How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists

I'm beginning to see why Republicans do not laud Lincoln as Democrats laud FDR.
Lincoln freed the slaves.
Perpetual Union is pretty clear.
Yeah, that must be the reason it was dissolved the minute the Constitution was approved.
That the government education rearing its retarded head again.

The lack of basic contract law understanding among the unwashed masses is exactly why we have so many useless idiots.

Here is a sample perpetuity clause from a contract, for those who have yet to unburden themselves of their shitty government education:

"Perpetuity. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the obligations of the parties set forth in this Article VI shall remain in effect without limitation as to time."

"without limitations as to time" means that the contract will remain in effect as long as the parties maintain the contractual relationship.

So, what that means is....back out of our Union and we will kill you by the thousands, right Statist, Lincoln-worshiping thugs?
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA

You forgot his political adversary’s as well as nurnelists who disagreed with him. Lincolon was a slimey fuck who got what he deserved.

The History of Alcatraz
I'm beginning to see why Republicans do not laud Lincoln as Democrats laud FDR.
Lincoln freed the slaves
Republicans can do whatever the fuck they want. I am not one of them.

But, I assume you are generalizing here and grouping me with them, so I will respond.

BOTH were shitty tyrants. The fact that some love both indicates their level of authoritarian indoctrination. The fact that some love one and hate the other indicates a lack of principles.

Those who hate both for being tyrant assholes have generally embraced the principles of liberty, without regard to party.

NONE of this has anything to do with SLAVERY or RACE. SO, kindly fuck off, if that is your point.
I'm beginning to see why Republicans do not laud Lincoln as Democrats laud FDR.
Lincoln freed the slaves.
How many of us in here trashing lincoln are republicans, you twat? take a guess

"More than 300 newspapers were shut down, most of them Democratic
papers that were sympathetic to the Confederacy."...WHY are Democrats so often against the cohesion of the United States time and time again?
I'm beginning to see why Republicans do not laud Lincoln as Democrats laud FDR.
Lincoln freed the slaves
Republicans can do whatever the fuck they want. I am not one of them.

But, I assume you are generalizing here and grouping me with them, so I will respond.

BOTH were shitty tyrants. The fact that some love both indicates their level of authoritarian indoctrination. The fact that some love one and hate the other indicates a lack of principles.

Those who hate both for being tyrant assholes have generally embraced the principles of liberty, without regard to party.

NONE of this has anything to do with SLAVERY or RACE. SO, kindly fuck off, if that is your point.
That is my point, and I might have hit a nerve. I have often wondered why Lincoln is not used more for Republican goals; now I think the possibility of the slavery thing is more of an issue than Republicans like to admit.
Read the posts.
That is my point, and I might have hit a nerve. I have often wondered why Lincoln is not used more for Republican goals; now I think the possibility of the slavery thing is more of an issue than Republicans like to admit.
Read the posts.
Okay. Let's change the facts a little and see if it is somehow possible for people to simply disapprove of the means, no matter how worthy the end.

What if NON-slave states seceded because of they disapproved of slavery?

Would Lincoln's actions be justified against them, as they were against the confederate states?
If Northern states decided to secede from the Union because they could no longer tolerate slavery, would Lincoln be praised for doing the same shit he did to the confederate states?

The bright light of your own hypocrisy is blinding!!!
That is my point, and I might have hit a nerve. I have often wondered why Lincoln is not used more for Republican goals; now I think the possibility of the slavery thing is more of an issue than Republicans like to admit.
Read the posts.
Okay. Let's change the facts a little and see if it is somehow possible for people to simply disapprove of the means, no matter how worthy the end.

What if NON-slave states seceded because of they disapproved of slavery?

Would Lincoln's actions be justified against them, as they were against the confederate states?
If Northern states decided to secede from the Union because they could no longer tolerate slavery, would Lincoln be praised for doing the same shit he did to the confederate states?

The bright light of your own hypocrisy is blinding!!!
No offense, but I don't really have time today. But to be serious for two minutes, Lincoln's actions were not driven by slavery. Lincoln and the "pro-war" democrats would compromise on most everything, but NOT a dissolution of the union. Lincoln's enemies in the north were the Copperheads, who wanted an immediate peace with the South, and that involving agreeing to secession. The Copperheads were influential because they controlled a disproportionate (for their population) number of newspapers.

I don't think anyone "justifies" Lincoln's suspension of habeas or violations of the 1st Amendment. But the Copperheads were attempting to subvert democracy after having lost democratically. They advocated breaking laws and even civil violence.

The South didn't tolerate pro-union views, and they hung people who tried to avoid the draft.

It was a civil war. Martial law on both sides.

In 1864, the northern democrats ran McClellen, who said he supported continuing the war, but his platform and running mate did not. Distrusted by the Army of the Potomoc, they turned on him and Lincoln won decisively.
"How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists"
Because it was done to not let traitors get away with destroying their nation.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been done.
You have it backwards. Dishonest Abe destroyed the nation. His philosophy was we will kill you and destroy your property to keep you. Most illogical and tyrannical.

Yep- because of President Lincoln- the United States was destroyed- by remaining intact and becoming the most powerful nation on Earth, and bringing our citizens to hither unknown levels of prosperity.

I think most nations on earth would love the chance to be destroyed like that.
Under Lincoln the United States ceased being a voluntary association of sovereign states and instead became an empire of subjects. The United States was supposed to be about freedom, not power, you bootlicking asshole.

Yeah assholes like you think that the last time the United States was a voluntary association of sovereign states was 3 million Americans were slaves.

Tell us more how you believe that was when the United States was all about freedom- and not power you fucking douchebag.
Lincoln was a liar and a dictator, the most hated president in our history.
Raising an army to slaughter people is not a "civil war"

sooner or later Americans will have to face the facts

'most hated president in our history'- by who? The slave holders?
Obama supposedly admired Lincoln. While he did not jail journalists, he spied on them
Hilter and Josph Stalin also admire Lincoln. He taught them how to run a police state.

Actually Lincoln is admired in countries all over the world. Hell even Lying Donnie considers Lincoln to be our finest President- well after himself.
Donald Trump ranked himself 2nd on a list of most 'presidential' presidents - CNNPolitics
yep, he's admired by servile goose stepping douchebags just like you. The same goes for Stalin and Hitler.

Lincoln is the most admired American president world wide.

While other than Trump's buddy Putin- no one admires Stalin- and only your buddies on the far right admire Hitler.

Just slavery loving douchbags like yourself hate Lincoln.

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