How can you vote for Obama when he supports anti-American platforms....?

Republicans have learned much from the Communists that they idolize. They have mastered the rewriting of history, the condemnation of scientists as enemies of the people, the vilainization of intellectuals and accusing others of the tactics that they enjoy

Republicans are the NEW Communist Party
You are such a lying pos. Dimwits are the commies.

They don't call them the RED party by accident

Republicans are the American branch of the communist party......only with less compassion
You are as stupid as they say. The commies have supported the dimwits since the 60's.
They don't call them the RED party by accident

They don't call themselves the red party at all - that would be the DNC propaganda corps that began coding election maps in such fashion

Republicans are the American branch of the communist party......only with less compassion

You're an example of a drooling retard.....only with less intelligence.
You are as stupid as they say. The commies have supported the dimwits since the 60's.

Rightwinger is a troll.

He will say anything to get a reaction.

Piss in his face (unless he's on fire) or ignore him, but don't ever expect rational dialogue from him.
Since Obama has pretty well eliminated manned space flight from NASA.
Please do explain how Obama has improved our space based infrastructure

for sure

here is the rub. The Shuttle, or as we call it in the industry, the Orbiter. The Orbiter was over budget before it ever went into orbit. Since the orbiter was only meant to do LEO (low earth Orbit) it just didn't live up to its billing. The Orbiter was also unsafe, as we know.

fast forward to Obama. Bush had wanted the Orion program to accomplish far more, like a trip to Mars that was manned, massive Kuddos to Bush II. However, the Orion program had similar issues as the Orbiter, it was over budget before it even hit the LEO testing stage. Obama scraped the program, which was a great idea if you are into fiscally sound NASA programs, or fiscally responsible at all. Which as a Democrat, I am.

Moving forward, Space X has now proven the private sector can provide ISS support and thats a big deal. Also Space X will be making a profit by launching payloads into orbit for our allies, A PROFIT! not a decrease in funds. This will allow NASA to develop the long range means to move Humanity to beyond LEO, and it all thanks to Obama.

Any other questions?
Republicans have learned much from the Communists that they idolize. They have mastered the rewriting of history, the condemnation of scientists as enemies of the people, the vilainization of intellectuals and accusing others of the tactics that they enjoy

Republicans are the NEW Communist Party
You are such a lying pos. Dimwits are the commies.

They don't call them the RED party by accident

Republicans are the American branch of the communist party......only with less compassion

Wow! Leftwinger, you are really desparate these days. Did the left wing echo chamber finally tell you how bad things really are?
Also, the capsule used on the Orion program vehicle will be used again. Actually, Space X will use the same schematics for their manned capsule, aboard their heavy lift Falcon vehicle.

Just pointing out the program Bush II set in place was not entirely scrapped.
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Explain then. The lies are always entertaining coming from the idiot left.

trust me, no idiots work where I do, you have to have some serious engineering chops to step ground over this way bud.

why dont you put down your BS and learn a thing or two.
You are as stupid as they say. The commies have supported the dimwits since the 60's.

Rightwinger is a troll.

He will say anything to get a reaction.

Piss in his face (unless he's on fire) or ignore him, but don't ever expect rational dialogue from him.

Do you actually think the premise of this thread is serious?

You are dumber than ya look
Since Obama has pretty well eliminated manned space flight from NASA.
Please do explain how Obama has improved our space based infrastructure

for sure

here is the rub. The Shuttle, or as we call it in the industry, the Orbiter. The Orbiter was over budget before it ever went into orbit. Since the orbiter was only meant to do LEO (low earth Orbit) it just didn't live up to its billing. The Orbiter was also unsafe, as we know.

fast forward to Obama. Bush had wanted the Orion program to accomplish far more, like a trip to Mars that was manned, massive Kuddos to Bush II. However, the Orion program had similar issues as the Orbiter, it was over budget before it even hit the LEO testing stage. Obama scraped the program, which was a great idea if you are into fiscally sound NASA programs, or fiscally responsible at all. Which as a Democrat, I am.

Moving forward, Space X has now proven the private sector can provide ISS support and thats a big deal. Also Space X will be making a profit by launching payloads into orbit for our allies, A PROFIT! not a decrease in funds. This will allow NASA to develop the long range means to move Humanity to beyond LEO, and it all thanks to Obama.

Any other questions?

Since you seem to have some inside knowledge, Was the shuttle scrapped because it was unsafe? I asking this because now the only way we can get to the ISS is to hitch a ride with the Russians. Seems that if all was well NASA would have keep the shuttle in service till a replacement was found. So was it and unsafe shuttle or a bad economy that killed the shuttle before its time?
As far as helping NASA in the long run..... You have a convoluted view of how Obama is helping since he killed NASA's budget. Private enterprise is all well and good but it will never replace NASA in space exploration. As it stands now, we no longer have manned space flight as a country and will not for a while all thanks to Obama!
Was the shuttle scrapped because it was unsafe?

there is this thing called Legacy Spares, Google it. The replacement parts became to expensive and unsafe to reuse or buy. A huge burden to the tax payer. She (the Orbiter) had to go.

Now, you need to realize the Russians use the progress/ Soyuz vehicle to get to the ISS, its had a better safety record than anything we have made, for the time being this is th best way to keep supplies going to the ISS.

The replacement for the Orbiter was OVER BUDGET. Obama did not like that and scrapped it. Instead he brought in private sector money, and its worked out great so far.

Obama has no say over the NASA budget, thats Congresses job sir. dont get it twisted. My only opinion on this since the tea party took over the GOP their anti anything GOVT funding is where money has been lost. Obama can only ask, Congress has to approve. This congress will not work with him and we have been wasting time ever since worrying about abortion and illegal immigrants.

you are correct, the private sector in OUR life time will not and should not out do NASA, However, now NASA can concentrate on getting our carbon based asses off this rock in one piece.

our manned space flight will no longer be over budget, it will actually make us money. We owe this to Obama and Space X.
our manned space flight will no longer be over budget, it will actually make us money. We owe this to Obama and Space X.

What manned space flight program? As it stands now NASA does not have a viable launch ready manned space program. Space X is a private enterprise which to my knowledge has not deliver man or supplies to the ISS.
For all intensive purpose Obama killed our manned space flight program.
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What manned space flight program? As it stands now NASA does not have a viable launch ready manned space program. Space X is a private enterprise which to my knowledge has no deliver man or supplies to the ISS.
For all intensive purpose Obama killed our manned space flight program.

you are wrong, and if ever need info on anything space based, feel free to ask me.

Sapce X and other NASA contractors are in line to have a operational vehicle by 2015 that will be on budget, look it up. Space X will be the first to have a manned alternative for NASA, testing for this beings in October 2012, this year.

Space X has already successfully launched and docked a ISS resupply. Its in the books dude, done and accomplished, again, look it up. the payload was even successfully retrieved.

Obama basically saved us from a program (Orion) that was over budget and not the best idea for our next step in space flight. Obama merely kept us on budget with a underfunded allotment of funds, He deserves a lot of credit.
here is a pic of the Dragon (Space X) capsule docking with the ISS....

What manned space flight program? As it stands now NASA does not have a viable launch ready manned space program. Space X is a private enterprise which to my knowledge has no deliver man or supplies to the ISS.
For all intensive purpose Obama killed our manned space flight program.

you are wrong, and if ever need info on anything space based, feel free to ask me.

Sapce X and other NASA contractors are in line to have a operational vehicle by 2015 that will be on budget, look it up. Space X will be the first to have a manned alternative for NASA, testing for this beings in October 2012, this year.

Space X has already successfully launched and docked a ISS resupply. Its in the books dude, done and accomplished, again, look it up. the payload was even successfully retrieved.

Obama basically saved us from a program (Orion) that was over budget and not the best idea for our next step in space flight. Obama merely kept us on budget with a underfunded allotment of funds, He deserves a lot of credit.

I will admit I was wrong about the SpaceX not delivering supplies to the ISS but they are still a long way from manned space flight. I hope you are right. For the US not to be able to launch a manned mission is not something I thought I would see.
now, let you and I dive into the hypothetical. If we had to send a man into space, we can do it right now, with some untested systems, still safer than the Gemini, Apollo, or Shuttle program. Bush II's Orion capsule can fit almost any heavy lift rocket we have.

Going back to the real world. Once Space X and NASA are done, we will have a capsule that can fit a variety of vehicles. So we will go from a space shuttle to a capsule that can fit among 2-4 different vehicles, not including the French made Aries Rocket, which is quite the power house and has a OUTSTANDING safety record.
just out of curiosity....what's more unamerican than offshoring American jobs for slave labor to get the already rich obscenely so? What's more unamerican than for the same people to then blame the disaffected of their money grab as lazy? What's more unamerican than to vote a guy in who supports the agenda of "living large" for the wealthy and dead end jobs for everyone else?

I don't give a shit about taxes...I pay them every year. What I have a problem with is that we bitch about debt, but continue policies that assures working poor who don't have shit to pay taxes with.

Fuck....I get tired of repeating myself over and over. Better paying jobs means long term recovery and getting debt under control....pandering to the rich will just make the rich richer....Funny thing? Those better paying jobs will also make the rich richer....just at a slower pace because they have to invest in THIS country first.
well we know that Karl Marx congratulated one American president on his election, and that president was a Republican. Does anyone know if Karl Marx was friendly with any other American president, surely not a Democrat?
But then I never really trusted Lincoln anyway, I mean the beard and all and then that comment about government doing for a community what they cannot do for themselves sure sounded socialistic and we all know that socialism is communism.
And still another Republican president saying that we can adopt some socialism with some advantage. Gotta keep an eye on those Republican presidents, they sure sound like communists.

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