead of blaming the people who broke up their unions and rolled back all their rights at work, they blame the poor immigrants who takes the kind of job getting dirt under their fingernails they by and large didn't want to start with.
I wonder what black people would do if Republicans destroyed their churches and their historic neighborhoods the way Democrats have to whites.

It is a wonder white people even allow Democrats on the ballot in our few remaining areas of influence.
Certainly, because we can't blame the American consumer who will only buy cheap products even if they are made overseas. Blame the 1% who are struggling to give Americans what they want.

Sure I can. The poor struggling one percent, who've stolen half the money in the country and desperately want the other half.

Poor babies. No dressage horse left behind. Here, take Ray's health insurance. What, you already did?
Certainly, because we can't blame the American consumer who will only buy cheap products even if they are made overseas. Blame the 1% who are struggling to give Americans what they want.

Sure I can. The poor struggling one percent, who've stolen half the money in the country and desperately want the other half.

Poor babies. No dressage horse left behind. Here, take Ray's health insurance. What, you already did?

You don't have health insurance either; at least one that covers mental illness. If you did, you'd get help for your serious OCD problems. How many sleepless hours did you spend last night dreaming of racists and my health insurance that you bring up in nearly every conversation you have? If you do get a shrink, I suggest you take your tablet and show him your posts on USMB. It might save you some money as he or she will be able to provide faster treatment.
I don't have any doubt he's white because most black people can barely string together a coherent sentence much less paragraphs. Besides, white liberals have consistently proven to be our own worst enemies.

I think you are confused as to who your enemy is.

Your enemy is not the guy who takes the thankless job picking lettuce, cleaning bathrooms, or hanging around the Home Depot waiting for a white person to pay them $100 to hang some drywall.

Your enemy is the One Percenter who broke up your unions, automated processes in his factory, passed a bunch of right to work laws that makes being a working American a lot less affluent than it was 50 years ago when we still had a white middle class.
The One Percenter bankrolls the entire Democratic Party, they are one and the same.
I wonder what black people would do if Republicans destroyed their churches and their historic neighborhoods the way Democrats have to whites.

It is a wonder white people even allow Democrats on the ballot in our few remaining areas of influence.

Okay, let's look at that. Why are those old white neighborhoods disappearing?

Oh, that's right. Because the white people who used to live in them moved out to the suburbs.... Who wants to live in a crappy old bungalow in some old urban neighborhood with shitty parking when you can move out to a suburb and buy a McMansion.

Here's the funny thing about those Churches. Most of them are going under because people have better things to do on a Sunday Morning. This can only be a positive development. A church is still a nice place to get married... but that's about it.
You don't have health insurance either; at least one that covers mental illness. If you did, you'd get help for your serious OCD problems. How many sleepless hours did you spend last night dreaming of racists and my health insurance that you bring up in nearly every conversation you have? If you do get a shrink, I suggest you take your tablet and show him your posts on USMB. It might save you some money as he or she will be able to provide faster treatment.

Well, first, I'm fine, given what I've gone through in my life, like losing both parents at an early age.

Second, I bring up your health insurance in every conversation to point out that you are a perfect example of the dumb battered housewife Republican who keeps taking abuse from the one percent. If my employer announced he was cancelling our health insurance (before i started my own business and could buy my own), I'd have been sending out resumes THAT VERY DAY!

Not you. You just blame the black guy.
I wonder what black people would do if Republicans destroyed their churches and their historic neighborhoods the way Democrats have to whites.

It is a wonder white people even allow Democrats on the ballot in our few remaining areas of influence.

Okay, let's look at that. Why are those old white neighborhoods disappearing?

Oh, that's right. Because the white people who used to live in them moved out to the suburbs.... Who wants to live in a crappy old bungalow in some old urban neighborhood with shitty parking when you can move out to a suburb and buy a McMansion.

Here's the funny thing about those Churches. Most of them are going under because people have better things to do on a Sunday Morning. This can only be a positive development. A church is still a nice place to get married... but that's about it.
I am talking about the suburbs idiot. It sure as fuck wasn’t the Republicans that put section 8 housing right next to my neighborhood. It sure as fuck wasn’t the Republicans that created quotas.

No idiot. The reason why they are dying and black churches are not is because you attacked white churches for being Christians and ran them out of the public square that they created while allowing black churches to be as backward as they want to be in the name of “progress” and campaigning for their members’ votes. Democrats never forced black churches to marry gays, but those same Democrats will sue white churches who refuse.

The Democrats are to whites what the KKK was to blacks, only with infinitely more power and influence.
But you will be destroyed by your victims all the same. The white people who survive your tyranny will be far beyond anything you could ever hope to contain.
I am talking about the suburbs idiot. It sure as fuck wasn’t the Republicans that put section 8 housing right next to my neighborhood. It sure as fuck wasn’t the Republicans that created quotas.

Oh, noes, you have to live next to a black person. How terrible for you.

No idiot. The reason why they are dying and black churches are not is because you attacked white churches for being Christians and ran them out of the public square that they created while allowing black churches to be as backward as they want to be in the name of “progress” and campaigning for their members’ votes. Democrats never forced black churches to marry gays, but those same Democrats will sue white churches who refuse.

By "being Christian" you mean "Being homophobic and misogynistic", then those churches have put themselves out of business. Who wants to go to the Church of hate. not that I've seen where a church has been forced to marry a gay couple...

The Democrats are to whites what the KKK was to blacks, only with infinitely more power and influence.
But you will be destroyed by your victims all the same. The white people who survive your tyranny will be far beyond anything you could ever hope to contain.

Yawn, guy, here's how it's going to play out. The GOP is going to have it's last gasp with Trump appealing to the worst in white people. But younger white folks and minorities will reject them... and pretty much, you'll be a regional party limited to the backwaters.

It didn't have to be this way. George W. Bush realized that they needed to win over minorities and that they could talk to them about conservative values. But your party was having none of it.
I am talking about the suburbs idiot. It sure as fuck wasn’t the Republicans that put section 8 housing right next to my neighborhood. It sure as fuck wasn’t the Republicans that created quotas.

Oh, noes, you have to live next to a black person. How terrible for you.

No idiot. The reason why they are dying and black churches are not is because you attacked white churches for being Christians and ran them out of the public square that they created while allowing black churches to be as backward as they want to be in the name of “progress” and campaigning for their members’ votes. Democrats never forced black churches to marry gays, but those same Democrats will sue white churches who refuse.

By "being Christian" you mean "Being homophobic and misogynistic", then those churches have put themselves out of business. Who wants to go to the Church of hate. not that I've seen where a church has been forced to marry a gay couple...

The Democrats are to whites what the KKK was to blacks, only with infinitely more power and influence.
But you will be destroyed by your victims all the same. The white people who survive your tyranny will be far beyond anything you could ever hope to contain.

Yawn, guy, here's how it's going to play out. The GOP is going to have it's last gasp with Trump appealing to the worst in white people. But younger white folks and minorities will reject them... and pretty much, you'll be a regional party limited to the backwaters.

It didn't have to be this way. George W. Bush realized that they needed to win over minorities and that they could talk to them about conservative values. But your party was having none of it.
Everything you post proves all of my points. Every single black church in America hates homosexuality more than Muslims hate Christians and Jews and yet your party begs for their vote. Nowhere in America has more backward social views than the inner cities. Singling out rural areas that are FAR more progressive than inner cities is one of the reasons why Democrats have already lost. Funny how you demons want to bitch and moan about Trump supposedly calling cesspool countries like Haiti and Somalia “shitholes” but you have absolutely no problem calling white rural areas “backwaters”. It is that racism that will doom the Democrats with younger white people and cause the absolute destruction of your demonic organization.

Here is actually what is going to happen: Your party is going to campaign on reparations next year and Trump is going to call you racist for it and that will cause 70%+ of young white people and 90% of older white people to vote for Trump and the Republicans, giving them the power to control everything in the federal government and most state and local governments, and then the young white people will use their activism to destroy the rest of your party before this country becomes South Africa.

Appealing to the worst of black and brown people while oppressing innocent white people will no longer be tolerated.
You seem to think its unreasonable for white people to resist in the face of their own ethnic cleansing and eventual violent retribution at the hands of people who have never been slaves.

You know what, I interacted with a bunch of brown, black and yellow folks yesterday, and not a one of them tried to Ethnically cleanse me.

Telling me, "Hey, maybe we should take down that statue of the racist war criminal" is hardly ethnic cleansing.

While I know you could be right, I really hope you’re wrong. I hope we don’t have Caucasians as fucked up in the head as JoeB131 is.

You spend every day hating on brown people who've done you no harm, no one is as fucked in the head as you are.

You see, the funny thing is, I get why some white people are outraged. I get that they look at the life their parents and grandparents had, and they don't have the same prospects.

And instead of blaming the people who broke up their unions and rolled back all their rights at work, they blame the poor immigrants who takes the kind of job getting dirt under their fingernails they by and large didn't want to start with.

"You spend every day hating on brown people who've done you no harm, no one is as fucked in the head as you are."
Damn right I do...GAS THEM ALL!
"Done me no harm"?
Nothing except for enter my country illegally, weigh down our free shit system, send their filthy children to the public schools I pay for, overwhelm our healthcare system, drive uninsured, unlicensed and drunk, cause increased insurance premiums for those paying, occupy the jobs our children used to work, suppress wages for low to middle-classers, ruin entire construction trades, cause mass degradation to every community, city and state they inhabit, rape and murder our people...etc etc
Other than that I guess your right.

"You see, the funny thing is, I get why some white people are outraged. I get that they look at the life their parents and grandparents had, and they don't have the same prospects."
Huh? My grandparents were dirt poor, hard working farmers in the hills of South Carolina.

"And instead of blaming the people who broke up their unions and rolled back all their rights at work, they blame the poor immigrants who takes the kind of job getting dirt under their fingernails they by and large didn't want to start with."
For most, including myself, its hardly about's about preferring not to live among thirdworld minded filth. You wouldn't understand that aspect as filth is never bother by other filth.
You don't have health insurance either; at least one that covers mental illness. If you did, you'd get help for your serious OCD problems. How many sleepless hours did you spend last night dreaming of racists and my health insurance that you bring up in nearly every conversation you have? If you do get a shrink, I suggest you take your tablet and show him your posts on USMB. It might save you some money as he or she will be able to provide faster treatment.

Well, first, I'm fine, given what I've gone through in my life, like losing both parents at an early age.

Second, I bring up your health insurance in every conversation to point out that you are a perfect example of the dumb battered housewife Republican who keeps taking abuse from the one percent. If my employer announced he was cancelling our health insurance (before i started my own business and could buy my own), I'd have been sending out resumes THAT VERY DAY!

Not you. You just blame the black guy.

You are just such a self-hating white you refuse to place blame where it belongs. The first so-called black President with a terrorist name Fd up this country so bad it’s almost unrepairable. The fact that millions of real Americans lost their employer sponsored health insurance is just a coincidence to Commies like you. Never blame the head Commie.

You remind me of my old best friend. He had such a severe paranoia problem he actually imagined things that never happened. As his condition worsened, he began executing his friendships one at a time. Even though I kept quiet for many years, I felt the need to finally intervene.

I sat him down and provided evidence that his imagination was getting the best of him. People he thought were planning or talking about him never were. People he claimed shunned him in public were not even in the state at the time. He became confused, denied my evidence, and our friendship was the last one he destroyed.

Point is it’s the patient that’s the last to know they have mental problems. The solution is simple: convince yourself that you are fine, it’s just that everybody else is Fd up.

You and my former friend are like two peas in the pod. Different mental conditions, but the same denial. Last I heard, my former friend didn’t have one relationship left when he packed his bags and moved to Arizona where his sister moved. He will die a lonely and scared man all because he refused to admit he had a problem that required professional guidance.
This is what is too fuking hilarious.

Republican police will shoot a black child for carrying a toy or just walking down the street.

But here, white Dylann Roof is arrested for shooting to death 9 people. And yet, look how polite they handle him. About the only time white shooters are killed is when they commit suicide. Innocent blacks aren't given that choice by Republican infected police.

Police only shoot for one reason, and that is to defend themselves. You could kill a hundred people, and as long as you surrender when ordered to, you won't get a scratch on you, white or black.

Unless you’re black. Get it right.
Hilarious that Republicans are saying that they don’t understand why a white person wouldn’t join the nearly all white party.

The truth is that the whites that don’t join the nearly all white party don’t join because they’re not welcome.

We know that Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims.

So why would they join the nearly all white Republican party? I bet they wouldn’t feel safe.
I wonder what black people would do if Republicans destroyed their churches and their historic neighborhoods the way Democrats have to whites.

It is a wonder white people even allow Democrats on the ballot in our few remaining areas of influence.

Okay, let's look at that. Why are those old white neighborhoods disappearing?

Oh, that's right. Because the white people who used to live in them moved out to the suburbs.... Who wants to live in a crappy old bungalow in some old urban neighborhood with shitty parking when you can move out to a suburb and buy a McMansion.

Here's the funny thing about those Churches. Most of them are going under because people have better things to do on a Sunday Morning. This can only be a positive development. A church is still a nice place to get married... but that's about it.

Churches in white neighborhoods do just fine as they have for generations. Older neighborhoods that stayed white rejuvenated just fine. It’s not until minority’s move in and bring their crime with them that those neighborhoods go to hell.

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Everything you post proves all of my points. Every single black church in America hates homosexuality more than Muslims hate Christians and Jews and yet your party begs for their vote. Nowhere in America has more backward social views than the inner cities. Singling out rural areas that are FAR more progressive than inner cities is one of the reasons why Democrats have already lost. Funny how you demons want to bitch and moan about Trump supposedly calling cesspool countries like Haiti and Somalia “shitholes” but you have absolutely no problem calling white rural areas “backwaters”. It is that racism that will doom the Democrats with younger white people and cause the absolute destruction of your demonic organization.

Younger white folks, except for maybe the mutants who become Skinheads, have already decided on the gay issue. THis is an old people hangup. They grew up watching Will and Grace.

And, yes, there's really no excuse for rural America having third world levels of fucking ignorance... not the way the rest of us subsidize your lifestyle to keep the food flowing.

Here is actually what is going to happen: Your party is going to campaign on reparations next year and Trump is going to call you racist for it and that will cause 70%+ of young white people and 90% of older white people to vote for Trump and the Republicans, giving them the power to control everything in the federal government and most state and local governments, and then the young white people will use their activism to destroy the rest of your party before this country becomes South Africa.

More fantasies. Besides the fact the eventual Democratic nominee will probably end up being someone like Brown or Biden, the fact is, when Trump's recession hits later this year or early next year, it won't really matter much who they put up.
Churches in white neighborhoods do just fine as they have for generations. Older neighborhoods that stayed white rejuvenated just fine. It’s not until minority’s move in and bring their crime with them that those neighborhoods go to hell.

You do realize that for minorities to move in, the most productive white people end up moving out, right? There's a reason why the other white folks left you behind, Ray.
As a white heterosexual Christian married former business owner Ray I cannot relate to your viewpoint.
Churches in white neighborhoods do just fine as they have for generations. Older neighborhoods that stayed white rejuvenated just fine. It’s not until minority’s move in and bring their crime with them that those neighborhoods go to hell.

You do realize that for minorities to move in, the most productive white people end up moving out, right? There's a reason why the other white folks left you behind, Ray.

In the newest neighborhoods and oldest neighborhoods, there will always be people moving out. It's not the people moving out that brings a neighborhood down, it's the people moving in. People move out for a number of reasons. Divorce, lost their job, kids grown and gone, too old to maintain a property, company moving out of state, just a number of reasons.

My sister moved last year because of too many blacks. Again, with blacks come the violent crime. But as a do-gooder Christian, she refused to admit why she wanted to move. Finally, she admitted she was too scared to live in her own home. She makes pretty good money, so she moved to the whitest suburb she could afford.

It's a real shame too. My father built that house from ground up. In fact, he purchased the property and sat on it for a couple of years after my sister got married so when they were ready, to build a home for them. Ironically (at the time) she was living in one of my apartments here long before I owned the place.

Her and her ex designed the house, they helped my father in the building process. It's a high quality made home from the best materials overlooking a scenic wooded area, in the newest development in the suburb. Now it's nothing more than a lot of good memories.
Hilarious that Republicans are saying that they don’t understand why a white person wouldn’t join the nearly all white party.

The truth is that the whites that don’t join the nearly all white party don’t join because they’re not welcome.

We know that Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims.

So why would they join the nearly all white Republican party? I bet they wouldn’t feel safe.

We just don't understand why a white would belong to a party that's against them. That's what's so confusing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party.

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