How come no Republicans are brave enough to run against trump?

Are they all cowards?

That and the 11th Commandment.

Republicans are such spineless blind partisan hacks that they are loath to challenge a Republican president – no matter how wrong, reprehensible, and unfit to be president.
Are they all cowards?

Are they all cowards? don't run against your party's sitting president.....unless you want to be forced out of office or the party.

Are they all cowards?

Why didn't anybody run against Bill Clinton for his second term? How about Barack Obama? Carter? Are there nothing but cowards on the Democrat side?

As others have stated, the Democrats didn't pony anybody up either for 2nd terms of their Presidents.

That being said------------> I am sure the Leftists on here are asking the question in response to all of the negative MSM reporting on the President. Collusion, etc. In their minds eye, knowing that politicians are self serving especially when blood is in the water, surely ONE REPUBLICAN would challenge Trump, yes!

The answer may surprise you, but here goes--------------> What do ALL of these politicians really know about what is going on? A LOT. Many of them sit on committees that are well aware of what is true, and what is not when the spin is taken out of it. They also know that if what their side says is true, (and they already know if it is or not, unlike the rest of us who have to read between the lines because of classification) Trump holds the keys to the castle. If he were to declassify the FISA warrants and 301bs, any challenge from his own party would dissipate, and anyone doing the challenge would become persona non grata. It would/will also make Trump a sympathetic figure with the public, and I know, that is an unbelievable statement, but true.

The Left and the MSM had many of the people of America believing that this guy was a traitor, a crook, and a mob boss. What if all of that is basically disproven? What if the conspiracy tracks in ANOTHER direction?

A lot of what ifs? Sure it is, but the scuttlebutt in Washington is that the FISA Judges are NOT happy with the alphabet soup agencies, and were waiting to move on them UNTIL the special counsel work was done so as not to obstruct. They want answers on how this happened, and they intend to get them. In case you aren't politically astute, just them dragging these people in front of them, no matter what they say when there, is going to be a nightmare for the Left.

So reality is----------> Most of the people in power positions know EXACTLY what is really going on, and for the most part, exactly what happened. When a sitting President is accused of something and a special counsel is put in place, the answer to the question is ALWAYS...……..did the President do, or not do what he is accused of. Normally, once the question is answered, it then starts to fade; but not this time because---------->the NEW question is----------> was their a CONSPIRACY to set this President up, and did politicians lie to the American public throughout the investigation, on this Presidents culpability in the matter.

Power Republicans in Washington already know the answer to this question, and I am positive they already also know the arrows in his quiver he has to prove it. Since they now have an AG unrecused, they also know he will use those arrows often as 2020 nears. That doesn't mean a Democrat can not beat him in the general, but what it does mean is that it is highly unlikely that a Republican can beat him in the primary!
Are they all cowards? don't run against your party's sitting president.....unless you want to be forced out of office or the party.

Ted Kennedy did it...

Ted Kennedy was a well-known alcoholic, murderer, and a general all-around dumbass!

Yes, but it still shows an idiot can run against the sitting President like Kennedy did against Carter...
Are they all cowards?
Not all of them.

I hope.

Really, dean, if John Kasich wants to run, he'd do better to switch parties and compete as a Democrat. His hatred for Trump really puts him in sync with the Democrats.

If the Democrats were hurting for a contender, Kasich might have a chance. But he'd have to join the other 50 Demorats who are running for that position. Kasich would stand no chance against Biden.
Are they all cowards?

Why didn't anybody run against Bill Clinton for his second term? How about Barack Obama? Carter? Are there nothing but cowards on the Democrat side?

The afore mentioned were doing a descent job.

The currant President hasn’t done absolutely anything but raise middle class taxes.

Wall+trying to make me pay for it=Failure

Repeal and Replace Obamacare with something better+ shit shot from the hip healthcare bill=Failure

NAFTA+No real plan and hardly any changes = Failure

Peace Summit with North Korea+ No real plan of action and ZERO positive results=Failure

And that’s not all of the complete FAILURES this Shoot Ready Aim Administration has put forth.

Talk about getting NOTHING DONE.

Republicunt’s better run someone to stop this complete embarrassment before they lose all credibility (as if they had any to begin with).

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So the FACT that Trump got Dong to stop shooting off test rockets is getting nothing done?

The FACT that Trump re-negotiated NAFTA isn't getting anything done?

My taxes didn't get raised, my taxes are lower. I guess I should call my family and tell them I must not be middle-class any longer. OH! And better yet, I won't have to worry about paying a fine Because of Commie Care next year. Yeah, Trump got rid of that too.

If you really believe Trump got nothing done, try watching a real news outlet like Fox instead of that brain cancer CNN or MSNBC. You have a lot of catching up to do with the rest of us.

Say “I” one more time.

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