How can you be wrong about everything and still keep your job?

So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

The "elderly and feeble" are already isolated and they are still dying. Mostly because of dipshits like yourself go out and get sick and unbeknownst to you spread it to someone who works in an assisted living home and they then pass it off to the elderly.

You god damn idiots who don't bother to read your own link. Guess what? It's not pro-let everyone go out and get the disease and overwhelm our healthcare system. Quite the opposite.

Why is getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 to “get it over with” not a good idea?
With some other diseases, such as chickenpox before the varicella vaccine was developed, people sometimes exposed themselves intentionally as a way of achieving immunity. For less severe diseases, this approach might be reasonable. But the situation for SARS-CoV-2 is very different: COVID-19 carries a much higher risk of severe disease and even dea
The death rate for COVID-19 is unknown, but current data suggest it is 10 times higher than for the flu. It’s higher still among vulnerable groups like the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. Even if the same number of people ultimately get infected with SARS-CoV-2, it’s best to space those infections over time to avoid overwhelming our doctors and hospitals. Quicker is not always better, as we have seen in previous epidemics with high mortality rates, such as the 1918 Flu pandemic.

I was sick. I didn't go out. I am healthy now. Old are dying because of the example I provided. You're just too stupid to understand it. They will keep dying too.

You're mentally ill.

By removing social barriers those more inclined to die from the disease, many who would otherwise live for decades will die. In the meantime if millions of people came down with the virus all at once and 20% or so end up in the hospital then even more people will die of just more than COVID.

BTW, I noticed you didn't refute your own source that disagrees with you. It's like you don't want to talk about it or something.
Looks like the Trump Cult is in full on character assassination.
And here we go implying this is all about Trump supporters totally igniring THE FACT the left does this for a (cough Kavanaugh n Thomas cough) as a way of life.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

the sailor who died on the Roosevelt wasn’t young healthy?

I guess you’ll say he was fat or something?

Your latest lie is officially debunked.
You don't know what he had. Young and healthy die from heart attacks too...see Hank Gathers. It is very rare. Don't use one off arguments. You just lost another debate.

Quite the fantasy you’ve concocted.
Truth hurts. I know. You lack logic. Sad.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

The "elderly and feeble" are already isolated and they are still dying. Mostly because of dipshits like yourself go out and get sick and unbeknownst to you spread it to someone who works in an assisted living home and they then pass it off to the elderly.

You god damn idiots who don't bother to read your own link. Guess what? It's not pro-let everyone go out and get the disease and overwhelm our healthcare system. Quite the opposite.

Why is getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 to “get it over with” not a good idea?
With some other diseases, such as chickenpox before the varicella vaccine was developed, people sometimes exposed themselves intentionally as a way of achieving immunity. For less severe diseases, this approach might be reasonable. But the situation for SARS-CoV-2 is very different: COVID-19 carries a much higher risk of severe disease and even dea
The death rate for COVID-19 is unknown, but current data suggest it is 10 times higher than for the flu. It’s higher still among vulnerable groups like the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. Even if the same number of people ultimately get infected with SARS-CoV-2, it’s best to space those infections over time to avoid overwhelming our doctors and hospitals. Quicker is not always better, as we have seen in previous epidemics with high mortality rates, such as the 1918 Flu pandemic.

I was sick. I didn't go out. I am healthy now. Old are dying because of the example I provided. You're just too stupid to understand it. They will keep dying too.

You're mentally ill.

By removing social barriers those more inclined to die from the disease, many who would otherwise live for decades will die. In the meantime if millions of people came down with the virus all at once and 20% or so end up in the hospital then even more people will die of just more than COVID.

BTW, I noticed you didn't refute your own source that disagrees with you. It's like you don't want to talk about it or something.
Bullshit. We need to drive the virus away. More we lockdown more it stays around. Cannot isolate forever. Nope. If we keep those under 65 and with preexisting conditions isolated they will be fine. We'll see how it works out for Sweden. Lockdowns are a temporary, not permanent fix.

A population-wide case fatality rate of 0.05% is lower than seasonal influenza. If that is the true rate, locking down the world with potentially tremendous social and financial consequences may be totally irrational. It’s like an elephant being attacked by a house cat. Frustrated and trying to avoid the cat, the elephant accidentally jumps off a cliff and dies.”

“we don’t know how long social distancing measures and lockdowns can be maintained without major consequences to the economy, society, and mental health. Unpredictable evolutions may ensue, including financial crisis, unrest, civil strife, war, and a meltdown of the social fabric.”

“with lockdowns of months, if not years, life largely stops, short-term and long-term consequences are entirely unknown, and billions, not just millions, of lives may be eventually at stake.”

“If we decide to jump off the cliff, we need some data to inform us about the rationale of such an action and the chances of landing somewhere safe.”

Looks like the Trump Cult is in full on character assassination.
And here we go implying this is all about Trump supporters totally igniring THE FACT the left does this for a (cough Kavanaugh n Thomas cough) as a way of life.

No one says the left doesn't. But that segment of Trump supporters I call a cult does so in a way I haven't seen before. I'm not talking about attacking about attacking other political figures, right or wrong - they all do that. I'm talking about vilifying scientists, non-political career public servants, respected members of the military, etc. who's only "crime" is following the law or speaking the truth. I am willing to acknowledge the left (the Dems) weaponized sexual assault to a new level with the "believe all women". I wonder if YOU are willing to acknowledge what the right has done in the realm of scorched earth character assassination - even to the point of promoting conspiracy theories (such as questioning a decorated veteran's loyalty to America). If you can't see this - you have NO room to criticize me.
Looks like the Trump Cult is in full on character assassination.
And here we go implying this is all about Trump supporters totally igniring THE FACT the left does this for a (cough Kavanaugh n Thomas cough) as a way of life.

No one says the left doesn't. But that segment of Trump supporters I call a cult does so in a way I haven't seen before. I'm not talking about attacking about attacking other political figures, right or wrong - they all do that. I'm talking about vilifying scientists, non-political career public servants, respected members of the military, etc. who's only "crime" is following the law or speaking the truth. I am willing to acknowledge the left (the Dems) weaponized sexual assault to a new level with the "believe all women". I wonder if YOU are willing to acknowledge what the right has done in the realm of scorched earth character assassination - even to the point of promoting conspiracy theories (such as questioning a decorated veteran's loyalty to America). If you can't see this - you have NO room to criticize me.
but your wholesale attack on the right and trump sure does imply a singular point of view, now doesn't it?

it's like sitting in a sewer with other people and looking at them going GOD DAMN YOU STINK.

in no way shape form or fashion did i bring trump into our convo last night. you did twice.

and i'm not about to continue what i feel to be dishonest and start moving bad traits from one side to the other so we have some mental gymnastics and twister to understand who does what.

but i will say 2 things.

i still want you to put comeys words into context. you said 1:32 was taken out of context. fine. tell me the context around it and why what he said was misunderstood.


if you're worried about a character assassination on a decorated vets loyalty to america is a party foul, how is what is being done to Flynn OK, given your own concern noted here?

that should clear itself up once you explain what comey meant in the video.

willing to clear up what comey meant or just change topics and put this back on me and trump somehow?
Trump says, ‘Anybody who wants a test gets a test’ after Pence says US can’t meet coronavirus testing demand

"Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That’s what the bottom line is."
"President Donald Trump declared Tuesday that the U.S. will be able to carry out five million coronavirus tests per day, but the top official overseeing testing strategy told TIME earlier in the day that goal wasn’t feasible given current technology.

Admiral Brett Giroir, the assistant secretary of health who is in charge of the government’s testing response, said during an interview on Tuesday morning that “there is absolutely no way on Earth, on this planet or any other planet, that we can do 20 million tests a day, or even five million tests a day.”
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

the sailor who died on the Roosevelt wasn’t young healthy?

I guess you’ll say he was fat or something?

Your latest lie is officially debunked.
You don't know what he had. Young and healthy die from heart attacks too...see Hank Gathers. It is very rare. Don't use one off arguments. You just lost another debate.

Quite the fantasy you’ve concocted.
Truth hurts. I know. You lack logic. Sad.

You said fat people get sick from this. According to your logic isolating all of the fat people will mean 70 million (20%+ of our population) isolated persons right off the bat.

So that’s a huge chunk of the economy gone. Before you add in those who have heart disease, diabetes, COPD, etc. you’re talking about isolating 200M people.


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So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

the sailor who died on the Roosevelt wasn’t young healthy?

I guess you’ll say he was fat or something?

Your latest lie is officially debunked.
You don't know what he had. Young and healthy die from heart attacks too...see Hank Gathers. It is very rare. Don't use one off arguments. You just lost another debate.

Quite the fantasy you’ve concocted.
Truth hurts. I know. You lack logic. Sad.

You said fat people get sick from this. According to your logic isolating all of the fat people will mean 70 million (20%+ of our population) isolated persons right off the bat.

So that’s a huge chunk of the economy gone. Before you add in those who have heart disease, diabetes, COPD, etc. you’re talking about isolating 200M people.

That's inconvenient.
You know, here in Amarillo, they have just now started testing. Only problem is, you can't get one without calling first, describing your symptoms, and then a doctor will decide if you need a test or not. If they do, they give you an appointment at the testing site. If they don't, you don't get a test.

And, for all you idiots like Azog the Defiler who think that you can get immunity by having it once, think again. The virus has already mutated, and that has got doctors scrambling to try to develop a vaccine for the mutation. And, they also say that because of the mutation of this virus, there is a good possibility that if you had it once before, but come in contact with the mutated virus, you can get it again.

May 05-- Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.

In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.
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