How come none of the voting irregularities favored Trump? Isnt that weird?

Why were REPUBLICAN poll watchers prevented from watching the ballot counting IN PHILLY? Seems odd, doesnt it?
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.

What irregularities?

Why is it Trump's fans never substantiate what they say?

Because what they said is fiction.

They are simply doing what their master does. For months Trump has been saying the mail-in ballots caused by a raging pandemic are fraudulent. Not once has he provided any proof of this allegation.

So, his minions simply follow suit.
I agree that i'm sure both sides were cheating

There's zero evidence of any Democrats cheating, so don't try to pulling the "but both sides do it" crap. That's a big steaming pile of horseshit.
No you made a stupid claim about a nation of 330 million people imagining everyone is on the up and up

No, I didn't. I said there's no evidence of Democratic cheating.

And I'm right. That's why you and everyone can't present any evidence of Democrats cheating, beyond your "Well, statistically, it has to happen somwhere!", which isn't actually any evidence of Democratic cheating..

Just admit that I'm right, instead of digging deeper.
No you made a stupid claim about a nation of 330 million people imagining everyone is on the up and up

No, I didn't. I said there's no evidence of Democratic cheating.

And I'm right. That's why you and everyone can't present any evidence of Democrats cheating, beyond your "Well, statistically, it has to happen somwhere!", which isn't actually any evidence of Democratic cheating..

Just admit that I'm right, instead of digging deeper.

Yes you did, verbatim

I'm not going to quote it for a 3rd time, lol
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

You people have had five days to present your hard evidence of fraud and you've produced nothing other than conspiracy theories, circumstantial evidence, and unverifiable third party accounts.
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

You people have had five days to present your hard evidence of fraud and you've produced nothing other than conspiracy theories, circumstantial evidence, and unverifiable third party accounts.
The evidence is being kept behind closed doors, you schmuck.
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

You people have had five days to present your hard evidence of fraud and you've produced nothing other than conspiracy theories, circumstantial evidence, and unverifiable third party accounts.
The evidence is being kept behind closed doors, you schmuck.

Yes, I'm sure they are hanging on to all of this decisive evidence while Biden is making speeches declaring victory and most of the country has accepted the results.
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

Americans don't appreciate it, but, globally the whole "Trump was a divider" is very subjective. There are global consequences that people won't understand. Does anyone think that a guy like Romney is preferred by the world or even their governments?

I didn't paste the article because it was too harsh. Australian and other media are calling out Biden early about how much China wanted him to win. People are going to assume China and America are close allies, not adversaries.

THIS, it itself, is a horrible realization.
China is too big to treat like an enemy. The only way to make real change is to work with them. We saw Trump kiss their ass in attempts to make a deal time and time again over the past three years until he needed to blame somebody for COVID. Yes he instituted tariffs to try and pressure them into a deal but that didn’t lead to much. Hopefully Biden can do a better job. Having a good relationship woth them doesn’t mean he’s going to let them walk all over us. We shall see.

The amount of delusion in your post is stunning.
Please lay out your reasoning then
As usual I have to correct all the misinformation posted by Trumpers.

Hey Trumpers! Read this:

"Trump actually did better in Philadelphia in 2020 than in 2016, when he won almost 109,000 votes (Hillary Clinton won about 584,000 in the overwhelmingly Democratic city.) Trump took two of the city’s 66 wards that year — the 26th Ward in South Philadelphia and the 66th Ward in Northeast Philadelphia.

While the final 2020 ballots were still being counted in Philadelphia, Trump had logged almost 127,000 votes as of Saturday afternoon, just over 18% of the votes in the city. Biden won 81%, with about 561,000 votes.'

So Trumpers if there was fraud to deprive Trump votes In Philadelphia, how come Trump actually got more votes in 2020 than he received in 2016?

All Trumpers have on voter fraud is pure bullshit.

Trumpist derangement over voter fraud knows no rational boundaries. It is just idiocy all the time.
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Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

You people have had five days to present your hard evidence of fraud and you've produced nothing other than conspiracy theories, circumstantial evidence, and unverifiable third party accounts.
The evidence is being kept behind closed doors, you schmuck.

Yes, I'm sure they are hanging on to all of this decisive evidence while Biden is making speeches declaring victory and most of the country has accepted the results.
Then why don't Trump's people have access to the balllots and tabulating machines yet, professor?
Over 100,000 provisional ballots allowed in PA and allowed after election day....AGAINST STATE LAW. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

Keep saying no evidence of fraud, you liberal frauds.
Why were REPUBLICAN poll watchers prevented from watching the ballot counting IN PHILLY? Seems odd, doesnt it?
Another lie. That’s all you got.
there is video of them starting 6 feet behind a 3 foot tall barrier.
Over 100,000 provisional ballots allowed in PA and allowed after election day....AGAINST STATE LAW. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

Keep saying no evidence of fraud, you liberal frauds.

Have those 100,000 provisional ballots been counted?
Or have they rightly been isolated like they were asked to?

I’ll give you the correct answer. They have not been counted. But if allowed Biden will win by an even margin.
Hey idiot liberals. The PA court cannot unilaterally overturn state law. The votes in PA were to be counted ONLY ON ELECTION DAY....NOT 3 days later.
I have abanonded that shitty party becasue of feminine retards like you with no sense.

Why didn't you say up front that you were an incel?

Try to understand that your issues concerning women do not justify an embrace of fascism.

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