How can you be wrong about everything and still keep your job?

So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.

Sounds to me like he was merely echoing the sentiments of Fauci. He pretty much was saying the same thing that this is not going to be an issue for the US.

Do you have that quote? I'd be interested to examine the context.

Sure, mind you, this is in the middle of February.

I gotta say, the tone and tenor of Fauci's statement is completely different than Trump's. Fauci was saying, accurately and very clearly, that the risk at that moment he was giving the interview was low. That's fine. Because at that time, there were just a handful of cases. He similarly was warning that it was possible that this could really take off and increase, which would be a problem and cause for concern, saying that should the virus start showing up

Trump's statement was completely different in that he was saying that there weren't going to be more cases because they had done such a great job.

Edit to add: Guess what happened the morning of Trump's 15 going to zero comment? The first case of coronavirus that was not linked to any known source, exactly what Fauci was saying would be a big problem in his comments.

Trump doesn't dream up these things he said. Faucii and others were keeping him informed on their research. HIs opinion was likely formed on what he was told by them. We've all seen what Cuomo was saying in that same time frame, the same with Piglosi, the same with DeBlasio, the same with Newsom.

The problem is you on the left want to ignore what others said, and only focus on what Trumps said, because that's what's expected with TDS people. Most if not all the people felt the same as Trump and Fauci. But of course, only Trump was the bad guy here.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.

Sounds to me like he was merely echoing the sentiments of Fauci. He pretty much was saying the same thing that this is not going to be an issue for the US.

Do you have that quote? I'd be interested to examine the context.

Sure, mind you, this is in the middle of February.

I gotta say, the tone and tenor of Fauci's statement is completely different than Trump's. Fauci was saying, accurately and very clearly, that the risk at that moment he was giving the interview was low. That's fine. Because at that time, there were just a handful of cases. He similarly was warning that it was possible that this could really take off and increase, which would be a problem and cause for concern, saying that should the virus start showing up

Trump's statement was completely different in that he was saying that there weren't going to be more cases because they had done such a great job.

Edit to add: Guess what happened the morning of Trump's 15 going to zero comment? The first case of coronavirus that was not linked to any known source, exactly what Fauci was saying would be a big problem in his comments.

Trump doesn't dream up these things he said. Faucii and others were keeping him informed on their research. HIs opinion was likely formed on what he was told by them. We've all seen what Cuomo was saying in that same time frame, the same with Piglosi, the same with DeBlasio, the same with Newsom.

The problem is you on the left want to ignore what others said, and only focus on what Trumps said, because that's what's expected with TDS people. The problem is most if not all the people felt the same as Trump and Fauci. But of course, only Trump was the bad guy here.

15 down to zero. Yeah, he pretty much pulled that out of his ass. His opinion was likely formed by what he was told? That's a big step backward for you.
I feel the same. Especially when every decision Trump has made has been the wrong one, and his failures to do what Faucci recommended in the first place.

So what did Fauci recommend that Trump didn't follow?

He didn't prepare, and he didn't shut the country down.

I'll bet Faucci would have been happy to use the WHO test too.

Except for the fact the WHO never offered those tests to the US. Their limited supply of tests were for those wonderful socialized medicine countries that didn't have the technology to produce them. They seen the USA as self-reliant for technology like that. The CDC had the only test kits approved by the FDA. When they were found to be defective, they had to start from scratch and of course, needed to rely on the private market for a lot of help.
He was wrong. Who was right? We still have no idea in terms of the # of infections. What we have is deaths and population and currently 1 person dies per every 5.5k people. We have more cases because we are testing more (most in the world).

Quick question there any links to prove that the US is doing the most testing of any other country? Because I've got links that says we are doing a lousy job of testing. Matter of fact, the doctors and first responders here in Amarillo are bitching that they can't get enough tests.

Yes. Google the video of the reporter asking Trump this then saying South Korea did more only to be corrected by Trump and Dr. Birx and then issuing a Twitter apology. Just because we have the most tests does not mean we have enough for everyone. We are a large country.

So, you don't have any links, and you want me to do your research for you. Ain't gonna happen dude. But, here is several links where they are saying that we don't have enough tests to reopen the country yet.

I provided links for my proof, now where are yours?
Trump doesn't dream up these things he said.

Let me stop you right there. Yes, he does.

Next I guess you're going to tell me is he just flips a coin.
Nope, not flipping a coin. If he were flipping a coin, 50% of the time he'd say something that he doesn't want to be true. In reality, he says just what he wants to be true and hopes that it will become true soon or that people won't really care. It's been quite successful for him.

Take for example, and this is just off the top of my head, when Trump said in 2017 he was working closely with HHS secretary Tom Price very closely and just about ready to release a replacement for the ACA. Tom Price's response when asked about that was "it's true that he said that".
Trump doesn't dream up these things he said.

Let me stop you right there. Yes, he does.

Next I guess you're going to tell me is he just flips a coin.
Nope, not flipping a coin. If he were flipping a coin, 50% of the time he'd say something that he doesn't want to be true. In reality, he says just what he wants to be true and hopes that it will become true soon or that people won't really care. It's been quite successful for him.

Take for example, and this is just off the top of my head, when Trump said in 2017 he was working closely with HHS secretary Tom Price very closely and just about ready to release a replacement for the ACA. Tom Price's response when asked about that was "it's true that he said that".

Trump was being more on the optimistic side. After all, nobody alive today has ever seen anything like this. This virus is so much different from anything we've experienced. China kept their data hidden as long as possible. The WHO backed them in their statements.

Trump was trying to keep the public calm, but I guess if you were on a plane where an engine went defective, you'd rather see the pilot running down the aisle screaming "We're all going to die" instead of telling people they have things under control.
Trump doesn't dream up these things he said.

Let me stop you right there. Yes, he does.

Next I guess you're going to tell me is he just flips a coin.
Nope, not flipping a coin. If he were flipping a coin, 50% of the time he'd say something that he doesn't want to be true. In reality, he says just what he wants to be true and hopes that it will become true soon or that people won't really care. It's been quite successful for him.

Take for example, and this is just off the top of my head, when Trump said in 2017 he was working closely with HHS secretary Tom Price very closely and just about ready to release a replacement for the ACA. Tom Price's response when asked about that was "it's true that he said that".

Trump was being more on the optimistic side. After all, nobody alive today has ever seen anything like this. This virus is so much different from anything we've experienced. China kept their data hidden as long as possible. The WHO backed them in their statements.

Trump was trying to keep the public calm, but I guess if you were on a plane where an engine went defective, you'd rather see the pilot running down the aisle screaming "We're all going to die" instead of telling people they have things under control.

Total nonsense. As if there’s only two possible reactions, saying that it’s not a concern and screaming we are going to die.

Tell me. If you had cancer and the entire time your oncologist is saying that it’s nothing to worry about it and it’ll go away, just relax. How would you feel 3 months later when it’s metastasized?

You’d be angry. Obviously.

The doctor might say I was just trying to keep you calm. What did you expect? Me to scream at the top of my lungs “you’re going to die?”
Trump was trying to keep the public calm, but I guess if you were on a plane where an engine went defective, you'd rather see the pilot running down the aisle screaming "We're all going to die" instead of telling people they have things under control.

Actually, if there was a problem with the engine, I'd want the pilot to tell us about the engine going out, but then to reassure us that currently they had it under control. But, like I said, I'd also like to know about the emergency, so that I could prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.

But then again, when you've been a member of at sea fire parties, CBR warfare teams, as well as being a PRT coordinator, I learned to be realistic and tell the truth about things, because if I was overly optimistic in my report, they might not take the damage as seriously. Same thing when I had to tell people that they were over body fat as a PRT coordinator. I didn't like telling them, they didn't like hearing it, but once we knew what the problem was, we were able to get things fixed and back on track.

Optimism has it's merits, but it also has it's drawbacks. Especially in crisis times.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.
I feel the same. Especially when every decision Trump has made has been the wrong one, and his failures to do what Faucci recommended in the first place.

So what did Fauci recommend that Trump didn't follow?

He didn't prepare, and he didn't shut the country down.

I'll bet Faucci would have been happy to use the WHO test too.
This isn't Canada, get lost.

Have you met Lucy Hamilton? She's also not an American, ever tell her to get lost?
Who is Lucy Hamilton? Does she bad mouth America? I tell Berg/BWK, Tommy, Dr Grump and Dragon Lady to worry about their own countries not America.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
Nope. List some lies and I am happy to discuss with you. And not the ones from your fake news sites.

He predicted zero cases in the US.


Link it. And since when is a prediction a lie? If I predict the Patriots will suck without Tom Brady and they are actually good, did I "lie"?

It's like you people are incapable of keeping up with the news.

Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases.
Prediction is not a lie. Learn English.

A prediction of going from 15 to zero based on no information whatsoever is a lie.
Not at all. A prediction cannot be a lie.

A "prediction" can be purposefully misleading which is a lie. Kind of like a cheap ass fortune teller who tells you everything you want to hear.
You go to fortune tellers? Predictions are just that, guesses.

No, you do. And predictions 'aren't just guesses'. Trump says shit he wants you to believe is true and it hardly ever works out that way. You know, like crowd sizes.
Bullshit. So NFL GMs are all liars when they select players and promise they will help their respective teams win? Stock brokers are liars too? You’re just a deranged leftist. Predictions are not the same as promises. They are guesses.
He was wrong. Who was right? We still have no idea in terms of the # of infections. What we have is deaths and population and currently 1 person dies per every 5.5k people. We have more cases because we are testing more (most in the world).

Quick question there any links to prove that the US is doing the most testing of any other country? Because I've got links that says we are doing a lousy job of testing. Matter of fact, the doctors and first responders here in Amarillo are bitching that they can't get enough tests.

Yes. Google the video of the reporter asking Trump this then saying South Korea did more only to be corrected by Trump and Dr. Birx and then issuing a Twitter apology. Just because we have the most tests does not mean we have enough for everyone. We are a large country.

So, you don't have any links, and you want me to do your research for you. Ain't gonna happen dude. But, here is several links where they are saying that we don't have enough tests to reopen the country yet.

I provided links for my proof, now where are yours?
Bullshit. Two disparate points. We test the most and testing is irrelevant to opening up. This was a known fact and all over the news (that we test the most). Tom Brady signed with Tampa Bay. Do you want a link to prove it?
He was wrong. Who was right? We still have no idea in terms of the # of infections. What we have is deaths and population and currently 1 person dies per every 5.5k people. We have more cases because we are testing more (most in the world).

Quick question there any links to prove that the US is doing the most testing of any other country? Because I've got links that says we are doing a lousy job of testing. Matter of fact, the doctors and first responders here in Amarillo are bitching that they can't get enough tests.

Yes. Google the video of the reporter asking Trump this then saying South Korea did more only to be corrected by Trump and Dr. Birx and then issuing a Twitter apology. Just because we have the most tests does not mean we have enough for everyone. We are a large country.

So, you don't have any links, and you want me to do your research for you. Ain't gonna happen dude. But, here is several links where they are saying that we don't have enough tests to reopen the country yet.

I provided links for my proof, now where are yours?
Bullshit. Two disparate points. We test the most and testing is irrelevant to opening up. This was a known fact and all over the news (that we test the most). Tom Brady signed with Tampa Bay. Do you want a link to prove it?

You say it's a known fact, I say it's some bullshit you pulled outta your ass. I provided links that shows the US is far behind in testing, as well as the fact that a successful restart requires tests. If we open up too soon, and the virus comes back at these levels again, we would have to quarantine yet again, and that would seriously damage the economy.

Know why S. Korea is doing so good right now? Because they took this seriously when it started, developed tests, and now are testing their population on a regular basis.

So, where are the links to back up your bullshit?
He was wrong. Who was right? We still have no idea in terms of the # of infections. What we have is deaths and population and currently 1 person dies per every 5.5k people. We have more cases because we are testing more (most in the world).

Quick question there any links to prove that the US is doing the most testing of any other country? Because I've got links that says we are doing a lousy job of testing. Matter of fact, the doctors and first responders here in Amarillo are bitching that they can't get enough tests.

Yes. Google the video of the reporter asking Trump this then saying South Korea did more only to be corrected by Trump and Dr. Birx and then issuing a Twitter apology. Just because we have the most tests does not mean we have enough for everyone. We are a large country.

So, you don't have any links, and you want me to do your research for you. Ain't gonna happen dude. But, here is several links where they are saying that we don't have enough tests to reopen the country yet.

I provided links for my proof, now where are yours?
And here is a link so you don’t whine and cry

And you are uninformed if you believe social distancing helps from the spread. We straightens the curve but the virus will spread. What we did was create enough room in hospitals and advanced some proven treatments.
He was wrong. Who was right? We still have no idea in terms of the # of infections. What we have is deaths and population and currently 1 person dies per every 5.5k people. We have more cases because we are testing more (most in the world).

Quick question there any links to prove that the US is doing the most testing of any other country? Because I've got links that says we are doing a lousy job of testing. Matter of fact, the doctors and first responders here in Amarillo are bitching that they can't get enough tests.

Yes. Google the video of the reporter asking Trump this then saying South Korea did more only to be corrected by Trump and Dr. Birx and then issuing a Twitter apology. Just because we have the most tests does not mean we have enough for everyone. We are a large country.

So, you don't have any links, and you want me to do your research for you. Ain't gonna happen dude. But, here is several links where they are saying that we don't have enough tests to reopen the country yet.

I provided links for my proof, now where are yours?
Bullshit. Two disparate points. We test the most and testing is irrelevant to opening up. This was a known fact and all over the news (that we test the most). Tom Brady signed with Tampa Bay. Do you want a link to prove it?

You say it's a known fact, I say it's some bullshit you pulled outta your ass. I provided links that shows the US is far behind in testing, as well as the fact that a successful restart requires tests. If we open up too soon, and the virus comes back at these levels again, we would have to quarantine yet again, and that would seriously damage the economy.

Know why S. Korea is doing so good right now? Because they took this seriously when it started, developed tests, and now are testing their population on a regular basis.

So, where are the links to back up your bullshit?
So well right now? Because they were used to epidemics being so close to China and their population is homogeneous and they are OK with iPhone tracing and such. Plus we are the fattest country and most of our deaths are elderly and sick. We have 1 death for every 5.5k people. Math doesn’t lie. Do you need a link to a calculator?
He was wrong. Who was right? We still have no idea in terms of the # of infections. What we have is deaths and population and currently 1 person dies per every 5.5k people. We have more cases because we are testing more (most in the world).

Quick question there any links to prove that the US is doing the most testing of any other country? Because I've got links that says we are doing a lousy job of testing. Matter of fact, the doctors and first responders here in Amarillo are bitching that they can't get enough tests.

Yes. Google the video of the reporter asking Trump this then saying South Korea did more only to be corrected by Trump and Dr. Birx and then issuing a Twitter apology. Just because we have the most tests does not mean we have enough for everyone. We are a large country.

So, you don't have any links, and you want me to do your research for you. Ain't gonna happen dude. But, here is several links where they are saying that we don't have enough tests to reopen the country yet.

I provided links for my proof, now where are yours?
And here is a link so you don’t whine and cry

And you are uninformed if you believe social distancing helps from the spread. We straightens the curve but the virus will spread. What we did was create enough room in hospitals and advanced some proven treatments.

There was nothing in your link about how many tests the US has done in comparison to other countries. You claimed the US has done more testing than any other country, I asked for a link as proof, and you have yet to provide one. Apparently, this IS something you pulled outta your ass.

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