How come its majority of white people that protest illegal immigration

the fact that they dont treat people equally.
not all white people are racist but the majoirity of racist people are white

That is completely ridiculous, racist people exist in every race.

i know but they are way more racist whites

numbers speak for themelsves

There may be more racist whites because they are the majority in this country, but you are coming across as a racist yourself so how are you any better?
i welcome anyone that want come over and make something of themselves

the conservatives are scared mexicans are gonna take over

Not me! Let 'em. Can't be any worse. THEY are hard workers. I love their food, their music, their language, works for me.

I love their women, food and drinks, but have you been to Mexico? letting the Mexicans take over, thats what things will be like here.
blacks could care less
mexicans dont protest
asians dont protest

white people continue to protest about it. its funny how they are scared mexicans are gonna be the majority hahah.

I can't answer that, but I would gather it has to do with the fact that the white people are the ones with most of the money in this country and hence having to subsidize people who come here illegally. That aside, we have laws for a reason. If we are going to start picking and choosing which ones we want to follow or enforce why have them at all?

how come we did not have these laws when whites came to ellis island

This could very well be the dumbest post I have ever read. Dear Duck, just what do you think was the purpose of Ellis Island?
i welcome anyone that want come over and make something of themselves

the conservatives are scared mexicans are gonna take over

Not me! Let 'em. Can't be any worse. THEY are hard workers. I love their food, their music, their language, works for me.

I love their women, food and drinks, but have you been to Mexico? letting the Mexicans take over, thats what things will be like here.

Nah, we'll tell em okay you can take over, but here's the deal, keep the same sanitation laws, etc., here. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
zero, my ancestors came from africa they were taken by white people

they were herded up by black people, taken to the wharf,, and then they were taken by white people.. dumbass.

Exactly! They never could have been taken without the cooperation of the tribal chiefs. They are STILL enslaving each other.

you cant be this clueless

white people are pure comedy talking about race and black history
they were herded up by black people, taken to the wharf,, and then they were taken by white people.. dumbass.

Exactly! They never could have been taken without the cooperation of the tribal chiefs. They are STILL enslaving each other.

you cant be this clueless

white people are pure comedy talking about race and black history

Hey ducks, do you even know what geographical area of Africa your ancestors came from? If so, please post it so I can provide you with the education you are so sorely lacking. It won't take but a few minutes to find out who kidnapped and enslaved your ancestors, and the odds are better than 95 to 1 that it was another African tribe that sent your great-great grandpappy West those oh-so-many years ago.

In truth, you should take what Ollie said to heart and realize that 11 of every 12 Africans taken were shipped somewhere other than the US.

You should count your blessings... :D
white people destoryed africa with colonialism. Africa had bags of riches with gold and ivory until white people came over a destoryed it. euorpean colonialism killed africa
white people destoryed africa with colonialism. Africa had bags of riches with gold and ivory until white people came over a destoryed it. euorpean colonialism killed africa

Most of Africa is free now, has been for decades, stop making excuses.
all i want is one video of hundreds of blacks or mexicans protesting immigration

White people ARE NOT protesting legal immigration,They are protesting Illegal immigration. I hope now that this is clarified you are able to see the difference, and that possibly you won't look like a doufus in the future on this subject. Well, a person can dream.
Not me! Let 'em. Can't be any worse. THEY are hard workers. I love their food, their music, their language, works for me.

I love their women, food and drinks, but have you been to Mexico? letting the Mexicans take over, thats what things will be like here.

Nah, we'll tell em okay you can take over, but here's the deal, keep the same sanitation laws, etc., here. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

You can't have a first world nation with a third world population though, it doesn't work. I mean I like banging the senoritas and drinking Coronas too, but if I wanted to live in Mexico I would move there.
Mexicans themselves are split in what to do with America should they become a majority. Some want it to be mexico to the arctic tundra. Others see the creation of their own homeland to be called Aztlan.

Illegal immigrants do not see themselves as immigrants at all. Some simply do not accept the United States as an independent nation. Others think of themselves as the same kind of settlers that the Europeans were when they first came here. Not immigrants, but settlers.

Check out, the various papers from MeCha. Educate yourself.
Mexicans themselves are split in what to do with America should they become a majority. Some want it to be mexico to the arctic tundra. Others see the creation of their own homeland to be called Aztlan.

Illegal immigrants do not see themselves as immigrants at all. Some simply do not accept the United States as an independent nation. Others think of themselves as the same kind of settlers that the Europeans were when they first came here. Not immigrants, but settlers.

Check out, the various papers from MeCha. Educate yourself.

Well alot of the illegals send most of their money back to Mexico and are building houses there, they have no desires to live in America or assimilate to its culture.
blacks could care less
mexicans dont protest
asians dont protest

white people continue to protest about it. its funny how they are scared mexicans are gonna be the majority hahah.

Perhaps they take a good long look South, and don't really want to be another Mexico. It also may be that people who still consider this a nation of laws, still want those laws to be enforced equally and fairly.
blacks could care less
mexicans dont protest
asians dont protest

white people continue to protest about it. its funny how they are scared mexicans are gonna be the majority hahah.

What the fuck is your problem with white people kid?

the fact that they dont treat people equally.
not all white people are racist but the majoirity of racist people are white

Who the fuck are you? I grew up in a mixed neighborhood, I never realized my best friend was black until his mother told us so....... And take a look around in the real world today, What percentage of "white people" would you say are racists? Now what percentage of "Black people" have a hatred for whites?
( And I word it that way because so very many blacks believe that they cannot be racists, they are wrong but they cant see it) (maybe you are one of those?)

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