Zone1 How Catholics can deal with not having a Church anymore (or not one nearby in any case)

They have made huge inroads in my AO, they tripled the size of the little church they had in town (it's packed for mass) and some flavor of them runs Christendom College and they are expanding all the time. They just finished a big-ass chapel on the property.


I can't make heads nor tales of the "Catholic speak" for what they stand for so maybe one of you Catholics can clue me in.....All I know is they all have a shit-ton of kids and they all have anti abortion stickers on the big-ass SUVs that they tote them about in.

Christendom College - Wikipedia
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They have made huge inroads in my AO, they tripled the size of the little church they had in town (it's packed for mass) and some flavor of them runs Christendom College and they are expanding all the time. They just finished a big-ass chapel on the property.


I can't make heads nor tales of the "Catholic speak" for what they stand for so maybe one of you Catholics can clue me in.....All I know is they all have a shit-ton of kids and they all have anti abortion stickers on the big-ass SUVs that they tote them about in.

Christendom College - Wikipedia
sounds like true Catholics :)

What is it you most want to know about true Catholicism? I also know about the fake brand
You are being (deliberately?) hard to understand. I don't get the point about "origin"... Maybe you don't get what you were saying either so that's why you don't answer
decided to found Christendom in the aftermath of the Land O' Lakes conference in 1967. Desiring a return to a Catholic university education adhering to the teachings of the Catholic Magisterium,[3]

That's just gibberish to me.
decided to found Christendom in the aftermath of the Land O' Lakes conference in 1967. Desiring a return to a Catholic university education adhering to the teachings of the Catholic Magisterium,[3]

That's just gibberish to me.
not to me. It means they want to return to TRUE Catholicism. It means they don't like Vatican II any more than most other Catholics ever have.

good for them :)
Where are you taking this thread? What direction?
Need more of your content
Is someone asking for more info from me RE what's going on in the Catholic Church ..or what purports to be such?

Does someone out there actually have a curiosity about this, someone other than traditional Catholics?

I'm shocked.

Well, I refer you to Novus Ordo Watch website. I have had a few minor problems w/ that site but for the most part, I believe everything said there. I do think that there is an over emphasis on certain topics or ideas and not so much on, things like.. well, I'll put it this way: There is more to following Jesus than just going to Mass on Sunday, even if it is the real, true, Christ-approved Mass, which can be found in the Sedevacantist Churches. And there doesn't seem to be a lot said about that other stuff at NOW.

But just the same, it is my position that God himself set up the original, codified, canonized Mass that Pope St Pius V approved of at the Council of Trent. And it IS indeed therefore very important to celebrate the Mass properly.

And the novus ordo folks do not do that.
There is more to following Jesus than just going to Mass on Sunday, even if it is the real, true, Christ-approved Mass, which can be found in the Sedevacantist Churches. And there doesn't seem to be a lot said about that other stuff at NOW.

But just the same, it is my position that God himself set up the original, codified, canonized Mass that Pope St Pius V approved of at the Council of Trent. And it IS indeed therefore very important to celebrate the Mass properly.

And the novus ordo folks do not do that.
Fake news.
I went to a very good NO Church about a year ago. I can't go there anymore because it' too far away

But most of the NO "churches" I've been to since then are just terrible. It's a long story why I say that and also, a lot of NO "churches" I went to years and years ago were "lacking" also.

Still, I don't think Jesus has abandoned all the NO Churches. That's because some priests are sincere Catholics. But the higher clergy (so called) is a different story.

The Vatican is far from being Catholic. Anyone who knows the Bible knows that.
I've had bad experiences in the NO sect

I've had some very good ones also

But the former outweigh the latter
The letters of concern only inspired the Pope to draw up documents and church rules and laws to protect every single child molester on the planet.

The Pontiff Benedict simply enforced existing church laws that made it against the Catholic Law, to report sexual abuse to the Laws existing outside of the Priesthood.

This crime of reporting or discussing sexual abuse was Punishable by excommunication. Being damned and cursed by God Himself - was threatened upon any parent or child who dared to speak * outside of Church Law.

if you do believe in a God can you imagine what he is doing nearby ? what church do you think God is building today ?
imagine your quivering RECTAL bowels being turned inside out and pleasured and daily advanced and progressed to the introducion of sexualization for VERY the first time as your very soul and personality is being stimulated and sexualized as a young innocent 10 year old boy - by Gods homosexual servants.

servants federal " AGENTS " THAT ROME PROTECTS AND DISGUISES AS HOLY SERVANTS OF GOD... you have no idea or comprehension what this does to a little child

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