How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

As I said before in another thread, if Trump wins next year you will be in deep shit.

At that point the baby boomers will finally stop being able to poison the culture and the cultural norms will begin to shift to what millennials actually want.

1) Trump won't win next year. He didn't win last time, we aren't going to make that mistake of voting third party again.

2) Millennials don't want the old people stuff you want. They don't care about gay marriage, they don't care about abortion, except when they need one, and they aren't terrified of Mexicans like you are.

What they DO care about is that they have to get a Bachelor's degree to just get entry level access to the economy, and that ends up costing them more than a house. This is why Bernie was so popular among Millennials.

Millennials don’t give a shit about unions, we aren’t actually politically correct and we don’t actually tolerate any discrimination, so when you combine that with an admiration for nationalist Japan and the fact that we are by and large pro-life the only issues that Democrats have is ironically gun rights and of course drug legalization.

are you on drugs? No, Millennials don't understand the value of unions, but they get starting out 65K in debt for a piece of paper just fine.

On the economic issues, the Republicans only have, "We want you to work harder for less money"... The bullshit about gays and abortions is just how they keep stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests.
You are an old person, idiot. You are yesterday’s news, and with trash like you gone things will change fat faster far more than you can imagine.

You don’t know shit about millennials.

The only reason that millennials reliably vote Democrat is because they have been told to by the media. As the media gets taken over by Gen Xers and especially millennials the idea that you must vote Democrat will go away because millennials will own both parties. Without the past constantly being brought up by boomers it will become a lot more about actual issues, and that will split a lot more evenly.

Millennials don’t actually hate each other and they don’t actually hate Trump. They believe the media and what it says about him, but they rarely talk about Trump with their friends or in work areas that don’t go out of their way to be political. It will be a very different world than the communist one that you want once we are fully in charge.
Guy, you just gave us a good explanation of why we need to scrap capitalism, tax the wealthy at 90% and give everyone a living income. Capitalism doesn't work. Thanks for realizing that, you battered housewife Republican, you.

How does taxing the wealthy help your income unless government confiscates all money for redistribution? You people need to move to Cuba or North Korea where that system is already in place. Here's something you can never choke down, it's called logic: Nobody would open or operate a business if government took most of their money....nobody.

Or we can vote to be a social democracy, have free health care, decent wages... we won't be filthy rich, but we'll live comfortably.

More government dependency. We see how great that's worked out for us so far.
when you combine that with an admiration for nationalist Japan .....

You have no idea what you're talking about, and you have clearly never set foot in Japan or so much as spoken to more than a handful of Japanese people in your life. Japan today is divided by political orientation more or less like the US is. The Japanese main stream media and a good half of the population is about as leftist as the democrats here are. You need to stop trying to invoke things you don't understand.

Not even close to as leftist as the Democrats are.

Most of them probably aren’t even as left wing as I am.

Wrong again, dumbass. No amount of YouTube videos will change the fact that you know absolutely nothing about what you’re trying to talk about.
Literally 1 guy has a vague understanding of what political correctness a fucking city. You are full of shit. That video was made only days ago.......

Listen to yourself, kid... "that video." How fucking stupid does one need to be to reach conclusions about a country they have never set foot in and people they have never known based on a fucking youtube video? Do you take those funny videos late night comics make interviewing idiots walking about New York as serious 'proof' about what Americans think? Stop making a fool of yourself. At least go out and acquire some experience of life before proclaiming conclusions, child.
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From literally everything I have read and heard.......

You "read and heard"? Well, that's definitive! Have you ever set foot in Japan, kid? Have you ever had a conversation of more than two minutes with a Japanese person, kid? Grow up and stop clinging to facile reasoning like a security blanket.
As long as the job market is full of incredibly hard working young people, wages will lag behind. When employers struggle to find workers, things for workers will improve. Until then one isn't going to get far ahead. Just the facts. No excuse for socialism which we don't have and never will have. The key is to find happiness while struggling to keep things afloat.
when you combine that with an admiration for nationalist Japan .....

You have no idea what you're talking about, and you have clearly never set foot in Japan or so much as spoken to more than a handful of Japanese people in your life. Japan today is divided by political orientation more or less like the US is. The Japanese main stream media and a good half of the population is about as leftist as the democrats here are. You need to stop trying to invoke things you don't understand.

Not even close to as leftist as the Democrats are.

Most of them probably aren’t even as left wing as I am.

Wrong again, dumbass. No amount of YouTube videos will change the fact that you know absolutely nothing about what you’re trying to talk about.
Literally 1 guy has a vague understanding of what political correctness a fucking city. You are full of shit. That video was made only days ago.......

Listen to yourself, kid... "that video." How fucking stupid does one need to be to reach conclusions about a country they have never set foot in and people they have never known based on a fucking youtube video? Do you take those funny videos late night comics make interviewing idiots walking about New York as serious 'proof' about what Americans think? Stop making a fool of yourself. At least go out and acquire some experience of life before proclaiming conclusions, child.
Except that isn’t what they are doing.

They don’t interview stupid people off the street about serious topics to make fun of them in Japan.

Those are literally just random people on the street.
You have no idea what you're talking about, and you have clearly never set foot in Japan or so much as spoken to more than a handful of Japanese people in your life. Japan today is divided by political orientation more or less like the US is. The Japanese main stream media and a good half of the population is about as leftist as the democrats here are. You need to stop trying to invoke things you don't understand.

Not even close to as leftist as the Democrats are.

Most of them probably aren’t even as left wing as I am.

Wrong again, dumbass. No amount of YouTube videos will change the fact that you know absolutely nothing about what you’re trying to talk about.
Literally 1 guy has a vague understanding of what political correctness a fucking city. You are full of shit. That video was made only days ago.......

Listen to yourself, kid... "that video." How fucking stupid does one need to be to reach conclusions about a country they have never set foot in and people they have never known based on a fucking youtube video? Do you take those funny videos late night comics make interviewing idiots walking about New York as serious 'proof' about what Americans think? Stop making a fool of yourself. At least go out and acquire some experience of life before proclaiming conclusions, child.
Except that isn’t what they are doing.

They don’t interview stupid people off the street about serious topics to make fun of them in Japan.

Those are literally just random people on the street.

What street? Where? Who produced the video? How many people did they interview before choosing the few to air? Who is funding the video? Why? You know absolutely nothing, and trying to pretend some video you found on youtube lends you any credibility just makes you look like a joke.
All 10 of each.

Japan is 98.2% Japanese.

You might as well talk about all the Inuits in Greece.

Some damn fool said something about "will never let in..." That damn fool was proven wrong, but has such a tiny little member that he can't bring himself to admit it. He can't man up without much manhood, I guess. This is what happens when a damn fool shoots his mouth off out of ignorance.
All 10 of each.

Japan is 98.2% Japanese.

You might as well talk about all the Inuits in Greece.

Some damn fool said something about "will never let in..." That damn fool was proven wrong, but has such a tiny little member that he can't bring himself to admit it. He can't man up without much manhood, I guess. This is what happens when a damn fool shoots his mouth off out of ignorance.

There's a difference between mass immigration and tourism though, right? And most of the muslim tourists to Japan come from southeast asia, not the middle east.
I would really hate it if Japan became a multicultural cesspool like the US where everyone is constantly afraid they might hurt the feelings of some group or another. But I wouldn't be surprised if when they're done ruining the US they move on to another prosperous and clean nation.
All 10 of each.

Japan is 98.2% Japanese.

You might as well talk about all the Inuits in Greece.

Some damn fool said something about "will never let in..." That damn fool was proven wrong, but has such a tiny little member that he can't bring himself to admit it. He can't man up without much manhood, I guess. This is what happens when a damn fool shoots his mouth off out of ignorance.
If that is how you want to define “letting them in” then you should have no problem with white nationalists.
I would really hate it if Japan became a multicultural cesspool like the US where everyone is constantly afraid they might hurt the feelings of some group or another. But I wouldn't be surprised if when they're done ruining the US they move on to another prosperous and clean nation.

It seems that some people here want to use Japan as a repository for all their own very thinly (if at all) veiled racist fears and fantasies. These people don’t actually know anything about the country, but that’s not important to them.
I would really hate it if Japan became a multicultural cesspool like the US where everyone is constantly afraid they might hurt the feelings of some group or another. But I wouldn't be surprised if when they're done ruining the US they move on to another prosperous and clean nation.

It seems that some people here want to use Japan as a repository for all their own very thinly (if at all) veiled racist fears and fantasies. These people don’t actually know anything about the country, but that’s not important to them.

If we were such terrible racist white supremacists then why would we wish prosperity and success on a nation that is almost 100% non-white?
I would really hate it if Japan became a multicultural cesspool like the US where everyone is constantly afraid they might hurt the feelings of some group or another. But I wouldn't be surprised if when they're done ruining the US they move on to another prosperous and clean nation.

It seems that some people here want to use Japan as a repository for all their own very thinly (if at all) veiled racist fears and fantasies. These people don’t actually know anything about the country, but that’s not important to them.

If we were such terrible racist white supremacists then why would we wish prosperity and success on a nation that is almost 100% non-white?

Try reading again.
I would really hate it if Japan became a multicultural cesspool like the US where everyone is constantly afraid they might hurt the feelings of some group or another. But I wouldn't be surprised if when they're done ruining the US they move on to another prosperous and clean nation.

It seems that some people here want to use Japan as a repository for all their own very thinly (if at all) veiled racist fears and fantasies. These people don’t actually know anything about the country, but that’s not important to them.

If we were such terrible racist white supremacists then why would we wish prosperity and success on a nation that is almost 100% non-white?

Try reading again.

What do you think would happen to Japan's rigid and disciplined society if they suddenly had a bunch of competing minority groups to worry about? Honest question.
I would really hate it if Japan became a multicultural cesspool like the US where everyone is constantly afraid they might hurt the feelings of some group or another. But I wouldn't be surprised if when they're done ruining the US they move on to another prosperous and clean nation.

It seems that some people here want to use Japan as a repository for all their own very thinly (if at all) veiled racist fears and fantasies. These people don’t actually know anything about the country, but that’s not important to them.

If we were such terrible racist white supremacists then why would we wish prosperity and success on a nation that is almost 100% non-white?

Try reading again.

What do you think would happen to Japan's rigid and disciplined society if they suddenly had a bunch of competing minority groups to worry about? Honest question.

Japan is - obviously - historically and geographically quite different than the United States, so “what if”s do not apply.

A certain sort of imbecile wants to look at Japan and say “look look why can’t we be like that?” Ignoring the obvious truths of geography and history out of a desperate fear of anyone who looks slightly and superficially different and owing to a very flawed sense of the history and nature of the United States itself. The bottom line is that Japan is not a fantasy receptacle for all of the weakness of racist in the United States. People shooting their miles all about it without knowing a damn thing about the country or it’s people just look like jackasses. It’s really time to grow up folks.

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