How come its majority of white people that protest illegal immigration

Funny, Ive seen people of all races oppose illegal immigration. Because it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with enforcing the laws of the land.

show me one video of hundreds of blacks asians or mexicans protesting immgration and protect boarders.

it the racist whites scared they are not the majority and have an advantage over other races
Funny, Ive seen people of all races oppose illegal immigration. Because it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with enforcing the laws of the land.

show me one video of hundreds of blacks asians or mexicans protesting immgration and protect boarders.

it the racist whites scared they are not the majority and have an advantage over other races

Well, you said it. It must be true:)
i welcome anyone that want come over and make something of themselves

the conservatives are scared mexicans are gonna take over

This is one of the more stupid posts on this site........

I truly suggest you get some mental help.........

Just to make sure you understand I am conservative, my wife is of Mexican decent. Her family lived in Texas when it became the Republic of Texas.

Your thread is a fail.........
i welcome anyone that want come over and make something of themselves

the conservatives are scared mexicans are gonna take over

This is one of the more stupid posts on this site........

I truly suggest you get some mental help.........

Just to make sure you understand I am conservative, my wife is of Mexican decent. Her family lived in Texas when it became the Republic of Texas.

Your thread is a fail.........

so they are certain cases but for the majority its true.

if this is false find me one video of hundreds blacks, asians or mexicans protesting
all i want is one video of hundreds of blacks or mexicans protesting immigration
blacks could care less
mexicans dont protest
asians dont protest

white people continue to protest about it. its funny how they are scared mexicans are gonna be the majority hahah.

That's really going to increase the Catholic base, huh. Oh my! :lol:

You are an idiot. Wanna know why? Only so many Entry Level, Unskilled, Semiskilled Labor jobs available. That effects the Ghetto or low income populations in a bad way. You flood the labor market, every day with new faces , and it not only limits what is available, it brings down wage compensation. Most of that is illegal and under the table. Now that's okay for the Rich Folk, that only want to pay pennies on the dollar, who have created a substandard Second Class, close to Slavery, work force, but it cuts into the labor market. From Day Laborers, Nannies, House Keepers, Construction, Restaurant, it effects the Quality of life. Immigration is good, true, when it is on the terms of the Host Country, and within the Rule Of Law. We All have limits, and there is that which strains our Infrastructure, Black and White.
blacks could care less
mexicans dont protest
asians dont protest

white people continue to protest about it. its funny how they are scared mexicans are gonna be the majority hahah.

I can't answer that, but I would gather it has to do with the fact that the white people are the ones with most of the money in this country and hence having to subsidize people who come here illegally. That aside, we have laws for a reason. If we are going to start picking and choosing which ones we want to follow or enforce why have them at all?
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blacks could care less
mexicans dont protest
asians dont protest

white people continue to protest about it. its funny how they are scared mexicans are gonna be the majority hahah.

I can't answer that, but I would gather it has to do with the fact that the white people are the ones with most of the money in this country and hence having to subsidize people who come here illegally. That aside, we have laws for a reason. If we are going to start picking and choosing which ones we want to follow or enforce why have them at all?

how come we did not have these laws when whites came to ellis island
blacks could care less
mexicans dont protest
asians dont protest

white people continue to protest about it. its funny how they are scared mexicans are gonna be the majority hahah.

I can't answer that, but I would gather it has to do with the fact that the white people are the ones with most of the money in this country and hence having to subsidize people who come here illegally. That aside, we have laws for a reason. If we are going to start picking and choosing which ones we want to follow or enforce why have them at all?

how come we did not have these laws when whites came to ellis island

Well, I obviously wasn't around then, but back in those days we were still a developing nation and had much more of a need for immigrant labor and growth. Also bear in mind there was no welfare state back in those days. If you came here you either found a job and worked or you starved to death. There was no "free" schooling for your children, "free" health care at your emergency room, or food stamps for your anchor babies. Big difference from today.
I can't answer that, but I would gather it has to do with the fact that the white people are the ones with most of the money in this country and hence having to subsidize people who come here illegally. That aside, we have laws for a reason. If we are going to start picking and choosing which ones we want to follow or enforce why have them at all?

how come we did not have these laws when whites came to ellis island

Well, I obviously wasn't around then, but back in those days we were still a developing nation and had much more of a need for immigrant labor and growth. Also bear in mind there was no welfare state back in those days. If you came here you either found a job and worked or you starved to death. There was no "free" schooling for your children, "free" health care at your emergency room, or food stamps for your anchor babies. Big difference from today.

thats called an excuse, whites are scared becuasse they want to be the majority to have power.
how come we did not have these laws when whites came to ellis island

Well, I obviously wasn't around then, but back in those days we were still a developing nation and had much more of a need for immigrant labor and growth. Also bear in mind there was no welfare state back in those days. If you came here you either found a job and worked or you starved to death. There was no "free" schooling for your children, "free" health care at your emergency room, or food stamps for your anchor babies. Big difference from today.

thats called an excuse, whites are scared becuasse they want to be the majority to have power.

You're free to offer proof of that at any time.
I can't answer that, but I would gather it has to do with the fact that the white people are the ones with most of the money in this country and hence having to subsidize people who come here illegally. That aside, we have laws for a reason. If we are going to start picking and choosing which ones we want to follow or enforce why have them at all?

how come we did not have these laws when whites came to ellis island

Well, I obviously wasn't around then, but back in those days we were still a developing nation and had much more of a need for immigrant labor and growth. Also bear in mind there was no welfare state back in those days. If you came here you either found a job and worked or you starved to death. There was no "free" schooling for your children, "free" health care at your emergency room, or food stamps for your anchor babies. Big difference from today.

Actually, communities took care of the elderly, disabled, and unfortunate at the start of this nation.
NOT SO "Taz":

In the American colonies, the gap between the rich and poor was smaller than in England, and America’s poverty was not as harsh as England’s. General Washington initially discouraged servants and slaves from joining the army, but as the war stretched on, he recruited servants and slaves into the army, promising them their freedom in return for their service.

While the most famous of these disturbances were Shay’s Rebellion (1786-1787) and the Whiskey Rebellion (1794), armed conflict by small landholders, rebelling against elitist fiscal policies and unfair taxes, grew to be a common feature in the years immediately following the Revolution.

Poverty was a constant threat to a preponderance of colonial residents. Poor harvests, Indian wars, sickness and other difficulties were all too familiar trials that could plunge colonial residents into indigence. Consequently, the American attitudes concerning poverty were more benign than in England. Most early settlements had adopted the major elements of the English outdoor relief programs. The primary concern of these early efforts was directed to the plight of widows and orphans who were boarded out to neighbors, or in the case of older boys, put into apprenticeships. Relatives were given primary responsibility for their poor relations. Local relief programs were administered by town officials and paid for by local taxes.

Early American poor laws had some qualities that were unique. There was a strong inclination to keep the church and state separate. Local administration of indigent programs fell to the town or city rather than the parish. Self-help organizations and charities played a larger role in early America than in Europe. The private charities offered employment assistance, burial funds, and direct relief for widows and orphans. The first and most famous of these was the Scot’s Charitable Association, but similar ethnically based relief programs were common resources in the emerging cities. Local reliance on private charity to assist in the caring for the poor was a hallmark of early American relief policy.

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