'How Come I Always Get The Worst Lawyers?': trump Seethed That He Had The 'Stupidest' Attorneys In His Second Impeachment Trial, Book Says

trump didn't like his lawyers in the second impeachment.

The ones who represented him in the first one refused to represent him in the second.

Even trump knew his lawyers were idiots.

I've got two attorneys one probate and one real estate, and I have to lead both of them by the hand.
trump didn't like his lawyers in the second impeachment.

The ones who represented him in the first one refused to represent him in the second.

Even trump knew his lawyers were idiots.

Trump fumed that he had the "stupidest" lawyers during his second impeachment trial, a new book said.
"Where did they come from? Who hired them? How come I always get the worst lawyers?" Trump seethed.
One Trump backer also joked that "We've gone through all the lawyers and are now down to law students."
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Former President Donald Trump was not impressed with the team of lawyers representing him in his second impeachment trial, according to a new book.

He was "spitting furious" after a legal brief they filed was riddled with typos and he fumed to anyone who would listen that he had the "stupidest" lawyers, journalist Michael Wolff wrote in his new book, "Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency."

"Are these lawyers the stupidest? Are they the stupidest?" Trump vented.

The president also complained to his former lawyers about the incompetence of his new lawyers, Bruce Castor, David Schoen, and Michael van der Veen.

"Who are they? Where did they come from? Who hired them? How come I always get the worst lawyers?" Trump seethed, according to Wolff's book.


trump didn't like his lawyers in the second impeachment.

The ones who represented him in the first one refused to represent him in the second.

Even trump knew his lawyers were idiots.

Seriously, Michael Wolff? The idiot that claimed he had an affair with Nikki Haley? How much more Fake News can you get?
Here’s the moron author claiming President Trump is unhinged and will attack North Korea, and that he can’t figure out diplomatic solutions. Huh, did I miss the war with North Korea? Our President was making peace deals in the Middle East, but isn’t good at diplomacy?

Towards the end he is confronted with his absurd Nikki Haley accusation, and pretends he can’t hear the audio and walks off.

A real up and up guy:
View attachment 510502
trump didn't like his lawyers in the second impeachment.

The ones who represented him in the first one refused to represent him in the second.

Even trump knew his lawyers were idiots.

Seriously, Michael Wolff? The idiot that claimed he had an affair with Nikki Haley? How much more Fake News can you get?

Come on ,Hawk.. Everyone is howling with laughter. Top lawyers won't work for Trump.. He doesn't listen and he doesn't pay his bills.

Trump just stiffed Rudy and called him a drubk.
View attachment 510502
trump didn't like his lawyers in the second impeachment.

The ones who represented him in the first one refused to represent him in the second.

Even trump knew his lawyers were idiots.

Seriously, Michael Wolff? The idiot that claimed he had an affair with Nikki Haley? How much more Fake News can you get?

Come on ,Hawk.. Everyone is howling with laughter. Top lawyers won't work for Trump.. He doesn't listen and he doesn't pay his bills.

Trump just stiffed Rudy and called him a drubk.
The author is a joke. His last book Siege:Trump Under Fire was based on Mueller’s report. He claimed they were going to charge obstruction, which even the Mueller team denied.

I mean how much more discredited can you get? :laughing0301:
Michael Wolff's lies all the time in his books. You can't believe a damn thing he says.
View attachment 510502
trump didn't like his lawyers in the second impeachment.

The ones who represented him in the first one refused to represent him in the second.

Even trump knew his lawyers were idiots.

Seriously, Michael Wolff? The idiot that claimed he had an affair with Nikki Haley? How much more Fake News can you get?

Come on ,Hawk.. Everyone is howling with laughter. Top lawyers won't work for Trump.. He doesn't listen and he doesn't pay his bills.

Trump just stiffed Rudy and called him a drubk.
The author is a joke. His last book Siege:Trump Under Fire was based on Mueller’s report. He claimed they were going to charge obstruction, which even the Mueller team denied.

I mean how much more discredited can you get? :laughing0301:

Trump is a joke.

trump didn't like his lawyers in the second impeachment.

The ones who represented him in the first one refused to represent him in the second.

Even trump knew his lawyers were idiots.

When you don't pay your lawyers, they tend to stop representing you.

Yes trump has a very long history of being a deadbeat.
trump didn't like his lawyers in the second impeachment.

The ones who represented him in the first one refused to represent him in the second.

Even trump knew his lawyers were idiots.

One thing I believe Trump as well as any functional thinking person learned from these hearings was it didn’t matter who the lawyers were. The entire clown show was political. There was nothing involving facts, a crime, evidence etc. No lawyer is capable of defending anyone from a democrat shit show because a so called trial that produces no facts or evidence isn’t a trial at all. It was a staged clown show for democrats to dress up and perform in.
trump didn't like his lawyers in the second impeachment.

The ones who represented him in the first one refused to represent him in the second.

Even trump knew his lawyers were idiots.

One thing I believe Trump as well as any functional thinking person learned from these hearings was it didn’t matter who the lawyers were. The entire clown show was political. There was nothing involving facts, a crime, evidence etc. No lawyer is capable of defending anyone from a democrat shit show because a so called trial that produces no facts or evidence isn’t a trial at all. It was a staged clown show for democrats to dress up and perform in.

Poor old Trump. He claims the system is rigged against him for the past 40 years.
trump didn't like his lawyers in the second impeachment.

The ones who represented him in the first one refused to represent him in the second.

Even trump knew his lawyers were idiots.

One thing I believe Trump as well as any functional thinking person learned from these hearings was it didn’t matter who the lawyers were. The entire clown show was political. There was nothing involving facts, a crime, evidence etc. No lawyer is capable of defending anyone from a democrat shit show because a so called trial that produces no facts or evidence isn’t a trial at all. It was a staged clown show for democrats to dress up and perform in.

Poor old Trump. He claims the system is rigged against him for the past 40 years.
Not a single fact or piece of evidence was ever presented in these trials. It was all democrats that voted for the so called trial, provided nothing and voted party lines. That’s pathetic.
trump didn't like his lawyers in the second impeachment.

The ones who represented him in the first one refused to represent him in the second.

Even trump knew his lawyers were idiots.

Trump had only himself to blame.

If he hadn’t managed to get himself impeached to begin with he wouldn’t need lawyers at all.

You know just 2 days ago Trump I read that he reiterated he was NOT going to pay Guliani because he didn't get any elections overturned. Now the 2 states Rudy was licensed to practice law in, he can't. Does he have any billionaire benefactors he can go to? Is there a Go Fund Me RUDY account set up somewhere?

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