How can you be wrong about everything and still keep your job?

He was wrong. Who was right? We still have no idea in terms of the # of infections. What we have is deaths and population and currently 1 person dies per every 5.5k people. We have more cases because we are testing more (most in the world).

Quick question there any links to prove that the US is doing the most testing of any other country? Because I've got links that says we are doing a lousy job of testing. Matter of fact, the doctors and first responders here in Amarillo are bitching that they can't get enough tests.

Yes. Google the video of the reporter asking Trump this then saying South Korea did more only to be corrected by Trump and Dr. Birx and then issuing a Twitter apology. Just because we have the most tests does not mean we have enough for everyone. We are a large country.

So, you don't have any links, and you want me to do your research for you. Ain't gonna happen dude. But, here is several links where they are saying that we don't have enough tests to reopen the country yet.

I provided links for my proof, now where are yours?
Bullshit. Two disparate points. We test the most and testing is irrelevant to opening up. This was a known fact and all over the news (that we test the most). Tom Brady signed with Tampa Bay. Do you want a link to prove it?

You say it's a known fact, I say it's some bullshit you pulled outta your ass. I provided links that shows the US is far behind in testing, as well as the fact that a successful restart requires tests. If we open up too soon, and the virus comes back at these levels again, we would have to quarantine yet again, and that would seriously damage the economy.

Know why S. Korea is doing so good right now? Because they took this seriously when it started, developed tests, and now are testing their population on a regular basis.

So, where are the links to back up your bullshit?
So well right now? Because they were used to epidemics being so close to China and their population is homogeneous and they are OK with iPhone tracing and such. Plus we are the fattest country and most of our deaths are elderly and sick. We have 1 death for every 5.5k people. Math doesn’t lie. Do you need a link to a calculator?

S. Korea was able to flatten the curve early because of their wide spread testing. We still don't have enough tests for doctors, let alone the rest of the population.
Bullshit. Not just testing. What does testing get you. Explain in your own words. I d Love to hear your logic.

This has been explained to you at least twice; which is twice more than should be necessary.

Those that tested positive knew that they needed to be isolated.
And those that tested negative, do you test them daily? What if it’s a false positive or worse a false negative? Come on. You live in a fantasy world.

probably not unless symptoms persist. But if someone is positive, they can be isolated to stop the spread. It’s epidemiology 101.
You’re dumb so let me explain it to you.

We isolate the old and the feeble. Rest go out and get the virus. We develop herd immunity so that the virus can no longer spread and then everyone goes out. With the lockdown we prolong the virus being alive and spread lasts longer. Shutdown was fine for the feeble and old but not for everyone.

If we have 100 people and 90 are young and healthy and you isolate those 90 along with the 10 sick, as those 90 get infected here or there they are at risk to spread to the other 10. Even if only 9 get it they can spread to the other 81 over time. If all 90 get it at once, in 2 weeks the virus has no where else to go and it dies. Lockdown was the worst thing we could have done. Many studies on the web illustrate this but if you understand viruses then you know how it works. Reason flu dies by spring time is not due to warm weather it’s due to herd immunity as the Virus has no where to go. That is what Trump fucked up.

Not sure what you have against testing. That rant didn’t explain why you’re anti-truth.
Because we need herd immunity. If I am positive I should spread it more to people who are young and healthy so we can build herd immunity and the virus has no place to jump to vs isolating. We need the virus to hit hard and die fast. We have been on lockdown for 50 days and people are still dying. Duh. We are prolonging the pain. It’s like taking a band aid off very slowly vs one quick pill.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling us that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.
Know why S. Korea is doing so good right now? Because they took this seriously when it started, developed tests, and now are testing their population on a regular basis.

So, where are the links to back up your bullshit?

They are not hostage to their bureaucracies as we are as well. They have a problem, they simply act on it. Not like the US which is mired in bureaucracies and red tape.

When this became a problem, the only test kits available with FDA approval (which must be had to use them) was the CDC test kits. When they were proven defective, we didn't have anyplace else to go.

Like so many other times, the private market had to swing into action to save the day. But just like with government sources, they had to do the bureaucrat song and dance in order to get approval for use. This all takes a lot of time and money.

Of course we are behind; not because of Trump, but because our system of government. The best thing we could ever do in this country (with or without this virus problem) is to eliminate all bureaucracies, and give the President much more power to enact emergency measures.
Trump doesn't dream up these things he said.

Let me stop you right there. Yes, he does.

Next I guess you're going to tell me is he just flips a coin.
Nope, not flipping a coin. If he were flipping a coin, 50% of the time he'd say something that he doesn't want to be true. In reality, he says just what he wants to be true and hopes that it will become true soon or that people won't really care. It's been quite successful for him.

Take for example, and this is just off the top of my head, when Trump said in 2017 he was working closely with HHS secretary Tom Price very closely and just about ready to release a replacement for the ACA. Tom Price's response when asked about that was "it's true that he said that".

Trump was being more on the optimistic side. After all, nobody alive today has ever seen anything like this. This virus is so much different from anything we've experienced. China kept their data hidden as long as possible. The WHO backed them in their statements.

Trump was trying to keep the public calm, but I guess if you were on a plane where an engine went defective, you'd rather see the pilot running down the aisle screaming "We're all going to die" instead of telling people they have things under control.

Total nonsense. As if there’s only two possible reactions, saying that it’s not a concern and screaming we are going to die.

Tell me. If you had cancer and the entire time your oncologist is saying that it’s nothing to worry about it and it’ll go away, just relax. How would you feel 3 months later when it’s metastasized?

You’d be angry. Obviously.

The doctor might say I was just trying to keep you calm. What did you expect? Me to scream at the top of my lungs “you’re going to die?”

If the doctor was not certain, and had information that it could go either way, then of course I would welcome the most optimistic reassurance.

Covid-19 and cancer are two entirely different animals. We didn't just discover cancer. We've been plagued with it for generations. We've developed multiple testing, multiple drugs, hundreds of thousands of documentation and treatment results. So with all this history of cancer, a doctor told me the opposite of what is likely to happen, of course I'd be pissed.

Trump didn't know where this would go. Neither did Fauci, neither did Nusome, neither did Piglosi, Cuomo, or DeBlasio. Nobody knew. But they all (including Trump) gave us their most optimistic views.

If you want to blame Trump for his predictions, then at least have the slightest ounce of honesty and blame all the Democrat leaders as well.
Fauci works for a state-supported hourly wage while his old medical school colleagues live in million dollar mansions and have hot, 20-something trophy wives. One can imagine the bitterness saturating this hobbitt.... and then add the midget factor in there and it's just not someone I want making decisions for me. He's made a religion out of being wrong. I'm sure that type of "expert" is perfect for a beta, cucked shitstain.... and by all means, stay locked down for a few years and make us look stupid with your sanctimonious "expert".
Trump doesn't dream up these things he said.

Let me stop you right there. Yes, he does.

Next I guess you're going to tell me is he just flips a coin.
Nope, not flipping a coin. If he were flipping a coin, 50% of the time he'd say something that he doesn't want to be true. In reality, he says just what he wants to be true and hopes that it will become true soon or that people won't really care. It's been quite successful for him.

Take for example, and this is just off the top of my head, when Trump said in 2017 he was working closely with HHS secretary Tom Price very closely and just about ready to release a replacement for the ACA. Tom Price's response when asked about that was "it's true that he said that".

Trump was being more on the optimistic side. After all, nobody alive today has ever seen anything like this. This virus is so much different from anything we've experienced. China kept their data hidden as long as possible. The WHO backed them in their statements.

Trump was trying to keep the public calm, but I guess if you were on a plane where an engine went defective, you'd rather see the pilot running down the aisle screaming "We're all going to die" instead of telling people they have things under control.

Total nonsense. As if there’s only two possible reactions, saying that it’s not a concern and screaming we are going to die.

Tell me. If you had cancer and the entire time your oncologist is saying that it’s nothing to worry about it and it’ll go away, just relax. How would you feel 3 months later when it’s metastasized?

You’d be angry. Obviously.

The doctor might say I was just trying to keep you calm. What did you expect? Me to scream at the top of my lungs “you’re going to die?”

If the doctor was not certain, and had information that it could go either way, then of course I would welcome the most optimistic reassurance.

Covid-19 and cancer are two entirely different animals. We didn't just discover cancer. We've been plagued with it for generations. We've developed multiple testing, multiple drugs, hundreds of thousands of documentation and treatment results. So with all this history of cancer, a doctor told me the opposite of what is likely to happen, of course I'd be pissed.

Trump didn't know where this would go. Neither did Fauci, neither did Nusome, neither did Piglosi, Cuomo, or DeBlasio. Nobody knew. But they all (including Trump) gave us their most optimistic views.

If you want to blame Trump for his predictions, then at least have the slightest ounce of honesty and blame all the Democrat leaders as well.

There’s a lot of false equivalencies here, but let’s start basic.

No, you wouldn’t be okay with your doctor not being honest with you. Trump got this colossally wrong. You’d want to know your doctor is living in reality, is being honest, is dealing with facts and not just telling you what he thinks you want to hear. You’d be quickly in search of a new doctor.

Next, no Democrat was giving such rosy optimistic and false projections. Further, even if they had, they’re not head of the NIH, CDC and intelligence communities who report directly to Trump. They’re not getting the briefings Trump is getting and they’re not responsible for the response like Trump is.

Trump is the one who needs to get this right. Everyone else is dealing with less complete information and has far less responsibility.
Trump doesn't dream up these things he said.

Let me stop you right there. Yes, he does.

Next I guess you're going to tell me is he just flips a coin.
Nope, not flipping a coin. If he were flipping a coin, 50% of the time he'd say something that he doesn't want to be true. In reality, he says just what he wants to be true and hopes that it will become true soon or that people won't really care. It's been quite successful for him.

Take for example, and this is just off the top of my head, when Trump said in 2017 he was working closely with HHS secretary Tom Price very closely and just about ready to release a replacement for the ACA. Tom Price's response when asked about that was "it's true that he said that".

Trump was being more on the optimistic side. After all, nobody alive today has ever seen anything like this. This virus is so much different from anything we've experienced. China kept their data hidden as long as possible. The WHO backed them in their statements.

Trump was trying to keep the public calm, but I guess if you were on a plane where an engine went defective, you'd rather see the pilot running down the aisle screaming "We're all going to die" instead of telling people they have things under control.

Total nonsense. As if there’s only two possible reactions, saying that it’s not a concern and screaming we are going to die.

Tell me. If you had cancer and the entire time your oncologist is saying that it’s nothing to worry about it and it’ll go away, just relax. How would you feel 3 months later when it’s metastasized?

You’d be angry. Obviously.

The doctor might say I was just trying to keep you calm. What did you expect? Me to scream at the top of my lungs “you’re going to die?”

If the doctor was not certain, and had information that it could go either way, then of course I would welcome the most optimistic reassurance.

Covid-19 and cancer are two entirely different animals. We didn't just discover cancer. We've been plagued with it for generations. We've developed multiple testing, multiple drugs, hundreds of thousands of documentation and treatment results. So with all this history of cancer, a doctor told me the opposite of what is likely to happen, of course I'd be pissed.

Trump didn't know where this would go. Neither did Fauci, neither did Nusome, neither did Piglosi, Cuomo, or DeBlasio. Nobody knew. But they all (including Trump) gave us their most optimistic views.

If you want to blame Trump for his predictions, then at least have the slightest ounce of honesty and blame all the Democrat leaders as well.

There’s a lot of false equivalencies here, but let’s start basic.

No, you wouldn’t be okay with your doctor not being honest with you. Trump got this colossally wrong. You’d want to know your doctor is living in reality, is being honest, is dealing with facts and not just telling you what he thinks you want to hear. You’d be quickly in search of a new doctor.

Next, no Democrat was giving such rosy optimistic and false projections. Further, even if they had, they’re not head of the NIH, CDC and intelligence communities who report directly to Trump. They’re not getting the briefings Trump is getting and they’re not responsible for the response like Trump is.

Trump is the one who needs to get this right. Everyone else is dealing with less complete information and has far less responsibility.

When Trump gets information from our various agencies, he passes that information on to Governors and Mayor's who ask. He even passes that information on to the public. There is nothing hidden here.

Yes, in early March, Piglosi went on television to tell people to visit Chinatown. There is nothing to fear. Also in early March, Deblasio encouraged people to get out into the public, go shopping, take the subway. Covid-19 is not a threat of any kind. He said even if it did appear in NYC, they were more than well prepared to handle it. In the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were attempting to pass a bill stripping the President of his ability to issue travel bans.

I'm not blaming those people for their optimism OR OPINION. That's because nobody knew about how bad this could possibly get. Trump was honest with us, just like Newsom, Cuomo, Piglosi, and DeBlasio were. They were all honest with us. They simply didn't know.

What would you be saying if we closed down the entire country over SARS, Ebola, West Niles virus, killer hornets? We'd be doing this nearly every other year. If I told you there was slim possibility of you getting in a car accident today, and you did get into an accident, did I lie to you, or was I making that prediction based on probability?
Trump doesn't dream up these things he said.

Let me stop you right there. Yes, he does.

Next I guess you're going to tell me is he just flips a coin.
Nope, not flipping a coin. If he were flipping a coin, 50% of the time he'd say something that he doesn't want to be true. In reality, he says just what he wants to be true and hopes that it will become true soon or that people won't really care. It's been quite successful for him.

Take for example, and this is just off the top of my head, when Trump said in 2017 he was working closely with HHS secretary Tom Price very closely and just about ready to release a replacement for the ACA. Tom Price's response when asked about that was "it's true that he said that".

Trump was being more on the optimistic side. After all, nobody alive today has ever seen anything like this. This virus is so much different from anything we've experienced. China kept their data hidden as long as possible. The WHO backed them in their statements.

Trump was trying to keep the public calm, but I guess if you were on a plane where an engine went defective, you'd rather see the pilot running down the aisle screaming "We're all going to die" instead of telling people they have things under control.

Total nonsense. As if there’s only two possible reactions, saying that it’s not a concern and screaming we are going to die.

Tell me. If you had cancer and the entire time your oncologist is saying that it’s nothing to worry about it and it’ll go away, just relax. How would you feel 3 months later when it’s metastasized?

You’d be angry. Obviously.

The doctor might say I was just trying to keep you calm. What did you expect? Me to scream at the top of my lungs “you’re going to die?”

If the doctor was not certain, and had information that it could go either way, then of course I would welcome the most optimistic reassurance.

Covid-19 and cancer are two entirely different animals. We didn't just discover cancer. We've been plagued with it for generations. We've developed multiple testing, multiple drugs, hundreds of thousands of documentation and treatment results. So with all this history of cancer, a doctor told me the opposite of what is likely to happen, of course I'd be pissed.

Trump didn't know where this would go. Neither did Fauci, neither did Nusome, neither did Piglosi, Cuomo, or DeBlasio. Nobody knew. But they all (including Trump) gave us their most optimistic views.

If you want to blame Trump for his predictions, then at least have the slightest ounce of honesty and blame all the Democrat leaders as well.

There’s a lot of false equivalencies here, but let’s start basic.

No, you wouldn’t be okay with your doctor not being honest with you. Trump got this colossally wrong. You’d want to know your doctor is living in reality, is being honest, is dealing with facts and not just telling you what he thinks you want to hear. You’d be quickly in search of a new doctor.

Next, no Democrat was giving such rosy optimistic and false projections. Further, even if they had, they’re not head of the NIH, CDC and intelligence communities who report directly to Trump. They’re not getting the briefings Trump is getting and they’re not responsible for the response like Trump is.

Trump is the one who needs to get this right. Everyone else is dealing with less complete information and has far less responsibility.

When Trump gets information from our various agencies, he passes that information on to Governors and Mayor's who ask. He even passes that information on to the public. There is nothing hidden here.

Yes, in early March, Piglosi went on television to tell people to visit Chinatown. There is nothing to fear. Also in early March, Deblasio encouraged people to get out into the public, go shopping, take the subway. Covid-19 is not a threat of any kind. He said even if it did appear in NYC, they were more than well prepared to handle it. In the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were attempting to pass a bill stripping the President of his ability to issue travel bans.

I'm not blaming those people for their optimism OR OPINION. That's because nobody knew about how bad this could possibly get. Trump was honest with us, just like Newsom, Cuomo, Piglosi, and DeBlasio were. They were all honest with us. They simply didn't know.

What would you be saying if we closed down the entire country over SARS, Ebola, West Niles virus, killer hornets? We'd be doing this nearly every other year. If I told you there was slim possibility of you getting in a car accident today, and you did get into an accident, did I lie to you, or was I making that prediction based on probability?

Nothing is hidden? Nonsense

If you take Trump at his word, I feel bad for you.

Much of your post is filled with misinformation. Pelosi made her statement about going to Chinatown on Feb 24th (not early March) and I will note that San Francisco has done a tremendous job at managing their crisis. She did not say COVID was not a threat of any kind, that’s a lie. There was not a bill that would strip Trump’s ability to restrict travel, another lie.

Thing is, the president has the most information. He has the most power. Therefore, he has the most responsibility. If he gets it wrong, he has the most culpability. His misinformation is both wrong and deadly. It’s not optimism, it’s getting it wrong.

We had capable administrations during SARS and Ebola and those were well managed. I don’t know how you think shutting down the country will protect us from West Nile or hornets, that’s just nonsense. Remember when Obama was dealing with Ebola? The right lost their ever loving minds and wanted to impeach him. Trump demanded he resign because Obama repatriated a single American citizen who was infected. Now he whines and moans that people treat him like he treats others.
Trump doesn't dream up these things he said.

Let me stop you right there. Yes, he does.

Next I guess you're going to tell me is he just flips a coin.
Nope, not flipping a coin. If he were flipping a coin, 50% of the time he'd say something that he doesn't want to be true. In reality, he says just what he wants to be true and hopes that it will become true soon or that people won't really care. It's been quite successful for him.

Take for example, and this is just off the top of my head, when Trump said in 2017 he was working closely with HHS secretary Tom Price very closely and just about ready to release a replacement for the ACA. Tom Price's response when asked about that was "it's true that he said that".

Trump was being more on the optimistic side. After all, nobody alive today has ever seen anything like this. This virus is so much different from anything we've experienced. China kept their data hidden as long as possible. The WHO backed them in their statements.

Trump was trying to keep the public calm, but I guess if you were on a plane where an engine went defective, you'd rather see the pilot running down the aisle screaming "We're all going to die" instead of telling people they have things under control.

Total nonsense. As if there’s only two possible reactions, saying that it’s not a concern and screaming we are going to die.

Tell me. If you had cancer and the entire time your oncologist is saying that it’s nothing to worry about it and it’ll go away, just relax. How would you feel 3 months later when it’s metastasized?

You’d be angry. Obviously.

The doctor might say I was just trying to keep you calm. What did you expect? Me to scream at the top of my lungs “you’re going to die?”

If the doctor was not certain, and had information that it could go either way, then of course I would welcome the most optimistic reassurance.

Covid-19 and cancer are two entirely different animals. We didn't just discover cancer. We've been plagued with it for generations. We've developed multiple testing, multiple drugs, hundreds of thousands of documentation and treatment results. So with all this history of cancer, a doctor told me the opposite of what is likely to happen, of course I'd be pissed.

Trump didn't know where this would go. Neither did Fauci, neither did Nusome, neither did Piglosi, Cuomo, or DeBlasio. Nobody knew. But they all (including Trump) gave us their most optimistic views.

If you want to blame Trump for his predictions, then at least have the slightest ounce of honesty and blame all the Democrat leaders as well.

There’s a lot of false equivalencies here, but let’s start basic.

No, you wouldn’t be okay with your doctor not being honest with you. Trump got this colossally wrong. You’d want to know your doctor is living in reality, is being honest, is dealing with facts and not just telling you what he thinks you want to hear. You’d be quickly in search of a new doctor.

Next, no Democrat was giving such rosy optimistic and false projections. Further, even if they had, they’re not head of the NIH, CDC and intelligence communities who report directly to Trump. They’re not getting the briefings Trump is getting and they’re not responsible for the response like Trump is.

Trump is the one who needs to get this right. Everyone else is dealing with less complete information and has far less responsibility.

When Trump gets information from our various agencies, he passes that information on to Governors and Mayor's who ask. He even passes that information on to the public. There is nothing hidden here.

Yes, in early March, Piglosi went on television to tell people to visit Chinatown. There is nothing to fear. Also in early March, Deblasio encouraged people to get out into the public, go shopping, take the subway. Covid-19 is not a threat of any kind. He said even if it did appear in NYC, they were more than well prepared to handle it. In the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were attempting to pass a bill stripping the President of his ability to issue travel bans.

I'm not blaming those people for their optimism OR OPINION. That's because nobody knew about how bad this could possibly get. Trump was honest with us, just like Newsom, Cuomo, Piglosi, and DeBlasio were. They were all honest with us. They simply didn't know.

What would you be saying if we closed down the entire country over SARS, Ebola, West Niles virus, killer hornets? We'd be doing this nearly every other year. If I told you there was slim possibility of you getting in a car accident today, and you did get into an accident, did I lie to you, or was I making that prediction based on probability?

Nothing is hidden? Nonsense

If you take Trump at his word, I feel bad for you.

Much of your post is filled with misinformation. Pelosi made her statement about going to Chinatown on Feb 24th (not early March) and I will note that San Francisco has done a tremendous job at managing their crisis. She did not say COVID was not a threat of any kind, that’s a lie. There was not a bill that would strip Trump’s ability to restrict travel, another lie.

Thing is, the president has the most information. He has the most power. Therefore, he has the most responsibility. If he gets it wrong, he has the most culpability. His misinformation is both wrong and deadly. It’s not optimism, it’s getting it wrong.

We had capable administrations during SARS and Ebola and those were well managed. I don’t know how you think shutting down the country will protect us from West Nile or hornets, that’s just nonsense. Remember when Obama was dealing with Ebola? The right lost their ever loving minds and wanted to impeach him. Trump demanded he resign because Obama repatriated a single American citizen who was infected. Now he whines and moans that people treat him like he treats others.

The Facts Are Reassuring,” De Blasio Says On March 2

‘The facts are reassuring,” the New York mayor said during a March 2 press conference alongside New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

De Blasio added: “We have a lot of information now, information that is actually showing us things that should give us more reason to stay calm and go about our lives” normally.

Trump doesn't dream up these things he said.

Let me stop you right there. Yes, he does.

Next I guess you're going to tell me is he just flips a coin.
Nope, not flipping a coin. If he were flipping a coin, 50% of the time he'd say something that he doesn't want to be true. In reality, he says just what he wants to be true and hopes that it will become true soon or that people won't really care. It's been quite successful for him.

Take for example, and this is just off the top of my head, when Trump said in 2017 he was working closely with HHS secretary Tom Price very closely and just about ready to release a replacement for the ACA. Tom Price's response when asked about that was "it's true that he said that".

Trump was being more on the optimistic side. After all, nobody alive today has ever seen anything like this. This virus is so much different from anything we've experienced. China kept their data hidden as long as possible. The WHO backed them in their statements.

Trump was trying to keep the public calm, but I guess if you were on a plane where an engine went defective, you'd rather see the pilot running down the aisle screaming "We're all going to die" instead of telling people they have things under control.

Total nonsense. As if there’s only two possible reactions, saying that it’s not a concern and screaming we are going to die.

Tell me. If you had cancer and the entire time your oncologist is saying that it’s nothing to worry about it and it’ll go away, just relax. How would you feel 3 months later when it’s metastasized?

You’d be angry. Obviously.

The doctor might say I was just trying to keep you calm. What did you expect? Me to scream at the top of my lungs “you’re going to die?”

If the doctor was not certain, and had information that it could go either way, then of course I would welcome the most optimistic reassurance.

Covid-19 and cancer are two entirely different animals. We didn't just discover cancer. We've been plagued with it for generations. We've developed multiple testing, multiple drugs, hundreds of thousands of documentation and treatment results. So with all this history of cancer, a doctor told me the opposite of what is likely to happen, of course I'd be pissed.

Trump didn't know where this would go. Neither did Fauci, neither did Nusome, neither did Piglosi, Cuomo, or DeBlasio. Nobody knew. But they all (including Trump) gave us their most optimistic views.

If you want to blame Trump for his predictions, then at least have the slightest ounce of honesty and blame all the Democrat leaders as well.

There’s a lot of false equivalencies here, but let’s start basic.

No, you wouldn’t be okay with your doctor not being honest with you. Trump got this colossally wrong. You’d want to know your doctor is living in reality, is being honest, is dealing with facts and not just telling you what he thinks you want to hear. You’d be quickly in search of a new doctor.

Next, no Democrat was giving such rosy optimistic and false projections. Further, even if they had, they’re not head of the NIH, CDC and intelligence communities who report directly to Trump. They’re not getting the briefings Trump is getting and they’re not responsible for the response like Trump is.

Trump is the one who needs to get this right. Everyone else is dealing with less complete information and has far less responsibility.

When Trump gets information from our various agencies, he passes that information on to Governors and Mayor's who ask. He even passes that information on to the public. There is nothing hidden here.

Yes, in early March, Piglosi went on television to tell people to visit Chinatown. There is nothing to fear. Also in early March, Deblasio encouraged people to get out into the public, go shopping, take the subway. Covid-19 is not a threat of any kind. He said even if it did appear in NYC, they were more than well prepared to handle it. In the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were attempting to pass a bill stripping the President of his ability to issue travel bans.

I'm not blaming those people for their optimism OR OPINION. That's because nobody knew about how bad this could possibly get. Trump was honest with us, just like Newsom, Cuomo, Piglosi, and DeBlasio were. They were all honest with us. They simply didn't know.

What would you be saying if we closed down the entire country over SARS, Ebola, West Niles virus, killer hornets? We'd be doing this nearly every other year. If I told you there was slim possibility of you getting in a car accident today, and you did get into an accident, did I lie to you, or was I making that prediction based on probability?

Nothing is hidden? Nonsense

If you take Trump at his word, I feel bad for you.

Much of your post is filled with misinformation. Pelosi made her statement about going to Chinatown on Feb 24th (not early March) and I will note that San Francisco has done a tremendous job at managing their crisis. She did not say COVID was not a threat of any kind, that’s a lie. There was not a bill that would strip Trump’s ability to restrict travel, another lie.

Thing is, the president has the most information. He has the most power. Therefore, he has the most responsibility. If he gets it wrong, he has the most culpability. His misinformation is both wrong and deadly. It’s not optimism, it’s getting it wrong.

We had capable administrations during SARS and Ebola and those were well managed. I don’t know how you think shutting down the country will protect us from West Nile or hornets, that’s just nonsense. Remember when Obama was dealing with Ebola? The right lost their ever loving minds and wanted to impeach him. Trump demanded he resign because Obama repatriated a single American citizen who was infected. Now he whines and moans that people treat him like he treats others.

The Facts Are Reassuring,” De Blasio Says On March 2

‘The facts are reassuring,” the New York mayor said during a March 2 press conference alongside New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

De Blasio added: “We have a lot of information now, information that is actually showing us things that should give us more reason to stay calm and go about our lives” normally.

The mayor of New York City is not the president. Does not have anywhere near the same amount of information, power, resources or responsibility.

The Washington Times doesn’t even back up your assertion that the No Ban Act would strip the presidents power to issue travel restrictions.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual data, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

The "elderly and feeble" are already isolated and they are still dying. Mostly because of dipshits like yourself go out and get sick and unbeknownst to you spread it to someone who works in an assisted living home and they then pass it off to the elderly.

You god damn idiots who don't bother to read your own link. Guess what? It's not pro-let everyone go out and get the disease and overwhelm our healthcare system. Quite the opposite.

Why is getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 to “get it over with” not a good idea?
With some other diseases, such as chickenpox before the varicella vaccine was developed, people sometimes exposed themselves intentionally as a way of achieving immunity. For less severe diseases, this approach might be reasonable. But the situation for SARS-CoV-2 is very different: COVID-19 carries a much higher risk of severe disease and even death.
The death rate for COVID-19 is unknown, but current data suggest it is 10 times higher than for the flu. It’s higher still among vulnerable groups like the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. Even if the same number of people ultimately get infected with SARS-CoV-2, it’s best to space those infections over time to avoid overwhelming our doctors and hospitals. Quicker is not always better, as we have seen in previous epidemics with high mortality rates, such as the 1918 Flu pandemic.

So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

the sailor who died on the Roosevelt wasn’t young healthy?

I guess you’ll say he was fat or something?

Your latest lie is officially debunked.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

The "elderly and feeble" are already isolated and they are still dying. Mostly because of dipshits like yourself go out and get sick and unbeknownst to you spread it to someone who works in an assisted living home and they then pass it off to the elderly.

You god damn idiots who don't bother to read your own link. Guess what? It's not pro-let everyone go out and get the disease and overwhelm our healthcare system. Quite the opposite.

Why is getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 to “get it over with” not a good idea?
With some other diseases, such as chickenpox before the varicella vaccine was developed, people sometimes exposed themselves intentionally as a way of achieving immunity. For less severe diseases, this approach might be reasonable. But the situation for SARS-CoV-2 is very different: COVID-19 carries a much higher risk of severe disease and even death.
The death rate for COVID-19 is unknown, but current data suggest it is 10 times higher than for the flu. It’s higher still among vulnerable groups like the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. Even if the same number of people ultimately get infected with SARS-CoV-2, it’s best to space those infections over time to avoid overwhelming our doctors and hospitals. Quicker is not always better, as we have seen in previous epidemics with high mortality rates, such as the 1918 Flu pandemic.

I was sick. I didn't go out. I am healthy now. Old are dying because of the example I provided. You're just too stupid to understand it. They will keep dying too.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

the sailor who died on the Roosevelt wasn’t young healthy?

I guess you’ll say he was fat or something?

Your latest lie is officially debunked.
You don't know what he had. Young and healthy die from heart attacks too...see Hank Gathers. It is very rare. Don't use one off arguments. You just lost another debate.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

the sailor who died on the Roosevelt wasn’t young healthy?

I guess you’ll say he was fat or something?

Your latest lie is officially debunked.
I'll explain it to you again since you're stupid.

Look at it this way. Say there are 100 of us in the world. 25 are elderly and or sick and 75 of us are healthy adults.

Scenario #1
We all isolate. But one or two of us get the disease from going to a grocery store or Home Depot, etc. We then pass it on to one or two we see at a liquor store or again a grocery store and so on. The virus makes us a little ill but nothing major, like a common cold, as we are healthy adults. This progresses for months as we isolate so the virus has time to jump around and of course eventually gets to the 25 or so vulnerable.

Scenario #2

We isolate the 25, all 75 go out at once. We all get the virus. The virus has nowhere else to jump as all 75 have it and are building antibodies and immunity. Virus dies out in ~3 weeks and the other 25 can easily go out.

The key like with all viruses is to give it no where else to go. This is why the flu dies every spring. This is not because of warmer weather but because of herd immunity that kills it off naturally. Lockdowns are having the opposite effect. What you do is isolate the vulnerable and let the rest of us get it. This creates the often spoken about herd immunity and kills the virus.

Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine.

Sweden will be a great case study
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.

What does any of what you just said have to do with Trump pulling something out of his ass telling as that we'd go from 15 people to 0 infected when in reality we are way over a million and still climbing. Pout if you want, Trump lied to you. Shouldn't be a surprise as it's the only thing he is consistent at.
We need more infected to build herd immunity. Should have locked down the old and feeble and had the rest of us go about our business. You keep beating a dead horse. Predictions are not proven facts you dumbass they are guesses. Huh? Huh? Huh? How do you not understand that? Damn Leftists are stupid.

Herd immunity doesn't really kick in until you reach about 80% of the population, in the meantime millions would most likely die. We're already keeping elderly people distanced from others and they are still dying at an alarming rate. If you move the barrier closer to them it will only get worse. Plus, there are many (like Bripat) who have health conditions that they may or may not be aware of. We also don't know how long people would be immune if at all who get and survive COVID. It may only last a couple of months, weeks or less. We also are not sure of the long term consequences of those who survive the virus. Do you end up with scarring of the lungs? The virus also attacks the kidneys, heart and brain and we don't know yet what that means to that person's health. Someone who gets COVID today could be more susceptible to pneumonia, flu or worse in the future.

Predictions for pandemics are based off of actual information, not whatever a proven liar pulls out of his butt.

I said isolate the elderly and the feeble. They can be on lockdown. Young and healthy don't die from this virus. Duh

the sailor who died on the Roosevelt wasn’t young healthy?

I guess you’ll say he was fat or something?

Your latest lie is officially debunked.
You don't know what he had. Young and healthy die from heart attacks too...see Hank Gathers. It is very rare. Don't use one off arguments. You just lost another debate.

Quite the fantasy you’ve concocted.

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