How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists

"How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists"
Because it was done to not let traitors get away with destroying their nation.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been done.
How convenient.

So, as long as it's for a good purpose, we can do anything we want, right?

THIS is how the Statist thinks.

THIS is what the enemy looks like.
Um, yeah, they still ran off and died for them by the thousands because they couldn't stand the thought of free black men fucking their sisters.
Or, like my great great great grandfather, were compelled to fight or be shot.

To the victor goes the spoils, which includes what the history books will say. You are a victim of the dishonest spoils of that war.
"How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists"
Because it was done to not let traitors get away with destroying their nation.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been done.
How convenient.

So, as long as it's for a good purpose, we can do anything we want, right?

THIS is how the Statist thinks.

THIS is what the enemy looks like.
"well, i believe in what they are doing. So fuck those laws he breaks. The power he gains. The lose of rights for me and you. The death of him and her. The rape or her and her daughter. Who cares?"
Because Congress thought he was doing the right thing at the time. It is pretty easy to sit back now and judge Lincoln- of course we don't have enemy troops less than a hundred miles and the benefit of knowing how it will all turn out.
Well, half of congress wasn't even there. They seceded. Why would the remaining guys who supported Lincoln move to impeach him?
Because Congress thought he was doing the right thing at the time. It is pretty easy to sit back now and judge Lincoln- of course we don't have enemy troops less than a hundred miles and the benefit of knowing how it will all turn out.
Well, half of congress wasn't even there. They seceded. Why would the remaining guys who supported Lincoln move to impeach him?
Didnt even think of that! lol
Funny that stating historical fact is interpreted as promoting it as either good or bad.
Funny that there is still such emotion over what the North did and allowance for the South.
Funny the ignorant vitriol so common from so many.
The entire history of the U.S. is so dripping with corruption, greed, dishonesty, exploitation, murder, pillage, hypocrisy, lying and, most of all, delusion that Lincoln not only fits in, Lincoln was very moderate.
P.S. Hey, slavery and traitor lovers, don't get your male sexual parts stuck down each other's throats.
What the fuck are you even talking about?

If Trump or George W did what Lincoln did, you would be screaming at the sky. You would admit that if you were an honest person.

You know, Lincoln didn't give a rat fuck about the slaves, right? He used that issue to maintain support for his illegal slaughter.

Have you read what your benevolent Lincoln wrote about black people?
Perpetual Union is pretty clear.
Is it?

Perpetual, as in, we don't have to renew it?

Or, perpetual, as in, you can't leave? I have never seen perpetual defined as involuntary or unbreakable, especially not in contract terms. All contracts that have a "perpetuity" clause are still subject to revision, rescission, and revocation. The perpetuity clause is merely a provision that leaves the time frame indefinite.

You need to go back to law school.
Not to mention, the articles of confederation havent made a damn since the constitution was signed.
The articles mattered for what, 4 years?
"sir, im going to have to arrest you for breaking $%*#&$ law."
"sir, that law got trashed 80 years ago"
"you shut the fuck up while i rape your wife and kill your cat as punishment!"
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA
Well now, there was a national emergency. A whole bunch of people with no morals started a civil war to defend the indefensible. Lincoln was a very merciful man, he had every right to hang every Confederate officer that had previously served in the Union Army for treason. The Confederacy should be remembered as America's shame.
What national emergency? You're right that "whole bunch of people with no morals started a civil war." That was Lincoln and the Republicans in Congress. Lincoln was a tyrant, mass murderer, and dictator. Where did the Constitution give Lincoln the right to hang anyone?

Lincoln should be remembered as America's shame. The fact that you worship him should make you ashamed.
Lincoln was a Republican and it's in their genes. Check out the first president and party to make criticizing the government a crime.
Lincoln had the Civil War to deal with and FDR had WW2. Both presidents received lavish praise by historians even though they may have committed unconstitutional actions while in office. That's the way the system works. FDR authorized the incarceration of American citizens without due process. Nothing could be worse than that but the media supported him and that's all it took. The media hates the current president and that's all it takes to influence opinion.

Nothing worse?

How about killing Americans with out due process like Obama and Bush Jr did....
Lincoln did plenty of that. He executed numerous people without a trial.
Funny that stating historical fact is interpreted as promoting it as either good or bad.
Funny that there is still such emotion over what the North did and allowance for the South.
Funny the ignorant vitriol so common from so many.
The entire history of the U.S. is so dripping with corruption, greed, dishonesty, exploitation, murder, pillage, hypocrisy, lying and, most of all, delusion that Lincoln not only fits in, Lincoln was very moderate.
P.S. Hey, slavery and traitor lovers, don't get your male sexual parts stuck down each other's throats.
I assume you dont see how you contradict yourself.
Im very dissapointed in you.
All the lincoln cult members do. They are grossly ignorant of all the pertinent facts. The government schools keep them that way.

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