How come none of the voting irregularities favored Trump? Isnt that weird?

We're a nation of 330 million people and a kid was already indicted for hiding mail (he was a postal worker)

And how does a lazy postal worker hiding a big bag of mail with 3 unopened ballots in a blue state translate to "Democrats cheating"?

Nice goal post shifting

"zero evidence any democrats cheated"

Teh fact vote coutns are coming in 100% biden 0% trump is also suspect....85% i could believe. Anything with a higher concentration of republican or democrat votes is inherently suspect. There is just no reason to think that happened beyond missing a 0 in the democratic column or something in the count.
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

You pussified snowflakes did nothing but whine from the minute trump became president --- even with all of that WINNING, WINNING and MORE WINNING!!! LOL

So the next four years will be no different at all from the last four years, when all you snowflakes did was WHINE, WHINE and FUCKING WHINE, like the little bitches you are.

And you liberal twats cried for 4 years that Putin stole the election. Go riot you faggot snowflake...dont forget your mask.
Notice that when the faggot liberals chime in, they dont every discuss anything relevant? No stats, no examples, no judicial precendents. Just faggottry of the highest level.
We have like 130 million votes....and none that were Trump were found to be suspect.

Let the odds of that marinate. :laughing0301:

There are tens of thousands of votes that have already been identified as suspect....warranting a MUCH deeper investigation.

How do 170,000 Biden votes just APPEAR in Philadelphia WITHOUT ONE TRUMP VOTE? That shit is comical.
And none of the miraculously found boxes of votes went for anyone but odd..
We have like 130 million votes....and none that were Trump were found to be suspect.

Let the odds of that marinate. :laughing0301:

There are tens of thousands of votes that have already been identified as suspect....warranting a MUCH deeper investigation.

How do 170,000 Biden votes just APPEAR in Philadelphia WITHOUT ONE TRUMP VOTE? That shit is comical.
And none of the miraculously found boxes of votes went for anyone but odd..

So weird, huh?
Nice goal post shifting

Don't run. You made an idiot claim, that a postal worker in New York state hiding a bag a mail meant Democrats were cheating. I asked you to explain that stupid claim, and now you're running. I think everyone takes that as your admission that it was a very stupid claim, and you can't demonstrate any Democratic cheating.

Teh fact vote coutns are coming in 100% biden 0% trump is also suspect....

No, it's not. It's a regular occurence in some precincts. The fact that you can't believe it doesn't mean anyone is cheating.

So, again, you have zero evidence of any Democratic cheating. Just admit it.
Last edited:
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:
98,000 votes in Philly without any down ballot cast ...
Nothing fishy about that at all

10000 dead people voted .....1000 were over 100 year old...some were vets ...from the civil war

Democracy !......pfffft
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

You pussified snowflakes did nothing but whine from the minute trump became president --- even with all of that WINNING, WINNING and MORE WINNING!!! LOL

So the next four years will be no different at all from the last four years, when all you snowflakes did was WHINE, WHINE and FUCKING WHINE, like the little bitches you are.

And you liberal twats cried for 4 years that Putin stole the election. Go riot you faggot snowflake...dont forget your mask.
Awwwwww, did I trigger you, you little anonymous message board punk. LOL.
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

You pussified snowflakes did nothing but whine from the minute trump became president --- even with all of that WINNING, WINNING and MORE WINNING!!! LOL

So the next four years will be no different at all from the last four years, when all you snowflakes did was WHINE, WHINE and FUCKING WHINE, like the little bitches you are.

And you liberal twats cried for 4 years that Putin stole the election. Go riot you faggot snowflake...dont forget your mask.
Awwwwww, did I trigger you, you little anonymous message board punk. LOL.

Shut the fuck up snowflake pussy.
Nice goal post shifting

Don't run. You made an idiot claim, that a postal worker in New York state hiding a bag a mail meant Democrats were cheating. I asked you to explain that stupid claim, and now you're running. I think everyone takes that as your admission that it was a very stupid claim, and you can't demonstrate any Democratic cheating.

Teh fact vote coutns are coming in 100% biden 0% trump is also suspect....

No, it's not. It's a regular occurence in some precincts. The fact that you can't believe it doesn't mean anyone is cheating.

So, again, you have zero evidence of any Democratic cheating. Just admit it.

No you made a stupid claim about a nation of 330 million people imagining everyone is on the up and up

You're obscenely naive

I'm an independent. I have only ever voted democrat in my life.

You are just some pleb who doesn't know what teh fuck is going on and makes the left look bad. I have abanonded that shitty party becasue of feminine retards like you with no sense. Yea 330 million votes no fraud....What?

No it's not regular to have 100% anything in a count with tens of thousands of votes. Idiot. Again unless there was a clerical error. Actual organic vote returns should never be 100% anything at any size. It's almost impossible

No district in this country voted 100% for biden or trump. You cannot find 10,000 much less 50 or 100k that voted 100% one way or the other. Now in the future it may become normal as we move into more segregated urban/rural parties. But for now...No
I wonder how many liberal pussies who rioted also voted by mail.

We all knew the mail in ballots should have had to been requested.
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

Americans don't appreciate it, but, globally the whole "Trump was a divider" is very subjective. There are global consequences that people won't understand. Does anyone think that a guy like Romney is preferred by the world or even their governments?

I didn't paste the article because it was too harsh. Australian and other media are calling out Biden early about how much China wanted him to win. People are going to assume China and America are close allies, not adversaries.

THIS, it itself, is a horrible realization.
China is too big to treat like an enemy. The only way to make real change is to work with them. We saw Trump kiss their ass in attempts to make a deal time and time again over the past three years until he needed to blame somebody for COVID. Yes he instituted tariffs to try and pressure them into a deal but that didn’t lead to much. Hopefully Biden can do a better job. Having a good relationship woth them doesn’t mean he’s going to let them walk all over us. We shall see.
Can any leftist answer this...How did I, an average middle class guy, predict this exact scenario was going to happen 6 months ago?
Come on guys, we were told this could take months. Let the process work through. What are liberals afraid of? Why call it so fast?

Seems to me liberals are scared that their FRAUD will be discovered.
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

Americans don't appreciate it, but, globally the whole "Trump was a divider" is very subjective. There are global consequences that people won't understand. Does anyone think that a guy like Romney is preferred by the world or even their governments?

I didn't paste the article because it was too harsh. Australian and other media are calling out Biden early about how much China wanted him to win. People are going to assume China and America are close allies, not adversaries.

THIS, it itself, is a horrible realization.
China is too big to treat like an enemy. The only way to make real change is to work with them. We saw Trump kiss their ass in attempts to make a deal time and time again over the past three years until he needed to blame somebody for COVID. Yes he instituted tariffs to try and pressure them into a deal but that didn’t lead to much. Hopefully Biden can do a better job. Having a good relationship woth them doesn’t mean he’s going to let them walk all over us. We shall see.

The amount of delusion in your post is stunning.
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

You pussified snowflakes did nothing but whine from the minute trump became president --- even with all of that WINNING, WINNING and MORE WINNING!!! LOL

So the next four years will be no different at all from the last four years, when all you snowflakes did was WHINE, WHINE and FUCKING WHINE, like the little bitches you are.

And you liberal twats cried for 4 years that Putin stole the election. Go riot you faggot snowflake...dont forget your mask.
Awwwwww, did I trigger you, you little anonymous message board punk. LOL.

Shut the fuck up snowflake pussy.
You got nothing. Never did.
Will anybody trust another election after what we've seen here?

Elections have been rigged for decades, Trump just forced the fraud into the open. The swamp does not allow the people to choose the president, Trump got lucky in 2016 and caught them off guard. Not in a million years did they think he had a chance of winning. This time the fraud machine was ready.

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